KOMATSU WA70-5-M Maintenance Manual

Operation & Maintenance Manual
Unsafe use of this machine may cause serious injury or death. Operators and maintenance personnel must read this manual before operating or maintaining this machine. This manual should be kept near the machine for reference and periodically reviewed by all personnel who will come into contact with it.
Komatsu has had the operating and maintenance in­structions translated into all the languages of the mem­ber states in the European Union. Should you wish to have a version of the operating instructions in another language, please don’t hesitate to ask at your local dealer’s.
and up
© 2004 Komatsu Hanomag GmbH All Rights Reserved Printed in Europe 10-04


1. Introduction
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-1

1.1. Product publications information Introduction

1.1. Product publications information
Engine and Chassis VZPB193200
1-2 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.1. Product publications information
Komatsu America International Company
440 North Fairway Drive Vernon Hills, IL 60061-8112 U.S.A. Attn: Technical Publications Fax No. (847) 970-4186 Tel No. (847) 970-5887
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TYPE or PRINT ONLY ———————>
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-3

1.2. Foreword Introduction

1.2. Foreword
The machine must be operated , cleaned, and maintained very carefully to ensure safe and troublefree operation. If you operate the machine correctly , these operating instructions will help you to avoid injuries and damage to property. To ensure this, these oper­ating instructions take into account all applicable legal regulations and directives; the operating instructio ns comprise the following information:
Notes on the Operating Instructions
Notes on Transport
Notes on Safety Regulations
Operating Instructions
Maintenance Instructions
Technical Data
Notes on Lubricants and Operating Agents
The operating manual belongs to the machine and is stored in the lid of the hinged console, on the left of the driver's cab.
The operating instructions are part of the machine and must always be available at hand in the machine.
If the operating instructions have been lost or if they have become unreadable, because they are dirty, you may receive a new copy from Komatsu or your local Komatsu dealer. If the machine is resold, the operating instructions, the EU Declaration of Confor­mity (CE), and the licence are to be handed over to the new owner.
The owner of the machine has to ensure that
all persons driving the machine have the legally required min-
imum age and ar e physicall y and me ntally fit to p erform the tasks they are charged with.
all persons in charge with operating or maintaining the
machine are appropriately instructed before operation or maintenance is started. They must hav e compl etely rea d and understood these operating instructions. In particular, this applies to the following section "Notes on Safety Regulations" and the chapter "Safety".
the machine is correctly operated.
the machine is not improperly modified.
1-4 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.2. Foreword
Please note:
If the owner modifie s saf ety -re late d parts of the m ac hi ne, t he c er­tificate of conformity of the manufacturer will lapse and the person who has performed the modification has to issue a new cer tifi­cate. Should you have any questions concerning this poin t, please do not hesitate to ask Komatsu.
Our continuous effort to improve the machine's design may lead to changes of machine details. Howev er, the introduction of these improvements does not oblige us to perfor m them on machin es which have already been delivered and are already in use.
If these improvements result in minor changes, these minor changes will not be described in the operating instructio ns. Should you require new available information about your machine or have any questions conce rning the information given in the operating instruct ions, please do not he sitate to contact either Komatsu or your responsible Komatsu dealer.
These operating instructions may refer to attachments and spe­cial equipment not avail able from your loca l Komatsu dealer. Should you requ ire attachments or special equip ment, ask your responsible Komatsu dealer.

EU Directives

This machine is l ab ell ed wit h th e CE m ar k in dic ati ng tha t i t me ets all basic requir ements con cernin g safety an d prote ction of he alth of the EU Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC, its supple ments 91/ 368 EEC and 93/44 EEC for Europe, and the regulation 95/27/ EEC. In addition, the harmonised European standards EN 292-2 and EN 474/1 of 1994, and EN 474-3 of 1996 were applied for manufacture of th e machi ne. Th is fact i s docu mented i n the E U Declaration of Conformity (CE) which is supplied together with the machine.
This means that in those cases in which the machine is modified in such a way that safe ty of the m achine i s affected, the p erson responsible for safety of the machine is the one who has arranged for the machine to be modified. If you use the machine for any other purpose t han that de fined as c orrect use , you are the person who has to ens ur e t hat s afe ty is mai ntaine d. Mo dif ic a­tions of the mach ine or u se of the mac hine for a ny oth er purpo se than that specified as correct use may require a new CE mark and thus new issuing of an EU Declaration of Conformity.
If a machine is used in oth er countries than Germany, it may be possible that special national safety devices and specifications are missing which may be requ ired for the ap plicati on in the rel e­vant country. For example, for Komatsu machines, the manufac­turer has to design the cab roof in such a way that a warning beacon can be attached to the roof. However, when driving the machine on roads, this warning beacon must be covered.
Should you hav e any questi ons conce rnin g standar ds and g uid e­lines in the respective country the machine is to be used in, please ask your Komatsu dealer before you start commissioning the machine.
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-5
1.2. Foreword Introduction
In addition to the operating instructions, you must also adhere to all legal regula tions on public traffic a nd all appli cable r egulat ions on prevention of accidents.
Notes on later installation of electrical and electronical devices and components
Electrical or electronical devices and/or components installed later emit electro magnetic radiation which may influence the proper function of el ectronic components and parts of the machine. This may impair safety of the machine and endanger persons. For this reason, strictly adhere to the following safety notes.
If you later install electrical and electronical devices and/or com­ponents in the machine and connect them to the vehicle electrical system, you are responsible for any malfunctions of the vehicle electronics or other components resulting from this installation. Above all, check that all electrical and electronical components which you install lat er comply wi th the valid version of t he EMC directive 89/336/EEC and that they are labelled with the CE mark.
The following requirements must additionally be met for a later installation of mobile communication systems.
Only install devices which have a licence referring to valid
national regulations.
The device must be stationary.
Only use portable or mobile devices in the cab, if they are
connected to a stationary external aerial.
Install the sender in s uc h a wa y that it is physic al ly s epara ted
from the vehicle electronics.
When installing the aerial, make sure that it is installed cor-
rectly with a good chassis earth connection between the aerial and the chassis of the vehicle.
In addition, adh ere to all info rmation about i nstallation and c on­nection of cables and maximum power input indicated in the man­ufacturer's installation instructions of the machine.
1-6 WA70-5 – VEAM320200

