Kontron PMC240 User Manual

Dual Channel
Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Manual ID: 25270, Rev. Index 01
June 2002
The product described in this manual is in compliance with all applied CE stan­dards.

Revision History

Manual/Product Title: PMC240
Manual ID Number: 25270
01 Initial Issue 00 June 2002
Brief Description of Changes Board Index
Date of


Copyright © 2002 PEP Modular Computers GmbH. All rights reserved. This manual may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or converted to any electronic or machine­readable form in whole or in part without prior written approval of PEP Modular Computers GmbH.
PEP Modular Computers GmbH rejects any liability for the correctness and completeness of this manual as well as its suitability for any partic­ular purpose.
This manual was realized by: TPD/Engineering, PEP Modular Computers GmbH.
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PMC240 Preface

Table of Contents

Revision History ........................................................................................................ ii
Imprint ....................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents ..................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ........................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures .......................................................................................................... ix
Proprietary Note ....................................................................................................... xi
Trademarks .............................................................................................................. xi
Environmental Protection Statement ........................................................................ xi
Explanation of Symbols .......................................................................................... xii
For Your Safety ...................................................................................................... xiii
High Voltage Safety Instructions ........................................................................ xiii
Special Handling and Unpacking Instructions ................................................... xiii
General Instructions on Usage .............................................................................. xiv
Two Year Warranty .................................................................................................. xv
1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.1 System Overview .................................................................................. 1 - 3
1.2 Product Overview .................................................................................. 1 - 4
1.3 Board Overview ..................................................................................... 1 - 5
1.3.1 Board Introduction ........................................................................ 1 - 5
1.3.2 Board Specific Information ............................................................ 1 - 5
1.3.3 DRIVER Software ......................................................................... 1 - 6
1.4 Board Diagrams .................................................................................... 1 - 6
1.4.1 System Level Interfacing .............................................................. 1 - 6
1.4.2 Front Panels ............................................................................... 1 - 10
1.4.3 Board Layouts ............................................................................. 1 - 10
1.5 Technical Specifications ...................................................................... 1 - 13
1.6 Applied Standards ............................................................................... 1 - 15
1.7 Related Publications ........................................................................... 1 - 15
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2. Functional Description ................................................................................ 2 - 3
2.1 General Information ............................................................................... 2 - 3
2.1.1 Signal Conditioning ....................................................................... 2 - 3
2.1.2 Gigabit Ethernet Controller ............................................................ 2 - 4
2.1.3 System Interfaces ......................................................................... 2 - 4
2.1.4 On Board Memory ......................................................................... 2 - 4
2.1.5 Monitor and Control ....................................................................... 2 - 4
2.1.6 Software ........................................................................................ 2 - 4
2.2 Board-Level Interfacing Diagram ........................................................... 2 - 5
2.3 System Interfaces .................................................................................. 2 - 7
2.3.1 Ethernet Wire Cabling Interface .................................................... 2 - 7
2.3.2 Ethernet Fiber Optic Interface ....................................................... 2 - 8
2.3.3 PCI / PCI-X Interface ..................................................................... 2 - 8
2.4 Onboard Memory ................................................................................. 2 - 10
2.4.1 Configuration EEPROM .............................................................. 2 - 10
2.4.2 Flash Memory ............................................................................. 2 - 10
2.5 Monitor and Control (M/C) ................................................................... 2 - 10
2.5.1 Pre-Operation M/C ...................................................................... 2 - 10
2.5.2 Operation M/C ............................................................................ 2 - 10
3. Installation ................................................................................................... 3 - 3
3.1 Hardware Installation ............................................................................. 3 - 3
3.1.1 Safety Requirements ..................................................................... 3 - 3
3.1.2 Installation Procedures .................................................................. 3 - 4
3.1.3 Removal Procedures ..................................................................... 3 - 6
3.2 Software Installation .............................................................................. 3 - 6
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PMC240 Preface
4. Configuration .............................................................................................. 4 - 3
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PMC240 Preface

List of Tables

1-1 PMC240 Product Overview ...................................................................... 1 - 4
1-2 PMC240 Main Specifications ................................................................. 1 - 13
1-3 PMC240 Power Consumption ................................................................ 1 - 14
1-4 Applied Standards .................................................................................. 1 - 15
1-5 Related Publications .............................................................................. 1 - 15
2-1 Pinouts of CON1 and CON5 Based on the Implementation .................... 2 - 7
2-2 Pinouts of CON3, CON4, and CON2 ....................................................... 2 - 9
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PMC240 Preface

