KONICA MINOLTA QMS 1060E Getting Started Guide


QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started

The following are tradema rks or registered trademarks of their respective ow ners. Other product names m entioned in this m anual may a lso be trade marks or reg istered trademarks of their resp ective owners. Re gistered trademar ks are register ed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks ma y also be re gistered in other countries. QMS and the QMS logo are r egistered tradema rks of QMS, Inc., and Crown, the Crown seal, QUIC, Cr ownNet, and PS Executive Series are trademark s of QMS, Inc. PostScript is a trademar k of Adobe Sys tems Incorpor ated for a page description language a nd may be regis tered in certain jurisdic tions. Throug hout this manual, “PostScript Lev el 2” is used to refer to a set of c apabiliti es defined by Ado be Systems for its PostSc ript Level 2 page description language. Thes e capabilities, among others, are implem ented in this produc t through a QMS- developed emulation that is compatible with Adobe's PostScript Level 2 language. Adobe, Adobe PhotoShop , Adobe PageMaker/Ad obe Systems Incorporated . Intellifont/Agfa Division, Mile s, Inc. 3 Com, 3+Open/3Com Corp oration. Aldus, PrePrint/Aldus Corporation. A pple, AppleShare, AppleTalk, EtherTalk, LaserWriter, LaserPrep, LocalTalk, M acintosh, TrueType/Apple C omputer, Inc. Banyan, VINES/Bany an. Centronics /Centronics Data Computer Corporation . CompuServe /H & R Block. DEC, DE Cnet, LN03, VMS/D igital Equipment Corporation. Phon eNET/Fara llon Comput ing, Inc. Hewlett-Packa rd, HP, PCL, HP-GL, LaserJet/Hewlett-Packard Co. IBM PC, Token-Ring/International Business Machines Corporation. Intel/Intel Corpor ation. Aldus FreeHand/Ma cromedia, Microso ft, MS-DOS, Windows/Microsoft Corporation. Gothic Medium BBB and Ryumin Lgiht KL/ Morisawa and Company, Ltd. Novell and NetWare/Novell, Inc. QuarkXPress/Quar k, Inc. TOPS/Sun Microsystems, Inc. TypeBank/TypeBank, Ltd. The EN ERGY STAR logo/ United States Environmen tal Protection Agen cy. The ENERGY STAR emblem does not represent EPA endorsement of any product or se rvice. UN IX/UNIX System s Laboratories. Ethernet/Xer ox Corporation .
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included w ith your QMS 106 0E Print System is Copyrighted © 1995 by QM S, Inc. All Rights R eserved. This software may not be reproduced, modified, d isplay ed, tr ans ferred, or cop ied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in par t, without the express written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 1995 by QM S, Inc., One Mag num Pass, Mob ile, AL
36618. All Rights Reserve d. This manual m ay not be copie d in whole or in pa rt, nor transferred to any other me dia or language, w ithout the express written permiss ion of QMS, Inc.