Introduction 1.3. Safety information

1.3. Safety information
The procedures and precautionary measures concerning opera­tion and maintenance onl y apply on the provision that the machine is used as intended.
Most accidents are caused by disregard of basic safety regula­tions during operation and maintenance of machines. In order to avoid accidents and thus damage to persons and property, read all applicable safety not es and warnings in these operating instructions and on the mac hine, before y ou start operati on or maintenance of the machine an d always adh ere to the se safety notes and warnings.
The following words are used in this ma nual and on stic kers on the machine to signify safety instructions and enable them to be recognized as such at a glance:
This word is used for safety mess ages and safety label where there is a probability of serious injury if the danger is not avoided. The safety instruction or sticker contains pre­cautions which must be observed in order to avoid the dan­ger. Failure to do so can also result in damage to the machine.
This word is used for safety mess ages and safety label where there is a potentially dangerous situation which could lead to serious injury if the danger is not avoided. The safety instruction or sticker contains precautions w hich must be observed in order to avoid the danger. Failure to do so can also result in damage to the machine.
This word is used for safety messages and safety label in the event of danger which could result in minor or partly serious injuries if the danger is not avoided. It may also relate to dan­gers which may only result in damage to the machine.
NOTE This word is used for precautions which have to be taken in
order to avoid situations which could result in short ening th e service lift of the machine.
The safety in structions are listed in th e chapter "2. Safety" on page 2-1 and following.
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-7
1.3. Safety information Introduction
The transport of persons in the work equipment is strictly forbidden!
We cannot foresee all c ircum stances which could r esul t in p oten­tial danger during maintenanc e and operati on. T he sa fety ins truc ­tions in this manual and on the machine, therefore, do not necessarily contain all possible safety precautions. If you are using a procedure or me as ure no t ex pli c itly p er mitted and recom­mended in this manual, y ou must ensure th at you and anyone else can use any such procedure without any danger or damage to the machine whatsoever. Please contact your local Komatsu dealer if you have any doubts about the safety of any procedures.
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Introduction 1.4. Introduction

1.4. Introduction

1.4.1. Intended use

This loader is a machine with independent transmission, moving on wheels. Driving in for ward di rection , the lo ader can lo ad or dig material using its attachments intended for loading operations (i.e. bucket).
The standard operation cycle of a loader includes filling up and loading of the bucket, transporting the material and emptying the bucket.
In combination with the forklift truck attachment the picking up, transporting and putting down of stacked material is also considered to be part of the machine’s intended use.
If you use the machine for any other purpose than specified above, we will not accept any responsibility for safety. All considerations concerning safety will then be up to the owner or the operating and maintenance personnel. In any case, neither you nor any other person are/is authorised to perform work and functions explicitly prohibited in these operating instructions.
Refer to chapter "3.3.9. Working with the wheel loader" on page 3-55 for more details.
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1.4. Introduction Introduction

1.4.2. Breaking-in the machine

Before the shipment, each machine was carefully checked and adjusted. A machine that is to be newly commissioned has to be treated with utmost care during its first 100 operating hours.
If the machine is used for work involving loads exceeding the specified maximum load for the running-in period, its performance may be impaired prematurely and its service life may be short­ened. A new machine must be run i n and maintained very c are­fully and thoroughly.
The following points are particularly important:
Idle the engine for 5 minutes after starting it up.
Avoid operation with heavy loads or at high speeds.
Avoid sudden starts, sudden acceleration, sudden steering
und sudden stops except in cases of emergency.
The precautions given i n this manu al for opera ting, m ainten ance, and safety procedures are only those that apply when this product is used for the specified purpose. If the machine is used for a pur­pose that is not listed in this manual Komatsu cannot bear any responsibility for safety. All consideration of safety in such opera ­tions is the responsibility of the user.
Operations that are prohibited in this manual must never be car­ried out under any circumstances.
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Introduction 1.5. Location of plates

1.5. Location of plates
1.5.1. Machine identification plate (PIN)
Position of the identification plate (1) (see enlargement)
Serial no. stamp marking (2)

Machine identification plate (PIN)

1.5.2. Engine name-plate

Engine name-plate with serial no.
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-11
1.5. Location of plates Introduction

1.5.3. Axle serial no. plate

This plate is located on the right of front axle and on the left of rear axle (1).

