Kyocera KWC-7135 User Manual

SK Tap açåÉ when you have finished.
NK Tap to view the applications on the PDA screen.
OK Tap to open Voice Dial. If Voice Book doesn’t appear in the upper-right corner,
tap and select it.
you want to use and tap
RK When you hear “Speak a name,” speak the name. Repeat the name when you are
instructed to do so.
NK Press . OK When you hear “Speak a name” and a beep, speak the name of the person you want
to call.
rлбеЦ=sзбЕЙ=cЙ~нмкЙл QP
You can record up to 10 minutes of voice memos on your phone. There is a 2-minute maximum length for each memo recorded.
NK Select to open Memos.
OK In the bottom-left corner of the screen,
tap the voice icon. See “Using Memos” on page 25.
PK Press . When you hear “Please record
at the tone” and a beep, record your memo.
QK Tap to stop recording the memo.
RK To replay a memo, select the memo from the
memo list by tapping it with your stylus.
SK Select the memo you want to replay. TK Use your stylus to select any of the options on the screen.
Play Pause
Record, Resume, or Append Clear
QQ hузЕЙк~=TNPR=rлЙк=dмбЗЙ
qз=ЕмлнзгбтЙ=узмк=лг~кнйЬзеЙ=Сзк=озбЕЙ=~елпЙк=~еЗ=озбЕЙ= п~вЙмй
You can customize your phone to answer a call by voice command and wake up from sleep mode by voice command. To set your phone for voice answer and/or voice wakeup, follow these procedures.
NK From the PDA screen, tap with your stylus to open mêÉÑë=mÜçåÉK=
In the upper-right corner of the screen, use your stylus to tap .
OK PK Use your stylus to select sçáÅÉ=aá~äáåÖK
With your stylus, tap the checkboxes next to sзбЕЙ=^елпЙк=and sçáÅÉ=t~âÉìéK
Press the volume up and volume down buttons on the side of the Kyocera 7135.
qз=лЙдЙЕн=~=кбеЦЙк=лзмеЗ=~еЗ=~Замлн=кбеЦЙк= оздмгЙ=
NK Tap to view the applications on the PDA.
OK Scroll down and tap to open mêÉÑë=mÜçåÉK
^ЗамлнбеЦ=лзмеЗл QR
Volume up and down buttons
PK Tap in the upper-right corner and select
Tap beside oбеЦЙк=sздмгЙK=Select a volume level between Low and High. If you want the ringer volume to increase with each ring, select
RK Tap beside=oбеЦЙк=qуйЙ=to select a ringer
sound. When you select a sound, you hear a sample of it.
SK To select different ringer sounds for different
categories of calls, do the following:
~K Put a check mark in the oбеЦ=Ду=`~нЙЦзку check box.
ÄK Tap under `~нЙЦзкуK Select a category of calls.
ÅK Tap the under oбеЦЙкK=Select the sound for that category of calls.
ÇK Repeat steps b–c for each category you want to set up.
TK When you have finished, tap açåÉK
Press the volume up and volume down buttons on the side of the Kyocera 7135 smartphone.
NK With your stylus, tap to open Prefs PDA.
OK Tap in the upper-right corner of the screen and select dÉåÉê~äK=
QS hузЕЙк~=TNPR=rлЙк=dмбЗЙ
PK Tap next to=pулнЙг=pзмеЗI=^д~кг=pзмеЗI=and=d~ãÉ=pçìåÇ to adjust volume
йЙкСзкгбеЦ=ЦЙеЙк~д=СмеЕнбзел=зе=узмк=ma^K=^д~кг=pзмеЗл=~кЙ=лзмеЗл=нЬ~н=узм=ЬЙ~к=бС= узм=Ь~оЙ=йкзЦк~ггЙЗ=кЙгбеЗЙкл=зк=~дЙкнл=Сзк=узмк=лг~кнйЬзеЙK=d~гЙ=pзмеЗ=Езенкздл= нЬЙ=оздмгЙ=зС=ДЙЙйл=~еЗ=знЬЙк=лзмеЗ=ЙССЙЕнл=пЬЙе=узм=~кЙ=йд~убеЦ=~=Ц~гЙ=зе=узмк= йЬзеЙK
NK With your stylus, tap to open mêÉÑë=mÜçåÉK=
Tap in the upper-right area of the screen and select `~дд=sздмгЙK= Tap next to ^мнз=sздмгЙI=b~кйбЙЕЙI=e~еЗлJcкЙЙ=`~к=hбнI=eЙ~ЗлЙнI and
pйЙ~вЙкйЬзеЙ to adjust volume settings for these accessories and features.
Your phone can be customized to play a sound when opening and closing the flip. To select sounds, perform the following steps.
QK Tap in the upper-right area of the screen and select cдбй=pЙннбеЦлK RK Tap next to mд~у=лзмеЗ=under=tЬЙе=lйЙебеЦ=cдбй and make your selection. SK Tap next to=mд~у=лзмеЗ=under tЬЙе=`дзлбеЦ=cдбй and make your selection.
Your phone can be customized to use sounds to alert you when you miss a call, enter a roaming area or lose service. To customize your phone alerts, perform the following steps.
