Item no. TDS-FP10000Q_V9
Lab.gru ppen ab ▸ Sweden
internationaL contact ▸ info@Labgru | uS & ca nada contact ▸ m
Number of channels 4
Peak total output both channels driven 10000 W
Peak output voltage per channel 150 V
Max. output current per channel 50 A peak
Max. Output Power 2 ohms 4 ohms 8 ohms 16 ohms
Per ch. (both ch.’s driven) 2500 W 2100 W 1300 W 660 W
Bridged per ch. 3) 5000 W 4200 W 2600 W
Performance with Gain: 35 dB and VPL: 150 V
THD 20 Hz - 20 kHz for 1 W <0.1%
THD at 1 kHz and 1 dB below clipping <0.05%
Signal To Noise Ratio >112 dBA
Channel separation (Crosstalk) at 1 kHz >70 dB
Frequency response (1 W into 8 ohms) +0/-3 dB 6.8 Hz - 34 kHz
Input impedance 20 kOhm
Commo n Mode Rej ection (CM R) >54 dB, 2 0 Hz to 20 kHz
Output im pedance @ 10 0 Hz 32 mOhm
Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL), max. peak output
VPL, selectable per ch. 150, 121, 101, 83, 70, 56, 47, 38 V
VPL, selectable when bridged
300, 242, 202, 166, 140, 112, 94, 76 V
Voltage Peak Limiter mode (per ch.) Hard / Soft
Gain and Level
Amplifier gain selectable (all channels)
– rear-panel switches
23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44 dB
Default gain 35 dB
Level adjustment (per ch.) Front-panel potentiometer, 31 position detented from -inf to 0 dB
Connectors and Switches
Input connectors (per ch.) 3-pin XLR, electronically balanced
Output connectors (per ch.) Neutrik speakON or Binding Posts (must be specified upon order)
Output bridge mode per two ch.’s A+B - Ch. A is signal input source
NomadLink network On board, 2 x RJ45 etherCON
connectors, IN and OUT
Intelligent fans (on/off) Yes, depending on presence of output signal
Power on/off and Remote enable on/off Individual switches on front-panel
Cooling Two fans, front-to-rear airflow, temperature controlled speed
Front-panel indicators:
Common NomadLink network; Power Average Limiter (PAL)
; Power on
Per channel
Signal present / High-impedance; -20 dB, -15 dB, -10 dB and -4 dB output signal;
Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL); Current Peak Limiter (CPL); Very High Frequency (VHF); High temperature; Fault; Mute
Operating voltage, 230 V / 115 V nominal
130-265 V / 65-135 V
Minimum power-up voltage, 230 V / 115 V 171 V / 85 V
Power Average Limiter (PAL)
Soft start / Inrush Current Draw Yes / max. 5 A
Mains connector 230 V CE: 16 A, CEE7; 115 V ETL: 30 A Twist lock
Dimensions W: 483 mm (19”), H: 88 mm (2 U), Overall D: 396 mm (15.6”), Mounting D: 358 mm (14.1”)
Weight 12 kg (26.4 lbs.)
Finish Black painted steel chassis with black painted steel / al uminum fro nt
Approvals CE, ANSI/UL 60065 (ETL), CSA C22.2 NO. 60065, FCC
Note 1): Automatic -6 d B gain compensatio n when bridg ing channe ls.
Note 2): PAL can reduce the max imum output power to kee p the power su pply operating safely, and/or to prevent excessive c urrent draw tripping the mains breaker.
Refer to the FP+ Operation Ma nual secti on 7.5.8 Power Average Limiter (PAL) for m ore informat ion.
Note 3): The amplifier will be fully operational at bridge-mode 2 ohm l oads, but du e to physical co nstraints in t he constr uction, th e max. ou tput power w ill not be
significanty higher than running individua l channels and therefore t his mode of operation is n ot
Note 4): Separate 230 V or 115 V versions available. N ot selecta ble on the am plifier.
All specifica tions a re subj ect to ch ange wi thout n otice .
Intercoole r, NomadLin k and Class T D are national and/or international registered trade marks of La b.gruppen AB. R.SM PS and V PL are trademarks of Lab.gruppen AB. All other
trademarks remain the pro pert y of their respective owne rs. Copyright © 2010 Lab.gruppen AB. A ll rights rese rved.
Specifications FP 10000Q