1.5.4. Transmission serial no. plate

This plate is located in travel direction front, above the transmis­sion output (1).

1.5.5. ROPS/FOPS-Cab serial no. plate

This plate is located on the right inside cab on the rear beam (1).
1-12 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.5. Location of plates

1.5.6. Seat operator serial no. plate

This plate is located in front of seat, covered by the bellows.

1.5.7. Table to ente r serial no. and distributor

Must be filled in before machine is put into service:
Machine serial No.:
Engine serial No.:
Name of Dealer:
Service Personnel for your machine:
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-13

1.6. Emission Control Warranty Introduction

1.6. Emission Control Warranty

1.6.1. Emission control warranty statement (Applies to Canada only)

1. Products Warranted
Komatsu America Internati onal Company, Komatsu Mining Sys­tems Inc. and Komatsu Utility Corporation (collectively "Komatsu") produce and/or market products under brand names of Komatsu, Dresser, Dressta, Haulpak and Galion. This emission warranty applies to new engines bearing the Komatsu name installed in these products and used in Canada in machines designed for industrial off-highway use. This warranty applies only to these engi nes produ ced on or a fter Jan uary 1, 2000. Thi s warranty will be administered by Komatsu distribution in Canada.
2. Coverage
Komatsu warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subse­quent purchaser that the engine is designed, built and equipped so as to conform, at the time o f sale by Komatsu, with all U.S. Federal emission regulations applicable at the time of man ufac­ture and that is free from defects in workmansh ip or material which would caus e it not m eet these r egul ation s wit hin f ive ye ars or 3,000 hours of operation, whichever occurs first, as measured from the date of delivery of the engine to the ultimate purchaser.
3. Limitations
Failures, other than those resulting from defects in materials or workmanship, are not covered by this warranty. Komatsu is not responsible for failures or damage resulting fr om what Koma tsu determines to be abuse or neglect, including, but not limited to: operation without adequa te coolant or lubricants; over fu eling; over speeding; lack of maintenanc e of lubricating, cooling or intake systems; impr oper storage , starting, warm- up, run-in o r shutdown practices; un authorized modifications of the engi ne. Komatsu is also not r esponsible for failures caused by incorre ct fuel or by water, dirt or other co ntamina nts in the fuel. Komatsu is not responsible for non-engine re pairs, "downtime" expense, related damage, fines , all busi ness cos ts or other l oss es re su lti ng from a warrantable failure.
This warranty, together with the express commercial warranties, are the sole warranties of Komatsu. THERE ARE NO OTHER
1-14 WA70-5 – VEAM320200

Introduction 1.7. Garantie sur le contrôle des émissions

1.7. Garantie sur le contrôle des émissions
1.7.1. Énoncé de garantie sur le contrôle des émissions (applicable au Canada seulement)
1. Produits garantis:
Komatsu America Internation al Company, Komatsu Mining Sys­tems Inc. et Komatsu Utility Corporation (collectivement Komatsu) produisent et/ou font la mise en marché de produits portant les noms de marque Komatsu, Dresser, Dressta, Haulpak et Galion. Cette garantie sur le émissions s’applique à tous les nouveaux moteurs portant le no m Komatsu, installés dans ces prod uits et utilisés au Canada dans des machines conçues pour utilisation industrielle non-routière. Cette garantie s’applique seulement sur les moteurs produits à partir du 1 er Ja nvier 2000. Cet te garantie sera administrée par la distribution de Komatsu au Canada.
2. Couverture
Komatsu garantit à l’acheteur ultime et chaque acheteur sub­séquent que le mot eur est conçu, co nstruit et equip é en toute conformité, au moment de la vente par Komatsu, avec toutes les Réglementations fédérales américaines sur les émissions appli­cables au moment de la fabrication et qu’il est exempt de défaults de constructio n ou de matéri aux qui aur aient pour effet de con­trevenir à ces r égle mentations en ded ans d e 5 a ns ou 3000 heu­res d’opération, mes uré à partir de la da te de l ivrais on du moteur au client ultime.
3. Limitations
Les bris, autres que ceux ré sultant de défaults de mat ériaux ou de constr uction, ne sont pas couverts par cette Garantie. Komatsu n’est pas responsable pour b ris ou do mma ges ré su ltant de ce que Komatsu détermine comme étant de l’abus ou négli­gence, incluant mais ne se limitant pas à: l’operation sans lubrifi­ants ou agent refroidissants adéquats; la suralimentation d’essence; la survitesse; le manque d’entretien des systémes de lubrification, de refroidissement ou d’entree; de pratiques non­propices d’entrepos age, de mi se en ma rche, de r échauffement, de conditionnement o u d’arrêt; les modi fications non autoris ées du moteur. De plus Komatsu n’est pas responsable de bris causés par de l’essence inadéquate ou de l’eau, des saletés ou autres contaminants dans l´essence. Komatsu n´est pas respons­able des réparations non-reliées au mote ur, des dépenses encourues suite aux temps d´arrêts, des dommages relatifs, amendes, et de tout autre coût d’affaires ou autres pertes résult­ant d’un bris couvert par la garantie.
Cette garantie ainsi que les garanties ex presses co mmerciales , sont les seules garanties Komatsu. IL N’Y A AUCUNE AUTRE
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-15