List of Figures

1-1 System Level Interfacing with PMC Carrier Board ................................... 1 - 7
1-2 System Level Interfacing with CPU Board ............................................... 1 - 9
1-3 PMC240 Front Panel Standard Variant Views ....................................... 1 - 10
1-4 PMC240 Variant A ................................................................................. 1 - 11
1-5 PMC240 Variant B ................................................................................. 1 - 11
1-6 PMC240 Variant C ................................................................................. 1 - 12
1-7 PMC240 Variant D ................................................................................. 1 - 12
2-1 PMC240 Board Level Interfacing ............................................................. 2 - 6
2-2 CON1 and CON5 Connectors .................................................................. 2 - 7
2-3 CON6 and CON7 Fiber Optic Receptacles .............................................. 2 - 8
2-4 Pinouts of CON3, CON4, and CON2 ....................................................... 2 - 8
3-1 Installation / Removal Diagrams .............................................................. 3 - 5
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PMC240 Preface

Proprietary Note

This document contains information proprietary to PEP Modular Computers. It may not be cop­ied or transmitted by any means, disclosed to others, or stored in any retrieval system or media without the prior written consent of PEP Modular Computers GmbH or one of its authorized agents.
The information contained in this document is, to the best of our knowledge, entirely correct. However, PEP Modular Computers cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or the conse­quences thereof, or for any liability arising from the use or application of any circuit, product, or example shown in this document.
PEP Modular Computers reserves the right to change, modify , or improve this document or the product described herein, as seen fit by PEP Modular Computers without further notice.


PEP Modular Computers, the PEP logo and, if occurring in this manual, “CXM” are trade marks owned by PEP Modular Computers GmbH, Kaufbeuren (Germany). In addition, this document may include names, company logos, and trademarks which are registered trademarks and are, therefore, proprietary to their respective owners.

Environmental Protection Statement

This product has been manufactured to satisfy environmental protection requirements where possible. Many of the components used (structural parts, printed circuit boards, connectors, batteries, etc.) are capable of being recycled.
Final disposition of this product after its service life must be accomplished in accordance with applicable country, state, or local laws or regulations.
ID 25270, Rev. 01 © 2002 PEP Modular Computers GmbH Page xi

Explanation of Symbols

CE Conformity
This symbol indicates that the product described in this manual is in compliance with all applied CE standards. Please refer also to the section “Applied Standards” in this manual.
Caution, Electric Shock!
This symbol and title warn of hazards due to electrical shocks (> 60V) when touching products or parts of them. Failure to observe the pre­cautions indicated and/or prescribed by the law may endanger your life/health and/or result in damage to your material.
Please refer also to the section “High Voltage Safety Instructions” on the following page.
Warning, ESD Sensitive Device!
This symbol and title inform that electronic boards and their compo­nents are sensitive to static electricity. Therefore, care must be taken during all handling operations and inspections of this product, in order to ensure product integrity at all times.
Please read also the section “Special Handling and Unpacking Instructions” on the following page.
This symbol and title emphasize points which, if not fully understood and taken into consideration by the reader, may endanger your health and/or result in damage to your material.
This symbol and title emphasize aspects the reader should read through carefully for his or her own advantage.
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PMC240 Preface

For Your Safety

Your new PEP product was developed and tested carefully to provide all features necessary to ensure its compliance with electrical safety requirement s. It wa s also de signed for a long fault­free life. However, the life expectancy of your product can be drastically reduced by improper treatment during unpacking and installation. Therefore, in the interest of your own safety and of the correct operation of your new PEP product, you are requested to conform with the fol­lowing guidelines.

High Voltage Safety Instructions

All operations on this device must be carried out by sufficiently skilled personnel only.
Caution, Electric Shock!
Before installing your new PEP product into a system always ensure that your mains power is switched off. This applies also to the instal­lation of piggybacks.
Serious electrical shock hazards can exist during all installation, repair and maintenance operations with this product. Therefore, always unplug the power cable and any other cables which provide external voltages before performing work.

