QMS® 2060 WX Print System User's Guide
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Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included with your Q MS 2060 WX Print System is Copyrighted © 1997 by QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be reproduced, modified , displayed, transferred, or copied in any form or i n any manner o r on any media, in whole or in par t, without the express written per miss ion of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighte d © 1997 by QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL
36618. All Rights Reser ved. This manual m ay not be copied in whole or in par t, nor transferred to any other media or language, without the expr ess written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.
Manual Notice
QMS, Inc. reserves the right to m ake changes to this manual and to the eq uipment described herein w ithout notice. Considerable effor t has been mad e to ensure tha t this manual is free of inaccuracies and omissions. However, QMS, Inc. makes no warranty
of any kind including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular pur pose w ith regard to t his ma nual. QMS, Inc. assumes
no responsibility for, or liability for, errors contained in this manual or for incidental, special, or conseque ntial damages ar ising out of the fur nishing of this manual, or the use of this manual in operating the equipm ent, or in con nection with the performanc e of the equipment when so ope rated.


1 Introduction

About the Documentation .................................................1-2
About This Manual .............................................................1-2
Typographic Conventions 1-4
2 Working with the Printer
Introduction ........................................................................ 2-2
Configuring the Windows 95 Prin ter Driver ....................2-2
Setting the Printer Driver Defaults 2-2 Configuring the Printer Driver for the Current
Print Job 2-3
Configuring Paper Options 2-4 Configuring More Paper Options 2-8 Configuring Graphics Options 2- 10
Configuring the Windows NT 3.51 Printer Driver ..........2-12
Setting Printe r Properties 2-12 Setting Printe r Setup Options 2-14 Setting Job Defaults (Document Properties) 2-22 Setting Job Defaults (Advanced Document
Properties) 2-25
Setting Job Defaults (Halftone Color Adjustment
Properties) 2-28
Configuring the Windows NT 4.0 Printer Driver ............2-34
Methods of Configuration 2-34 Configuring Device Settings 2-36 Configuring Page Setup Options 2-44 Configuring Advanced Options 2-48 Configuring Halftone Adjustments 2-54
Printer Sharing .................................................................2-58
Windows 95 2-58 Windows NT 3.51 2-60 Windows NT 4.0 2-61 Sharing Someone Else's Printer 2-63 Using a Network Print Monitor 2-64
About the QMS Network Print Monitor ..........................2-64
Components 2-65 Using the Network Print Monitor 2-66

3 Printing

Introduction ........................................................................ 3-2
Refilling the Media Cassette .............................................3-2
Preparing the Paper 3-2
QMS 2060 WX Pr int System Users Guideiv
Loading the Paper 3-3
Printing on Different Types of Media .............................3-12
Transparen cies 3-12 Labels 3-13 Letterhead and Other Preprinted Media 3-14 Envelope s 3 -15 Postcards and Thick Stock 3-17 Odd-size Pa per 3-18
More About Print Media ...................................................3 -19
Print Media Sizes and Imageable Areas 3-20 Print Media Types, Weights, and Recommended
Bran ds 3- 21
Print Media Storage 3-21
Optimizing Printing ..........................................................3-22
Short-edg e and Long-edge F eed 3-22
Special Notes on Orientation .......................................... 3 -23
Portrait-Oriented and Landscape-Oriented
Printer Output 3-23
Using Applications with a Rotate Page Feature
Printing PowerPoint 7.0 Files in Windows NT 4.0
Printing Word 7.0 Files in Windows NT 4.0 3-26
Special Notes on Duplexing ............................................3-29
Short-Edg e and Long-Edge F lipping 3-29 Printing Multiple, Duplexed, Collated Copies
(Wind ow s 95 ) 3-3 0
Preventing Media Jams ...................................................3-31
Cancelling a Print Job .....................................................3-32
vQMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U s e rs Guide

4 Control Panel

Introduction ........................................................................ 4-2
About the Control Panel ....................................................4-3
The Message Window 4-3 The Control Panel Indicators 4-4 The Function Keys 4-5
Printer Configuration .........................................................4-6
The Configuration Menu 4-7 Accessing the Configuration Menu 4-8 Selecting Configuration Menu Options 4-8 Setting the Message Window Language 4-9 Setting Energy Conservation 4-10 Setting the Internet Address 4-10 Setting the Subnet Mask 4-11 Setting the Router Address 4-12 Setting the Ethernet Hardware Address 4-13 Using the Service Menu 4-13 Using the Board Test Menu 4-13