1.8. Table of contents Introduction

1.8. Table of contents
1. Introduction.................................................................................................1-1
1.1. Product publications information............................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2. Foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 1-4
EU Directives....................................................................................................................................1-5
1.3. Safety information........................................................................................................................................ 1-7
1.4. Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 1-9
1.4.1. Intended use......................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .........................................1-9
1.4.2. Breaking-in the machine.................................................................................................................1-10
1.5. Location of plates ...................................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.5.1. Machine identification plate (PIN)................................................................................................... 1-11
1.5.2. Engine name-plate.......................................................................................................................... 1-11
1.5.3. Axle serial no. plate .............................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..........................1-12
1.5.4. Transmission serial no. plate..........................................................................................................1-12
1.5.5. ROPS/FOPS-Cab serial no. plate................................................................................................... 1-12
1.5.6. Seat operator serial no. plate.......................................................................................................... 1-13
1.5.7. Table to enter serial no. and distributor ......................................................................................... 1-13
1.6. Emission Control Warranty.......................................................................................................................1-14
1.6.1. Emission control warranty statement (Applies to Canada only) ..................................................... 1-14
1.7. Garantie sur le contrôle des émissions................................................................................................... 1-15
1.7.1. Énoncé de garantie sur le contrôle des émissions (applicable au Canada seulement) .................1-15
1.8. Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................1-16
1.9. Dimensions, weights and operating data................................................................................................ 1-23
1.10.CE-conforming equipment....................................................................................................................... 1-24
1.10.1. CE-conforming equipment – part 1................................................................................................. 1-24
1.10.2. CE-conforming equipment – part 2................................................................................................. 1-24
1.10.3. Manufacturer-supplied CE-conforming equipment. ........................................................................ 1-25
1.11.Loading and securing...............................................................................................................................1-28
2. Safety ...........................................................................................................2-1
2.1. General safety measures....................................... ....... ...................................... ....... ...... ............................ 2-2
2.1.1. Safety instructions ................................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... .................................. 2-2
2.1.2. Safety devices ............................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... .................................. 2-2
2.1.3. Emergency exit.................................................................................................................................2-2
2.1.4. Clothing and personal protection......................................................................................................2-3
2.1.5. Machine modifications ......................................................................................................................2-3
2.1.6. Before you leave the driver’s seat ....................................................................................................2-3
2.1.7. Mounting and dismounting................................................................................................................ 2-4
1-16 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.8. Table of contents
2.1.8. Fire prevention and fire fighting ........................................................................................................ 2-4
2.1.9. Protection against asbestos dust...................................................................................................... 2-5
2.1.10. Protection against injuries................................................................................................................. 2-5
2.1.11. Working at high temperatures........................................................................................................... 2-6
2.1.12. Roll-over protection system (ROPS)................................................................................................. 2-6
2.1.13. Attachment for protection against falling objects (FOPS).................................................................2-6
2.1.14. Attachments...................................................................................................................................... 2-7
2.1.15. Battery .............................................................................................................................................. 2-7
2.2. Safety precautions during operation ......................................................................................................... 2-8
2.2.1. Prior to daily starting up.................................................................................................................... 2-8
Workplace safety.............................................................................................................................. 2-8
In the driver's cab ............................................................................................................................. 2-8
Indoor operation ............................................................................................................................... 2-9
Gas, dust, and inflammable vapours................................................................................................2-9
Mirrors, windows and lighting ..................... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ............... 2-9
2.2.2. Machine operation............................... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... .. .................. 2-10
Before you start the engine.................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....................................... ....... ............. 2-10
Reversing........................................................................................................................................ 2-10
Driving on slopes .............................................................................................................................2-11
Emergency Lowering System......................................................................................................... 2-12
Working close to power lines.......................................................................................................... 2-13
Loading........................................................................................................................................... 2-14
Good Vision...................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... .................................................... 2-14
Working on snow............................................................................................................................ 2-14
Height limitation......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .... ................ 2-15
Brakes ............................................................................................................................................ 2-15
Working on loose soil...................................................................................................................... 2-15
Working with the forklift truck attachment ....................................................................................... 2-15
Parking the machine....................................................................................................................... 2-17
2.2.3. Transport........................................................................................................................................ 2-18
Loading and unloading the machine...............................................................................................2-18
Transport ........................................................................................................................................ 2-18
2.3. Precautions for maintenance.................................................................................................................... 2-19
2.3.1. Personnel ....................................................................................................................................... 2-19
2.3.2. Before carrying out maintenance.................................................................................................... 2-19
2.3.3. During maintenance........................................................................................................................ 2-26
2.3.4. Tyres............................................................................................................................................... 2-30
2.4. Safety labels on the machine.................................................................................................................... 2-32
2.4.1. Positions and order numbers of information labels.........................................................................2-32
2.4.2. Positions and order numbers of safety labels................................................................................. 2-33
3. Operation.....................................................................................................3-1
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-17
1.8. Table of contents Introduction
3.1. General view..................................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... .................................. 3-2
3.1.1. General view of the machine ............................................................................................................ 3-2
3.1.2. Controls and indicators.....................................................................................................................3-3
Overall view ...................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Switches, controls and warning lights............................................................................................... 3-4
3.2. Description of the individual elements ...................................................................................................... 3-5
3.2.1. Instrument panel............................................................................................................................... 3-5
Warning lights...................................................................................................................................3-6
Control lamps.................................................................................................................................... 3-8
Measuring indicators....................................................................................................................... 3-12
3.2.2. Switches ......................................................................................................................................... 3-14
3.2.3. Control levers and pedals...............................................................................................................3-21
3.2.4. Articulated steering catch............................................................................................................ 3-26
3.2.5. Traction device ............................................................................................................................... 3-26
3.2.6. Socket (12 V)..................................................................................................................................3-27
3.2.7. Door unlocking system ................................................................................................................... 3-27
