Kontron AT8402 Diagnostics Manual

AT8402 Diagnostics Manual
M5306_TECH_0 Manual ID
1.0 Revision Index
31 July, 2007 Date of Issue
Revision History
Publication Title: AT8402 Diagnostics Manual
ID Number: M5306_TECH_0
1.0 First version 31 July, 2007
Brief Description of Changes Date of Issue
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AT8402 Preface
About This Book
This document describes diagnostics commands the AT8402 Carrier board.
Proprietary Note
This document contains information proprietary to Kontron Modular Computers GmbH. It may not be copied or transmitted by any means, disclosed to others, or stored in any retrieval system or media without the prior written consent of Kontron Modular Computers GmbH or one of its authorized agents.
The information contained in this document is, to the best of our knowledge, entirely correct. However, Kontron Modular Computers GmbH cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or the consequences thereof, or for any liability arising from the use or application of any circuit, product, or example shown in this document.
Kontron Modular Computers GmbH reserves the right to change, modify, or improve this document or the product described herein, as seen fit by Kontron Modular Computers GmbH without further notice.
Kontron Modular Computers GmbH and the Kontron Logo are trade marks owned by Kontron Modular Computers GmbH, Kaufbeuren (Germany). In addition, this document may include names, company logos and trademarks, which are registered trademarks and, therefore, proprietary to their respective owners.
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This product has been manufactured to satisfy environmental protection requirements where possible. Many of the components used (structural parts, printed circuit boards, connectors, batteries, etc.) are capable of being recycled.
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Page iii AT8402 CLI Reference Manual
Preface AT8402
General Instructions on Usage
In order to maintain Kontron’s product warranty, this product must not be altered or modified in any way. Changes or modifications to the device, which are not explicitly approved by Kontron Modular Computers GmbH and described in this manual or received from Kontron’s Technical Support as a special handling instruction, will void your warranty.
This device should only be installed in or connected to systems that fulfill all necessary technical and specific environmental requirements. This applies also to the operational temperature range of the specific board version, which must not be exceeded. If batteries are present their temperature restrictions must be taken into account.
In performing all necessary installation and application operations, please follow only the instructions supplied by the present manual.
Keep all the original packaging material for future storage or warranty shipments. If it is necessary to store or ship the board please re-pack it as nearly as possible in the manner in which it was delivered.
Special care is necessary when handling or unpacking the product. Please, consult the special handling and unpacking instruction on the previous page of this manual.
Page iv AT8402 CLI Reference Manual
1. Overview....................................................................................................... 1 - 2
1.1 Test scenarios ................................................................................................................... 1 - 2
2. Diagnostics running on the Carrier .............................................................. 2 - 2
2.1 Accessing the diagnostics on the Carrier ......................................................................... 2 - 2
2.2 Broadcom BCM Gigabit Ethernet Switch ........................................................................ 2 - 3
2.2.1 BCM_PCI ............................................................................................................... 2 - 3
2.2.2 BCM_DMA ............................................................................................................ 2 - 3
2.2.3 BCM_REGRW ....................................................................................................... 2 - 4
2.2.4 BCM_MEMORY ................................................................................................... 2 - 4
2.2.5 BCM_LOOPBACK ............................................................................................... 2 - 5
2.3 CPLD onboard programmable logic device ..................................................................... 2 - 6
2.3.1 CPLD_HOST_REG ............................................................................................... 2 - 6
2.3.2 CPLD_HOST_REGRW ......................................................................................... 2 - 7
2.3.3 CPLD_IPMC_REG ................................................................................................ 2 - 8
2.3.4 CPLD_IPMC_REGRW .......................................................................................... 2 - 8
2.4 Telecom Clock Protection Switch ..................................................................................... 2 - 9
2.4.1 TELCO_SWITCH .................................................................................................. 2 - 9
2.5 FUM Firmware Update Manager .................................................................................... 2 - 9
2.5.1 FUM_SEEPROM ................................................................................................... 2 - 9
2.5.2 FUM_UPDATE .................................................................................................... 2 - 10
2.6 IPMI Controller .............................................................................................................. 2 - 11
2.6.1 IPMC_SENSORS ................................................................................................ 2 - 11
2.6.2 IPMC_SEEPROM_READ ................................................................................... 2 - 12
2.6.3 IPMC_SEEPROM_RW ....................................................................................... 2 - 12
2.6.4 IPMC_WATCHDOG ............................................................................................ 2 - 13
2.6.5 IPMC_IPMB0 ...................................................................................................... 2 - 13
2.6.6 IPMC_GA ............................................................................................................ 2 - 14
2.6.7 IPMC_BIST ......................................................................................................... 2 - 14
2.7 PPC IBM PowerPC host processor ................................................................................ 2 - 15
2.7.1 PPC_RAMT ......................................................................................................... 2 - 15
2.7.2 PPC_ETHER ........................................................................................................ 2 - 16
2.7.3 PPC_UART .......................................................................................................... 2 - 17
2.7.4 PPC_EBC ............................................................................................................. 2 - 17
2.7.5 PPC_I2C ............................................................................................................... 2 - 18
2.7.6 PPC_PCI .............................................................................................................. 2 - 19
2.7.7 PPC_FLASH_READ ........................................................................................... 2 - 19
Page v AT8402 Diagnostics Manual
2.7.8 PPC_FLASH_RW ................................................................................................2 - 20
2.7.9 PPC_SEEPROM ..................................................................................................2 - 21
2.8 PLX PCI Express Switch .................................................................................................2 - 21
2.8.1 PLX_LANEGOOD ..............................................................................................2 - 21
2.9 Example of diagnostics output ........................................................................................2 - 23
A. Getting Help ................................................................................................ A - 2
Page vi AT8402 Diagnostics Manual
Chapter 1
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Overview AT8402

