KONICA MINOLTA QMS 4060 Getting Started Guide

QMS® 4060 Print System Getting Started
The following are trademarks or registe red tradem arks of their respective owners. Other product names mentio ned in this manua l may also be trademar ks or re gistered trademarks of their respective owners. Registered trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks may also be registered in other countries. QMS, the QMS logo, Crown, and the Crown s eal are regist ered trademarks of QMS, Inc. QUIC, CrownNet, CrownCopy, ImageServer, QFORM, and PS Executive Series are trademarks of QMS, Inc. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorp orated for a page desc rip tion languag e an d may be registe red in c ertain jurisdictions. Througho ut this manual, “PostScript Level 2” is used to refer to a set of capabilities defined by Adobe Systems for its PostScript Level 2 page description language. These capabilitie s, among oth ers, are imple mented in this produc t through a QMS-developed emulation that is com patible with Adobe's PostScript Level 2 langua ge. Adobe, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe PageMaker/Adobe Systems Incor porated. Intellifont/ Agfa Division, Miles, Inc. 3 Com, 3+Open /3Com Cor poration. Aldu s, PrePrint/Aldus Corporation. Apple, App leShare, Apple Talk, EtherTalk, LaserWriter, LaserPrep, LocalTalk, Macintosh, TrueType/Apple Computer, Inc. Banyan, VINES/Banyan. Centronics/Centronics Data Computer Co rporatio n. CompuSer ve /H & R Block. DEC, DECnet, LN03, VMS/Digita l Equipment Cor poration. P honeNET/Farallon Computing , Inc. Hewlett-Packard, HP, PCL, HP-GL, HP-UX, LaserJet/Hewlett-Packard Co. IBM PC, Token-Ring/International Business M ac hine s Corporation. Intel/Intel Corporation. Aldus FreeHand/Macromedia, Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows/Microsoft Corporation. Gothic Medium BBB and Ryum in Light KL/Mor isawa and Company, Ltd. Novell and NetWare/ Novell, Inc. QuarkXPress/Quark, Inc. TOPS/Sun Microsystems, Inc. TypeBank/ TypeBan k, Ltd. The ENER GY STAR logo/United States Environmental Protection Agency. The ENERGY STAR emblem does not represent EPA endorsement of any product or service. UNIX /UNIX Systems Laborator ies. Ethern et/Xerox Corporation.
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included with your Courageous Print System is Copyrighted © 1998 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be reproduced, modified, d isplayed, transferred, or copi ed in any for m or in any man ner or on any media, in whole or in par t, withou t the express written per miss ion of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 1998 by QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL
36618. All Rights Reser ved. This manual may not be cop ied in whole or in part, no r transferred to any other media or languag e, without the express written permission o f QMS, Inc.


