La Crosse Technology WS-2510 User Manual

Touch Screen Wireless Weather Station
Operating instructions
Quick overview of the display fields on the main display ...................................................... 3-4
Weather station connection panel, mounting arrangements and battery compartment ............5
2. Preparation for operation ...................................................................................................5-9
2.1. Preparation of the weather station ........................................................................................5-6
2.2. The outdoor sensors ............................................................................................................. 6-7
2.2.1 Insertion of magnets into the outdoor sensors ..........................................................................7
2.3. Description, Installation and Commissioning of sensors ...................................................... 7-9
2.3.1 WS-2510-15 wind sensor ..........................................................................................................7
2.3.2 WS-2510-16 rainfall sensor ................................................................................................... 7-8
2.3.3 WS-2510-19 Brightness sensor ................................................................................................8
2.3.4 Addressing of sensors WS-2510-22/27/25 ...............................................................................8
2.3.5 WS-2510-22 temperature/humidity sensor ...............................................................................8
2.3.6 WS-2510-27 temperature sensor ..............................................................................................8
2.3.7 WS-2510-25 temperature/humidity sensor ...............................................................................8
2.3.8 Information on the storage of solar cell powered outdoor sensors ...........................................9
3. Operation ........................................................................................................................... 9-24
3.1. Basic settings ...................................................................................................................... 9-14
3.1.1 General settings ......................................................................................................................10
Illumination ..............................................................................................................................10
Cleaning mode ........................................................................................................................10
WWVB and sensor reception ..................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 10-14
Illumination time for AC adaptor operation...............................................................................11
Illumination time for battery operation......................................................................................11
Temperature display unit..........................................................................................................11
Calibration of the rainfall reading indicator ..............................................................................12
Rainfall display unit ........................................................................................................
Correction of air pressure display ............................................................................................12
Air pressure display unit ..........................................................................................................13
Keypad beep on/off .................................................................................................................13
Display type for history ............................................................................................................13
Threshold value for sunshine ..................................................................................................13
Setting the time function/day of the week/date ................................................................. 13-14
Sensor administration ..............................................................................................................14
3.2. Normal display function...................................................................................................... 15-20
3.2.1 Temperature/humidity/climate ........................................................................................... 15-16
3.2.2 Wind measurement ........................................................................................................... 16-17
3.2.3 Rainfall measurement .............................................................................................................17
3.2.4 Air pressure measurement................................................................................................. 17-18
3.2.5 Weather forecast .....................................................................................................................18
3.2.6 History display (Trend) ....................................................................................................... 18-19
3.2.7 Hours of sunshine ...................................................................................................................19
3.2.8 Brightness ...............................................................................................................................19
3.2.9 Time/Date ................................................................................................................................20
3.2.10 Special functions .....................................................................................................................20
3.3. Minimum/Maximum value display ...................................................................................... 20-21
3.4. Programming mode (entering alarm values and wake-up times) ...................................... 22-24
4. Changing batteries ................................................................................................................25
8. Maintenance and servicing information .............................................................................26
9. Technical data .......................................................................................................................27
10. Explanation of terms........................................................................................................ 27-28
1. General information and functioning
The WS-2510 Touch Screen Wireless Weather Station represents a high-quality, extremely convenient universal weather measuring system, which can record, process and display data from up to 8 external wireless temperature and humidity sensors, a wireless wind sensor, a wireless rainfall sensor and a wireless brightness sensor. The operating concept of the weather station is remarkable. It does not use any operating elements, but is operated solely via a large, touch-sensitive LC display. The display can be illuminated permanently or on a time basis, so that it can be easily read under nearly all light conditions. The weather station can optionally be powered by means of batteries or with the plug-in power adaptor provided (particularly recommended when the display is continuously lit or lit for any length of time).
The display and control possibilities of the WS-2510 at a glance:
Display of the indoor temperature (in °F or °C) and humidity
- Can be switched over to display the dew point indoors
- Storage of the minimum and maximum temperature with the time/date of occurrence
- Storage of the minimum and maximum humidity with the time/date of occurrence
- Alarms can be set for high temperature, low temperature, high humidity and low humidity
- Comfort zone indicator
- Graphical history display for the last 24 h or 8 days (user selectable)
Display of one of 8 (max.) outdoor sensors (temperature in ºF or ºC and humidity)
- Can be switched over to display the dew point or the wind chill temperature
- Storage of the minimum and maximum temperature with the time/date of occurrence
- Storage of the minimum and maximum humidity with the time/date of occurrence
- Alarms can be set for high temperature, low temperature, high humidity and low humidity
- Comfort zone indicator
- Graphical history display for the last 24 h or 8 days (user selectable)
Display of wind speed with wind direction and variation
- Wind speed units: km/h, m/s, mph, knots or Beaufort.