1. Overview

The diagnostics for the AT8402 Kontron Carrier board is integrated in a specially prepared image included in the Carrier firmware. It includes diagnostics for:
Broadcom BCM Ethernet Switch (BCM_xxx)
CPLD onboard programmable logic device (CPLD_xxx)
Telecom Clock Prodection Switch (TELCO_xxx)
FUM Firmware Update Manager (FUM_xxx)
IPMI Controller (IPMC_xxx)
PowerPC IBM Host Processor (PPC_xxx)
PLX PCI Express SWitch (PLX_xxx)
Diagnostics are designed to run on the board under control of a local test sequencer. The diagnostics are designed to run in a controlled diagnostic environment. The tests are grouped by major functional blocks they relate to (Test case). Tests are written as test procedures where each procedure covers a specific functional block. The test­sequencer selects different test procedures to execute. It also retrieves results and progress indication from the test procedures.
Description of Test categories
Test group Test group is allways Diagnostics.
Test case Test case name in diagnostic test-suite is meant as an grouping of differ-
ent test procedures for a certain part of the board (SAS, PPC, CPLD, ...)
Test procedure Test procedure name as reported in journal and online
Test host Carrier
Test IC either quickturn or full
Test mode normal or destructive
Diagnostic code Diagnostic codes produced by this test procedure in case of failures.

1.1 Test scenarios

Different test scenarios can be started. A scenario is a sequence of test procedures.
The following scenarios are currently defined:
quickturn: The scenario quickturn contains tests executing quickly, but no
destructive tests (TestIC=quickturn)
full: The scenario complete contains all tests but the destructive ones
write: The scenario write contains only destructive tests (TestIC=full, Test
Mode = destructive)
If test mode is destructive the system will need some kind of re-initial­ization after running this test-procedure (e.g. reprogramming of per­manent storage) Failure of destructive tests may leave the board unusable.
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Chapter 1
Diagnostics running on the Carrier
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Diagnostics running on the Carrier AT8402

