Service Bulletins Index
Click on a service bulletin number to view it.
Bulletin #
SB 30 SB 30 - (Jan 1998) Processing recommendations with recommended
replenishment rates for KODAK X-Omat processors.
SB 78 SB 78 - (Jun 1994) Dryer overtemperature protection for the KODAK M6A-
N and M6AW Processors
SB 101 SB 101 - (Oct 1992) Dryer venting requirements for all KODAK Processors
SB 158 SB 158 - (Apr 1993) Auxiliary ventilation fan kit for all KODAK Processors
SB 191 SB 191 - (Jan 1994) Installing the Receiving Bin on the M35 Series of
SB 192 SB 192 - (Feb 1994) Jumpers shipped in prepack for the KODAK X-Omat
460 RA Processor; possible incorrect wiring
SB 193 SB 193 - (Mar 1994) 480 RA, Correcting film jams in the Dryer Transport
SB 199 SB 199 - (Aug 1994) ID Camera Models 4, 4L, 2, 2L, X1 X1L, MIN-R and
MIN-R L, new tool is available to help in the adjustment of the Actuator Pin
SB 201 SB 201 - (Aug 1994) Verify installation of Mod 1 for the 460 RA Processor
and Mod 8 for the 270 RA Processor
Document Description
SB 202 SB 202 - (Aug 1994) Solid State Relays for all KODAK Processor s
SB 203 SB 203 - (Aug 1994) Modification No. 7 is available to improve the Dryer
Assembly for M7B processors when docked to Laser Printers
SB 205 SB 205 - (Oct 1994) Retaining developer during preventive maintenance
for all KODAK Processors
SB 206 SB 206 - (Aug 1994) M43, M43A and Clinic 1 Processors, Modification
No.1, Guide Shoe change in the Developer and Fix Racks, changes made
to the Top Cover, and information on installing Solid State Relays
SB 208 SB 208 - (Nov 1994) Solid state relay change for the 480 RA or 270 RA
SB 209 SB 209 - (Oct 1994) New part number for Capacitor used with the
Recirculation Pump Motor
SB 210 SB 210 - (Oct 1994) Modification to the Detector Crosso ver Assemblies f or
the M35 Series of Processors

Bulletin #
SB 211 SB 211 - (Jan 19 95) Mand ato ry Mod 5 fo r KODAK X-Omat 180 LP
SB 213 SB 213 - (M ar 1995) M43, M43A and Clinic 1, D am a ge to Dryer Top Cov e r
and additional technical information
SB 214 SB 214 - (Mar 1995) Roller part number changes for all KODAK
SB 215 SB 215 - (Mar 1995) New springs for dryer rack; new bulkhead fittings for
KODAK X-Omat 180 LP, 270 RA Proces sors and X-Omat Multiloader 300
SB 216 SB 216 - (May 1995) Dryer transport enhancement kit for the 480 RA
SB 218 SB 218 - (Jul 1995) Replacement developer rack T roller; parts list change
for M7B
SB 219 SB 219 - (Jul 1995) M43, M43A and Clinic 1, Film Transport Enhancement
Kit and Drain Valve improvements
Document Description
SB 220 SB 220 - (Jul 1995) Modification of the Developer Rack for the M35A-M
and M35-M Process ors
SB 221 SB 221 - (Jun 1995) Announcing service discontinuance for the M7 and
M7A X-OMAT Processors and Accessories
SB 223 SB 223 - (Sept 1995) Required modification 6 for KODAK X-Omat 180 LP
Processor, modification 18 for KODAK X-Omat 270 RA Processor, and
modification 27 for KODAK X-Omat Multilo ader 300
SB 224 SB 224 - (S ept 199 5) Modifi cation 7 f or KOD AK X-OMAT 180 LP Processo r,
modification 19 for K OD AK X-OMAT 270 RA Processor, and modification 29
for KODAK X-OMAT Multiloader 300
SB 225 SB 225 - (Apr 1996) Mo d 1 f or KOD AK 1 80 LP Sorter Kit; V2.24 softwa re f or
KODAK X-Omat 180 LP and 180 LPS Processors; minimize wear on wire
SB 226 SB 226 - (Oct 1995) Automatic Film Feeder, Model RA, New location for
the Dip Switches on the Adjustment Circuit Board
SB 227 SB 227 - (Oct 1995) Mod 1 fo r K OD AK X-Omat 48 0 RA Processor; Improve
the reliability of the Level Probes
SB 228 SB 228 - (Dec 1995) Automatic Film Feeder, Model 11, Modification to
prevent interruptions in film feeding