1 Introduction
About the Printer .........................................................................1-2
About the Documentation ..........................................................1-3
Manuals on CD-ROMs 1-3 Standard Product Documentation 1-5 Related Documentation 1-8 About This Manual 1-8 Typographic Conventions 1-10
Printer Features .........................................................................1-11
QMS Crown Technology 1-11 Media Flexibility 1-14 PostScript Level 2 Compatibility 1-14 Multiple Resolutions 1-15 State-of-the-Art Controller 1-15 Multi-protocol Support 1-15 Advanced Paper Handlin g Option s 1-16 Advanced Document Handling Capabilities 1-16
Convenient Control Panel Operation 1-17 Four Resident Emulation s 1-17 Resident Typefaces, Fonts, and Symbol Sets 1-18 Software Loadable System 1-18 Printer Job Accounting 1-19 Energy Star Compliance 1-19 Toner Savings 1-20 QMS CrownAdmin Utility Software 1-20 Plug and Play Compatibility 1-21 Printer Options 1-21
What's Next? ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ................... 1 -25
2 Setting Up Your Printer
Introduction ................................... ...... ............. ............. ............. .. 2-2
Finding a Good Location ............................................................ 2-2
The Printer Must Be Placed... 2-2 Operating Area 2-3 Printer Measurements 2-4 Power Requirements 2-5
Checking Shipment Contents ................................................... 2-6
Registering the Printer ............................................................... 2-7
Unpacking the Printer ................................................................ 2-7
Removing the Box 2-8 Moving the Printer off of the Pallet 2-12 Removing Shipping Restraints 2-16
Getting to Know Your Printer ............................................ ...... 2-20
Installing Consumables .................... ....................................... 2-22
Check the Starter Kit 2-23 Installing the Fuser 2-24 Installing the Drum Unit 2-27 Installing the Transfer Assembly 2-32 Installing the Ozone Filter 2-35 Powering On the Printer 2-38 Removing the Plastic Developer Cover 2-41 Installing Toner 2-43 Toner Recycling 2-46
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Startedii
Installing the Developer 2-47
Loading the Paper Trays ..........................................................2-51
Printing a Start-up Page .............................................. ...... ...... .2 -5 8
Enabling/Disabling the Start-up Page 2-59
Installing Options ............................................. ...... ....................2-59
What's Next? ............................................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... .2 -5 9
3 Connecting to a PC
Introduction .................................................................................. 3-2
Connecting to a PC .....................................................................3-2
Making a Parallel Connection ....................................................3-3
What You Need for a Parallel Interface 3-3
Making the Connection ...............................................................3-4
PC Printing Software ............ ...... ............................................. ...3-5
Installing a PostScript Printer Driver 3-5 Notes on Installing Printer Description Files 3-6
Printing from the PC .............................................. ....... ...... ...... ...3-9
What's Next? ............................................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... .3 -1 0
4 Connecting to an Ethernet
Introduction .................................................................................. 4-2
What's Included in CrownNet ....................................................4-3
Alternate Media 4-3 Manuals on the CD-ROM 4-4
Setting up the CrownNet Interface .............................................4-4
Network Connection .................................................... ...... ...... ...4-4
Ethernet Network Connection 4-4
Contents iii
Software Installation .................................................................. 4-6
Configuring the CrownNet Interface ......................................... 4-7
Configuring the Network ............................................................ 4-7
Where To Go From Here ............................................................. 4-8
If You Have Trouble .................................................................... 4-8
What's Next? ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..................... 4-8
5 Connecting to a Macintosh
Introduction ................................... ...... ............. ............. ............. .. 5-2
Connecting to a Macintosh ........................................................ 5-2
Macintosh Printing Software ..................................................... 5-3
Installing Macintosh Utilities 5-3 Installing Maci ntosh Printer Drivers 5-3 Installing Laser Write r 8.x and the QMS 4060
4.x PPD 5-4
Macintosh Printer Des cription Fil es for Quark and Ado be Applicatio ns 5-5
If You Have Trouble ..................................................................... 5-6
6 Control Panel
Introduction ................................... ...... ............. ............. ............. .. 6-2
Control Panel Functions ............................................................ 6-3
Message Window ........................................................................ 6-4
Setting the Message Window Language 6-4
Control Panel Keys ..................................................................... 6-5
Online, Tray, Cancel, Status, and Copy Buttons 6-5 Menu, Select, Previous, and Next Keys 6-8
What's Next? ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..................... 6-9
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Startediv
A QMS Customer Support
Sources of Support ... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... .. A-2
Your QMS Vendor A-2 Your Application Vendor A-2 Q-FAX A-2 CompuServe A-3 Internet A-3 QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) A-3
QMS World-wide Offices ............................................................ A-5
B Configuration
Introduction ................................................................................. B-2
Menu Chart Conventions B-2 Installation Menu B-3 Operator Control Menu B-4 Administration Menu B-5
C Installing Options
Large-Capacity Input Feeder ..................................................... C-2
What's in the Kit? C-2 Installation Procedure C-2
2000-Sheet Large-Capacity Output Stacker ........................... C-10
What's in the Kit? C-10 Installation Procedure C-11
3000-Sheet Large-Capacity Output Stacker ........................... C-22
What's in the Kit? C-22 Unpacking the 3000-Sheet LCOS C-22 Hardware Contents C-25 Installation Procedure C-26 Preparing the Printer C-32 Connecting the 3000-Sh eet LCOS to the Printer C-41 Connecting Cables and Turnin g on the LCOS C-43
Contents v
Custom Tray ...............................................................................C-50
Security Key ........................... ....... ...... ....... ................................C-54
Using the 3000-Sheet Large-Capacity Output Stacker C-45 Adjusting the Paper Guides C-47
Custom Tray Installation C-50 Standard Paper Sizes C-53
What's in the Kit? C-54 Procedure C-55
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Startedvi