5 Printer Options

Introduction ........................................................................ 5-2
Duplexer ..............................................................................5-3
Memory Requirements 5-3 Installing the Duplexer 5-3 Removing the Duplexe r 5-7
Additional Media Cassettes ........................ ......................5-8
Optional Feeder ..................................................................5-9
Unpacking the Optional Feeder 5- 9 Installing the Optional Feeder 5-10
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System Users Guidevi
Single In-Line Memory Modules (SIMMs) ......................5-12
How the PC and Printer Use Memory 5-12 Installing a SIMM 5-13
Updating System So ftware .............................................5 -19
Updating the Printer Drivers ...........................................5-20
Windows 95 Pr inter Driver 5-20 Windows NT 3.51 Printer Driver 5-22 Windows NT 4.0 Printer Driver 5-24

6 Maintenance

Introduction ........................................................................ 6-2
Handling the Printer ...........................................................6-2
About Toner Cartridges .....................................................6-4
Toner Cartridge Life 6-4 Ordering Toner Cartridges 6-4 Handling Toner Cartridges 6-5 Storing Toner Cartridges 6-5 Replacing a Toner C artridge 6-6
Cleaning the Printer .........................................................6-10
Cleaning Guidelines 6-10 Cleaning the Outside of the Printer 6-10 Cleaning the Inside of the Printer 6-12
Using the Maintenance Kit ..............................................6-14

7 Repacking the Printer

Introduction ........................................................................ 7-2
Remove Cables and Cassette(s) .......... ............................7-2
Remove the Toner Cartridge .............................................7-3
viiQMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U s e rs Guide
Repack the Printer .............................................................7-4

8 Troubleshooting

Introduction ........................................................................ 8-2
Printer Status Messa ges ...................................................8-2
Print Monitor Status Messages ........................................8-8
Spooler Status Information 8-8 Monitor Status Information 8-10 Printer Status Information 8-11
Troubleshooting Quick Check ........................................8-12
Performin g a Board Test .................................................8-13
Accessing Page Count ................................ ....................8-14
Media Jams .......................................................................8-15
Locating Print Media Jams 8-15 Clearing a Media Jam Inside the Printer 8-16 Clearing Cassette Area Jams 8-18 Clearing Multipurpose Tray Area Jams 8-20 Clearing a Duplexer Media Jam 8-23
Control Panel Problems ..................................................8-24
Data Indicator Continues to Blink 8-24 Jam Message Stays On 8-24 Printing Message Stays On 8-25 Paper Mismatch Message Stays On 8-25
Output Probl ems ......... .....................................................8-25
Only Partial Pages Print 8-26 Blank Pages 8-26 Not All Pages Print 8-27 Files Fail to Print 8-27 Fonts Don't Print C orrectly 8-29
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System Users Guideviii
Frequent Media Jams 8-30 Duplexing Problems 8-30
Print Quality Problems ....................................................8-32
General 8-32 Specific 8-33
Uninstalling the QMS Network Print Monitor for
Windows 95 .............................................. ..................8-40
Placing a Service Call ......................................................8-41

A QMS Customer Support

Sources of Support ........................................................... A-2
Your QMS Vendor A-2 Your Application Vendor A-2 Q-FAX A-2 The QMS Corporate Bulletin Board System A-3 CompuServe A-3 Internet A-3 QMS Customer Resp onse Center (CRC) A-4
QMS World-wide Offices .................................................. A-5

B Technical Specifications

Print Engine Specifications ............................................. B-2
Controller Specif ic ations ................................................. B-3
Environmental Requireme nts .... ........... .......................... .B-3
Print Media .........................................................................B-4
Print Media Selection B-5 Print Media Sizes B-5
ixQMS 206 0 WX Print System Users Guide
Cable Pinouts .................................................................... B-6
Centronics/IEEE 1284 Parallel B-6 Ethernet B-8
Printer Optio ns .................................................................. B-8
Consumables .................................................................... B-9
Regulatory ....................................................................... B-10
FCC Compliance Statement B-10 Canadian Users Notice B-11 Laser Safety B-12 Power Cord B-12
Warranty Considerations ...............................................B-12
Consumables and Your Warranty B-12 Electrostatic Discharge and Your Warranty B-13