3.2.8. Alarm horn for reverse driving – option........................................................................................... 3-27
3.2.9. Fuses..............................................................................................................................................3-28
3.2.10. Slow-blowing fuses ......................................................................................................................... 3-29
3.2.11. Adjusting the heater and ventilation system ................................................................................... 3-30
3.2.12. Air-conditioning...............................................................................................................................3-31
3.3. Operation....................................................................................................................................................3-32
3.3.1. Pre-start checks.............................................................................................................................. 3-32
Visual inspection.............................................................................................................................3-32
Pre-start checks... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...................3-34
Adjustments prior to machine start ................................................................................................. 3-39
Adjusting the driver’s seat............................................................................................................... 3-39
3.3.2. Starting the engine.......................................................................................................................... 3-43
Warming up the engine................................................................................................................... 3-44
3.3.3. Driving with the machine.................................................................................................................3-45
Start-up........................................................................................................................................... 3-45
3.3.4. Changing the driving direction ........................................................................................................3-47
3.3.5. Turning and steering....................................................................................................................... 3-48
3.3.6. Braking............................................................................................................................................3-49
3.3.7. Stopping the machine.....................................................................................................................3-51
3.3.8. Operating the work equipment........................................................................................................ 3-52
Multifunctional lever........................................................................................................................3-52
Control lever for special equipment ................................................................................................ 3-53
Switching lever of bucket................................................................................................................3-54
3.3.9. Working with the wheel loader........................................................................................................ 3-55
Tyre-appropriate operation ............................................................................................................. 3-55
Switching on the 100 % differential lock (if equipped) .................................................................... 3-55
Loading work ..................................................................................................................................3-56
Removal work................................................................................................................................. 3-56
Excavation work.............................................................................................................................. 3-58
Planing............................................................................................................................................ 3-59
1-18 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.8. Table of contents
Transporting.................................................................................................................................... 3-60
Unloading ....................................................................................................................................... 3-60
Working with the forklift truck attachment ....................................................................................... 3-61
3.3.10. Precautions for special operations.................................................................................................. 3-63
Permissible water depth ................................................................................................................. 3-63
Working on snow............................................................................................................................ 3-63
Dumping on steep slopes ............................................................................................................... 3-63
Working in the vicinity of electrical overhead lines ......................................................................... 3-63
Operation on slopes....................... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... . ............ 3-63
Working on loose soil...................................................................................................................... 3-63
If the service brake breaks down.................................................................................................... 3-63
Precautionary measures when driving up or down......................................................................... 3-64
Precautionary measures during machine travel ............................................................................. 3-65
3.3.11. Adjusting the position of the work equipment................................................................................. 3-66
Selecting a work unit....................................................................................................................... 3-66
Removing the work unit................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....................................... 3-68
Picking up the multi-purpose bucket............................................................................................... 3-69
Removing the multi-purpose bucket...............................................................................................3-71
Level indicator for the bucket.......................................................................................................... 3-71
3.3.12. Parking the machine....................................................................................................................... 3-72
3.3.13. Switching off the engine.................................................................................................................. 3-73
3.3.14. Check after stopping the engine..................................................................................................... 3-73
3.3.15. Locking ........................................................................................................................................... 3-73
3.3.16. Tyre handling.................................................................................................................................. 3-74
Precautionary measures when handling tyres................................................................................ 3-74
Tyre pressure.................................................................................................................................. 3-74
3.4. Transporting the machine......................................................................................................................... 3-76
3.4.1. Securing the articulated steering .................................................................................................... 3-76
3.4.2. Lifting the machine.......................................................................................................................... 3-77
3.4.3. Driving the machine onto loading area of transport vehicle............................................................ 3-78
3.4.4. Securing the machine during the transport..................................................................................... 3-79
3.4.5. After transport................................................................................................................................. 3-79
3.5. Cold weather operation............................................................................................................................. 3-80
3.5.1. Before the cold season................................................................................................................... 3-80
3.5.2. Precautions after completion of work.............................................................................................. 3-81
3.5.3. After the cold season...................................................................................................................... 3-81
3.6. Long-term storage....................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... .................................................... 3-82
3.6.1. Before storage................................................................................................................................ 3-82
3.6.2. During storage................................................................................................................................ 3-82
3.6.3. After storage................................................................................................................................... 3-83
4. Troubleshooting .........................................................................................4-1
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-19
1.8. Table of contents Introduction
4.1. Towing the machine..................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2. Starting the engine with a booster cable................................................................................................... 4-6
4.3. For insufficient braking effect..................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.3.1. Checking the service brake ........................ ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...............4-8
4.3.2. Checking the parking brake function ................. ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .....................4-8
4.4. Emergency steering properties ..................................................................................................................4-9
4.5. Emergency lowering.................................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.6. Other troubles ..... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....................................................4-10
4.6.1. Electrical system............................................................................................................................. 4-10
4.6.2. Engine............................................................................................................................................. 4-11
4.6.3. Hydraulic system ........................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ................................ 4-14
4.6.4. Brakes............................................................................................................................................. 4-16
4.6.5. Steering .......................................................................................................................................... 4-16
4.6.6. Axles............................................................................................................................................... 4-17
4.6.7. Driver's cab..................................................................................................................................... 4-17
5. Maintenance ................................................................................................5-1
5.1. Maintenance guide....................................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.1. Guidelines......................................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2. Maintenance basics..................................................................................................................................... 5-9
5.2.1. Oil, fuel and coolant specifications ................................................................................................... 5-9
Oil ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Coolant ........................................................................................................................................... 5-11