- Storage of the maximum wind strength with direction and time/date of occurrence
- An alarm value can be set for high wind speed
- Graphical history display for the last 24 h or 8 days (user selectable)
Display of the amount of rainfall in mm, l/m
- Can be switched between total rainfall /current hour /last hour /current day /last day
- Storage of the maximum amount per hour and per day
- Graphical history display for the last 24 h or 8 days (user selectable)
Display of the air pressure in hPa, mmHg or inHg
- Can be switched between absolute or relative (higher level of correction) air pressure
- Storage of the minimum and maximum air pressure with the time/date of occurrence
- An alarm value can be set for high air pressure and low air pressure
- Graphical history display for the last 24 h or 8 days (user selectable)
Symbolic indication of the weather forecast: rainy, cloudy, bright or sunny Display of hours of sunshine
- Can be switched between total hours of sunshine, last day or current day
- The threshold for detecting sunshine is adjustable
- Storage of the minimum and maximum hours per day with the time/date of occurrence
- Graphical history display for the last 8 days
Display of the current brightness in the range 0 to 200 klx
- Storage of the minimum and maximum brightness with the time/date of occurrence
- Graphical history display for the last 24 h or 8 days (user selectable)
Display of the time of day, weekday and date
- 8 wake-up times can be programmed, one for each day of the week and one daily
- Integral radio-controlled clock for the synchronization of the system time of the weather station with the WWVB sensor.
or inches
- Confirmation tone for touch screen operation can be selected to on or off.
- Can be desk mounted or wall mounted according to the design.
- Programmable time for display illumination
All important weather information appears at the same time on the display, so that operator intervention is unnecessary for monitoring the weather situation. Several base units can be operated at the same time and the sensor data can therefore be displayed at a number of places at the same time.
Quick overview of the display fields on the main display
3 1.1.
1. Current temperature, indoor sensor
1.1. Current temperature of the selected outdoor sensor
2. Current humidity, indoor sensor
2.1. Current humidity of the selected outdoor sensor
3. Trend display for the temperature at the location of the respective sensor
4. Comfort zone indicator for the display of pleasant/unpleasant climate
5. Display of the wind speed
6. Display of the current wind direction
7. Variation range display for variable winds
8. Display of rainfall (umbrella means it is currently raining)
9. Display of the current air pressure
10. Tendency indicator for the air pressure: rising strongly, rising slightly, constant, falling slightly, falling strongly, for
more detailed description see Explanation of terms
11. History display, related in each case to the current value, see also 20
12. The symbol appears for the weather feature that has just been chosen for the history display using the Select
function, in this case air pressure
13. Display of the hours of sunshine with sun symbol if the sun is currently shining
14. Display of brightness level
15. Time display
16. Data and day of the week display
17. Display for synchronization with the WWVB radio time sensor
18. Wake-up function status indicator
19. Weather forecast display (sunny, bright, cloudy, rainy)
20. Control panel for status and special functions
The allocation of the respective units of measurement is achieved via the weather station configuration (see further instructions).
Weather station connection pane, mounting arrangements and battery compartment.
Please read these instructions carefully from start to finish before initial start up to avoid functional breakdown and faulty operation. Keep the instructions available for future reference. Pay particular attention to the installation and calibration instructions for th e instruments for recording the measured values.
The indoor/outdoor sensor system of the WS-2510 operates exclusively with wireless radio data transfer. You can set up or mount the sensors up to 300 feet (100 m) (depending on local conditions, see section on “range”) from the base station. Longer distances are possible using a repeater (The repeater is available from your dealer as an option). Some outdoor sensors derive their operating voltage from built in solar cells. Pay particular attention to the set up and assembly instructions for these components, in order to ensure correct orientation and operation.
2. Preparation for operation
2.1. Preparation of the weather station
The weather station runs on 4 C cell 1.5V alkaline batteries. As an alternative, the station can also be operated using the power adaptor provided. This is recommended if the station illumination is to be used for extended periods. Battery operation is recommended particularly if the display illumination is only used occasionally or for a short period. The picture on this page shows the rear of the station with the battery compartment, the correct polarity of the batteries, the stand and the hanging arrangement.
Battery operation
Remove the battery compartment cover by pressing in the two ridged areas simultaneously and place four C cell 1.5V alkaline batteries in the battery compartment in the correct orientation according to the polarity markings. Close the battery cover.