C TCP/IP Concepts

Introduction ....................................................................... C-2
Terminology ...................................................................... C-2
Subnetting ......................................................................... C-4
Internet Routi ng ........................................... ..................... C-5


Subnet Masks C-4
Class A, B, and C Internet Addresses C-5
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System Users Guidex


In This Chapter . . .
“About the Documentat ion ” on page 1-2
“About This Manual” on page 1-2
“Typographic Conventions” on page 1-4
About the Documentation

About the Documentation

You received the following document atio n with your QMS 2060 WX Print System:
QMS 2060 WX Print System Getting Started
QMS 2060 WX Print System User’s Guide
This manual contains d etai led, illustrated instr u ction s to guide you as you unpack and set up your printer, connect it to a PC via the parallel or Etherne t interface, and install th e Windows 95 or Windows NT printer drivers.
You’re looking at this document right now. The following section, “About this Manual,” later in this chapt er, tells you what’s included in this manual.

About This Manual

This manual guides you through the day-to-day operation of your printer and provides troubleshooting informat ion . It is organized as follows:
Working with the
Printer Drivers
Presents an overview of this manual.
Explains how to configure the printer drivers, share the printer, and use the QMS Network Prin t Monitor.
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System Users Guide1-2
Describes how to refill the media cassette, print on different types of media, prevent media jams, and cancel a print job.
About This Manual
Control Panel
Printer Options
Repacking the
Printer Troubleshooting
QMS Customer
Introduces the parts of the control panel and discusses how to use the keys and the configuration menu.
Explains how to remove and replace the printer controller board, how to install available options, and how to update system software and printer drivers.
Describes how to handle and clean your printer as well as how to replace a toner cartridge.
Provides printer repacking instructions.
Interprets printer and QMS Network Print Monitor status me ssage s, explains how to remove a media jam, discusses various output problems, and describes how to install the printer driver manually.
Provides product sales and support telephone numbers and describes how to communicate with QMS through the QMS Bul let in Bo ard, CompuSer ve, Internet, and Q-FAX
TCPIP Concepts
Provides print engine, controller, environmental, print media, consumable, and cabling specifications.
Defines TCP/IP ter minolo gy and then discusses subnetting and Internet ro uting.
About This Manual

Typographic Conventions

The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:
Mixed-Case Courier
Mixed-Case Italic Courier
lowercase bold PostScript operators and DOS commands
lowercase italic
UPPERCASE File and utility na mes Press the Ent er key (PC) or Retur n key
^ Press and hold down the Ctrl key (PC)
» Note:
Notes contain tip s, extra information, or impo rtant infor m ati on
that deserves emphasis or reiteration.
Cautions present information that you need to know to a void
equipment damage, process failure, or extreme annoyance.
specific procedure is not performed exactly as des cribed in the manual.
Warnings indicate the possibility of personal injury if a
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the screen
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your printer or computer
Information displayed in the printer message window
Variable information in text
beschriebene Vorgehensweise, da sonst Verletzungsgefahr bestehen könnte.
Bitte halten Sie sich exakt an die im Handbuch
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System Users Guide1-4

Working with the Printer Drivers

In This Chapter . . .
Configuring the Windows 95 printer dri ver on page 2-2
Configuring the Windows NT 3.51 print er driver on page 2-12
Configuring the Windows NT 4.0 printe r drivers on page 2-34
Sharing a printer on page 2-58
Using the QMS Network Print Monitor on page 2-64


This chapter explains how to configure the QMS 2060 WX printer drivers, share the printer, and use the QMS Network Prin t Monit or.

Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver

This section e xpla ins ho w to c onfigu re the QMS 2060 WX Print System Windows 95 printer driver. Windows on-line help is also available while you’re configuring the printer driver. Just choose any Help button.
» Note:
If you’re using Windows NT, refer to either “Configu ring the Windows NT 3.51 Printer Driver” on page 2-12 or “Configuring the Windows NT 4.0 Printer Driver” on page 2-34.

