The Kodak s1700 Operating System Software controls the Kodak
s1740 Capture System and provides the following features:
• An easy to use interface allows you to easily access the tools you
need via icons, toolbars and pull-down menus.
• Captures the information that enables automatic post-sorting into 2,
6, 8 or 12 pockets based on smart imaging.
• For document completeness, easy separation and tracking, you can
encode MICR data on documents. With the barcode encoding option,
you can imprint the same barcode (up to three barcodes in one run),
on every page of a document to keep pages from the same file
• For electronic distribution or archiving you can define tags to facilitate
the sharing of data and choose the image format (JPEG or TIF) that
best meets your needs.
• Specify up to six different images (color, grayscale and black and
white; both front and back) in one pass.
• Statistical information is easy accessed on the documents
System requirementsSee the Installation Planning Guide, A-61595 for software and
hardware requirements.
A-61593 September 20071-1
Using this manualThis User’s Guide describes the functions and procedures of the Kodak
s1700 Operating System Software.
Chapter 1, Introduction — provides a brief overview of product
features, a description of what information you will find in other chapters
of this User’s Guide and procedures to logging into the software and
how to exit the software.
Chapter 2, Getting Started — describes the windows, menus, and
toolbars that are available when using the Kodak s1700 Operating
System Software.
NOTE: Most options on the menus can also be performed by using the
toolbar, icon bar or a Ctrl key sequence. For the purpose of this
manual, all procedures are described using the menu options.
Chapter 3, Using the Software and Clearing Document Jams —
provides procedures using the Scan, Convert and Transfer modules
and how they all work together to run a job. Also provides procedures
for clearing a document jam.
Chapter 4, Troubleshooting and Chapter 5, Troubleshooting Tools — provides a listing of errors that you may encounter when using
the Scan or Tools modules.
Appendix A, Table Properties and Global Fields — provides a
description of available table properties and how to change them.
1-2A-61593 September 2007
Starting the s1700
Operating System
1. If the scanner is not turned on, turn the scanner on before you turn
on the host PC.
2. Turn on the host PC.
3. Double-click on the s1700 Operating System Software icon. The
Login screen will be displayed.
4. Enter your Account name and Password and click Login. The Run
Selection dialog box will be displayed.
A-61593 September 20071-3
5. Select the job you want to run and click Select.
When you select the job you want to run, the main screen will be
NOTE: The following screen may appear differently depending on
your system configuration.
Exiting the operating
system software
To exit the operating system software:
• Click Exit on the icon bar.
1-4A-61593 September 2007
2Getting Started
This chapter describes the windows, menus and toolbars that are
available when using the Kodak s1700 Operating System Software.
The Kodak s1700 Operating System Software includes the following
Scan — the majority of your work will be done using Scan. Detailed
information regarding the menus, tools and windows in Scan follows
the general description of the main window.
Convert — works on the output of Scan, generates individual text and
outputs the scanned images to the desired file format.
Transfer — sends the scanned information to the receiving application.
Run Definition — this is where the job definitions are defined.
Statistics — allows statistical evaluations of former operating system
software sessions.
Split — this module allows you to calculate the runs for fine sorts.
You will use the Scan, Convert and Transfer modules when processing
a run. The windows and toolbars associated with all of these modules
are described in this chapter. Many of the menu and toolbar buttons are
the same for all modules.
See Chapter 3, Using the Software for procedures on how these
modules are used and work together.
A-61593 September 20072-1
The main windowThe main Kodak s1700 Operating System Software window contains
the following elements:
1Title bar — provides the official name of the operating system
2Menu bar — provides the available options within each module.
The View, Extras and ? menu items are the same within all
3Toolbar — frequently used menu options are also available as
toolbar buttons. These buttons are different based upon which
module you are using.
4Context Selection bar — provides a listing of the available
modules within the operating system software. The icon
highlighted is the module that is currently being used. The modules
associated with running a run are Scan, Convert and Transfer. Run
Definition and User are available for system maintenance.
