Lab.gruppen FP 10000Q, FP 7000, FP 6000Q, FP 4000, FP 9000 Technical Data Manual

A Benchmark For Touring Amplification
Over the past decade, the tight and transparent sound of Lab.gruppen touring amplifiers has earned the praise of renowned FOH engineers and leading sound rental companies worldwide. FP 10000Q, the flagship four-channel model of the FP+ Series, continues this tradition. At the core of the FP 10000Q’s performance is the patented Class TD output stage, a breakthrough amplifier topology that approaches the exceptional efficiency of Class D while retaining the sonic purity of proven Class B designs. Further contri­buting to the remarkable efficiency of the FP 10000Q is a Regulated Switch Mode Power Supply (R.SMPS), which gives the added benefit of stabilizing rail voltages to the output even with wide fluctuations of mains voltage. A highly refined and updated circuit layout optimizes the interaction of R.SMPS and Class TD to produce the extraordinary power density of the FP 10000Q.
To keep its cool under extreme demands, the FP 10000Q relies on Lab.gruppen’s proprietary Intercooler. This innovation uses thou­sands of copper fins to multiply the exposed heatsink surface’s rapid heat dissipation. Also, all output devices are mounted trans­verse to the airflow for uniform cooling. As a result, the FP 1000 0Q delivers Lab.gruppen’s trademark “all the power, all the time” with no degradation of sonic performance.
To maximize headroom in any application, the FP 1000 0Q offers adjustable input gain along with Lab.gruppen’s exclusive Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL). Adjustable on a per-channel basis, VPL opti­mizes the output for any load, from a single massive subwoofer to a series of HF compression drivers.
The comprehensive warning and protection features on the FP 10000Q safeguard output circuits and connected loads while also extending amplifier life and minimizing chance of service inter­ruptions. Whether it’s a matter of faulty wiring, improper use, or ex­treme ambient temperatures, the FP 10000Q gives clear indication of any problems. Automatic protection measures engage only at critical thresholds. Operating conditions are re-checked every six seconds and, if a fault is detected, normal operation is resumed when mea­surements return to nominal.
The FP 10000Q is shipped with a NomadLink network interface as standard. In conjunction with DeviceControl software, or the leading third party control platforms, NomadLink network allows monitoring of all key amplifier parameters and remote control of power on/off, channel mutes, and channel solo functions. (NomadLink requires the separate NLB 60E NomadLink Bridge & Network Controller).
Very high power and channel density – The four-channel
FP 10000Q delivers a total of 10000 W (4 x 2500 W @ 2 ohms) in only 2U.
Four-channel flexibility – Four channels in one cabinet increases
efficiency, flexibility and value in powering monitor systems, line arrays, and bi- or tri-amped systems. Adjacent channels bridge­able for 2- or 3-channel operation.
Lab.gruppen sound quality – FP 10000Q amplifiers maintain
the impeccable sonic performance standards set by the original fP Series, with the same durability and even greater efficiency.
network ready – Monitoring and control of key
functions accessible via the intuitive DeviceControl software and the robust, daisy-chained NomadLink network, as well as by the leading third party control platforms.
Patented Class TD
amplifier topology – Road-proven output
stage delivers Class B audio quality with Class D efficiency.
Regulated Switch Mode Power Supply (R.SMPS
) – Output
power remains constant even with significant drops in the mains voltage.
Efficient cooling system – Unique, lightweight Intercooler
cop­per cooling system dissipates more heat to allow extended peak output.
Adjustable parameters – Selectable Gain, scalable Voltage Peak
Limiter (VPL
), and bridge-mode operation allow custom configu-
ration for any system or application.
XLR input connectors
Heavy-duty binding post or speakON
output connectors
Comprehensive protection and warning – Excessive output
current, DC, high temperature, very high frequency (VHF), short circuit, open load, mains fuse protection, and soft start.