Grease............................................................................................................................................ 5-11
Storing oil and fuel.......................................................................................................................... 5-12
Filters.............................................................................................................................................. 5-12
Biodegradable hydraulic oil and lubricants ..................................................................................... 5-12
5.2.2. Specifications of the electrical system ............................................................................................ 5-13
5.2.3. Wearing parts list. ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..... ..................... 5-14
5.3. Lubricants, fuels and filling capacities.................................................................................................... 5-15
5.3.1. Lubrication chart .............................................................................................................................5-16
5.4. Tools and standard tightening torques (bolts, nuts).............................................................................. 5-17
5.4.1. Introduction of recommended tools ................................................................................................ 5-17
5.4.2. Torque list.......................................................................................................................................5-18
5.5. Periodical replacement of safety-critical parts .......................................................................................5-20
5.6. Maintenance schedule chart.....................................................................................................................5-21
5.7. Service procedure...................................................................................................................................... 5-23
5.7.1. Pre-start checklist........................................................................................................................... 5-23
Cooling system – checking the coolant level, topping up coolant................................................... 5-23
1-20 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.8. Table of contents
Cleaning the radiator segments...................................................................................................... 5-24
V-Belt, checking the condition......................................................................................................... 5-24
Engine, checking the oil level, topping up oil..................................................................................5-24
Checking the fuel level – refuelling................................................................................................. 5-26
Water separator at the fuel filter – Draining water and dirt sediments............................................ 5-27
Hand pump - Checking the oil level................................................................................................ 5-27
Checking the controls ..................................................................................................................... 5-28
Checking the electrical connections ............................................................................................... 5-28
Heater/air conditioning – checking rate of air flow.......................................................................... 5-29
Miscellaneous tests before starting work........................................................................................5-29
5.7.2. Maintenance upon demand............................................................................................................ 5-30
Checking the air-conditioning system............................................................................................. 5-30
Checking the window washing-fluid level, adding fluid................................................................... 5-31
Re-charging a built-in battery.......................................................................................................... 5-32
5.7.3. Maintenance after the first 50 operating hours............................................................................... 5-33
Hydraulic system, replacing the filter insert .................................................................................... 5-33
Checking and tightening the wheel nuts......................................................................................... 5-34
5.7.4. Maintenance after the first 250 operating hours............................................................................. 5-35
Front and rear axle – oil change..................................................................................................... 5-35
Transfer box gearing – changing oil ............................................................................................... 5-36
Checking and adjusting the valve clearance ................................................................................. 5-36
5.7.5. Maintenance every 10 operating hours .......................................................................................... 5-37
Lubrication, articulated steering...................................................................................................... 5-37
5.7.6. Maintenance every 50 operating hours .......................................................................................... 5-38
Checking the service brake and oil level, refilling oil ...................................................................... 5-38
Battery – checking the acid level.................................................................................................... 5-39
Lubrication, work unit...................................................................................................................... 5-40
5.7.7. Maintenance every 250 operating hours ........................................................................................ 5-41
V-Belt, generator – checking and adjusting the tension.................................................................. 5-41
Air filter, removing and re-installing the filter insert, checking and cleaning the filter insert............ 5-42
Lubrication, steering cylinder.......................................................................................................... 5-45
Lubrication, self-aligning bearings of rear axle............................................................................... 5-46
5.7.8. Maintenance every 500 operating hours ........................................................................................ 5-47
Engine – changing oil ..................................................................................................................... 5-47
Replacing the oil filter cartridge ...................................................................................................... 5-48
Changing the fuel filter element...................................................................................................... 5-49
Bleeding the fuel system................................................................................................................. 5-50
Bleeding the low pressure side:...................................................................................................... 5-50
Bleeding the high pressure side: .................................................................................................... 5-50
Air filter, replacing the filter insert, replacing the safety filter........................................................... 5-51
Heater/air conditioning – cleaning/replacing filter fleece ................................................................ 5-52
Cleaning the condenser of air conditioning..................................................................................... 5-53
E.C.S.S.-pressure accumulator (Option) - checking gas pressure................................................ 5-53
Front and rear axle – checking the oil level....................................................................................5-54
Transfer box gearing – checking the oil level ................................................................................. 5-55
5.7.9. Maintenance every 1000 operating hours ...................................................................................... 5-56
V-Belt, generator – checking and adjusting the tension.................................................................. 5-56
Service Brake - Checking and adjusting oil .................................................................................... 5-56
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-21
1.8. Table of contents Introduction
Checking and adjusting system pressures ..................................................................................... 5-56
Have the system pressures checked and adjusted at an authorised Komatsu garage..................5-56
Hydraulics – Exchanging the venting filters.................................................................................... 5-57
Hydraulic system, replacing the filter insert .......................... ...... ....... ....................................... ...... 5-58
5.7.10. Maintenance every 1500 operating hours ...................................................................................... 5-59
Front and rear axle – oil change..................................................................................................... 5-59
Transfer box gearing – changing oil................................................................................................ 5-60
5.7.11. Maintenance every 2000 operating hours ...................................................................................... 5-61
Cooling system – exchanging coolant and cleaning the system ....................................................5-61
Checking and adjusting the valve clearance ................................................................................. 5-63
Hydraulic system, oil change......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ...... .......5-64
Ventilating the hydraulic oil tank .....................................................................................................5-65
Checking the fuel pump........................ ...... ....... ...................................... ....... ...... ....... ...... .............5-66
Checking the fuel and coolant tubes, replacing the tubes (if required)........................................... 5-66
Checking the water pump..................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... 5-66
5.7.12. Maintenance every 4000 operating hours ...................................................................................... 5-67
Lubrication, universal joint .............................................................................................................. 5-67
6. Technical data............. .. .............. ... .. ............... .. .. ............... .. ... .............. .. ... .6-1
6.1. Technical data..................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .........................................6-2
6.2. Noise emission levels.................................................................................................................................. 6-3
6.3. Vibration level............................................................................................................................................... 6-3
6.4. Limit values for slopes................................................................................................................................ 6-3
7. Special equipment and attachments.........................................................7-1
7.1. E.C.S.S. .........................................................................................................................................................7-2
7.1.1. Structure and functioning principle of the E.C.S.S............................................................................7-2
7.1.2. Precautionary measures for switching on the E.C.S.S..................................................................... 7-2
7.1.3. Operating the E.C.S.S. .....................................................................................................................7-3
Switching ON the E.C.S.S. ...............................................................................................................7-3
Switching OFF the E.C.S.S. ....................................................... ....... ...... ....... .................................. 7-3
7.1.4. Precautions when handling the accumulator.................................................................................... 7-4
8. Index.............................................................................................................8-1
9. Notes............................................................................................................9-1
1-22 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.9. Dimensions, weights and operating data
1.9. Dimensions, weights and operating data

