Konica Minolta EP6000 User Manual

0 (0)
As an Energy Star Partner, Minolta has determined that this copier meets the Energy Star Guidelines for Energy Efficiency.
What is an Energy Star Copier ?
Energy Star Copiers have a feat ure that allows them to automatically tur n off or "go t o sleep " after a period of inactivit y, ens uring ni gh t and w eekend sh ut o ff. This auto-feature can reduce a copier’s annual electricity costs by ov er 60 p ercent. I n ad dit ion, hi gh s peed cop iers will be set to automatically make double sided copies. An organization’s paper costs can be reduce by $60 a month and the volume of paper sen t in to t he waste s tr eam w ill d eclin e. It takes 1 0 times more energy to produce a piece of paper than it does to make a s in gle co py on a copier . Ther efore, u sing less p aper also means decreased national energy consumption.
Recycled Paper (USA market only)
Your Minolta Copier has been designed to use th e follo w ing Recycled Paper
Minolta Recycled Bond Item No. 8925 701 20% Post Consumer Waste
Thank you for choosing M inolta. This operator’s manual exp lain s how to oper ate th e cop ier and rep leni sh its supplies. It also g ives some troubleshooting tips as well as general precauti ons to be ob serv ed wh en oper atin g th e copier .
To ensure the best performance and ef fecti ve us e of your copier, r ead t his man ual caref ull y unti l yo u familiarize yourself tho roug hly w ith its o per atio n and f eatur es. A fter yo u have r ead t hr ough the manual, keep it for ready reference.
Please use this manual as a quick and handy reference tool for immed iately clarifying any question s which may arise.
Chapters 1 through 3 contain the basic information for making copies. Be sure to read these chapters before attempting to use your copier.
Using This Manual
Organization viii Page Organization ix Terms an d S ym bols fo r t he Type of O ri ginals and Copy P a per x
Chapter 1 Safety Note s 1
1. Installing The Copier
Installation Site 2 Power Source 2 Groundi ng 2 Space Requirements 3
2. Precautions for Use
Operating Environment 4 Using the Copier Properly 4 Care of Copier Supplies 5 Moving 5
Chapter 2 First Things to Know about
Chapter 2 your Copier 7
1. System Overview 8
2. Copier Parts and Accessories
Copier 10 Options 13
3. Control Panel Keys and Touch Panel 14
4. Touch Panel
What’s a Touch Panel? 16 How the Screen is Organized 16 Adjusting the Displ ay Con trast 17 Using it Properly 18
5. Turning ON and OFF, and Resetting the Copier
Turning ON and OFF 21 When the Copier is Turned ON 21 Initial Mode and Panel Reset tin g 2 2 Auto Co py Start Function 23 Energy Saver Mode 24 Entering the Access Number 25
Chapter 1
Safety Notes
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Co pi er
Chapter 3
Making Copies
Chapter 4
Usin g the User Mode
Chapter 5
When a Message Appears
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 3 Making Copies 27
1. Basic Copying Overview 28
2. Placing Originals 30
3. Number of Copies 34
4. Starting the Copy Cycle 35
5. Interrupt Mode 36
6. Manual Bypass Copying 37
7. Basic Functions
Copy Paper Size 40
Zoom Ra t io 42
Image Density 45
8. Selecting the Original Copy Type
1 1 49
1 2 49
2 1 51
2 2 52
1 [2 in 1] 52
1 2 [2 in 1] 54
9. Finishing Mode
Non-Sort 66
Sort 66
Sort-and-Staple 67
Group 67
10. Auxiliary Functions
Cover 79
Page Ins e rtion 82
OHP Interleaving 90
File Margin 96
Book Copy 100
Edge/Frame Erase 102
11. Mode Check 105
1 [2 in 1] 1 55
2 [2 in 1] 1 56
Mixed Original Detection Mode 58
Auto Original Count Mode 60
▲ ▲
Hole Punch 68 Manual Staple 68 Auto Dual Function 7 2
Chapter 4 Using the User Mode 107
1. Job Memory Input and Job Recall
Job Memo ry Input 108 Account Job Inp ut 110 Recalling a Job from Memory 112
2. Zoom Memory Input 114
3. Meter Count 116
4. Toner Replenisher 117
5. Drum Dehumidifier 118
6. User’s Choice
User’s Choice Functions 119 Making the User’s Choice Settings 124
Chapter 5 When a Message Appears 127
1. When the Message "The Current Paper Drawer is empty." Appears 128
