Kodak ScanMate i900 Series Scanning Setup Manual

Scanning Setup Guide for the ISIS Driver

Contents Scan Validation Tool dialog box.........................................................2
Configuring Image settings................................................................4
Main tab......................................................................................... 6
Layout tab...................................................................................... 8
Scan Area dialog box.....................................................................9
Image Processing tab.................................................................. 10
Adjustments tab........................................................................... 13
Image Edge Fill tab......................................................................15
Blank Image Detection tab...........................................................16
Configuring Scanner settings...........................................................17
Scanner tab .................................................................................18
Multifeed Detection tab................................................................ 19
About tab .....................................................................................20
The Kodak ScanMate i900 Series Scanners provide the ability to process scanned images to improve their quality by using image processing features.
Image processing refers to features of the scanner that allow you to automatically adjust each image that may improve the resulting images (i.e., correcting any skew in the fed document, cutting the edges of the image off to remove unneeded borders or cleaning up extraneous “noise” on the image).
The information in this guide provides procedures for using the ISIS Driver as well as descriptions of the features. The same features should be available on the user interface of the scanning application you are using.
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The Scan Validation Tool dialog box

The Scan Validation Tool (SVT) is a diagnostic application provided by Kodak. The SVT user interface allows access to all the features of the scanner and is a good way to verify that the scanner is working properly. The Scan Validation Tool allows you to verify scanner functionality using the ISIS Driver.
Toolbar buttons
Setup — displays the user interface for the selected driver.
Destination — allows you to select a directory to stor e scanned
images and their file names. This option is only available when
Save Images to Files is selected.
Start Scanning — scans the documents in the input tray.
Scan One Page — scans only one page.
Stop Scanning — ends the scan session.
License Key — displays the License Key window. No Image Display mode — closes the Image Viewer window
(no images will be displayed).
One Image Display mode — displays one image at a time.
Two Image Display mode — displays two images at a time.
Four Image Display mode — displays four images at a time.
Eight Image Display mode — displays eight images at a time.
About — displays the version of the Scan Validation Tool.
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Save Images to Files — when selected, will save the images to the specified directory.
Display Every enter the sampling rate of the images you want to display while scanning. For example, to see every image, enter a value
of 1. To see every 10
image, enter a value of 10.
Total ⎯ displays the total number of images scanned during the current Scan Validation Tool session.
• To access the ISIS Driver double-click the Setup icon on the Scan Validation Tool dialog box to access the main Kodak Scanner window.
Last File ⎯ displays the full path and file name for the last stored image.
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Configuring Image settings

The main ISIS Driver window provides a set of default tabs for configuring images. You can select each of these tabs and make any choices necessary to meet your scanning needs.
This section describes the ISIS Driver default interface. NOTE: The Image Mode selections are available with all of the Image
tabs (i.e., Main, Layout, Image Processing, etc.).
Image Mode — select one of the camera options:
Camera — the selections in the Camera box list the available sides (front and back) of an image where you can define individual image processing values. Options include: Front Image #1, Front Image #2, Back Image #1 and Back Image #2.
The Kodak Scanner drivers allow you to control the camera settings independently. Some settings apply only to black and white images, others apply to color/grayscale images.
Mode — select one of the following modes:
- Black and White: if you want your electronic image to represen t all elements of your document in black and white.
- Grayscale: if you want your electronic image to have a range of varying shades of gray from black to white.
- Color: if you want your electronic image to be in color.
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Buttons — the buttons on the bottom of the window apply to all tabs:
Copy this function is only available when scanning two-sided documents. The Copy button provides a convenient way to set up the color, grayscale or black and white image settings on one side and transfer them to the other. For example, if you highlight and set up Front Image #1, you can use the Copy button to duplicate those settings for Back Image #1.
OK saves the values set on all tabs.
Cancel closes the window without saving any changes.
Help — displays on-line help about the options available on the selected window.
Default resets the values on all tabs to the factory defaults.
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Main tab The Main tab provides the following options.

Dots per inch (dpi) or resolution indicates the scanning resolution,
which largely determines the quality of the scanned image. The greater the resolution, the better the reproduction. However, scanning at a higher resolution also increases scanning time and file size.
Choose a resolution value from the drop-down list. The default is 200 dpi. Available resolutions are: 100, 150, 200, 240, 300, 400, 600 and 1200 dpi.
Cropping allows you to capture a portion of the document being scanned. All cropping options can be used with color/grayscale and black and white images. Front and Back cropping are independent, however, for dua l stream scanning, color/grayscale and black and white cropping must be the same per side. Only one cropping option can be assigned per image. Select one of the following options:
Automatic: dynamically adjusts the cropping window for different sizes based on the edges of the image.
Aggressive: eliminates any residual black border on any image edges. In order to achieve this, there is a possibility that a small amount of image data from the edge of the document may be lost.
Fixed to Transport: (used for batches of same-sized documents) allows you to define the area to be imaged. Fixed to Transport cropping is used in conjunction with paper size and page layout and assumes you are center-feeding your documents. If you are not using center feeding, you must select the Layout tab to define your scan area. See the section entitled, “Layout tab” later in this guide for more information.
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