Special Handling and Unpacking Instructions

ESD Sensitive Device!
Electronic boards and their components are sensitive to static electricity. Therefore, care must be taken during all handling operations and inspections of this product, in order to ensure product integrity at all times.
Do not handle this product out of its protective enclosure while it is not used for operational purposes unless it is otherwise protected.
Whenever possible, unpack or pack this product only at EOS/ESD safe work stations. Where a safe work station is not guaranteed, it is important for the user to be electrically discharged before touching the product with his/her hands or tools. This is most easily done by touching a metal part of your system housing.
It is particularly important to observe standard anti-static precautions when changing piggy­backs, ROM devices, jumper settings etc. If the product contains batteries for RTC or memory back-up, ensure that the board is not placed on conductive surfaces, including anti-st atic plas­tics or sponges. They can cause short circuits and damage the batteries or con ductive circuit s on the board.
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General Instructions on Usage

In order to maintain PEP’s product warranty, this product must not be altered or modified in an y way . Changes or modifications to the device, which are not explicitly approved by PEP Modular Computers and described in this manual or received from PEP Technical Suppo rt as a spe cial handling instruction, will void your warranty.
This device should only be installed in or connected to systems that fulfill all necessary techni­cal and specific environmental requirements. This applies also to the operational temperature range of the specific board version, which must not be exceeded. If batteries are present their temperature restrictions must be taken into account.
In performing all necessary installation and application operations, please follow only the in­structions supplied by the present manual.
Keep all the original packaging material for future storage or warranty shipment s. If it is neces­sary to store or ship the board please re-pack it as nearly as possible in the manner in which it was delivered.
Special care is necessary when handling or unp acking the product. Please, consult the special handling and unpacking instruction on the previous page of this manual.
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PMC240 Preface

Two Year Warranty

PEP Modular Computers grants the original purchaser of PEP products a TWO YEAR LIMITED
granted or implied by anyone on behalf of PEP are valid unless the consumer has the express written consent of PEP Modular Computers.
PEP Modular Computers warrants their own product s, excluding software, to be free from man­ufacturing and material defects for a period of 24 consecutive months from the date of pur­chase. This warranty is not transferable nor extendible to cover any other users or long-term storage of the product. It does not cover products which have been modified, altered or re­paired by any other party than PEP Modular Computers or their authorized agents. Further­more, any product which has been, or is suspected of being damaged as a result of neg ligence, improper use, incorrect handling, servicing or maintenance, or which has been damaged as a result of excessive current/voltage or temperature, or which has had its serial number(s), any other markings or parts thereo f altered, defaced or removed will also be excluded from this war­ranty.
WARRANTY as described in the fo llowing. However, no other warranties that may be
If the customer’s eligibility for warranty has not been voided, in the event of any claim, he may return the product at the earliest possible convenience to the original place of p urchase, togeth­er with a copy of the original document of purchase, a full description of the application the product is used on and a description of the defect. Pack the product in such a way as to ensure safe transportation (see our safety instructions).
PEP provides for repair or replacement of any part, assembly or sub-assemb ly at their own dis­cretion, or to refund the original cost of purchase, if appropriate. In the event of repair , refunding or replacement of any part, the ownership of the removed or replaced parts reverts to PEP Modular Computers, and the remaining part of the original guarantee, or any new guarantee to cover the repaired or replaced items, will be transferred to cover the new or repaired items. Any extensions to the original guarantee are considered gestures of goodwill, and will be defined in the “Repair Report” issued by PEP with the repaired or replaced item.
PEP Modular Computers will not accept liability for any further claims resulting directly or indi­rectly from any warranty claim, other than the above specified rep air , replacement or refunding. In particular, all claims for damage to any system or process in which the product was em­ployed, or any loss incurred as a result of the product not functioning at any given time, are excluded. The extent of PEP Modular Computers liability to the customer shall not exceed the original purchase price of the item for which the claim exists.
PEP Modular Computers issues no warranty or representation, either explicit or implicit, with respect to its products’ reliability, fitness, quality, marketability or ability to fulfil any particular application or purpose. As a result, the products are sold “as is,” and the responsibility to en­sure their suitability for any given task remains that of the purchaser. In no event will PEP be liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use of our hardware or software products, or documentation, even if PEP were advised of the possibility of such claims prior to the purchase of the product or during any period since the date of its purchase.
Please remember that no PEP Modular Computers employee, dealer or agent is authorized to make any modification or addition to the above specified terms, either verbally or in any other form, written or electronically transmitted, without the company’s consent.
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