Lacie STEU1000400 Product Data Sheet

Data Sheet
More Interfaces. More Speed.
Enhanced speed and connectivity
AES 256-bit encryption protection
Drop-resistant up to two meters
design by neil poulton
The LaCie Rugged™ Triple USB 3.0 drive delivers outstanding speed, universal
connectivity, and enables superior data protection. It offers the lightning-fast
interface speeds of USB 3.0 and FireWire 800, and full backward compatibility with
FireWire 400 and USB 2.0. Whether the goal is super speed or complete
compatibility, the LaCie Rugged drive has everything users need.
Use Cases
Photographers: Small form factor and toughness make this product perfect for
use in the field or to safely deliver large files to customers and partners, and
encryption1 adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.
Videographers: Perfect for shuttling dailies or other footage to the studio and
transfering files quickly thanks to USB 3.0.
Travelers: Use to protect valuable data from loss, theft, or accident while on
the road.
Students: Store music, video, and confidential school documents on a secure
device that fits in a backpack.
1 Encryption software is only available via download and is not available in Russia.
Specif ication s
Retail Pa ckaging Produ ct Dimensions Box Dimen sions Master Carto n Dimensions Pallet Dimensions
Len gth (in/mm) 5.66 9in/144mm 7.20 5in/183mm 9.56 7in/243mm 38.5 83in/980 mm
Width (in/mm) 3.53 9in/89.9 mm 4.7 24in/120 mm 8.7 01in/22 1mm 47.2 44in/120 0mm
Depth (in/mm) 1.12 6in/28.6 mm 2.1 26in/54mm 7.55 9in/192mm 31.4 96in/800 mm
Weight (lb/ kg) 0.22 lb/0.1kg 1.10 2lb/0.5kg 9.03 9lb/4.1kg 587. 752lb/26 6.6kg
Quan tities
Boxes per Master Carto n 8
Master Carto ns per Pa llet 60
Pallet Layers 4
System Re quirements
Compute r with a USB 3.0, FireWire 800, or USB 2.0 port
Late st version of Windows® 7 , Windows 8 / Mac OS® X 10.5 o r later
Minimum free d isk space: 6 00 MB recommen ded
What's I ncluded
LaCie Ru gged Triple USB 3 .0 drive
USB 3. 0 cable (USB 2.0 compa tible)
FireWire 800 cable
Quick In stall Guide
Region Model Nu mber Capacity Limited Warran ty (months) UPC Code EAN Cod e Multi-Pack UPC
WW LAC301 983 50 0 GB 24 093 053822 019 366 061931 9831 10093 053822 016
WW STEU10 00400 1 TB 24 76 364908 0962 76 364900 74288 1076 364908 0969
WW LAC90 00448 2 TB 24 093 053009 304 366 061900 9954 10093 05300 9301
AMERICAS Seag ate Tech nology LL C 10200 South De Anza Bo ulevard, Cup ertino, California 95014, United Sta tes, 408 -658-1 000
ASIA/ PACIFIC Seag ate Sing apore In ternationa l Head quarters Pte . Ltd. 7 000 Ang Mo Kio Ave nue 5, Singapore 569877 , 65-648 5-3888
EUROPE, MIDDLE EA ST AND AFRICA Se agate Te chnology SAS 16-18 , rue du Dôme, 9 2100 B oulogne-B illancou rt, France , 33 1-41 86 10 0 0
© 2016 , Seag ate Techn ology, La Cie, Rug ged, an d the L aCie logo a re trad emarks or registered trademarks of Seaga te Techno logy L LC or one of its affiliate d companie s in the Un ited S tates
and /or other co untries. All oth er trademarks o r registe red tra demarks are th e property o f their respe ctive owners. A ctual data rates may va ry dep ending o n operat ing e nvironment a nd othe r
facto rs, such as chosen interface a nd disk cap acity. When referring to hard d rive cap acity, one gigabyte, or GB, equ als one b illion by tes and o ne terab yte, or TB, e quals on e trillion bytes. Your
comput er’s operating system may use different st andard o f measuremen t and rep ort a lower cap acity. In a ddition, so me of the listed ca pacity is use d for formattin g and o ther funct ions, a nd thu s
will not b e available for data st orage. Yo ur computer’s o perating syst em may use a different s tandard o f measuremen t and rep ort a lower cap acity. In a ddition, so me of the listed c apacity is use d
for format ting and other fun ctions and will not be availab le for data storage. Complying with all a pplicable co pyright laws is the responsibility o f the use r. Seaga te reserves th e right to change,
without notice, p roduct offerings o r specifications. DS1866. 1-1602US