Setting the Printer Driver Defaults

» Note:
Changes you make here apply to all documents. However, most changes you make through your application override these settings (see “Special Notes on Or ient ation” in chapter 3, “Printi ng”).
1 Open the printer driver.
a From the Windows 95 Start menu choose Settings. b Choose Printers.
2 In the Printers window, select the QMS 2060 3 From the File m enu choose Properti es.
The following tabs appear :
General—Allows you to name the printer, use a separator page, and print a tes t p age. See y our Win dows documentatio n.
Details—Allows you to set interface connection details. See your Windows documentation.
WX printer driver .
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U ser's Guide2-2
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver
Sharing (optional)—Allows you to set up the printer so others on the network can use it. See your Windows documentation.
Paper—Allows you to provide information about the type and location of the media you want to print on. See “Configuring Paper Options” on page 2-4.
Graphics—A llows you to provide information how the text and images in your job will be printed . See “Co nfi guri ng Graphics Options” on page 2-10.
4 Make your selections, and then choose OK to save your
changes and return to the Printers window.
5 Close the Printe rs window.

Configuring the Printer Driver for the Current Print Job

» Note:
» Note:
Any changes you make here apply only to the current document. These changes override most default settings you made through the Printers window (see “Special Not es on Orie ntat ion ” in chapter 3, “Printing”).
1 From the applicati on’s File menu choo se Prin t (or, in some
cases, Print Setup or Page Setup).
2 In the Print, Print Setup, or Page Setup dialog box, select the
QMS 2060 WX printer driver.
3 Choose the Properti es but ton.
Two tabs appear:
Paper—Allows you to provide information about the type and location of the media you want to print on. See “Configuring Paper Options” on page 2-4.
Graphics—Allows you to provide information on how the text and images in your job will be printed . See “Co nfi guri ng Graphics Options” on page 2-10.
General, Details, and Sharing tabs are not available. See
“Setting the P rinter Driver Defaults” on page 2-2 for information.
Working with the Printer Driver s
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver
4 Make your selections, and then choose the OK button to
return to the Print, Print Setup, or Page Setup dialog box.
5 Either print the fil e or close the dial og box.