In This Chapter . . .
n “About the Printer” on page 1-2 n “About the Documentation” on page 1-3 n “Printer Features” on page 1-11

About the Printer

About the Printer
The QMS 4060 Print System (base model) is a powerful, but easy- to-use 40-page-per-minute monochrome laser printer offering
n The next-generation Crown operating system n High-performance processing n Innovative network features n Flexible emulations support n Toner conservation and energy efficiency n An assortment of printer fonts
The printer and some of its options (shown in the diagrams below) are briefly introduced in the “Printer Features” section of this chapter. Each option is fully described in the
QMS 4060
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-2
QMS 4060 with
Optional LCIF and LCOS

About the Documentation

About the Documentation
The documentation provides a window into the many capabilities of your printer. The more familiar you are with the documentation, the easier it’ll be for you to achieve the results you w ant from y our printer. This section gives you an idea of how we’ve organized information and which documents you’ll probably refer to the most.

Manuals on CD-ROMs

The manuals included on the
QMS Software Utilities
and mat. We’ve also provided the Acrobat Reader and QuickTime pro­grams on both CD-ROMs. The CD-ROM insert provides instructions on installing them.
QMS 4060 Print System Documentation
CD-ROMs are in Adobe Acrobat PDF for-
About Adobe Acrobat Reader
Adobe Acrobat PDF-formatted manuals give you more flexibility and convenience than do hardcopy manuals when you have to access information. Here are some of the advantages PDF-formatted manuals provide:
n You can store the PDF manuals in a central location for access by
anyone on the network.
n You can view and print the manuals on Windows, Macintosh, and
UNIX platforms.
n You can view the manuals on web browsers using the Acrobat
n You can view the manuals on-screen in different formats (side-
by-side or two-up, one page at a time, scrolling two-up, article flow, and zooming capability up to 800%).
n You can conduct full-text searches through all of the manuals. n You can watch QuickTime video clips on Windows and Macintosh
platforms that enhance the text and illustrations for a number of commonly performed procedures. (When installing the Reader, be sure to select the option to install QuickTime.)
About the Documentation
n You can print only the manual pages that you need. n The PDF-formatted manuals have been enhanced for on-screen
viewing and navigation. Throughout each manual are numerous hotlinks to cross-reference points. The table of contents and the index are fully hotlinked to their respective page references, and all World Wide Web addresses are linked to their respective home pages.
We hope you enjoy using the Acrobat software to access the informa­tion in your manuals. They’ll never become dog-eared and yellowed or collect dust on some forgotten shelf with quick on-line access. Your PDF-formatted manuals will empower you to take full advantage of all the capabilities of your printer.
Using Adobe Acrobat Reader
When you use Acrobat to view your manuals, keep the following tips in mind for using some of the navigation features built into Acrobat and your manuals.
n You may view the document in three different styles: page only,
with bookmarks, or with thumbnails. Try each to see which you like best. Viewing with bookmarks will enable you to use a quick table of contents to move around the document.
n The toolbar also gives you quick access to page navigation fea-
tures. For example, you may click a button to advance (>) or reverse (<) one page, go to the start (|<) or end (>|) of the docu­ment, or use the history button (<<) to go to the previous pages you viewed. There are other buttons in the toolbar to change view or magnification of the document.
n As you browse through the document the open hand tool will
sometimes turn into a pointing ha nd. You have discovered an embedded link in the manual. You will find these links in the table of contents, index, www addresses, and cross references. Click on the link to jump to a new location.
n You may discover a movie camera icon on Windows and
Macintosh platforms. Click the icon to play a QuickTime video clip of the procedure described in the text.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-4
About the Documentation
n Use the Acrobat Reader Online Help for a more complete expla-
nation of these features.
A Note on Media
All QMS manuals are also available in hard copy. In the US, call 1 (800) 523-2696 for purchase information. Elsewhere, refer to appendix A, “QMS Customer Support.”
In addition, many applications, utilities, and printer drivers on the
QMS Software Utilities
Contact your QMS vendor for media availability and purchase infor­mation. You can also download many of these files via ftp from our World Wide Web Server at http:/www.qms.com, our ftp resource at ftp.qms.com, or CompuServe at go qmsprint. Refer to appendix A, “QMS Customer Support,” for sales and support locations and tele­phone numbers.
CD-ROM are avail able on alter n ate med ia.

