• 64 MB sample ROM: twice the ROM of the “classic’ TRITON or TRITON Le61/76, including
lots of new Programs and Combinations - featuring a new velocity-switched stereo piano
and expressive acoustic instrument sounds
• Dual polyphonic arpeggiators with a new Arp Length parameter
• Powerful four-part effects processor with one Insert, two Masters, and 3-band EQ
• 16 part/channel Multi mode w/ 128 Multi sets for use with computer sequencers, including
16 preset Multis like Pop, Latin, Jazz, etc. – to get you started sequencing quickly!
• Tone Adjust matrix allows editing sounds in a Combi or Multi witho ut affecting the original
• User-friendly ClickPoint™ interface makes it easy to navigate the display
• USB-MIDI interface connects to the included Editor/Librarian, which runs stand-alone, or as
a VST/RTAS/AU plug-in
• 4 outputs: Main L/R plus two assignable outs
• 61-key velocity-sensitive action, innovative lightweight design, with convenient handles
XX5500 MMaaiinn FFeeaattuurreess
Getting Started:
X50 Connections and Navigation 2
Loading the Factory Data; Playing the Demo Songs 2
Selecting and Playing Programs and Combinations; Category; Audition; Tap Tempo 3
Work with Example Sounds; Realtime Controls
Multi Mode; Tone Adjust; X50 Librarian

X50 EasyStart
1. First, connect the AC power cable, which is a two-part cable > Make sure that the VOLUME slider is all the way
down first, and then connect audio cables from the MAIN OUTPUT L/R jacks on the back of the X50 to your
stereo powered monitor system (or connect headphones to the mini phone jack located on the front panel).
2. Press the POWER ON button on the rear panel.
GGeettttiinngg AArroouunndd oonn tthhee XX5500
In this section, you’ll become fa miliar with navigating the X50…
The X50 uses a number of elements to create a fast and flexible navigation system, allowing you to quickly select any
parameter. These elements include:
• ClickPoint system
• PAGE - / PAGE + buttons
• ENTER button
• MENU/OK button
• EXIT/CANCEL button
From any of the four Modes (PROG, COMBI, MULTI, or GLOBAL) press the MENU/OK button: ClickPoint is a
fingertip trackball that allows access to any ‘page’ of the display by simply moving the on-screen cursor over the page
selection and pressing down.
Finally, the PAGE - / PAGE + buttons allow you to change Tab Pages within the display. Use ClickPoint to highlight
any field of the display: once selected, the parameter will appear in the display with a dark “box” outline. Parameters
can be adjusted using the VALUE WHEEL as well as the INC and DEC buttons for precise incremental control.
LLooaaddiinngg tthhee FFaaccttoorryy DDaattaa
If you’ve made any changes to the Programs, Combis or Multis in the X50, make sure to back up these changes
via USB to your computer using the included Editor/Librarian; or transmit the data to a connected MIDI data
filer before proceeding. For more information, see the X50 Editor/Plug-In Editor Manual and the X50 Owner’s
Manual, pgs. 27 and 115.
1. Press the GLOBAL mode button, and then press the UTILITY button.
2. Navigate with ClickPoint down to “Load Preload Data” > Press down on ClickPoint or press the MENU/OK
button > Press the MENU/OK button twice to confirm.