Configuring Paper Options

The Paper tab allows you to provide information about the type and location of the media you want to print on.
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U ser's Guide2-4
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver
Paper Size
into the printer short-edge first. If you’re using LEF media, choose the page orientati on in your application (in th e Page Setup or similar dialog box) before you choose the media size. This ensures proper printed output (and the proper icon in appl icati ons such as Microsoft Word that display media icons in the Page Setup dialog box). Choosing the page size first will yield unexpected results.
Purpose Sets the media size. Choices Size Inches Millimeters
Default Letter Notes More media sizes may be listed in the Microsoft printer driver
: LEF refers to “long-edge feed.” All other page sizes are fed
A3 11.69 x 16.53 297.0 x 420.0 A4 8.27 x 11.69 210.0 x 297.0 A4 LEF 11.69 x 8.27 297.0 x 210.0 A5 5.85 x 8.27 148.5 x 210.0 B4 (JIS) 10.12 x 14.33 257.0 x 364.0 B5 (JIS) 7.17 x 10.12 182.0 x 257.0 Envelope #10 4.125 x 9.50 104.8 x 241.3 Envelope C5 6.38 x 9.02 162.0 x 229.0 Envelope DL 4.33 x 8.66 110.0 x 220.0 Executive 7.25 x 10.50 185.0 x 267.0 Legal 8.50 x 14.00 215.9 x 355.6 Letter 8.50 x 11.00 215.9 x 279.4 Letter LEF 11.0 x 8.50 279.4 x 215.9 Monarch 3.875 x 7.50 98.4 x 190.5 Postcard 3.94 x 5.83 100.0 x 148.0 Statement 5.50 x 8.50 139.7 x 215.9 Tabloid (11x17) 11.00 x 17.00 279.4 x 431.8 Universal 13.00 x 19.00 330.2 x 482.6
than are actually supported by the printer. Refer to the table above to ensure that you chose a printer-supported media size.
If a media size other than that chosen in the driver is installed in the cassette, an error message displays, but the job still prints on the currently installed media size.
Working with the Printer Driver s
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver
choose the page orientat ion in your application (in the Page Setup or similar dialog box) before you choose the media si ze. This ensures proper printed output (and the proper icon in applications such as Microsoft Word that display media icons in the Page Setup dialog box). Choosing the page size first will yield unexpected results.
Purpose Sets the orientation (printing direction) of the print media. Choices Portrait—Printing along the short edge of the page
Default Portrait Notes Portrait Letter/A4 LEF is the same as landscape Letter/A4, and
Paper Source
If you’re using LEF media (see “Paper Size” on page 2-5),
Landscape—Printing along the long edge of the page
Landsc ape Letter/A4 LEF is the same as portrait Letter/ A4.
Purpose Sets the input source (cassette/tray) from which print media is
pulled into the printer
Default Upper Tray
Printer Default—The tray
or casse tte chosen through the Tray Select Key on the printer control panel
Manual Feed—The multi­purpose tray
Upper T ray—The standard media cassette
Lower Tray—The optional lower media cassette
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U ser's Guide2-6
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver
Purpose Sets the type of media to be printed Choices Standard—Nor mal weight paper, envelopes, and labels Default Standard
Purpose Sets the number of copies to be printed. Choices 1-999 Default 1
Notes This scroll box is available
driver defaults. If you’re configuring the printer for the current print job, set the number of copies in the Print dialog box.
when you’re setting the printer
About... Button
The About... button displays the version number of the printe r dri ver.
Restore D efaults Button
The Restore Defaults button allows you to reset all of the selections on the Paper tab to their default settings.
Apply and OK Buttons
The Apply button allows you to save your changes and continue work­ing in the Properties window, while the OK button allows you to save your changes and exit from the Properties window.
Cancel Button
The Cancel button allows you to cancel your changes and exit from the Properties window.
Working with the Printer Driver s
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver

Configuring More Paper Options

Use the More Option s... button on th e Paper tab to display the Paper—More Options window.
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U ser's Guide2-8
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver
Printing on Both Sides
» Note:
You must have an optional duplexer installed to print duplex.
Purpose Select between simplex (single-sided) and duplex (double-
sided) printing.
Choices None—Simplex printing
Flip on Long Edge—Duple x printing; choose this option when
you’re feeding media by the long edge
Flip on Short Edge—Duplex printing; choose th is option when
you’r e fe ed ing media by t he short e dge
Default None Notes See “Special Notes on Duplexing” in chapter 3, “Printing.”
(Duplex Printing)
Restore D efaults Button
The Restore Defaults button allows you to reset all of the selections on the Paper tab to their default settings.
OK Button
The OK button allows you to save your changes and exit from the Paper—More Options window.
Cancel Button
The Cancel button allows you to cancel your changes and exit from the Properties window.
Working with the Printer Driver s
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver

Configuring Graphics Options

The Graphics tab allows you to provide information on how the text and images in your job will be printed. Each option and button is explained in detail in this section.
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U ser's Guide2-10
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver
Resolution is the measurement of the dots per inch (dpi) at which your documents are printed. Your printer is capable of printing at 600 dpi.
Purpose Sets the printing resolution. Choices 6 00 dots per inch—For printing documents at 600x 600 dpi Default 600 dots per inch
Dithering, a technique for placing dots, allows the printe r to create halftones, in which areas of print
ues and densities and thus simulate a full range of grays.
Purpose Sets the dither pattern. Choices None—No dithering
Fine—For printing at resolutions less than 200 dpi (not
recommended for this printer)
Coarse—For printing text and most graphics at 600 dpi Error Diffusion—For printing photographs or pictures that
don’t have sharp, well-defined edges at 600 dpi
Line Art—For printing monochrome graphics with clearly
defined lines
Default Coarse
to contain many dif ferent val-
Intensity speci fies how light or dar k to p rint the g raphics in your docu­ment.
Purpose Sets the degree of lightness/darkness at which graphics are
Range Default 100
Working with the Printer Driver s
0 (darkest)–200 (lightest)
Configuring the Windows NT
3.51 Printe r Driver
Restore Defaults Button
The Restore Defaults button allows you to reset all of the selections on the Paper tab to their default settings.
Apply and OK Buttons
The Apply button allows you to save your changes and continue work­ing in the Properties window, while the OK button allows you to save your changes and exit from the Properties window.
Cancel Button
The Cancel button allows you to cancel your changes and exit from the Properties window.
Configuring the Windows NT
3.51 Printer Driver
This section explains how to configure the QMS 2060 WX Print System Windows NT 3.51 printer driver, and it describes all of the available options. Windows on-line help is also available while you’re configuring the print er driver. Just choose the Help button in the appropriate dialog box.
» Note:
If you’re using Windows 95, refer to “Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver” on page 2-2 for complete configuration information. If you’ re using Windows NT 4.0, refer to “Configuring the Windows NT
4.0 Printer Dr iver” on page 2-34 for complete confi guration informat ion.