Standard Product Documentation

You received the following documentation with your product:
4060 Documentation CD-ROM
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started
QMS 4060 Print System Operation
You’re looking at this manual right now. The section called “About This Manual,” later in this chapter, tells you what’s included in this manual.
» Note:
This manual guides you through the day-to-day operation of your printer. It includes information on printing files; adding print media; selecting input and output bins; duplexing; collating; replacing print media and toner; handling, cleaning, and maintaining your printer; improving print quality; and troubleshooting printer problems.
This manual is also in Adobe Acrobat PDF format on the 4060 Documentation CD-ROM.
About the Documentation
4060 Documentation CD-ROM
4060 Documentation CD-ROM
Software Utilitie s CD-ROM
Software Utilitie s CD-ROM
QMS 4060 Print System Reference
QMS 4060 Print System Options
QMS Crown Remote Console User’s Guide
QMS CrownNet Setup Guide
Refer to this manual as you configure the printer initially and when you change configuration. The instructions guide you through the steps for setting custom values for many printer features, including printer-host communication. Also, it provides information on typefaces and fonts, job accounting, job recovery, printer memory, printer options, and other advanced printer features. The system administrator should get the most use from this manual.
This manual guides you through the operation and installatio n of all options available for your printer. It includes information optional fonts, optional interfaces, optional emulations, installing new software, large capacity input feeder, output stacker, custom trays, and the CrownCopy option.
This manual describes how to use the Remote Console software to access printer information and change printer configuration settings from anywhere on the network.
Refer to this manual for complete setup information on the CrownNet Ethernet and optional CrownNet Token-Ring interfaces.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-6
About the Documentation
Software Utilitie s CD-ROM
Software Utilitie s CD-ROM
Software Utilitie s CD-ROM
QMS CrownNet System Adminis­trator’s Guide
QMS Crown Network Notes
QMS Crown Document Option Commands
Refer to this manual when configuring the printer’s CrownNet Ethernet or optional CrownNet Token-Ring interface, using the CrownAdmin 3 software.
Refer to this manual for network tips. It discusses 3Com 3+Open, Banyan VINES, LAN Manager­based LANs, Novell NetWare, TCP/IP, UNIX, DECnet, and VMS. In most cases, only advanced network users and system administrators need this information.
» Note:
This manual is provided in encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format. Refer to the README file for information on printing a hard copy of the manual.
This manual lists and explains all Document Option Commands (DOCs), software codes you insert in documents to enable printer features that cannot be accessed by your application or page description language. The DOCs supported by your printer are listed in appendix C, “Document Option Commands,” of
manual. In most cases only advanced users or system administrators need this information.
About the Documentation

Related Documentation

Several other documents are also helpful when using your printer:
PostScript Reference Manuals
Other Reference Sources
Other manuals that contain PostScript information are the
Reference Manual
Inc., Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990 ISBN-0201-18127-4), and other PostScript Language Reference Manual supplements.
n Do n’ t forget that your application
documentation, your host operating system documentation, and your net­work documentation all contain use­ful printing information.
n Further information on QMS printers
is available through the Internet, and Q-FAX. See appendix A, “QMS Cus ­tomer Support,” for details.
PostScript Language
(Adobe Systems,

About This Manual

This manual contains detailed, illustrated instructions to guide you as you unpack and set up your printer and connect it to a host (such as an IBM or compatible PC or an Ethernet network). In addition, it intro­duces you to the printer’s control panel. This manual is divided as fol­lows. Use the following summary , the table of contents, and the index to locate the information you may need:
Setting Up
Your Printer
Presents an overview of the documentation and of the printer’s features.
Guides you in selecting a location for your printer and explains how to unpack and set up your printer.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-8
About the Documentation
Connecting to
a PC Connecting to
an Ethernet Network
Connecting to a
Macintosh Using the
Control Panel QMS Customer
Configuration Menu
Installing Options
Explains how to connect the printer to an IBM PC or compatible computer using the parallel port.
Explains how to connect the printer to a network using the built-in Ethernet (CrownNet) port, install the software, and configure both the interface and the network.
Explains how to connect the printer to an Macintosh using the optional LocalTalk interface.
Introduces the parts of the printer control panel.
Provides product sales and support telephone numbers and information on CompuServe, the Internet, and Q-FAX
Provides a menu chart that shows the Configuration menu.
Contains the complete insta ll atio n instructions for the optional large­capacity input feeder (LCIF) and both the 2000-sheet and 3000-sheet large-capacity output stackers (LCOS).
About the Documentation