1 Introduction
Abo u t the Prin ter ...... .. .... . .... ....... . .... ....... .. ... ....... .. ... .. ... .. .... . .... . ....1-2
About the Documentati on .......... ....... ............ ....... .............. ..... ....1-2
Standard Product Documentation 1-3 Other Relevant Documentation 1-5 About This Manual 1-6 Typographic Conventions 1-7
Printer Features ........ ............. ...... .............. ..... .............. ....... .........1-8
Media Flexibility 1-8 Toner Savings 1-8 Multiple Resolutions 1-8 Three Standard Interfaces 1-9 Four Resident Emulations 1-9 Resident Fonts and Symbol Sets 1-10 QMS Crown Technology 1-11 Energy Star Compliance 1-13 Software Loadable System (SLS) 1-13
Remote Console 1-14 PCMCIA Card Slot 1-14 Printer Options 1-14
What's Next? ....................... ... ......................... ............... ............ 1-17
2 Setting Up Your Printer
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 2-2
Finding a Good Lo catio n . ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... ... ....... ....... ...... ... 2-2
Location Requirements 2-2 Power Requirements 2-4
Checking Shipment Contents ........................ ............................ 2 -4
Registering the Printer ................................................................ 2-5
Unpacking the Printer ................................................................. 2-6
Installing Consumables .............................................................. 2-9
Installing the Toner Cartridge 2-9 Loading the 500-Sheet Cassette 2-12
Connecting the Power Cord ..................................................... 2-17
Printing a Start-up Page ........................ .................................... 2-18
Enabling/Disabling the Start -up Page 2-19
Installing Options ...................................................................... 2-19
What's Next? .............................................................................. 2- 20
3 Connecting to a PC
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 3-2
Interface 3-2 Optional Interfaces 3-2
Before Making the Connection ................................................... 3-3
What You Need 3-3
Making the Connec tion ..................... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... .. 3-4
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Startedii
Testing Communication ..............................................................3-6
Creating the Test File 3-6 Sending the Test File 3-6
PC Printing Software .......................................... ..... ..................3-11
Installing PS Executive Series Printer Utility Software 3-12 Installing a PostScript Printer Driver 3-12 Printer Description Files 3-14
Printing from the PC .... ... ...... ... ... ....... .... ... ..... ...... ... ..... .... ..... ... ..3 -1 5
What's Next? ......................................................................... ... ..3-15
4 Connecting to an Ethernet
Introduction .................................................................................. 4-2
Connecting to the Network .........................................................4-2
Thin-Wire Ethernet 4-3 Twisted-Pair Ethernet 4-4
Installing the Software .................................................................4-4
DOS 4-5 Macintosh System 4-5 OS/2 4-6 UNIX 4-8 Windows 4-9
Configuring the Interface ..........................................................4-10
EtherTalk 4-11 LAN Manager/LAN Server 4-11 NetWare 4-12 TCP/IP 4-13
Configuring the Network ...........................................................4-14
EtherTalk 4-14 LAN Manager/LAN Server 4-14 NetWare 4-17 TCP/IP 4-18
Contents iii
If You Have Trouble ................................................................... 4-19
For More Information ............ ............ .................................. ......4-20
What's Next? ....................... ... ......................... ............... ............ 4-20
5 Control Panel
Introduction . . .... ... ..... ...... . ....... .... ... ..... ...... . ....... ..... .. ..... ...... ... ..... .. 5-2
Control Panel Indicators ............................................................. 5-3
Message Window ......................................................................... 5-3
Setting the Message Window Language 5-4
Control Panel Keys ...................................................................... 5-5
Online/Offline, Tray Select, Status Page, and Cancel Keys 5-5 Menu, Select, Previous, and Next Keys 5-6
What's Next? ................................................................................ 5-8
A QMS Customer Support
Sources of Supp ort ...................... ..... ....... ...... ... ..... ..... ....... ....... ..A -2
Your QMS Vendor A-2 Your Application Vendor A-2 Q-FAX A-2 The QMS Corporate Bulletin Board System A-3 CompuServe A-3 Internet A-3 QMS Customer Response Center (CRC) A-4 QMS National Service A-5
QMS World-wide Offices .............................................................A-6
QMS 1060E Print System Ge tting Sta rte div
B Configuration
Introduction ................................................................................. B-2
Menu Chart Conventions B-2 Configuration Menu B-3 Administration/Emulations Menu B-4 Administration/Communications Menu B-5


Contents v


In This Chapter . . .
About the printer
About the documentation
About this manual
Printer features and user benef it s
About the Printer

About the Printer

The QMS 1060E Print System offers the unique QMS Crown multitasking operating system, superior performance, extensive connectivity, upgrade option s, and flexible emulat ion support .
In addition, it prints 10 pages per minute on let te r/A4-size paper and offers a choice of 300x300 or 600x600 dpi printing on letter, legal, executive, A4, or B5 ISO, or postcard size paper. Its ability to handle envelopes, transparencies, and lab els makes it a great printer for your day-to-day office needs.