FP 10000Q
Technical Data
FP+ Series: Dedicated Touring Amplifiers
Item no. TDS-FP10000Q_V9
Lab.gru ppen ab Sweden
internationaL contact ▸ info@Labgru | uS & ca nada contact ▸ m
Number of channels 4 Peak total output both channels driven 10000 W Peak output voltage per channel 150 V Max. output current per channel 50 A peak
Max. Output Power 2 ohms 4 ohms 8 ohms 16 ohms
Per ch. (both ch.’s driven) 2500 W 2100 W 1300 W 660 W Bridged per ch. 3) 5000 W 4200 W 2600 W
Performance with Gain: 35 dB and VPL: 150 V
THD 20 Hz - 20 kHz for 1 W <0.1% THD at 1 kHz and 1 dB below clipping <0.05% Signal To Noise Ratio >112 dBA Channel separation (Crosstalk) at 1 kHz >70 dB Frequency response (1 W into 8 ohms) +0/-3 dB 6.8 Hz - 34 kHz Input impedance 20 kOhm Commo n Mode Rej ection (CM R) >54 dB, 2 0 Hz to 20 kHz Output im pedance @ 10 0 Hz 32 mOhm
Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL), max. peak output
VPL, selectable per ch. 150, 121, 101, 83, 70, 56, 47, 38 V VPL, selectable when bridged
300, 242, 202, 166, 140, 112, 94, 76 V
Voltage Peak Limiter mode (per ch.) Hard / Soft
Gain and Level
Amplifier gain selectable (all channels)
– rear-panel switches
23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44 dB
Default gain 35 dB Level adjustment (per ch.) Front-panel potentiometer, 31 position detented from -inf to 0 dB
Connectors and Switches
Input connectors (per ch.) 3-pin XLR, electronically balanced Output connectors (per ch.) Neutrik speakON or Binding Posts (must be specified upon order) Output bridge mode per two ch.’s A+B - Ch. A is signal input source NomadLink network On board, 2 x RJ45 etherCON
connectors, IN and OUT Intelligent fans (on/off) Yes, depending on presence of output signal Power on/off and Remote enable on/off Individual switches on front-panel Cooling Two fans, front-to-rear airflow, temperature controlled speed
Front-panel indicators:
Common NomadLink network; Power Average Limiter (PAL)
; Power on
Per channel
Signal present / High-impedance; -20 dB, -15 dB, -10 dB and -4 dB output signal; Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL); Current Peak Limiter (CPL); Very High Frequency (VHF); High temperature; Fault; Mute
Operating voltage, 230 V / 115 V nominal
130-265 V / 65-135 V Minimum power-up voltage, 230 V / 115 V 171 V / 85 V Power Average Limiter (PAL)
Yes Soft start / Inrush Current Draw Yes / max. 5 A Mains connector 230 V CE: 16 A, CEE7; 115 V ETL: 30 A Twist lock
Dimensions W: 483 mm (19”), H: 88 mm (2 U), Overall D: 396 mm (15.6”), Mounting D: 358 mm (14.1”) Weight 12 kg (26.4 lbs.) Finish Black painted steel chassis with black painted steel / al uminum fro nt
Approvals CE, ANSI/UL 60065 (ETL), CSA C22.2 NO. 60065, FCC
Note 1): Automatic -6 d B gain compensatio n when bridg ing channe ls. Note 2): PAL can reduce the max imum output power to kee p the power su pply operating safely, and/or to prevent excessive c urrent draw tripping the mains breaker.
Refer to the FP+ Operation Ma nual secti on 7.5.8 Power Average Limiter (PAL) for m ore informat ion. Note 3): The amplifier will be fully operational at bridge-mode 2 ohm l oads, but du e to physical co nstraints in t he constr uction, th e max. ou tput power w ill not be significanty higher than running individua l channels and therefore t his mode of operation is n ot recommended. Note 4): Separate 230 V or 115 V versions available. N ot selecta ble on the am plifier.
All specifica tions a re subj ect to ch ange wi thout n otice .
Intercoole r, NomadLin k and Class T D are national and/or international registered trade marks of La b.gruppen AB. R.SM PS and V PL are trademarks of Lab.gruppen AB. All other trademarks remain the pro pert y of their respective owne rs. Copyright © 2010 Lab.gruppen AB. A ll rights rese rved.
Specifications FP 10000Q