Typographic Conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:
Mixed-Case Courier
Mixed-Case Italic Courier
lowercase bold PostScript operators and DOS commands
lowercase italic
UPPERCASE File and utility names Press the Enter key (PC) or Return key
^ Press and hold down the Ctrl key (PC)
» Note:
Notes contain tips, extra information, or important information
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the screen
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your printer or computer
Information displayed in the printer message window
Variable information in text
In Adobe Acrobat PDF versions of the manual, click to play a QuickTime video clip of the procedure described in the text.
that deserves emphasis or reiteration.
Cautions present information that you need to know to avoid
equipment damage, process failure, or extreme annoyance.
Warnings indicate the possibility of personal injury if a specific procedure is not performed exactly as described in the manual.
Bitte halten Sie sich exakt an die im Handbuch beschriebene Vorgenhensweise, da sonst Verletzungsgefahr bestehen könnte.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-10

Printer Features

The QMS 4060 Print System provides 40 ppm (pages-per-minute) of letter/A4 size paper at 300 dpi or 600 dpi resolution. In addition, it handles a variety of other paper weights and sizes, including 11'' x 17'' (279 x 432 mm).
This overview outlines your printer’s major features and their benefits. Specific chapters contain more information on each feature. Consult the index or table of contents for guidance in locating this information.

QMS Crown Technology

QMS Crown is a proprietary multitasking printer operating system, which allows QMS to adapt advanced printer software to the evolving printing needs of users in many different environments.
Your printer receives, compiles, processes, and prints multiple docu­ments simultaneously instead of sequentially—true multitasking. The printer has a variety of resources that it uses to print the page. Mem­ory, emulations, and the laser printer engine (the mechanical parts that actually put toner on the page) are all resources of the printer.
Printer Features
User Benefit—With multitasking, your jobs are printed more quickly, and the host is free sooner. This improves printer throughput and increases your productivity.
Emulation Sensing Processor (ESP) Technology
Most printers can recognize only their native command language. Your QMS printer, however, has ESP (Emulation Sensing Processor) technology, which works with most popular commercially available applications. Using a form of artificial intelligence, ESP technology analyzes incoming file data and selects the appropriate printer emula­tion from those installed on the printer , and processes the print job.
Printer Features
User Benefit—When your printer is in ESP mode, you can easily print PostScript, HP PCL 5e, HP-GL, or Lineprinter documents with­out changing printer switch settings or sending software commands to accommodate different printer languages.
The QMS 4060 Print System prints almost any file sent in a language ESP technology understands, whether you have one, two, or more hosts, and whether you are communicating th rough an Ethernet, Centronics or bidirectional IEEE 1284 parallel, or a second network interface. Most users never have to change from ESP mode to another mode.
Simultaneous Interface Operation (SIO)
Although many other printers have multiple interface ports and auto­matically designate a “hot port,” only one port actively receives data at a time. Your printer is unique because SIO allows all of its interface ports—Eth ernet, parallel (Centronics and bidirectional IEEE 1284), the optional serial interface, and one other optional interface (Serial, CrownNet for Ethernet and Token-Ring, DECnet-TCP/IP, or Local­Talk)—to be active at the same time. You can have more than one host computer printing to the printer. Each interface has an input buffer that receives data while another interface is being used to print.
The standard interfaces let you connect to any Ethernet network or directly to an IBM PC or compatible. The printer also works in many other minicomputer, mainframe computer, Macintosh, and network environments.
User Benefit—You can have more than one computer sending print jobs to the printer. Each interface has an input buffer (which may be expanded with additional memory or an optional hard disk) that receives data while another interface is being used to print.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-12
Printer Features
Compile-Ahead Technology
Pioneered by QMS, compile-ahead technology is the temporary stor­age of page images in a proprietary compressed data format. It makes maximum use of the memory resource. While the engine is busy printing a page, compile-ahead technology uses the available printer memory to prepare the subsequent pages of the document (or the next job). These page images are availab le as soon as the current page is printed. For example, while the QMS 4060 Print System is actually printing the third page of a five-page document, pages four, five, and the next job in the queue are already compiled into the com­pressed data format.
User Benefit—With compile-ahead technology you spend less time waiting for documents to print. This increases your productivity.
Compressed Data Formats
Crown printers convert data received by the input buffers into interme­diate, compressed blocks until the data is needed for printing. These compressed blocks of data are designed to be processed rapidly by the printer, and many more can be stored in memory at one time than can traditional bitmapped im ages.
User Benefit—This allows and increases the speed of such printer features as collation and automatic jam recovery.
Automatic Jam Recovery
Crown technology also provides automatic jam recovery. With many non-QMS printers, if a media jam occurs, you must remove the jammed media and then reprint the job. On yo ur printer, if a media jam occurs, once you clear the jam, the printer reprints the jammed page and continues with the print job. This is possible because com­pressed data formats allow more pages to be stored in memory. The printer remembers the last page printed, pulls the necessary interme­diate blocks from memory, and automatically reprints any lost pages.
User Benefit—This saves time and conserves print media.
Printer Features
Context Switching
This feature allows Crown printers to preserve the “state” of a lan­guage or emulation — including downloaded fonts, forms, logos, mac­ros, overlays, and other data —when you switch from one printer language or emulation to another. Other printers require repeated downloading of these capabilities each time they are needed, con­suming valuable input, processing, and printing time.
User Benefit—This saves time and improves performance.