About the Documentation

The documentation provides a window int o the many capabili tie s of your printer. The more familiar you are with the document at ion, the easier it’ll be for you to achieve the results you want from your printer.
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
About the Documentation
Several pieces of standard documentation accompany your printer. If you’ve ordered any printer options, you’ll have even more documen­tation. But don’t worry—you don’t have to read them all tonight to be able to use your printer. In fact, you may never need to use some of them at all, depending on the type of documents you print and the environment in which you print them.
This section will give you an idea of how we’ve organized information and which documents you’ll probably refer to the most.

Standard Product Docum entation

You received the following documentat ion wit h your product:
You’re looking at this manual right now. The section called “About This Manual,” later in this chapter tells you what’s included in this manual.
This manual guides you through the day-to-day operation of your printer. It includes information on replacing print media and toner, using advanced printing feature s, handling and cleaning your printer, improving print qualit y, and troubleshooting printer problem s .
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
QMS 1060E Print System Operation
QMS 1060E Print System Reference
This manual provides information you may need only once in a while, such as information on typefaces and font s, control panel configurat ion menu, memory, end job mode, PS protocol, HP-GL color encoding, and insta lling and using printer options. This manual also provides technical specifications, a list of printer-supported QMS Document Option Commands (DOC), characte r tables, and a glossary of frequently used terms.
About the Documentation
QMS CrownNet Interface System Administrator’s Guide
QMS Crown Remote Console User’s Guide
QMS Crown Network Notes
Printer Option Docume ntati on
This manual guides you through configuring the printer ’ s Ethernet (CrownNet) interface, using the software (CrownAdmin for Macintosh, DOS, and Windows and CrownNet Manager for OS/2), and using the UNI X utiliti e s.
Refer to this manual for informat ion on how to use a remote console to configure the printer. The QMS 1060E Print System supports up to eight remote consoles through Telnet for Unix and TCP/IP, through DECnet using PS Executive Series Utilities for VMS, through CrownAdmi n for Macintosh, DOS, and Windows, and through CrownNet Manager for OS/2.
Refer to this documentation for tips on using your QMS 1060E Print System if you’re connecting to a network through the serial or parallel port. It discusses 3Com 3+Open, Banyan VINES, LAN Manager-based LANs, Novell NetWare, TCP/IP, UNIX, and VMS/ DECnet. In most cases, only advanced network users and system administrators need this information.
» Note:
If you purchased a printer option (for example, a Kanji option kit), you received separate documentation for it. See chapter 6, “Printer Options,” of the
System Reference
This manual is provided on disk in encapsulated PostScript (EPS) form. Refer to the README file for inform ati on on p rinti ng a hardcopy of the manual.
QMS 1060E Print
for additional option
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
About the Documentation

Other Relevant Documentation

Don’t forget that your application, host operating system, and network documentation all co ntain useful information.:
QMS Crown Document Option Commands
(This manual is available from your QMS vendor)
Document Option Commands (DOCs) are software codes you insert in documents to enable printer features that cannot be accessed by your application or page description language. This manual lists and explains all of the commands. The DOCs supported by your printer are listed in appendix C, “Document Option Commands,” of the
Using QMS DOC, you can develop one driver to support all languages and emulations for your printe r. Also, you can use host network management software to create customized network printer queues for all users connected to the printer. In most cases, only advanced users and system administrators need this information.
PostScript Reference Manuals
Other manuals that contain PostScript information are the
PostScript Language Reference Manual
(Adobe System s, Inc., Reading, MA: Addison-Wesle y, 1990 ISBN-0201-18127-4), and the “PostScript Language Reference Manual” (in
Adobe Systems, Inc., January
Supplement for Version
24, 1992).
About the Documentation

