LaCie STEY12000400 Data Sheet

Data Sheet
Speed and Reliability. By Design.
Shocking speeds up to 420MB/s
Dual Thunderbolt 2 ports for 4K workflows
USB 3.0 for PC and Mac® compatibility
design by neil poulton
Product Overview
The new LaCie 2big offers game-changing speeds, compatibility, and usability for
backup, file transfers, and 4K workflows. Squeezing the maximum speeds out of its
7200 RPM drives, it also features Thunderbolt 2 transfer interface speeds and
hardware RAID. And thanks to USB 3.0, it can be connected to nearly any
computer. Its new industrial design crushes the competition, making giant leaps
forward for professional usability and reliability.
Use Cases
Digital Content Creation: Thunderbolt 2 bandwidth gives creative pros
enough bandwidth to shave time off their workflows. Post-production pros
can edit multiple 2K uncompressed 10-bit streams or play back compressed
4K video. Photographers will appreciate highly responsive library browsing.
And audio pros using Avid® Pro Tools® and other software will notice much
smoother audio mixing.
Backup: Dramatic I/O speeds through Thunderbolt 2 or USB 3.0 mean
incredibly fast backups on any workstation. At the same time, hardware RAID
1 and effective cooling ensure complete reliability.
Desktop Storage: Speed, capacity, and reliability make the LaCie 2big a
perfect solution for storing current projects. These features also make this
product a perfect way to expand capacity for the new Mac Pro®.
1 These transfer rates were achieved using AJA System Test when connected to a M ac computer
via the Thunderbolt 2 interface. A ctual data rates may vary depending on operating environment and
other factors, suc h as c hosen interface, RAID mode, RAID configuration, and disk capacity.
Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Len gth (in/mm) 8.54 3in/217mm 7.99 2in/203mm 8.58 3in/218mm 46.8 5in/1190 mm
Width (in/mm) 4.29 1in/109mm 11.8 11in/300 mm 12.6 77in/322 mm 40.9 45in/10 40mm
Depth (in/mm) 5.11 8in/130mm 8.85 8in/225mm 18.7 01in/475 mm 40.1 57in/10 20mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 5.95 2lb/2.7kg 7.05 5lb/3.2kg 15.4 32lb/7kg 6 32.286 lb/28 6.8kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 2
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 30
Pallet Layers 2
System Re quirements
Compute r with a Thunderb olt™ 2, US B 3.0, Thu nderbolt, or USB 2.0 port
Thund erbolt 2: Latest ve rsion o f Windo ws® 7, Wind ows 8 / Mac O S® X 10 .8.5 or la ter
USB 3. 0: Windows 7, Windows 8, or Mac OS X 10.6 o r later
Minimum free d isk space: 6 00 MB recommen ded
What's I ncluded
LaCie 2 big Thun derbolt 2
Thund erbolt cab le
USB 3. 0 cable (USB 2.0 compa tible)
Externa l power supp ly
Quick In stall Guide
Region Model Nu mber Capacity
Limited Warran ty
UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC Notes
WW STEY8 000401 8TB 3 763 649121 511 366 061940 2472 107 636491 21518
WW STEY 120004 00 12TB 3 76364 912152 8 36606 194024 89 10763 649121 525
WW STEY 160004 01 16TB 5 76364 912153 5 36606 194024 96 10763 649121 532 Ente rprise-Class Drives
AMERICAS Seag ate Tech nology LL C 10200 South De Anza Bo ulevard, Cup ertino, California 95014, United Sta tes, 408 -658 -100 0
ASIA/ PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apore In ternationa l Head quarters Pte . Ltd. 7 000 An g Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singapo re 56 9877, 6 5-6485-38 88
EUROPE, MIDDLE E AST AND AFRICA Se agate Te chnology SAS 16-18 , rue du Dôme, 9210 0 Boulog ne-Billancou rt, France , 33 1-41 86 10 00
© 2016 Seaga te Techno logy LLC. A ll rights re served. Sea gate, S eagate Technolog y, LaCie, an d the L aCie logo a re trademarks o r registe red tra demarks of Se agate Techn ology LLC or one of its
affiliate d companie s in the Unite d State s and/or o ther coun tries. Th underbolt and the Thunde rbolt lo go are trad emarks of In tel Corporation in the U.S . and/or o ther coun tries. A ll othe r trademarks
or registe red t rade marks are t he prope rty of their resp ective owne rs. Actu al data ra tes may vary de pending on ope rating en vironmen t and ot her factors, s uch as cho sen interfa ce, RAID mode ,
RAID con figuration, and disk ca pacity. When referring to drive cap acity, one gigabyte, or GB, eq uals one billion b ytes and one tera byte, or TB, equals on e thou sand billion b ytes. You r compu ter’s
ope rating system may use a different standard of measureme nt and re port a lower ca pacity. In addition, some of the listed capa city is used f or formatting a nd othe r functions and will not b e
availab le fo r dat a storage. Seagat e reserves th e right to ch ange, withou t notice, p roduct of ferings or spe cifications. DS1 869.2-16 09US