Setting Printer Properties

Usually, you set printer properties when you create the printer (see
QMS 2060 WX Setup Gui de
the change them later by using the following instructions:
1 Open Print Manag er.
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U ser's Guide2-12
for informat ion). However, you can
2 Select the printer’s icon or window. 3 From the Printer menu choose Prop er ties .
A Printer Proper ties window displays.
Configuring the Windows NT
3.51 Printe r Driver
4 Make your changes.
Printer proper ties include the following:
Identifying inform atio n— Print er Name, Driver, Description, and Print to (port)
See your Windows NT documentation for more information.
Sharing informati on —S hare th is printer on the net wo rk, Share Name, and Location
See “Windows NT 3.51” on page 2-60 for more information.
Printer setup options—Forms and Half ton e Choose the Setup... button to access these options. See
“Setting Printer Se tup Op tio ns ” on page 2-14 for more infor­mation.
Working with the Printer Driver s
Configuring the Windows NT
3.51 Printe r Driver
Printer details—Availability From/To, Separator File, Pr int to Additional Ports, Delete Port, Priority, Print Processor, Default Datatype, Prin t Directly to Ports, Hold Misma tched Jobs, Delete Jobs After P rint ing , Job Print s Wh ile S poolin g, Prin t Spooled Jobs First, and Job Defaults
Choose the Details... button to access t hese options. See your Windows NT documentation for more information on all of these except Job Defaults. For more information on Job Defaults see “Setting Job Defaults (Document Properties)” on page 2-22, “Setting Job Defaults (Advanced Document Prop­erties)” on page 2-25, and “Setting Job Defaults (Halftone Color Adjustment Proper t ies)” on page 2-28.
QMS port configuration—Timer s, Events to Log, and Au di ble Ale rt
Choose the Settings... button to access these options for the QMS Network Print Monitor. See the on-line help (choose the Help button in the Configure QMS Port dialog box) or the
QMS Network Print Mon itor for Windows NT Administrat or’s
for more information.
5 Make your changes. 6 Choose OK.

Setting Printer Setup Options

» Note:
Changes you make here apply to all documents. However, most changes you make through your application override these settings (see “Special Notes on Orient ati on” in chapter 3, “Printing”).
Use the following procedure to access these options:
1 Open Print Manag er. 2 Select the printer’s icon or window. 3 From the Printer menu choose Prop er ties .
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U ser's Guide2-14
Configuring the Windows NT
3.51 Printe r Driver
4 In the Printer Properties di alo g box choose the Setup. ..
Working with the Printer Driver s
Configuring the Windows NT
3.51 Printe r Driver
The Forms box in the Printer Setup dialog box allows you to match a specific input source to a specific media size.
Purpose Allows you to select a specific input source. Choices
Default No default Notes Select an input source from the drop-down list box, and then
Printer Default—The tray or
cassette chosen through the T ra y Select Key on the printer control panel
Manual Paper Feed—The multipurpose tray
Upper Paper Tray—The standard media cassette
Lower Paper T ray—Th e optional lower media cassette
select a media name (size) in the Name drop-down list box. Not all media sizes are supported by all input sources. See
“More About Print Media” in chapter 3, “Printing,” for more information.
QMS 20 6 0 WX Print System U ser's Guide2-16
+ 228 hidden pages