About This Manual

This manual contains detailed, illustrated instructions to guide you as you unpack and set up your printer and connect it to a host (such as an Apple Macintosh or an IBM or compatible PC ). In addition, it intro­duces you to the printer’s control panel. This manual is divided as fol­lows:
Settin g Up
Your Printer
Connecting to
a PC
Connecting to
an Ethernet Network
Using the
Control Panel QMS Customer
Presents an overview of the documentation and of the printer ’s features.
Guides you in selecting a location for your printer and explains how to unpack and set up your printer.
Explains how to connect the printer to an IBM PC or com pa tib le computer using the parallel or serial interface.
Explains how to connect the printer to a network using the built-in Ethernet (CrownNet) port, install the software, and configure both the interface and the network.
Introduces the parts of the printer control panel.
Provides product sales and support telephone numbers and describes how to communicate with QMS through the QMS Bul let in Bo ard, CompuServe, the Internet , and
Provides a menu chart that shows a Configuration menu opt ion’s tree.
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
About the Documentation

Typographic Conventions

The following typographic conve ntions are used in this manual:
Mixed-Case Courier
Mixed-Case Italic Courier
lowercase bold PostScript operators and DOS comm an ds
lowercase italic
UPPERCASE File and utility names Press the Enter key (PC) or Return key
^ Press and hold down the Ctrl key (PC)
» Note:
Notes contain tips, extra informati on, or important inform ation
Text you type, and messages and information displayed on the screen
Variable text you type; replace the italicized word(s) with information specific to your printer or computer
Information displayed in the printer message window
Variable info rmat ion in te xt
that deserves emphasis or reiteration.
Cautions present information that you need to know to avoid
equipment damage, proce ss failure, or extreme annoya nce.
Warnings indicate the possibility of personal injury if a specific procedure is not performed exactly as des cribed in the manual.
beschriebene Vorgenhensweise, da sonst V erletzu ngsgef ahr bestehen könnte.
Bitte halten Sie sich exakt an die im Handbuch
Printer Features

Printer Features

This brief overview will acquaint you with your printer’s major features and how they can benefit you. Specific chapters throughout the three volumes of the user’s guide (this manual, the
the sult the index or the table of contents in each manual for guidance in locating this informat ion.

Media Flexibility

The printer supports print media in five diff erent sizes (legal, letter, executive, A4, B5 ISO) in both portrait and landscape orientations. It also supports envelope, postcards, and other custom print media.
User Benefit—You have the option of printing on a variety of stan­dard and non-standard media sizes in both portrait and landscape ori­entations, as well as printi ng on enve lopes, postcards, and ot her custom print media.
guide) contain more informat ion on each feature. Con-
guide, and

Toner Savings

The printer provides toner savings with the Conserve Toner option. User Benefit—A choice of printing modes allows you to lower print-
ing costs by reducing the amount of toner on the printed page when printing draft copies of documents.

Multiple Resolutions

Two printer resolut ions are availab le: 300 x300 and 600x600 dots per inch.
» Note:
With the standard 8 MB of RAM on the QMS 1060E printer 300x300 dpi is available for all media sizes and 600x600 dpi is available for all media sizes excep t legal which requires additional memory.
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
Printer Features
User Benefit—A choice of print resolutions allows you to customize the quality of your output accordi ng to its use: 300x300 dpi for most hardcopy needs or 600x600 dpi for camera-ready output (depending on your application and requirement s ).

Three Standard Interfaces

In addition to the Centronics and IEEE 1284 parallel and serial inter­faces, you printer provides a standard Ethernet (CrownNet) inte rface that allows you to connect to EtherTalk, LAN Manager/LA N Se r ver, NetWare, and TCP/IP networks. An optional LocalTAlk interface card is also available to connect to a single Macintosh or a LocalTalk net­work.
User Benefit—You can connect a comp uter direct ly to the printer’s parallel and serial interfaces or use the Ethernet interface to connect to a wide variety of microcomputers, workstations, min icomputers, and mainframe comput er s on four different networks.