Dimensions, weights and operating data

Bucket capacity to ISO 7546 0,85 m³ 30.017 cuft
Material density 1,8 t/m³ 3.033 pound/cubic yard Static tipping load, straight 3700 kg 8157 pound Static tipping load, 40° angle 3140 kg 6922 pound Working load without CTW 1900 kg 4188 pound Working load with CTW 2100 kg 4629 pound Breakout force, hydraulic 40,6 kN 40.6 kN Lifting capacity, hydraulic, on ground 41,10 kN 41.10 kN Operating weight 4820 kg 10626 pound
Turning radius over bucket 4175 mm 13’ 7" ft. in. L Bucket length in transport position 5250 mm 17’ 3" ft. in. A Bucket length during planing 5320 mm 17’ 5" ft. in. T1 Wi dth with bucke t 1800 mm 5’ 9" ft. in. T2 Width without bucket (above wheels) - mm - ft. in. G Height, including ROPS 2470 mm 8’ 1" ft. in. D Track 1360 mm 4’ 5" ft. in. B Width over tyres 2050 mm 6’ 8" ft. in. H Distance articulated steer. - front axle 1025 mm 3’ 4" ft. in.
Ground clearance, axle /transfer gear
ground clearance, cardan shaft F Centre of gravity, height above axle centre - mm - ft. in. I Centre of gravity, distance to front axle - mm - ft. in.
305 425
1’ 4"
ft. in. ft. in.
These values refer to machines with
12.5 - 18 tires CTW = additional
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-23
1.10. CE-conforming equipment Introduction