Media Flexibility

The printer supports print media in 12 different media sizes (A3, A4, A5, Executive, 11”x17'', Legal, Letter, B5 (JIS), and B4 (JIS) —in both portrait and landscape orie ntat ion s from standard trays. The optional custom paper tray supports print media sizes Statement, B4 (ISO) and B5 (ISO), as well as all standard sizes supported on the standard input trays.
User Benefit—You have the option of printing on a variety of media sizes in both portrait and lan ds cape orientations.

PostScript Level 2 Compatibility

The QMS 4060 Print System provides PostScript Level 2 page description capabilities via QMS-developed emulations that are com­patible with Adobe’s Level 2 language, while providing additional capabilities. PostScript controls the appearance of text, geometric shapes, and images at the printer. It can rotate, scale, clip, and orient graphic objects on all or part of a page. The printer produces solid blacks and crisp fonts regardless of the point size.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-14
Printer Features
The PostScript Level 2 emulation supports the capabilities of the sec­ond generation of Adobe’s PostScript software. PostScript Level 2 features include device-independent color, improved memory and resource management, built-in data compression/decompression fil­ters to speed up transmission times and save disk space, optimized graphics and text operators, and patterns and forms support, includ­ing pattern and form caching.

Multiple Resolutions

Your printer supports two print resolutions: 300x300 and 600x600. User Benefit—Tw o diff erent resolutions allow you to customize the
quality of your output according to its use: 300x300 dots per inch (dpi) resolution fo r mo st everyday office needs, and 60 0x60 0 dp i resol utio n for PostScript and PCL p rint job s t h at re qu ir e fi n er de t ail, such as good camera-ready copy or for CAD drawings that demand tighter angles.

State-of-the-Art Controller

The QMS 4060 Print System delivers 40 simplex letter/A4 size ppm at 300 x 300 or 600x600 dpi resolution using the new NEC 4300 pro­cessor operating at a 100 MHz.

Multi-protocol Support

In addition to the Centronics and IEEE 1284 parallel interface, your printer provides a standard CrownNet for Ethernet interface that allows you to connect to EtherTalk, LAN Manager/LAN Server, Net­Ware, and TCP/IP networks. The following optional interfaces are available:
n A LocalTalk interface to connect to a single Macintosh or a Local-
Talk network
n A CrownNet Ethernet interface n A CrownNet Token-Ring interface n A DECnet-TCP/IP Ethernet interface n A serial interface
Printer Features
Check with your QMS vendor for current availability of optional inter­faces. See appendix A, “QMS Customer Support,” for locations and telephone numbers.
You can connect a computer directly to the printer’s parallel interface or use the Ethernet interface to connect to a wide variety of micro­computers, workstations, minicomputers, and mainframe computers on four different networks.
User-Benefit—This support increases printer flexibility and allows for cost and resource sharing across multiple environments.