Operation using the power adaptor
First place the round female plug of the power supply provided in the power supply socket marked “POWER” on the rear of the unit and then plug the power supply into a 110V outlet. When using the adaptor, any batteries that have been fitted will be switched off.
PC connection (optional)
If the station is to be connected to a PC, the PC cable (optional) must be connected by means of the Western modular plug to the socket marked “RS 232”. The 9-pin Sub-D plug is connected to a serial port of the PC.
Bus connection
The socket marked “BUS ” is for future expansions and is not used at present.
Setting up/Wall mounting
Depending on requirements, the weather station can be hung on a vertical surface (wall) by means of the hanging eyes or set up on a horizontal surface using the foldout desk stand. There are two possible latching positions (45º/60º) in the hinge of the desk stand for when the unit is mounted on the desk. When using this method, any cables that are connected should be laid tidily in the slots of the desk stand in order to ensure an inconspicuous and orderly routing of the cables.
- After the batteries have been inserted or the unit has been connected to the power supply, a short test of all the display segments is carried out (all segments are displayed).
- Following this a short beep will be heard and the version number of the weather station will be shown in the top left of the display.
- Next the display will go off and the weather station will go into the synchronization or initializing mode. In this mode, a search is made both for weather sensors and also for reception of the integral radio clock (radio mast symbol (reception indicator) flashes in the time field).
- Approximately 8 seconds after the segment test, the indoor temperature and indoor humidity will be displayed and about 4 seconds after that the air pressure. The appropriate sensors are incorporated directly within the base station.
- The sensors (wind, rain, brightness and temperature/humidity) can now be activated. After activation, each sensor transmits for a short period approximately for 10 minutes. This makes it easier for reception to be checked.
- If a signal from a wireless sensor is received, a short beep will be heard, the display will go off and then the transmitted value will be displayed.
- This initialization mode is active for 35 minutes so that commissioning of all the weather sensors can be carried out. If commissioning is finished sooner or if the station has received signals from all the sensors that have been installed earlier, the initialization mode can also be terminated prematurely by touching any touch screen field. However, this must never be done before the last sensor in the system has completed its test run (see following description of sensors). On completion of the initialization mode, the display goes off for approximately 1 second and then switches to the normal display mode.
- In order to prevent an unintentional interruption of the initialization mode after inserting the batteries and setting up the weather station (e.g. by accidentally touching the screen), the touch-sensitive contact surfaces are blocked against any input for approximately 20 seconds after the batteries have been inserted.
Please note! Previous weather sensors with software Version 1.1.
Depending on the type and the period of manufacture, the WS-2510 system sensors are supplied in two software versions (see printing/sticker on the sensor or the packaging). The weather station is always set to Version 1.2 after commissioning. If you are using Version 1.1 sensors (supplied before 5/2000), signals from these will not initially be received. However, as the weather station can add new sensors to its sensor management at any time, it is possible to add any sensors with software version 1.1.even retrospectively.
- When the weather station has automatically completed the initialization mode or the user has terminated it manually, the configuration mode can be called up by pressing the “ALARM VALUES ” key (bottom right of the control panel) for approximately 3 seconds.
- In this mode, next press the “SENSOR ADMIN ” key. The currently set version number for the outdoor sensors will be displayed at the top left (factory setting 1.2).
- The version can be switched to 1.1 by touching this display field. In doing so however, signals from Version 1.2 sensors will continue to be received, the weather station being merely set up to receive signals from Version 1.1 in addition.
- When this is done, the improved transmission reliability of Version 1.2 will be lost.
- You can subsequently exit the configuration mode by pressing the “END ” key.
- The weather station now switches to normal operation, starts trying to receive signals from all sensors for 6 minutes in the background and inserts these automatically into the sensor administration.
2.2. The outdoor sensors
The outdoor sensors for wind and brightness measurement, for recording rainfall and for external temperature/humidity measurement are equipped with a solar cell and a lithium backup battery to provide power during the hours of darkness and periods of bad weather. To prevent the batteries from discharging fully during a long period of storage without light falling on the solar cell (e.g. when in the packaging), the power supply is activated by a small magnet that has to be inserted from the outside before the initial start-up. Do not insert the sensor magnet until shortly before field site assembly of each sensor. Before being used for the first time and when the battery is discharged, sensors should be exposed to strong light for one or more days without the activation magnet being inserted so that the backup battery is charged via the solar cell. After activation (insertion of the magnets, or batteries for battery supplied sensors), the sensors transmit for 10 minutes in test mode. This means instead of the normal 3-minute scan, they transmit during this period in a 4-second scan. This
ensures optimum reception in the initialization phase. If the signal from the sensor is unable to be received within this time, then the reception is affected and should be improved by re-positioning the sensor. The external temperature and humidity sensors should be addressed according to section 2.3.4.