Four Resident Emulations

Your printer supports printing in HP PCL 5, HP-GL, Lineprinter, and PostScript emulations.
User Benefit—Most applicat ion s can print directly to the printer.
HP PCL 5 Emulation
The printer simultaneously emu lates the Hewlet t-Packard LaserJet IIISi and the HP PaintJet XL300 Colo r Printer (the out put is g ray­scaled on your QMS 1060E Prin t System ). These printers are emu­lated at both 300x300 dpi (bitmap and scalable fonts) and 600x600 dpi (scalable font s only).
» Note:
additional memor y. Only 300x300 dpi resolution is available for HP­GL/2.
Using 600x600 dpi resolution with the legal media size requires
Printer Features
HP-GL Emulation
The printer provides HP-GL plotter emulation (7470A, 7475A, 7550A, and ColorPro) at 300x300 dpi and 600x600 dpi.
» Note:
Using 600x600 dpi resolution with the legal media size requires additional mem or y.
Lineprinter Emulation
The Lineprinter emul ati on prints sim ple, unform at ted text files at 300x300 and 600x600 dpi.
» Note:
Using 600x600 dpi resolution with the legal media size requires additional mem or y.
PostScript L ev el 2 Emulation and L eve l l Compatibility
The QMS 1060E Print System’s Level 2 emulation allows you to take full advantage of your printer’s high print resolution. The Level 2 emu­lation is compatible with Adobe’s Post Script Level 2 language while providing additional capabilities. The Level 2 emul ati on sup ports extensive graphics capabilities to control the appearance of text, geo­metric shapes and images, and improves memory and resource man­agement. Full support for Post Script Level 1 files is also included.

Resident Fonts and Symbol S ets

Your printer comes with 12 PostScript typeface families containing 39 licensed fonts, and it provides support for any TrueType font that’s in the format required for PostScript. All resident PostScript typeface families have multilingual character sets. The printer also has 7 resi­dent bitmap PCL 5 fonts in 25 symbol sets each, 12 resident scalable PCL 5 fonts in 35 symbol sets each, 1 resident scalable PCL 5 font in 5 symbol sets, and 40 resident HP-GL symbol sets.
User Benefit—With so many resident fonts and symbol sets, there is less need for time-consuming downloadin g.
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
Printer Features