2. When the Message "Replenish Toner." Appears 132
3. When the Message "The Staple Cartrige is empty," Appears 134
4. When the Message "Misfeed detected." Appears 136
5. When the Message "The section indicated by is open." Appears 146
6. When Appears. 149
7. What Does Each M ess age M ean? 150
Chapter 1
Safety Notes
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Co pi er
Chapter 3
Making Copies
Chapter 4
Usin g the User Mode
Chapter 5
When a Message Appears
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 153
1. When this Type of Copy is Produced
The Image is too Light 15 4
The Image is too Dark 154
The Copy is Blurry 154
The Copy has dark specks or spots 155
The Edg e of the Copy is dirt y. 155
The Image on the Copy is not aligned properly 155
2. The Copier is not functioning as designed
The Touch Panel shows nothing 156
No copies are fed out when the S tart Key is pressed 156
Control Panel Keys do not respond 156
The Copier is not activat ed when th e Pow er Switch is tu rn ed ON 15 6
Chapter 7 Specifications 157
1. Copier 158
2. Duplexing Document Feeder 160
3. Large Capacity Casette 161
4. 20 Bin Staple Sorter 162
5. 20 Bin Sorter 163
6. Data Controller 164
7. Copier Outline Dimensions 165
Chapter 8 Miscellaneous 167
1. Care of the Copier
Daily Checks 168
Cleaning 169
2. Function Combination Matrix 172
3. Description of Copy Paper Size 175
4. Zoom Ratio Table (Original Size to Copy Paper Size) 176
5. Index 177
Chapter 1
Safety Notes
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Co pi er
Chapter 3
Making Copies
Chapter 4
Usin g the User Mode
Chapter 5
When a Message Appears
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Using This Manual
This manual consists o f eight chapters. Chapters 1 throug h 3 gi ve th e basic information for making copies. Be sure to read th ese chap ters b efore at tempt ing to use y our co pier.
Chapter 1 Safety Notes
About the operating envi ro nment, con di tio ns, and precautions for use.
Chapter 2 First Things to Know About your Copier
A brief description of the system and preliminary infor matio n ab ou t th e di ff erent par ts of the system.
Chapter 3 Making Copies
About how to make copies and how to make settings for various functions.
Chapter 4 Using the User Mode
About the functions t hat are made av ailab le b y u sing th e User M ode Key, i.e., J o b Memory Input, Zoom Memory Input, Meter Co unt, Toner R epl enish er, Dr um Dehumidifier and User’ s Choice. It a lso shows how to recall a job program from t he memory using the Jo b Recall K ey.
Chapter 5 When Such a Message Appears
About the various warning messages given on the Touch Panel and steps to take to correct these faulty con dit ion s, as well as th e pr ocedur es to be used for replenishing supplies.
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting
Instructions on how to troubleshoot copier malfunctions.
Chapter 7 Specifications
Complete specificatio ns o f th e copier system and options.
Chapter 8 Miscellaneous
About care for the copier an d th e copier s up pli es.
Page Organization
Using This Manual
Index: Used to locate your ch apter qu ick ly.
Page number
Section title
Useful Tip: Gives you a u sefu l pi ece of adv ice
on using a particular convenient function or device.
Chapter title
Indicates that this is th e end of the steps.
Indicates that there are more st eps to follow in the next column .
Note: Calls your atten tio n t o a p arti cular
point in the procedure.
Using This Manual
Terms and Symbols for the Type of Originals and Copy Paper
A few special terms and symbols are used in this manual to des ig nate t yp es of originals and copy paper. These two pages explai n abou t th es e terms an d sy mbo ls .
Feeding Direction (copy paper path)
In this copier system, copy pape r i s taken up from the right-ha nd side of the copier and fe d t hrough the copier toward the left-hand side, out face up onto the Exit Tr ay. In t he f igure b elo w, t he direct ion in which the copy paper is fed, as indicated by the arrow, is called the "feeding direction."
