Chord Fingering: The KD Ensemble automatically defaults your chord to Fingered 1.
You can also change the chord fingering to another mode, by pressing chord fingering,
and selecting these other options:
A. Fingered 1 – A full Major chord will be recognized, even if only a single
finger note is played.
B. Fingered 2 – The full chord will be recognized, only with 3 or more notes.
If you play just one note, a unison will be played.
C. Fingered 3 – (default) You must always play 3 or more notes for a chord
to be recognized.
D. One Finger – Major chord with 1 note. Play the white note below the
root & you get a 7th. Play the black key below the root, and you get a
minor chord. Play both the black & white note below the root, and you
get a minor 7th.
o Choose Variations 1-4 (on bottom left). As you move from Variation 1 to
Variation 4, the style will build.
o Choose Fill-in 1 or 2 at any time. Fill-In 1 is the longer of the two.
o You can select the Break button at any time. This adds a 1 measure
break, or “stop”, to your pattern.
• Single Touch Settings: The STS “F” buttons, (labeled F1 – F4
(below the screen). These are pre-programmed sound registrations, to go
along with the style you’re playing. They can be changed at anytime,
along with any variation. Sometimes these sounds will be a solo voice, or
combined sounds. They can also choose a left hand sound.
• Note: Split: The unit will default to Middle C, split point. When starting
off with Piano, the unit will be in Full Keyboard mode, during a style.
You then play any 3 note chord, on all 88 keys. If you desire to change
the split point, simply hold down split, and choose the note to split the left
hand. However, if you pick one of the STS buttons, the unit will revert
back to it’s preprogrammed split.
• Tip! As an option you can choose Manual Bass, button (2nd row from top,
on left). This gives you a bass split for the left hand.