QMS Crown Technology

The QMS Crown multitasking operat ing s ystem provides fast pro­cessing speeds, net working capabi lity, and higher printer perfor­mance while maintaining outstanding print quality.
Multitasking and Compile-Ahead Technology
Your printer receives, compi les, processes, and print s multipl e do cu­ments at the same time—true mul titasking. The print er has a variety of resources that it uses to print the page. Memory, emul ations, and the laser printer engine (the mechanical parts that actually put toner on the page) are all resources of the printer.
Compile-ahead technology is the temporary storage of page images in a proprietary compressed data format . It makes maximum use of the memory resource. While the engine is busy printing a page, com­pile-ahead technology uses the availa ble print er memory to prepare the subsequent pages of the document (or the next job). These page images are available as soon as the current page is printed. For example, while the QMS 1060E Prin t System is actually printing the third page of a five-page docum ent, pages four, five, and the next job in the queue are already compiled into the compressed data format .
User Benefit—With mul titasking, your job s are printed more quic kly, and the host is free sooner. With compile -ahead te chnology you spend less time waiting for documents to print. This improves printer throughput and increases your productivity.
Simultaneous Interface Operation (SIO)
Although many other print er s have multiple interfa ce ports and auto­matically designate a “hot port,” only one port actively receives data at a time. Your QMS 1060E Print System is unique because SIO allows all of its interface ports—Ethernet, parall el (Centron ics and bidirectional IEEE 1284 ), se rial, an d one o ptio nal int erface (E thernet network, Token-Ring, or LocalTalk)—to be active at the same time.
The standard interfaces let you connect to any Ethernet network or directly to an IBM PC or compatible. The printer also wo rks in many minicomputer, mainframe computer, Macintosh, and network environ­ments.
Printer Features
User Benefit—You can have more than one co mpu ter sending print jobs to the printer. Each inte rface has an input buffer (which may be expanded with additional memory or an optional hard disk) that receives data while another interf ace is being used to print.
Emulation Sensing Processor (ESP) Technology
Most printers can recognize only their native comma nd languag e. However, ESP technology, which works with most popular commer­cially available applicati ons, uses a form of artificial int ell igence to analyze incoming file data and select th e appropriat e printer emula ­tion from those installed on the printer, and processes the print job.
User Benefit—When your printer is in ESP mo de, you can easily print PostScript, HP PCL 5, HP-GL, or Lineprinter documents without changing printer switch settings or sending softwa re comm ands to accommodate different printer langua ge s.
The QMS 1060E Print System prints alm ost any fil e sent in a lan­guage ESP technology understands, whether you have one, two, or more hosts, and whether you are commu nicat ing throu gh an Ether­net, Centronics or bidirectional IEEE 1284 parallel , serial, or optional network interface. Most users never have to change from ESP mode to another mode.
Context Switching
After its initial use, the state of an emulat ion and downl oaded dat a (such as fonts, macros, and overlays when changing emulation s) is preserved for as long as the printer power is on.
User Benefit—Repetit ive download ing of emulat ion s, font s, m acros, and overlays is unnecessary.
Compressed Da ta Formats
Crown printers convert data received from the input buffer s into inter­mediate, compressed blocks until the data is needed for printing. These compressed blocks of data are designed to be processed rap­idly by the printer, and m any mo re can be stored in memor y at one time than can traditional bitmapped image s.
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
Printer Features
User Benefit—This allows and increa se s the speed o f such printer features as collation and aut oma tic jam recovery, if enabled.
Automatic Jam Recovery
Crown technology also provides automatic jam recovery, if enabled. With most printers, if a media jam occurs, you must remove the jammed media and then reprint the job. If a media jam occurs on a Crown printer, however, the printer reprints the jammed page as soon as you remove the jammed media and then continue s with the print job. This is possible because compressed dat a format s allow more pages to be stored in memory. The print er remem bers the last page printed, pulls the necessary inform ation from mem or y, and automati­cally reprints any lost pages.
User Benefit—You save time and print media beca use it’s unneces­sary to resend a print job after clearing a media jam.

Energy Star Compliance

The QMS 1060E Print System is compli­ant with US Environmental Prote ction Agency (EPA) Energy Star regulat ion s. After a specified length of inactivity, the printer changes to a low-power state (the engine remains on, but the fuser turns off). When a print job is received the printer returns to normal power within 90 seconds.
User Benefit—The EPA Energy Star Computers program promotes the use of energy-efficient personal computers, monitors, and printers and the reduction of air pollution caused by power generation.

Software Loadable System (SLS)

Your printer has a software loadable s ystem, which allows you to replace or upgrade its system software from a Macintosh, a PC, or over any network interface.
Printer Features
User Benefit—Future enhancem ents to the system software ca n be easily installed as they become available from QMS.

Remote Console

The Ethernet (CrownNet) network interface and its accompanying software allow the 1060E Print Syst em to establish a remote console connection via TCP/IP Telnet, NetWare, EtherTalk, and LAN Man­ager/LAN Server. Print er status conditions that require user interven­tion display on the remote console. For example, status messages may indicate that paper is low, output bin is full, or a paper jam has occurred. (Refer to the
tor’s Guide
QMS Crown Rem ote Console User’s Guide
the tion on using a remote console to control and configure the printer.)
User Benefit—The ability to control your printe r from a remote con­sole as well as from the printer’s own control panel means you don’t have to leave your work station whenever the printer needs attention. Moreover , i t means you’ll know right away if the printer is tied up with a jam or other simple problem requiring user intervention.
for information on how to start the session, and refer to
QMS CrownNet Interface System Administra-
for complete informa -

PCMCIA Card Slot

A PCMCIA (Personal Computer Me mory Card Internationa l Associa­tion) card slot is available to support Release 1 and 2, Type I, II and III cards.
User Benefit—This card slot allows you to use optional fonts (see “Printer Option s,” in the following section.

