LASERBEAM PRINTER − Parts Catalogue KYOCERA F−800/800T Page 1

F−800/800T Parts Catalogue
Table of Contents
The figures which follow depict the major assemblies of the printer or option,
broken down into components. Following each figure are the list giving the
following information:
Reference number which corresponds to the parts in the figure’Ref No.’
Part code which identifies the part’Part code’
A brief description of the part’Part description’
Quantity of the part used in the printer or option
3Covers (Fig.1)
5Upper Unit (Fig.2)
7Lower Unit (Fig.3)
10Controller box (Fig.4)
12Drive unit (Fig.5)
14Fuser (Fig.6)
16Connection cords (Fig.7)
Only the parts highlighted in BOLD should be ordered. All other parts are for
reference only and are not stocked.
Consumables and Maintanence Kits
Toner KitTK−6
Drum (12K pages)DK−5
Developer (20K pages)DV−10
Fuser (100K pages)FK−5
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Fig.1 − Covers
LASERBEAM PRINTER − Parts Catalogue KYOCERA F−800/800T Page 3

QuantityDescriptionPart CodeRef No.
1Top Cover Assy5AAMF800**0301−001
1Base Side Cover5MVB752SH00201−002
1Cleaning Stick5AAVCLEAN01801−003
1Key Board Assy F800T5AAFZF800T*101−005
1Paper Stopper5MVU741SH00101−021
1Base Assy F800T5AAMF800**0201−006
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Fig.2 − Upper Unit

QuantityDescriptionPart CodeRef No.
1Upper Unit Entirety5AAYF800*C202−00A
1Deve Drive Assy5AAYF800*B702−00B
1Eraser Assy5AAYF800*B102−00D
1Paper Sensor Assy5AAYF800*8802−00E
1Eject Stopper5MMZ321SL00302−013
1Deve Guide A5MVX833SL00102−014
1Guide Spring5MMX522LD00302−015
1Deve Guide B5MMX831SL00102−016
1Drum Rail5MVL821SB00202−017
1Drum Spring F5MMW361LJ01902−018
1Drum Spring R5MMW361LJ02002−019
2Spring Foot5MVF166SB00202−020
2Fuser Press SP5MMX422LD00102−021
1Safety Lever5MVX622DG00102−022
1P.Sensor Bkt5MVX483SB00202−024
1Cord Keep5MMX321SM00102−025
1Conn Cord Assy5AACCNFC1GEA02−026
1B−S Angle (FU)5MML363SL00202−032
1B−S Angle (RU)5MMS531SL00202−033
1SCN Angle (F)5MML532SL00202−034
1SCN Angle (R)5MML532SL00302−035
2SCN Shaft5MMT476LD00302−036
1Eject Lever F5MVX664SX00102−041
1Eject Lever R5MVX321SJ00102−042
1Eject Stay5MMT865SD00102−043
1Eject Spring5MMW262LJ00402−044
1Eject Spring5MMW267LJ00102−045
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