"Width" and "Length"
Terms and Symbols Used
Using This Manual
When we talk about the si ze of the o ri gin al or copy, we call side A "width" and s ide B "length."
A: Width B: Leng t h
<Lengthwise >
When the original or cop y has a "lengt h" longer than its "width ," we call it "lengthwise" and use symbol "L" or " ."
<Crosswise >
When the original or cop y has a "lengt h" shorter than its "wi dth," we call it "crosswise" and use symbol "C" or " ."
Chapter 1
Safety Notes
This chapter explains about the operating environment, conditions, and precautions for use.
1. Ins t alling the Copie r Installation S ite 2 Power Source 2 Grounding 2 Space Requirements 3
2. Precautions for Us e Operating Enviro nment 4 Using t he Copi er Proper l y 4 Care o f Copier Supplies 5 Moving 5
Chapter 1
Safety Notes
1. Installing the Copier
Installation Site
To ensure utmost safety and p revent possible malfunctions of th e cop ier, i nstall it in a location which meets the following req uirements.
A place away from a curtain or the like that may catch fire and burn easily.
An area where there is no poss ib ility of being splashed with wat er or o ther types of liquid.
An area free from direct sunlig ht .
Chapter 1
A place out of the direct air stream of an air conditioner, heater, or ventilator.
A well-ventilated p lace.
A dry place.
A dust-free location .
An area not subject to und ue vib rati on .
A stable and level lo catio n.
Safety Notes
Power Source
The power source voltage requi rements are as f ol lows .
Use a power source with l ittle voltage fluctuatio n.
Voltage Fluctuation : Within ±10% Frequency Fluctuation : Within ±0.3%
If any other electrical equi pmen t is s o ur ced fro m the same p ower outlet, mak e s ure that the capacity of the outlet is n ot ex ceeded .
The outlet should be lo cated near the copier and easily accessible.
Never connect any other appl iances o r machin es by means o f a multiple socket to the outlet being used for the copier.
If an extension cord is needed, u se on e with a capacity more than the power consumpt ion of th e copier.
Make sure that no unusual , excessiv e fo rce i s bein g appl ied to the power cord or extension cord .
To prevent receiving electrical sh ock s in the case of electrical leakage, alway s gr ound the copier. Connect t he grounding wire to:
The ground terminal of t he outl et.
A grounding contact which complies with the local electrical standards.
Never connect the grounding wire t o a gas pipe, th e gro undin g wir e fo r a telephone, or a water pipe.
1. Installing the Copier
Space Requirements
To ensure easy copier operation, s up pl y replacemen ts an d ser vice maintenance, adhere to the recommended space requirements detai led b elo w.
Be sure to allow a clea ran ce of 150 m m or m ore a t th e ba ck of t he copier a s th ere is a ventilation duct .
Chapter 1
Safety Notes
Scale: mm
2. Precautions for Use
Operating Environment
The operating environmental req ui rements of th e copier ar e as follo w s .
Temperature : 10°C to 35°C (50°F to 86°F) with a fluctuation of 10°C (50°F) per hour. Humidity : 15% to 85% with a fluctuation of 20% per hour.
Chapter 1
Using the Copier Properly
To ensure the optimum performance o f t he copier , fo llo w the precau tio ns listed below.
NEVER place a heavy object on the cop ier or su bj ect the copier to shocks.
NEVER open any Doors, or turn OFF th e copier wh ile th e cop ier is maki ng cop ies.
NEVER bring any magnetized obj ect or use f lammab le s prays n ear t he co pier.
NEVER place a vase or vessel contai nin g water on th e copier.
Safety Notes
NEVER drop paper clips, s tapl es, or oth er smal l pi eces of metal in to the co pi er.
NEVER attempt to remove any Cover that is secur ed.
ALWAYS insert the Power Plug all the way into the outlet.
ALWAYS make sure that the outlet is visible, clear of the copier or co pi er cabinet.
ALWAYS ensure that the copier d oes n ot rid e on the power cor d or co mmunications cable of other electrical equipment, and it d oes n ot get su ch a co rd or cabl e wedged in to its own mechanism.
NEVER leave a damaged or cracked copier power cor d unat tend ed. If y ou find any of these conditions, immediatel y sh ut down the co pi er, unp lug the power cord, and call your Technical Representative for appro pr iate action.
