Voltage Peak Limiter Load vs Power Tables
C Series C 68:4, C 48:4, C 28:4, C 16:4: Dedicated Installation Amplifiers
C Series amplifiers include the user-definable Voltage Peak Limiter (VPL) function. Rear- panel DIP-switch settings allow the output voltage
to be adjusted and consequently the output power available. The following tables provide information, for the listed C Series models, about
resultant output power at typical loads ( single-channel and bridged operation ) with the available VPL settings.
141 V 141 100 650 1200 1700 1200 1600
118 V 118 84 440 880 1700 1200
100 V 100 70 315 630 1250 1200 1600
85 V 85 60 220 440 890 1200
71 V 71 50 155 310 630 1200 1200
59 V 59 42 11 0 220 440 890
50 V 50 35 80 160 310 630
42 V 42 30 55 11 0 220 440
VPL Setting V peak Vrms
141 V 282 200 2400 3400 2400 3200
118 V 236 168 1760 3400 2400
100 V 200 140 1260 2500 2400 3200
85 V 170 120 880 1780 2400
71 V 142 100 620 1260 2400 2400
59 V 118 84 440 880 1780
50 V 100 70 320 620 1260
42 V 84 60 220 440 880
Output power bridged per two channels (W)
Output power per channel (W)
141 V 141 100 625 1000 1200 600 900
118 V 118 84 440 880 1200 600
100 V 100 70 315 630 1200 600 1200
85 V 85 60 220 440 890 600
71 V 71 50 155 310 630 600 630
59 V 59 42 11 0 220 440 600
50 V 50 35 80 160 310 600
42 V 42 30 55 11 0 220 440
VPL Setting V peak Vrms
141 V 282 200 2000 2400 1200 1800
118 V 236 168 1780 2400 1200
100 V 200 140 1260 2400 1200 2400
85 V 170 120 880 1780 1200
71 V 142 100 620 1260 1200 1260
59 V 118 84 440 880 1200
50 V 100 70 320 620 1200
42 V 84 60 220 440 880
Output power bridged per two channels (W)
Output power per channel (W)

141 V 141 100 600 700 700 300 700
118 V 118 84 440 700 600 300
100 V 100 70 310 700 600 300 700
85 V 85 60 220 440 600 300
71 V 71 50 160 310 600 300 600
59 V 59 42 11 0 220 440 300
50 V 50 35 80 160 310 300
42 V 42 30 55 11 0 220 300
VPL Setting V peak Vrms
141 V 282 200 1400 1200 600 1400
118 V 236 168 1400 1200 600
100 V 200 140 1400 1200 600 1400
85 V 170 120 1260 1200 600
71 V 142 100 880 1200 600 1200
59 V 118 84 620 880 600
50 V 100 70 440 620 600
42 V 84 60 320 440 600
Output power bridged per two channels (W)
Output power per channel (W)
141 V 141 100 400 400 300 n.r. 400
118 V 11 8 84 300 400 300 n.r.
100 V 100 70 300 400 300 n.r. 400
85 V 85 60 220 400 300 n.r.
71 V 71 50 155 310 300 n.r. 400
59 V 59 42 11 0 220 300 n.r.
50 V 50 35 80 160 300 n.r.
42 V 42 30 55 110 220 n.r.
VPL Setting V peak Vrms
141 V 282 200 800 600 n.r. 800
118 V 236 168 800 600 n.r.
100 V 200 140 800 600 n.r. 800
85 V 170 120 800 600 n.r.
71 V 142 100 620 600 n.r. 620
59 V 118 84 440 600 n.r.
50 V 100 70 320 600 n.r.
42 V 84 60 220 440 n.r.
Output power per channel (W)
Output power bridged per two channels (W)
Item no. VPL-CS_V4
C Series C 68:4, C 48:4, C 28:4, C 16:4 : Dedicated Installation Amplifiers. Voltage Peak Limiter Load vs Power Tables
Lab.gruppen ab • Sweden
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