Printer Options

The following options are available for your QMS 1060E Print Sys­tem. Contact your QMS vendor for purchase information.
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
Printer Features
Upgradable RAM (Random Access Memory)
The 8 megabytes (MB) of resident RAM (Random Access Memory) is upgradable to 64 MB through the installation of Single In-line Memory Modules (SIMMs).
User Benefit—Your printe r’s memory can be upgraded as your needs grow. Additiona l RAM provides room for font downloading and font caching, and it increases the printer’s buffer (the area where data sent from the host computer is stored), allowing you to send large data-intensive files to the printer with out t ying up the host for long periods. Additional RAM also allows you to attach and use mult iple SCSI drives.
500-Sheet Cassette, Optional Cassette and Feeder, and 50-Enve lope Cassette
These options increase the printer ’s media feed capacity and flexibil ­ity. Your printer co mes standard w ith a multipurpose tray to handle 150 sheets of 20-pound (75 g/m or B5 ISO sizes, or 10 envelopes. The 500-sheet cassette is capable of supporting letter or A4 paper. The optional cassette and feeder supports another 500 sheets of paper in letter, A4, or legal sizes, for a total input of 1150 sheets including the mul tipurpose tr ay. The optional 50-envelope cassett e allows you to feed 50 envelopes instead of the 10 allowed in the multipurpose tr ay.
) paper in letter, A4, legal, executive,
User Benefit—You can cu stom ize the printe r’s media input sour ces to your printing needs and double the amount of paper available before refilling cassettes. The envelope cassette increases 5-times the number of envelopes that can be handled by the mult ipurpose tray.
Optional Fonts
Optional fonts are available in several differe nt formats .
The PCL ProCollection and special P ostS cript fonts are either contained on PCMCIA cards or must be downloaded to an optional printer hard disk. Optional font cards are plugged into the slot on the back of the printer.
Printer Features
Kanji fonts Ryumin Light-KL and Got hic BB B Medium licensed to QMS by Morisawa and Compa ny, Lt d. and the fonts Mi ncho Medium, Mincho Heavy, Gothic Bold , and Gothic Heavy licensed to QMS by TypeB ank are on a pre-formatted IDE hard disk. These fonts are available with the Kanji Opt ion Kit and they can be printed at a variety of point sizes and in different styles and resolutions.
The Intellifont SIMM increases the number of PCL 5 fonts from 20 to 37 for compatibility wit h the LaserJet 4Si.
User Benefit—Optional fonts increase the printer’s functionality. Extra fonts allow you to create more distinctive docum ent s.
Optional Emulations
Optional emulations, such a s LN03 Plus and QUIC II are contained on diskettes and must be downloaded to an optional printer hard disk. Contact your QMS vendor for a complete list of available emulat ions.
User Benefit—Extra emul ations allow you to print docume nts c re­ated in printer languages other than tho se resident on the printer.
Security Card
An optional security card allows you to password-protect the printer’s configuration men u. Optional security cards are plugged into the PCMCIA card slot on the back of the printer.
User Benefit—A security card restricts access to the configuration menu to those users with valid pas sword s, ensuring that def ault set­tings are not changed inappropriately.
Optional I/O Slot
Your QMS 1060E Print System has one I/O slot to support either an optional network or LocalTalk interface or a hard disk.
Network Interfaces The QMS 1060E Print System comes standard wit h Ethernet on
the controller board. Using a CrownNet NIC (op tio nal network
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
What's Next?
interface card), your printer can also be attached to either of the following:
—A second Ethernet network or to a T oken-Ring network running
multiple prot oc ols . Co ntact your QMS ven dor for a list of avail­able protocols.
User Benefit—Net work interf aces pro vide fle xibili ty and fast data transfer in complex network environments.
—An optional Loca lTalk interface t hat all ows your printer to con-
nect directly to a single Macintosh or to a LocalTalk network.
User Benefit—A ny Macintosh not on an Ethe rnet (E the rTalk)
network can be connected directly to the printer.
Hard Disk Expandability The optional interface slot can support one IDE-SCSI board with
a 2.5” internal IDE hard disk and up to three external SCSI hard disks. See appendix E, “Technical Specifications” in for hard disk specification informat ion.
User Benefit—Hard disks provide virtual memory type capabili­ties as well as storage for downloaded character bitmaps, outline fonts, forms, and other files.