ALWAYS provide good vent i lation w he n making a la rge number of continuous co pies.
NEVER leave the copier running when i t becomes in or dinately ho t o r p rodu ces abn ormal no ise. I f that happens, immediately turn OFF the copier, unplug it, and then call your Technical Representative.
= Locate the Copier in a Well Ven tilated Room = A negligible amount of oz one is ge ne r ated du r ing normal operati on of thi s c opier. An unpleasant odor may, however , be crea ted i n p oor ly vent ila ted ro oms during extensive copier operations. For a comfor ta ble, heal thy, a nd s af e oper ati ng enviro nmen t, it is recommended that the room be well ventila ted.
= Placer le copieur dans un e pi èce larg em ent ventilée = Une quantité d’ozone négligable est dégagée pendant le fonctionnement du copieur quand celui-ci est utilisé n ormalement. Cependant, une odeur dés ag réab le peut êtr e res sen tie dans les pièces dont l’aérati on es t in s uff isan te et lorsque une utilisation prolongée du copieur est effectuée. Pour avoir la certitude de travailler dans un envi r onnement r éunis s ant d es condit ion s de confort, santé et de sécur ité, i l es t p r éférab le d e bien aérer la pièce ou se trouve le copieur.
2. Precautions for Use
Care of Copier Supplies
Use the following precautio ns w hen han dl ing th e cop ier su pplies ( to ner , paper, etc.) .
Store the paper, toner, and o ther s uppl ies in a place free f rom di rect su nlight and away from any heating apparatus. Keep them in a dr y, cl ean en viron ment .
Store paper, which has been r emoved f rom its wrap per bu t n ot l oad ed into the Drawer, in a sealed plastic bag in a cool, dark place.
Keep supplies out of the reach o f children.
If your hands become soil ed with to ner , wash th em with so ap an d water immed iately .
If you need to transport th e cop ier over a lo ng dist ance, co nsu lt y ou r Technical Rep resen tativ e.
Chapter 1
Note on making multiple copies
If the fusing temperature d rops exessively during a multi- cop y cycle, th ere is a possibility that the copying speed will be reduced. The copyi ng s peed wi ll au tomat ically ret ur n to no rmal when t he fusing temperature rises en ough to ens ure go od fu sing preformance.
Safety Notes
2. Precautions for Use
Chapter 1
Safety Notes
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Copier
This chapter give s you a bri e f de scription of the system an d prelimina r y informa tion about the different parts of the system.
1. System Overview 8
2. Copier Parts and Accessories Copier 10 Options 13
3. Cont r ol Panel Keys and T ouch Pan e l 14
4. Touch Panel What’s a Touch Panel? 16 How th e Screen is Organize d 16 Adjusting the Di spla y Contrast 17 Using it Properly 18
5. Turning ON and OFF, and Res ettin g t he C opier Turning ON and OFF 21 When the Copier is Turned ON 21 Initial Mode and Panel Res ettin g 2 2 Auto Copy Start F unction 23 Energy Saver Mode 24 Entering the Access Num ber 2 5
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Copier
1. System Overview
The EP6000 system can be configured with the following component s.
20-Bin Sorter S-206 <Option>
Permits automatic sor tin g or g ro upin g o f copies into 20 copy sets or stacks.
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Copier
Staple Sorter ST-207 <Option>
Automatically stap les, and/o r p unches h oles in, the copy sets or stacks that are s orted or g roup ed, i n addit ion to the functi ons pro vided by t he S -206.
1. System Overview
Duplexing Document Feeder AFR-9
In addition to bei ng capab le of feed in g in sheet originals one at a t ime, it can automatically turn over the original for th e making o f copies from 2-sided originals.
Data Controller D-102 <Option>
Capabl e of control l ing vari ous types of data includin g th e nu mber of copies made, copy cost, and user depart m ent s by means of speci fic magnetic cards.
Large Capacity Cassette C-302 <Option>
Holds up to 3,000 sheets of copy paper
(80 g/m
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Copier
2. Copier Parts and Accessories
Outside the Copier
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Copier
Exit Tray Extender
Exit Tray
Upper F r on t D oor
Control Panel
Power Switch
Multi Bypass Table
Multi Bypass Ext ender
Total Counter
Front Door
: Slide this Extender out when making copi es on larg e-si ze pap er.