2.2.1. Insertion of magnets into the outdoor sensors
In the WS-2510-25 and WS-2510-19 outdoor sensors, the magnet for activating the system is pressed into an opening provided for it in the rear of the housing. The wind sensor (WS-2510-15) is also activated by inserting a small magnet into the opening provided. The magnet holder is located above the holding pipe fixing (opposite the solar cell). To insert the magnet in the WS-2510-16 rain sensor press the upper section against the lower section and turn clockwise. On the housing cover of the electronic housing incorporated into the funnel there is a slot for the small round magnet. The rain sensor starts transmitting after pressing the magnet into the slot.
2.3. Description, Installation and Commissioning of sensors
The WS-2510 sensor design consists of two groups of sensors. The WS-2510-19 brightness sensor, the WS-2510-16 rainfall sensor and the WS-2510-15 wind sensor are permanently set to address 7 in the factory. If necessary, e.g. when several sensor systems are operated in the immediate vicinity of one another, their address can be changed in the factory. The second group of sensors is the WS-2510-22, WS-2500-25 and WS-2510-27 types. A maximum of eight of this type of sensor can be used and are selected using the sensor selection on the display. Therefore each has to be assigned an address. For these types, be sure to observe the instructions for addressing.
2.3.1 WS-2510-15 wind sensor
The wind sensor measures both the wind direction and the wind speed at the mounting location. It is powered by a solar cell, and a back-up battery during the hours of darkness, and has a non-user definable address. It is mounted either on a mast or high up on a wall. It is important at the sensor location that the solar cell in the sensor housing faces directly south and is unshielded on all sides, i.e. the wind can reach the sensor unimpeded from all sides.
The exact alignment of the sensor to the south is very important as this alignment acts as reference for the wind directional measuring device. In order to obtain precise measurements ensure that the sensor is mounted vertically in the mounting tube. Finally screw the mounting tube and the sensor together to ensure a firm base for all the components. In its basic form the wind sensor should be aligned in the north-south direction (solar cell to the south), in order to provide the precise north reference for the evaluation electronics.
2.3.2 WS-2510-16 rain sensor
The rain sensor is also powered by solar energy and has an address that cannot be changed by the user. In this case the alignment of the solar cell is directly towards the south. The rain sensor should be secured to an exactly horizontal surface using the securing holes at the base of the housing. First remove the upper part by pressing against the lower part and turning clockwise. In the lower part is a depression that, when filled with water, permits a precise horizontal alignment without additional assistance. Pour a small amount of water into this depression and align the lower section of the housing using the spirit level principle. After marking the exact installation location the water can be removed. Note the south alignment for the solar cell. The shank of the built-in spirit level must point to the north (see diagram). To obtain the best possible wireless emissions (high range) it is advisable not to place the rain sensor directly on the ground. By mounting the sensor about 3 feet (1 m) above the ground the danger of soiling (especially the solar cells) is reduced. After screwing on the lower part to the base secure the upper part as follows: There is a bar magnet centrally located on the side on the counting rocker for the water level in the base. The bar magnet initiates the counting pulses to the
electronics. The upper part of the housing can now be placed so that the solar cell is on the same side as the magnet, with the electronic part directly opposite it, with the three catches fitting neatly into the holding devices in the lower part. Finally turn the upper part gently anti-clockwise until it securely slots into holding devices of the lower part. The rain sensor is then ready for operation. As a test pour a little water gently into the funnel. The amount collected will then be converted in the base unit to inches, litres/m
2.3.3. Brightness sensor WS-2510-19
The brightness sensor detects the brightness at the current location in a range between 0 and 200000 lux. It is powered by an integral solar cell and also has a fixed address. To mount the sensor, the plastic point is inserted on one side of the aluminum tube supplied and the sensor is fitted on the other side of the tube. The sensor can now be inserted into the ground. Depending on the firmness of the ground, the earth spike should be inserted so that the sensor is about 8-12 inches (20-30 cm) above the ground to avoid it becoming dirty due to mud splashing up onto it. The sensor should be turned so that the solar cell points to the south. The location must be free from shadows and the sun able to shine directly onto the measuring head. The sensor must be mounted vertically with the measuring head at the top.