Advanced Paper Handling Options

Your printer comes standard with three input trays. The optional large capacity input feeder increases the media capacity to 4,500 sheets.
Upper Tray Holds approximately 500 sheets of Letter/A4 to
11''x17''/A3 paper.
Middle Tray Holds approximately 500 sheets of Letter/A4 to
11''x17''/A3 paper.
Lower Tray Holds approximately 500 sheets of Letter/A4 to
11''x17''/A3 paper.
Optional Custom Paper Tray
Optional Large Capacity Paper Feeder (LCIF)
Holds approximately 500 sheets of Letter/A4 to 11''x17''/A3 paper and Statement, B4 (ISO), B5 (ISO).
Holds approximately 2000 sheets of Letter or A4 paper.

Advanced Document Handling Capabilities

Your printer offers automatic collation of a complete document, high­volume duplexing, printer-based page layout (n-up and booklet print­ing), “sessions,” and background printing. “Sessions” allows multiple documents, including documents from different emulations to be com­bined in one large document.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-16
Printer Features
User Benefit—Advanced document handling, such as automatic col­lation for complete document processing increases workflow and reduces user intervention; n-up and background printing offer flexible page formatting to allow for short in-house production runs.

Convenient Control Panel Operation

The user-friendly control panel allows you to configure your printer. The printer uses the control panel to communicate with you by provid­ing messages about its status, including any conditions that require your attention. These messages can be displayed in a user-select­able language (English, French, German, or Spanish). See chapter 6, “Control Panel,” in this manual for complete information on using the control panel.

Four Resident Emulations

Your printer supports printing in HP PCL 5e, HP-GL, Lineprinter, and PostScript emulations.
User Benefit—Most applications can print directly to the printer.
HP PCL 5e Emulation
The printer emulates the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 5Si with the same fonts and symbol sets. This printer is emulated at 300x300 dpi (bit­map and scalable fonts) and 600x600 dpi (scalable fonts only).
HP-GL Emulation
The printer provides HP-GL plotter emulation (7475A, 7550A, and Draftmaster) at 300x300 and 600x600.
Lineprinter Emulation
The Lineprinter emulation prints simple, unformatted text files at 300x300 and 600x600 dpi. Character sets supported are ASCII, EBCDIC, PC US ASCII, and PC Multilingual.
Printer Features

Resident Typefaces, Fonts, and Symbol Sets

Your printer comes with 42 PostScript typefaces from 12 typeface families (1 OCR-B font is also included for use with the QMS ImageServer and CGM options). All resident PostScript type­face families have multilingual character sets.
The fonts in all of these typeface families can be scaled from 4 points upward, rotated to any angle in 1° increments, pattern filled, half­toned, shaded, shadowed, and cropped, depending on your applica­tion software.
Your printer has 16 resident PCL 5e type face families in 25 symbol sets each: 51 resident scalable PCL 5e fonts (including Intellifonts), many in up to 32 symbol sets: and 40 HP-GL fonts.
See chapter 3, “Professional Printing,” in the plete list of the resident fonts.
for a com-

Software Loadable System

Your printer has a software loadable system, which all ows you to replace or upgrade its system software from a Macintosh or a PC, or over an Ethernet or Token-Ring network. Furth er enhancem ent s to the system software can be easily installed as they become available from QMS.
» Note:
The software loadable system mentioned in this section does
not modify the code used by the QMS CrownNet interface card.
User Benefit—This protects your capital equipment investment.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-18
Printer Features

Printer Job Accounting

Your QMS printer provides job accounting, which can be used to extract information such as paper utilization per user, time consumed servicing print jobs per user, usage of different emulations, connectiv­ity options, frequency of jams, times of peak use, features and options most commonly used (such as duplexing or finishing options), and number, complexity, and size of jobs per user. The QMS 4060 printer controller contains a “real time clock” which automatically stamps the time and date on your accounting information.
The accounting feature provides the information you need to assess printer use. The accounting is performed by the printer rather than a host, and the extracted information can be uploaded to any host by copying via the FTP get command (if your host supports this com­mand).
This information is useful for billing, report generation, and site resource planning. For further information see the “Accounting” sec­tion in chapter 4, “Printer Configuration,” in the
User Benefit—You have access to billing and printer management information for cost sharing and resource allocation.