2. Diagnostics running on the Carrier

2.1 Accessing the diagnostics on the Carrier

The diagnostics framework can be accessed from the CLI on the Carrier. The CLI (see “CLI reference manual” ) provides the command:
diagnostics [options]
to start the diagnostics.
There are some options, which allow to either choose a pre-configured scenario or to use the interactive mode.
diagnostics interactive diagnostics <scenario> diagnostics <scenario> timedloop <1-9999999> diagnostics <scenario> loop <1-9999999> diagnostics <scenario> forever
If “interactive” is specified the switch will be restarted and the diagnostics loaded. The user gets a menu to select interactively a scenario. This requires to be connected via a serial console.
Otherwise, if a scenario is specified, this scenario is executed directly. You may start this scenario once or repeated for a time (timedloop), for a number of repetitions (loop) or forever. The results are stored and can be displayed by using “show logging diag­report”. Possible scenarios are “full” (all test purposes except the destructive ones), “quickturn” (scenarios running fast) or “write” (destructive scenarios).
Aftre having started diagnostics, you will first be asked to save unsaved changes in the configuration. After having saved the changes, the system will ask to reset the system
The output looks like the following
(AT8402 Ethernet Fabric) #diagnostics interactive The system has unsaved changes. Would you like to save them now? (y/n) n
Configuration Not Saved! Are you sure you would like to reset the system? (y/n) y
System will now restart!
After system restart the console screen will show some bootup informations and the predefined test scenarios which can than be selected by typing the appropriate number.
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AT8402 Diagnostics running on the Carrier
Output example:
Startup... Base System Software Release HEAD 0.00 Platform ppc405 Build 20051208100210 Kernel release 2.4.20_HEAD-0.00
Enabling: verbose Enabling: interactive STARTUP: Mounted /dev/mtdblock0 on /config AdvancedTCA AMC Carrier diagnostics ===================================
1 - Run quickturn diagnostics 2 - Run full diagnostics 3 - Run write diagnostics
4 - Display logs
q - restart system

2.2 Broadcom BCM Gigabit Ethernet Switch

2.2.1 BCM_PCI

PCI interface test.
Test group: Diagnostics Test case: bcm Test procedure: BCM_PCI Test host: Carrier Test IC: quickturn Test mode: normal Diagnostic code: BCM-00010001, BCM-00010005
The PCI test ensures accessibility of the BCM integrated PCI controller.
Failure impact
BCM-00010001 diagnostic code results of failure to access the BCM PCI control­ler. The impact is complete loss of Ethernet functionality.
BCM-00010005 diagnostic code results of failure loading the BCM drivers

2.2.2 BCM_DMA

DMA transfer test.
Test group: Diagnostics Test case: bcm Test procedure: BCM_DMA Test host: Carrier Test IC: quickturn Test mode: normal
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Diagnostics running on the Carrier AT8402
Diagnostic code: BCM-00010002, BCM-00010005
The test will verify read and write access to the on-chip BCM memories using DMA.
Failure impact
BCM-00010002 diagnostic code results of failure to access the BCM using DMA. The impact is complete loss of Ethernet functionality.
BCM-00010005 diagnostic code results of failure loading the BCM drivers
BCM shell test
U/A/S|Test| Test |Loop | Run |Pass |Fail | Arguments | # | Name |Count|Count|Count|Count|
S | 71| Table DMA | 1| 129| 129| 0| (none)


Register read/write test.
Test group: Diagnostics Test case: bcm Test procedure: BCM_REGRW Test host: Carrier Test IC: quickturn Test mode: normal Diagnostic code: BCM-00010003, BCM-00010005
This test will verify read and write access to the on-chip BCM registers.
Failure impact
BCM-00010003 diagnostic code results of failure to access the BCM registers. The impact is complete loss of Ethernet functionality.
BCM-00010005 diagnostic code results of failure loading the BCM drivers
BCM shell test
U/A/S|Test| Test |Loop | Run |Pass |Fail | Arguments | # | Name |Count|Count|Count|Count|
| 3| Register read/write | 1| 1| 1| 0| (none)


On-chip memory test.
Test group: Diagnostics Test case: bcm Test procedure: BCM_MEMORY Test host: Carrier Test IC: quickturn Test mode: normal Diagnostic code: BCM-00010004, BCM-00010005
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