1.10. CE-conforming equipment

1.10.1. CE-conforming equipment – part 1

CE-conforming equipment
12 3 4–
Type Part No.
Bucket WA70-5
cuft (m³)
42U-70-22010 30.017 (0,85) - 604 (274) 42U-70-22020 30.017 (0,85) - 650 (295) 42T-70-22080 26.485 (0,75) - 659 (299) 42U-70-22120 44.143 (1,25) - 760 (345) 42U-70-22140 35.314 (1,0) - 683 (310)
Hydr. pressure
lb (kg)

1.10.2. CE-conforming equipment – part 2

CE-conforming equipment
12 3 4
Work load of fork
Type Part No.
Fork carrier WA70-5 42U-70-22050 3,968 (1,800) - 476 (216)
carrier STD
lb (kg) / pair
Work load of fork
carrier with CTW
kg / pair
lb (kg)
1-24 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.10. CE-conforming equipment

1.10.3. Manufacturer-supplied CE-conforming equipment.

The responsibility for observing valid regulations in the case of wheel loaders with "int erchangeabl e equipment" (e.g. bucket or fork-lift) which was not supplied from works lies with the customer which was subsequently fitted to the machine.
The guidelines for C E Con formity and road- traffic reg istrati on a re deemed to have been fulfilled when the manufacturer of the equipment confirms fulfilment.
The certification must be sent to the customer and the wheel loader manufactur er. The CE co nformi ty d ec larat ion fo r a s pecific wheel loader is only legally valid once this has taken place.
The dimensio ns X1, X2, Y1 and Y2 must be provid ed by the manufacturer of the equipment for approval for use on public roads.
The dimension Sh (sm allest tyre radi us) must be add ed to the dimension D2.
The figure G (in k g) represents the m aximum load (e quipment and operating load) which may act upon this point.
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-25
1.10. CE-conforming equipment Introduction
1-26 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.10. CE-conforming equipment
Manufacturer-supplied CE-conforming equipment.
A1 Distance: bucket pivoting point - front axle, horizontal A2 Distance: bucket pivoting point - front axle, vertical B1 Distance: driver's eye - front axle, horizontal B2 Distance: driver's eye - front axle, vertical D1 Distance front axle- lower edge of headlights, horizontal D2 Distance front axle- lower edge of headlights, vertical
Weight of the equipment and carrying load without
additional counterwe ig ht
H1 Distance: bucket pivoting point - bucket upper edge, vertical
(carrying position)
H2 Distance: bucket pivoting point - vision line, vertical
(carrying position)
J Distance road level - lower edge of bucket in carrying posi-
tion (to be considered during driving on public roads) Sh Distance: road level - front axle a Tip-in angle b1 Bucket connection dimension boom width, interior c Bucket connection dimension between d1 and d2, vertical d1 Bucket connection dimension bolts for boom
ft. in. mm
A1 5’ 4" 1.625 A2 3’ 7" 1.125 Sh 1’ 5" 450 B1 6’ 1.820 B2 5’ 4" 1.650 C1 4’ 4" 1.330 C2 4’ 2" 1.280 D1 1’ 2" 375 D2 3’ 5" 1.070 G 5’ 2" 1.570 H1 2’ 9" 875 H2 4’ 1.215 J 10.62" 270 X1 - ­X2 - ­Y1 - ­Y2 - -
d2 Bucket connection dimension bolt for tip-in rod e Bucket connection dimension d1- d2 horizontally displaced h Distance lower edge of bucket - drill hole of boom bolt
a51° b1 2’ 8" 860 c 12.28" 312 d1 ø 1.574 ø 40 d2 ø 1.574 ø 40 e0.59"15 h 7.87" 200 T yre 12.5 - 18 Dunlop
30.017 cuft (0.85 m3)
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-27

1.11. Loading and securing Introduction

1.11. Loading and securing
Observe all safety instructions carefully in or der to prevent acci­dents with severe injury. See "3.4. Transporting the machine" on page 3-76.
Always secure articulated joint if maintenance or repair
work is to be carried out or if the machine is going to be lifted or transported.
An articulated joint may jack-knife unexpectedly if not
secured. Danger of injury if joint jack-knifes.
1-28 WA70-5 – VEAM320200
Introduction 1.11. Loading and securing
1. Set the machine to straight driving.
2. On the left: Loosen the spring bolt and remove the bolt (1).
3. On the right: Insert the bolt (2) and secure by means of the
spring bolt.
NOTE Due to safety reasons and to avoid consequential damages,
it is prohibited to attach other points (such as axles, cardan shafts, articulated joint, bucket teeth) than those specified for lifting and securing. It is also prohibited to atta ch ropes etc. to th e driver's cabin.
WA70-5 – VEAM320200 1-29
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