What's Next?

Chapter 2, “Setting Up Your Printer,” explains how to find a good loca­tion for the printer, unpack the print e r, install a toner cartridge, and load and install a 500-sheet paper cassette.

Setting Up Your Printer

In This Chapter...
Finding a good location for the printer
Unpacking the printer
Installing a toner cartridge
Loading and installing a 500-sheet cassette
Connecting the power cord
Printing a start-up page


This chapter explains how to set up your QMS 1060E Print System for the first time.
It includes information on finding a good location for the printer, unpacking and checking the shipment contents, installing a ton er car­tridge and media cassette, and printing a start -up pag e.

Finding a Good Location

Your QMS 1060E Print System operates in any comput ing environ­ment with the followi ng requirem ent s .

Location Requirements

Away from cooling sources, heat ing sources, extreme tem pera­ture changes, direct sunlight, excessive dust, and corrosive chemicals or vapors.
Away from any strong electromagnetic field (such as that created by an air conditioner) and excessive vibration.
Temperature range of 50° F (10° C) to 95° F (35°C).
Relative humidit y range of 15% to 85%.
Level and capable of supporting the printer weight, which is about 38 lbs (17.25 kg) for the printer only (without the ca rtridge and media).
An appropriate distance from the host comp uter, based on your operating environment— 6 feet (1.8 m eters) or less for a parallel connection or 25 feet (7.5 meters) or less for a serial connection.
Close to an easily accessible power supply.
Well ventilated room.
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
Finding a Good Location
Enough space to
- Allow adequate ventilation
- Hold the printer and its standard cassette and feeder
- Open the printer ’s top cover
- Access the multipurpose tray
- Open the media cassettes
- Hold the printer and an optional cassette and feeder (if installed)
19.1'' (48 4 mm)
19.1" (484 mm) 19.1" (4 8 4 mm)
2-3Setting Up Your Printer
Checking Shipment Contents

Power Requirements

Your printer requires a properly grounded AC outlet with a power range of ±10% of the rated line voltage (120 V or 220/240 V). Noise­generating equipment should not be connected to the same electrical outlet as the printer. The recommended frequency is 47-63 Hz for 120 V system and 47-50 Hz for 220/240 V system .
Caution: The supplied power cord is equipped wit h a 3-wire grounding plug for safety purposes. Connect the plug to the proper grounding-type power outlet.
Energy Star Compliance
The printer is compliant with US Environment al Protect ion A gency (EPA) Energy Star regulat ions. After a specified period of inactivity, the printer changes to a low-power state (the engine remains on, but the fuser turns off). When a print job is received, the printer returns to normal power within 90 seconds.

Checking Shipment Contents

In addition to this manual, your shipment consists of the following items:
QMS 1060E Print System (with multipurpose tray)
Paper feeder and standard 500-sheet letter/A4 cassette (boxed separately but banded to the printer unit’s box)
Paper stopper
—QMS 1060E Pri nt Sy stem Operat ion
QMS 1060E Print System Reference
—QMS CrownNet Interface System Administrator’s Guide
QMS 1060E Print System Getting Started
+ 90 hidden pages