TK Tap in the upper-right area of the screen and select mЬзеЙ=^дЙкнлK
^ЗамлнбеЦ=лзмеЗл QT
UK Tap next to pбдЙеЕЙ=^дд and make your selection. VK Select conditions under which you would like your phone to alert you by using your
stylus to tap the checkboxes.
Using the preferences screens, you can turn on many features such as Auto Answer, One-Touch Dialing, and infrared beaming. You can also make adjustments to sound, power usage, and other settings. For information on adjusting sound settings, see
^ЗамлнбеЦ=pзмеЗл=in this user guide.=
There are two types of preferences for your Kyocera 7135: phone preferences and PDA preferences. This section explains how to adjust a few of the preferences for your phone and preferences for your PDA. For more information, see the 7135 Reference Guide.
NK Tap to view the PDA screen.
OK Tap to open mêÉÑë=ma^K
Tap pick list in the upper-right corner and
select Tap the next to lÑÑ=^ÑíÉêW to select the
length of time you would like the PDA to wait before going into sleep mode.
QU hузЕЙк~=TNPR=rлЙк=dмбЗЙ
RK Tap each next to pулнЙг=pзмеЗI=^д~кг=pзмеЗI and=d~ãÉ=pçìåÇ=to select a
volume level for these features.
kçíÉW=pулнЙг=pзмеЗ=Езенкздл=нЬЙ=озд мгЙ= зС=ДЙЙйл= узм= ЬЙ~к=п ЬЙе=н~ййб еЦ=бЕзел=~еЗ=
йЙкСзкгбеЦ=ЦЙеЙк~д=СмеЕнбзел=зе=узмк=ma^ K= ^д ~кг= pзмеЗл= ~кЙ=лзмеЗл= нЬ~н= узм=ЬЙ~к= б С=узм= Ь~оЙ=йкзЦк~ггЙЗ=кЙгбеЗЙкл=зк=~дЙкнл=Сзк=узмк=лг ~кнйЬзеЙK=d ~гЙ= pзмеЗ=Езенкзд л=нЬЙ= оздмгЙ=зС=ДЙЙйл=~еЗ=знЬЙк=лзмеЗ=ЙССЙЕнл=пЬЙе=узм= ~кЙ= йд~уб еЦ= ~=Ц~г Й=зе= узмк=йЬзеЙK
SK To receive beamed data from other Palm-compatible devices, make sure that _É~ã=
TK Tap `çåíê~ëí to adjust the contrast level of the screen. UK Tap _кбЦЬнеЙлл to adjust the brightness level of the screen.
is set to=låK
NK Tap the in the upper-right corner of
the screen and tap
a~íÉ=C=qáãÉ with your
OK The date and time on your phone are
automatically set. Tap the box next to
j~åì~ä=qáãÉ=pÉí to adjust these settings
pЙннбеЦ=мй=йкЙСЙкЙеЕЙл QV
меЕЬЙЕвЙЗK=fС=j~ем~д=qбгЙ=pЙн=бл=ЕЬЙЕвЙЗI=узмк=йЬзеЙ=йкзобЗЙл=беСзкг~нбзе=зе= Е~дЕмд~нбеЦ=нЬЙ=ЕзккЙЕн=нбгЙK
Tap in the upper-right corner of the
screen then tap – To adjust the way time is displayed, tap
– To adjust the way the date is displayed, tap
– To change the day you would like the week
to start on, tap next to and make your selection.
– To adjust the way numbers are displayed, tap next to
your selection.
To customize the buttons above your phone’s keypad, perform the following steps.
NK Tap the in the upper-right corner of the screen and tap _мннзел.
cçêã~íë with your stylus.
next to
qáãÉW=and make your
a~íÉW and make your
next to
kмгДЙклW and make
RM hузЕЙк~=TNPR=rлЙк=dмбЗЙ
OK Tap the next to a~нЙ=_ззвI=^ЗЗкЙллI=
and tÉÄ to assign an application to each button. Use your stylus to make your selection.
NK Tap to view the PDA screen.
OK Tap to open mêÉÑë=mÜçåÉK=
– Tap pick list in the upper-right
corner and select
– Tap the beside ^мнз=sздмгЙ=to
automatically adjust earpiece volume and microphone sensitivity during a call, depending on ambient noise levels.
pЙннбеЦ=мй=йкЙСЙкЙеЕЙл RN
– Tap each next to b~кйбЙЕЙI=e~еЗлJcкЙЙ=`~к=hбнI=eЙ~ЗлЙнI and=
to adjust the volumes for these items.
NK Tap to view the PDA screen.
OK Tap to open mêÉÑë=mÜçåÉK
– Tap the in the upper-right corner and
cдбй=pЙннбеЦл with your stylus.
– Tap the box next to
incoming calls by opening the flip.
– Tap the box next to
to show the phone’s status when opening the flip.
– Tap next to
mд~у=лзмеЗ to select
and play unique sounds when opening and closing the flip of your phone. When you select a sound, your phone will demonstrate that sound.
NK Tap to view the PDA screen.
RO hузЕЙк~=TNPR=rлЙк=dмбЗЙ
+ 22 hidden pages