Ly n c o m ’s micro p rocessor based charge controllers incorporate state-of-the-art design and
advanced pulse-width-modulation (PWM) battery charging operation, offering the highest
quality and more features than comparably priced PV controllers. Field proven PWM design
for battery charging, reduces water loss,
extends battery life, and allows more daily
amp-hours into the battery as compared to
traditional “on-off” contro l l e r s .
Model PV12 is an advanced PV system
b a t t e ry charge and load controller for 12
volt solar systems rated up to 12 amps,
c h a rge & load, intended for PV applications
such as remote homes, cabins, houseboats,
RV ’s, park facilities, campgrounds or telemetry sites.
The PV12 has three system status LED’s: system
c h a rging, battery full & battery low. The reverse polarity protection circuit features a reverse polarity red LED
for PV or battery, ensuring proper hook up.
Model PV12M is a system controller featuring a built-in LCD digital system monitor which
accurately displays b a t t e ry voltage, and push buttons display PV and load currents.
Two system charge status LED’s and reverse polarity red LED also included with PV12M.
A low voltage load disconnect circuit (LVD) is standard on both models and prevents
b a t t e ry over- d i s c h a rge during extended overcast periods.
S t a n d a rd Feature s
Advanced solid state design
O n - b o a rd micro p rocessor to control voltage settings and parameters accurately
Pulse-width-modulation charge algorithm to extend battery
life compared to conventional “on-off” type contro l l e r s
Te m p e r a t u re compensation circuit to automaticallyadjust the optimum battery
regulation voltage and LVD voltage for a range of -30°C to +80°C
Lightning transient pro t e c t i o n
PV and battery reverse polarity pro t e c t i o n
O v e r-voltage pro t e c t i o n
O v e r- t e m p e r a t u re pro t e c t i o n
Load short circuit and over- c u rrent pro t e c t i o n
Selection of battery type between flooded and sealed
Automatic battery equalization for flooded battery
Parallel capability
5 year limited warr a n t y
R a t i n g s
B a t t e ry Voltage: 12 Vo l t s
Maximum PV current: 12.0 Amps
Maximum Load current: 12.0 Amps

Te m p e r a t u re Setpoints
High Te m p e r a t u re Shutdown:
Disconnect PV: 7 0 ° C
Disconnect Load: 8 0 ° C
Reconnect PV: 6 0 ° C
Reconnect Load: 5 0 ° C
Operating Te m p e r a t u re Range: -40°C to +80°C
Te m p e r a t u re Compensation Coeff i c i e n t : - 2 5 m V / C e l l / C °
Cold Te m p e r a t u re Load Cutoff : - 3 0 ° C
Reconnect of Cold Te m p e r a t u re Load Cutoff : - 3 0 ° C
C o n t rol Setpoints
S e a l e d F l o o d e d
B a t t e ry B a t t e ry
High Battery Voltage System
Shutdown (8 seconds): 15.5 V 15.5 V
Reset For High Voltage Shutdown (
B a t t e ry Equalization: – 15.3 V
Regulation Vo l t a g e : 14.1 V 14.4 V
B a t t e ry LVD Voltage (32 seconds): 11.3 V 11.4 V
Load Reconnect After Low Voltage
Disconnect (LVD) ( I n s t a n t l y ): 12.8 V 13.0 V
Automatic equalization: – 14 days
Equalization can be triggered (32 seconds): –
(24V set points are twice the 12V values)
I n s t a n t l y
): 14.5 V 14.5 V
V < 1 1 . 4 V
M i c ro p rocessor Sampling Period
PV Voltage Sampling: 8 seconds
B a t t e ry Voltage Sampling: Constantly
Te m p e r a t u re Sampling: 3 seconds
Load Current Sampling
After Over- C u rrent Sampling: 3 - 6 seconds
Other Specifications(All ratings at 25°C)
Weight: 7 oz. (.2 kg)
D i m e n s i o n s : 5.7 x 2.6 x 2.1 in. (14.48 x 6.6 x 5.33 cm)
Load Short Circuit Rating: 15 Amps -PV12M
Meter Accuracy: 2% - PV12M
480/951-6330 • 800/544-6466
FAX: 480/951-6329
e-mail: info@kyocerasolar.com
Specifications subject to change without notice.