Laerdal LGH NeoNatalie User Manual

Newborn Simulator
Directions for Use
NeoNatalie is a newborn baby resuscitation simulator which can simulate presence or absence of essential vital signs such as crying, spontaneous breathing, palpable umbilical pulse and heart sounds and allows practicing both standard care and resuscitation of newborn babies. The simulator has the size and appearance of a newborn baby and comes with relevant training accessories and a pouch suitable for storage and transportation.
There is an urgent need to train millions of birth attendants in developing countries in effective newborn resuscitation techniques in order to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goal 4 of reducing infant and child mortality by 2/3 from 1990 to 2015. Laerdal hopes to contribute to such widespread training by providing the NeoNatalie Newborn Simulator and other NeoNatalie products on a not-for-profit basis to developing countries.
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To make NeoNatalie ready for use
NeoNatalie comes deflated and folded. She can be used when filled with either water (A) or air (B). When filled with water NeoNatalie has a normal body weight and the neck moves as is relevant for resuscitation. If water temperature is around 36 ºC (98 º F), the simulator’s body temperature is also normal.
A. Fill with water, for extra realism
1. Pull out the filling extension from under the face skin. Open the valve. Apply your lips - or a bag-mask ventilation device for improved hygiene - to the valve and inflate until the body is partially inflated. (This will separate the foils and allow easy filling with water afterwards.)
2. Unscrew the filling cap. Place NeoNatalie across a chair or similar to provide support while filling with approx. 2 litres of water from a tap or suitable container. It may be practical to use a circular mask as a funnel. Return filling cap.
3. To fill with more water: Open the valve. Fill NeoNatalie Suction
- or another suitable irrigation device - with water, and use this to insert additional water into NeoNatalie’s body until the body feels firm.
4. Close the valve. Fold the filling extension forward and push it under the face skin until it clicks into the holder.
B. Or fill with air, for immediate readiness
Pull out filling extension from under the face skin. Open the air valve. Apply your lips - or a bag-valve ventilation device for improved hygiene - to the open valve. Inflate air until the body feels firm. Close valve. Bend the filling extension forward and push it under the face skin until it clicks into the holder.
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