: Holds copies fed out of the copier.
: Open to replace the Toner Bottle.
: Use to start a copy cycle or to make copying j ob settings.
See Control Panel Keys and Touch Panel.
: Use to turn the copier ON and OFF.
: Use for manual feeding of copy paper into th e copier.
: Slide this Extender out to make copies on l arg e-size co py pap er.
: Shows the total number of copies made so f ar.
: Open to clear a paper misfeed.
Closing the Front Door after a mis f eed h as been cleared will turn the misfed warning message o n the con tr ol p anel OFF.
p. 138
p. 132
p. 21
p. 14
p. 37
Inside the Copier
2. Copier Parts and Accessories
1 2 3
Chapter 2
Display Contrast
Control Knob Toner Bottle
Toner Bottle Holder
Misfeed Removal
Guide Plate M3 Misfeed Removal
Knobs M2 , M4 Duplex Unit
7 6
p. 138
p. 138
p. 17
: Use to adjust the contrast of the Touch Panel.
: Contains Toner. Replace it with a new one wh en th e w arning
message t e lls you to.
: Swing open to replace the Toner Bottle.
: Use to clear a misfed sheet of paper.
: Use to clear a misfed sheet of paper.
: Turns over 1-sided copies for making 2-sided copies.
p. 132
First Things to Know about your Copier
Misfeed Removal
Guide Plate D2 Misfeed Removal
Knob M1
: Use to clear a misfed sheet of paper.
: Use to clear a misfed sheet of paper.
p. 141
p. 138
2. Copier Parts and Accessories
Chapter 2
4 5
First Things to Know about your Copier
Docume nt Exit Tray
Document Feed Tray
Document Guide Plate
1st Drawer
2nd Drawer
3rd Drawer
Paper Descent Key
: Receives originals automaticall y eject ed f rom the AF R-9.
: Load the originals face up on this t ray.
: Slide the plate as necessary to the size o f th e or ig inal s .
: Holds up to 500 sheets of copy paper.
: Holds up to 500 sheets of copy paper.
: Holds up to 2,500 s heets of c opy paper .
: Press before sliding the Drawer out o f t he co pier.
p. 128
p. 128
p. 129
2. Copier Parts and Accessories
3 4
20-Bin Sorter S-206/Staple Sorter ST-207
Sort Bins (1st to 20th
Bin) Non-Sort Bin
: Hold sorted or grouped copies, each capable of hold in g up to 50.
: Holds up to 50 copies fed out in the Non-Sort mode.
6 8 7
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Copier
Staple C over
Lock Release Lever
: Open to replace the Staple Cartridge (ST-207 only ).
: Press to unlock the Sorter from the copier for cl earin g a mi s fed
sheet of paper or other service job.
Data Controller D-102
Data Controller
: For details, see the Operator’s Manual for D-102.
Large Capacity Cassette C-302
Lock Release Lever
Paper Plate Descent Key
Cassette Door
: Use to unlock the Cassette from the copier for clearing a misfed
sheet of paper or other service job.
: Press to lower the Paper plate.
: Open to add paper or clear a misfed sheet of paper.
pp. 131, 143
p. 143
p. 144
p. 134
3. Control Panel Keys and Touch Pane l
Chapter 2
First Things to Know about your Copier
Touch Panel
Shows various screens and messages.
See Touch Panel
Start K ey
Press to start a copy cycle. ➭ p. 35
If pressed while the copier is w arming
p. 16
up, it enables the Auto Copy Star t
Stop Ke y
Press to stop a multi- copy cy cle.
p. 35
Clear Key
p. 23
Press to:
Reset the multi-copy entry to 1. ➭ p. 34
Clear a zoom ratio entered when setting one using the 10-Key Pad.
Panel Reset Key
Press to set the copier int o th e in itial mode, clearing all settings made previously on the control panel.
Note: It does not, however, cl ear th e
contents of the zoom a nd job program memor y and the set t ings immediately before the I nt er rup t mode.
p. 22
User Mode
Job Recall
Mode Check
Interrupt Key
Press to interru pt a curren t jo b with a different one. Press it agai n to ret ur n to the previous job.