Energy Star Compliance

The QMS 4060 Print System (base model) is compliant with US Environmen­tal Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star regulations. After a specified length of inactivity, the printer changes to a low­power state (the engine remains on, but the fuser turns off). When a print job is received, the printer returns to normal power within 90 seconds.
User Benefit—The EPA Energy Star Computers program promotes the use of energy-efficient personal computers, monitors, and printers and the reduction of air pollution caused by power generation.
Printer Features

Toner Savings

The Conserve Toner option allows you to increase the life of the printer’s toner. You can set Conserve Toner on a per-job basis or for all print jobs. In addition the printer can actually recycle the waste toner through the machine again for increased toner life.
User Benefit—A choice of printing modes allows you to lower print­ing costs by reducing the amount of toner on the printed page when printing draft copies of documents and increase the life of your toner and cost of consumables.

QMS CrownAdmin Utility Software

Provided in CrownAdmin for Macintosh, Windows, SunOS, Solaris, HP-UX, and AIX formats, the QMS CrownAdmin utility software is a point-and-click tool that allows you to easily configure QMS printers and perform network operations on printers connected to Ethernet or T ok en-Ring networks. Refer to the CrownNet manuals included on the Software Utility CD-ROM for more information on this feature. Some of the things that you can do through CrownAdmin include the follow­ing:
n Configure NetWare, EtherTalk, NetBEUI/NetBIOS, and TCP/IP
parameters on the printer’s CrownNet interface.
n Use SNMP (where available) for retrieving and setting up printer
n Define groups of printers with common characteristics so you can
easily make global configuration changes.
n Perform PCONSOLE functions in NetWare environments. n Download printer system software or fonts. n Control PostScript files through PostScript Utilities software. n Format and print files (ASCII and other files). n Check printer status. n Use Remote Console. n Create and edit group configuration templates.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-20
Printer Features

Plug and Play Compatibility

Plug and play is the name of a technology that lets PC hardware and attached devices work together automat icall y. This technology is implemented in your QMS 4060 Print System when using a Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT operating system. You simply connect your printer to your PC (“plug it in”) and begin working (“begin playing”). Plug and play automatically selects the correct printer driver for you.
User Benefit—Plug and play reduces the time wasted on technical problems and increases your productivity.

Printer Options

The QMS 4060 Print System offers many options to expand its capa­bilities. Contact your QMS vendor for purchase information. See appendix A, “QMS Customer Support,” for locations and telephone numbers.
BuzzBox Lite
BuzzBox Lite is an optional printer accessory that warns you with a buzzer and/or a blinking light any time the printer goes off line. This means you’re alerted to print job interruptions such as empty paper trays.
The CrownCopy option doubles the functionality of the QMS 4060 Print System, allowing it to be a monochrome copier as well as a printer.
Optional emulations, such as LN03 Plus, QUIC II, CGM, and XES/ UDK are contained on floppy disks and must be downloaded to the printer hard disk.
User Benefit—Extra emulations allow you to print documents cre­ated in printer languages other than those resident on the printer.
Printer Features
Optional fonts are available in several different formats. n Special PostScript and PCL downloadable fonts may be available
from your QMS vendor. See append ix A, “QMS Customer Sup­port,” for locations and telephone numbers.
n Kanji fonts Ryumin Light-KL and Gothic BBB Medium licensed to
QMS by Morisawa and Company, Ltd. and the fonts Mincho Medium, Mincho Heavy, Gothic Bold, and Gothic Heavy licensed to QMS by TypeBank are supported on the internal hard disk.
n Kanji fonts Ryumin Light-KL and Gothic BBB Medium licensed to
QMS by Morisawa and Company, Ltd. are available on a SIMM. These fonts are available with the Kanji SIMM Option Kit and they can be printed at a variety of point sizes and in different styles and resolutions.
User Benefit—Optional fonts increase the printer’s functionality and allow you to create more distinctive documents
Hard Disk Expandability
The QMS 4060 Print System includes an internal IDE hard disk and is expandable by connecting up to three external SCSI hard disks. Hard disks provide virtual memory capabilities as well as storage for downloaded character bitmaps, job spooling, outline fonts, forms, and other files.
» Note:
See FAQ 7181 for a list of approved hard disks, their manufac­turers and part numbers, and the QMS products on which they can be used. You can access QMS FAQs through the Internet at http://www.qms.com/support/supportbase/ or through Q-FAX. (See appendix A, “QMS Customer Support,” to find out how to access Q-F AX documents). FAQ numbers are subject to change, so you ma y want to obtain a directory of Q-FAX documents before requesting a specific document.
User Benefit—An internal hard disk decreases printing time and reduces costs of critical on-demand forms applications.
QMS 4060 Print System Getting Started1-22
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