2.3.4 Addressing of the temperature/humidity sensors WS-2510-22, WS-2510-25 , and WS-2510-27
The outdoor sensor concept enables the concurrent deployment of up to eight outdoor sensors, whose data can be selected by the user to appear in the top right hand field of the display. Each sensor in the system is assigned a sensor address, which enables the receiver to integrate the sensor into the total system without any problems. Each sensor delivered is set to sensor 1. The programmable allocation is clear from the diagram. The addressing can be self-generated by means of coding bridges on the conductive side of the sensor board. To do this on the WS-2510-25 unscrew the protective bell housing on the sensor housing and open the housing by removing the screws on the rear. The WS-2510-22/27 types only require the housing rear wall to be unscrewed. The coding bridges must then be set according to the address table.
2.3.5 WS-2510-22 temperature/humidity sensor
The WS-2510-22 contains a temperature and a humidity sensor. This sensor is freely addressable for displaying within the display field at the top right of the display (see display overview on page 4). The addressing can be set individually according to section 2.3.4. Since it is exclusively battery operated this sensor is suitable for use in (dark) inner rooms such as a garage, a wine cellar or loft.
2.3.6 WS-2510-27 temperature/humidity sensor
The WS-2510-27 requires two AA alkaline batteries for operation. It enables the recording of garden, pond or ground temperatures or similar by means of an encapsulated temperature sensor, remotely connected to the electronics by a 10 foot (3 m) cable. This sensor can also be freely addressed for displaying within the display field at the top of the display (see display overview on page 4). The addressing can be set individually according to section 2.3.4. Now you can mount or position the electronics housing at the required location and place the temperature sensor on or in the required object.
2.3.7 WS-2510-25 temperature/humidity outdoor sensor
The WS-2510-25 outdoor sensor enables the transmission of the temperature and humidity at the sensor location. This sensor can also be freely addressed for displaying within the display field at the top of the display (see display overview on page 4). All WS-2510-25 sensors are set at the factory to sensor 1. In accordance with section
2.3.4.individual addressing is also possible.
The sensor should be mounted on the north or west side as meteorological temperature recording normally takes place “in shadow ”. It can also be placed at other locations if desired. You only need to make sure that the solar cell that provides the sensor with power is permanently aligned towards the light. The sensor must not be shaded by dense obstructions such as leaves, etc., which could impair the power supply from the solar cell. However, the solar cell does not have to be exposed to direct sunlight. The ambient brightness is sufficient to charge the battery. A possible location for installation is under the eaves of the roof. The sensor is designed for wall and mast mounting and should be mounted as follows: Attach the sensor wall bracket either exactly vertically to a wall using the four screws, or to a mast using the securing clamp provided. Position the sensor on the wall bracket and screw the two parts together using the screw provided. When doing this, the large protective bell housing must be at the top and the solar cell must be pointing towards the light. During the hours of darkness and periods of bad weather with relatively little sunlight an internal battery system, which is charged by the solar cell during periods of sunshine, provides the power for the sensor.
or mm and displayed.
2.3.8 Information on the storage of solar cell powered outdoor sensors
These sensors receive their operating voltage from a solar cell that charges an internal battery to provide power for periods of darkness and bad weather. If one of these sensors is out of action for some time and does not receive any light this has no affect on the internal battery, provided the magnets designed to activate the operating voltage are removed. Therefore the sensor can be stored for several months in its packaging, for example. After this however, the internal battery must be charged again before being put back into operation. To do this, the sensor must be exposed to strong light for several days without the activation magnet in order to charge the battery via the solar cell.
3. Operation
After the installation of the wireless sensors and the subsequent commissioning of the base unit, the transmitted and converted data appears in the appropriate fields of the display. If the displays do not appear you will find information on fixing faults in section 5 (faults).
Please note that the only data that can be displayed is that for which the appropriate sensors have been installed. There can be no display of rainfall without a rain sensor, for example. As all relevant data appears on the screen concurrently, operation is essentially restricted to the simple selection of further sensors or weather data by gently touching the appropriate dis play field.
Overview of the weather station touch screen fields.
The display is subdivided into 29 touch screen fields, which are not all active at the same time. The touch screen fields provided in the bottom line of controls are only active when their text appears. The appearance of the remaining touch screen fields is dependent upon the operating mode of the station. Every time a currently valid (active) touch screen field is pressed, a short beep will be heard. If required, this can be switched off in the configuration mode.
3.1. Basic settings, Configuration
The weather station is delivered in a condition that allows you to use its basic functions immediately after commissioning without further adjustment. It can be adapted to suit individual requirements by means of further settings and configuration.
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