Energy Saver Key
Press to set the copier into the Energy Saver Mode.
Access Mode (ID) Key
Use to set the Acces s mod e.
Note: For details see the User’s Choice.
10-Key P ad
Use to:
Enter the number of copi es to b e made.
Enter the zoom ratio to be us ed.
Enter the number of ori gin als.
p. 25
Ready to Copy
Auto Exp.
p. 24
p. 36
Orig. Copy
Auto Paper
3. Control Panel Keys and Touch Panel
Energy Saver
Panel Reset
Chapter 2
User Mode Key
Press to select the User Mode setting
3 4
Functions in Use r Mode
Job Memory Input
Zoom Memory Input•User’s Choice
Meter Count
Toner Replenisher
Drum Dehumidifier
Data Send
User Mode
Select a function by pressing the key.
Data Send
Job Memory Input
Toner Re­Plenisher
Zoom Mem­ory Input
Drum De­humidifier
Meter Count
User's Choice
See Using the User Mode
Job Recall Key
Press to select the Jo b Recall s cr een, o n which you can recall or check a copying-job program previo usly stored in memory. See Recalling a Job from Memory
Mode Check Key
Press to select the Mode Check scr een.
p. 112
From this screen, you can access the setting screen of a particular function and change or cancel the setting as n ecess ary .
See Mode check
p. 20
p. 107
Job Recall
Press a key to recall a job.
Account job
2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
Mode Check
Auto Expo. X1.000 Auto Paper
Orig. Copy
Mixed Orig
First Things to Know about your Copier
4. Touch Panel
What’s a Touch Panel?
When you turn the copier ON, th e Basic screen as shown below appears o n the Tou ch Pan el.
See Initial Mode and P anel Res etting The Touch Panel is the major sour ce of information, showing in messages and graphics the currently
set functions, a va ilable function s to choose from, and the co pi e r status . You have only to t ouch the k e y s hown on t he T ouch Pane l to select or acti vate the function
represented by the key.
How the Screen is Organized
In the following, we show ty pical s creens with a b ri ef des criptio n o f each of th em.
Chapter 2
<Example: Basic Screen>
Auxiliary Finishing
Ready to copy.
Orig. Copy
Supplementary Function Keys
When any of these keys is to uch ed, t he corresponding Sup plementary Function screen appears.
First Things to Know about your Copier
Auto Expo. x1.000 Auto Paper
Message Display
Shows the current copier status, operating
Exposure PaperZoom
instructions, and other data including the number of copies selected.
Basic Function/Key Displa y
Shows the Basic Function keys and the basic functions current ly sel ected f or use. <Example: Basic Function Keys o n B asic s cr een>
Auto Expo. x1.000 Auto Paper
Exposure PaperZoom
Exposure Zoom Paper
: Auto Exposure
: ×1.000
: Auto Paper
When any of the Basic Function k eys i s tou ched, the corresponding Basic Functio n scr een appears.
4. Touch Panel
Adjusting the Display Contrast
When you need to adjust the brig ht ness of the Touch Panel, swing down the U pper Fro nt Door and turn the Display Contr ol Kn ob as necess ar y.
Turn the Knob clockwise to make th e Panel brighter.
Turn it counterclockwi se to mak e th e Panel da rker.
Set Function Display
Shows graphic representations of functions s et ot her than th e ini tial o nes, including the
Orig. Copy
Note: If a function or functio ns have be e n s e t by
and Finishing types.
, the Mode Check Key on the
control panel is lit.
Chapter 2
Orig. Copy Finishing
: 2in1
: Sort- a nd-Stapl e, Hole Punch
To check for more details of set functions, press the Mo de Check Key. When th e key is
pressed, the Mode Check s creen app ears.
Auto Paper
1 2 3
setting screen>
3 L
Orig. Copy
Auto Paper
Auxiliary Finishing
Ready to copy.
Auto Expo. x1.000
p. 20
If you want to select paper of a part icul ar size i nstead of Auto Paper, touch the corresponding paper size key. To go back to the Basic screen, touch one of the S upplementary Func tion key s. You may al s o want to touch any ot her Supp l em e ntary Function key to s how the co rrespond i ng Supplementary Function scr een.
First Things to Know about your Copier
which is
+ 163 hidden pages