5Display area — shows the progress of the current module. The
display area of Scan contains the Document List and image
monitors. The display area of Convert and Transfer display the
task table, property panel and message panel.
6Status bar — displays the status of the current run.
2-2A-61593 September 2007
Menu barThe following summarizes the functions associated with each menu.
Tray — provides options that allow you to control the start and finish of
trays and runs.
Machine Control — provides options that allow you to control the
View — allows you to change the way information is displayed on the
main screen.
Extras — allows you to change the language, change a password, and
save a log file. Suite configuration (if displayed) is for System
Administrator use only.
? (Information) — displays the About window which allows you to view
operating system information, allows you customize the colors used in
the Document List and provides access to PDF files of supporting
Tray menuThis menu provides tray-grouping options of documents within a run.
Multiple trays of documents may be scanned within a run.
Finish Run — the current run will be finished and a task for the
operating system software will be created. If a document jam has
occurred and the current batch is not closed, this option will not be
Interrupt — allows you to pause a run in progress. Only runs that are
triggered by task files can be interrupted.
Cancel Run — stops the run that is currently running and the output
files will be discarded.
A-61593 September 20072-3
Next Tray — the current tray will be finished and the next tray will be
Exit — closes the operating system software. This is only available if
the run is closed.
Machine Control menuThe Machine Control menu provides the following options.
Continuous Feed — starts the feeder and will continue feeding
documents until no more documents are on the continuous feeder.
Single Feed — starts the feeder and feeds one document.
Define Continuous Feed and Single Feed — allows you to enable or disable double feed detection.
Thick Feed/Special Feed — this menu item will be Thick Feed if
double feed detection is disabled (default). If double feed detection is
enabled, it will be Special Feed. This button allows you to disable
endorsing, encoding or double feed detection on the next document.
Define Special Feed — allows you to enable or disable double feed
detection so you can process unusual documents.
Pause — pauses the scanner. The transport will stop when all
documents have been deposited in a pocket/tray.
Clear Track — when a document jam occurs, before manually
removing documents, select Clear Track. This will deposit any
documents in the track to the overflow pocket. Any remaining
documents will need to be removed manually.
Jam Cleared — when a document jam has been cleared, select Jam
Cleared to return the scanner to the Idle state.
Look Ahead — displays the Look Ahead table when you are using
controlled runs.
Monitor — displays an additional image window which allows you to
view the front and rear of an image at the same time.
2-4A-61593 September 2007
View menuThe View menu provides the following options.
Layout — provides a listing of optional window layouts.
• Automatic Layout: places all the open windows on the screen in an
orderly fashion without any overlapping.
• Freeze Layout: you can move the windows around the screen into a
layout that works best for you. Once you have them the way you want
them, you can select Freeze Layout and the windows will stay in this
position until you change them again.
• Freeze Layout as default: saves the window layout as the default
for all users. This option is available for System Administrators only.
• Set Layout to default: the user layout is deleted and the default
layout will be used instead.
• Show Layout Run: switches the screens between Run view and Idle
view, allowing you to arrange the layout of both screens.
Show Current User — displays the name of the user that is currently
logged into the operating system.
Set toolbar button display — allows you to customize the appearance
of the toolbar buttons.
A-61593 September 20072-5
• Depending on what you want displayed on the button, check or
uncheck Show text and/or Show hotkey and click OK.
Extras menuThe Extras menu provides the following options.
Change Language — displays the Language Selection window which
allows you to change the language of the operating system software.
The language can be changed at any time without closing the run.
• Select the language of choice. Once selected, the window will close
and the operating system software will be displayed in the selected
NOTE: Select Assign new language to user to assign the selected
language permanently to the current user.
Change Password — displays the Change Password window which
allows you to change the password of the current user. Passwords are case-sensitive.
1. Enter the current password in the Old Password field.
2. Enter the new password in the New Password and New
Confirmation fields.
2-6A-61593 September 2007
3. Click Change Password.
Suite configuration — this option is for System Administrator’s only.
See the Administrator’s Guide, A-61598 for more information.
Save Logs — when selected, the operating system software will
retrieve the log files. When the files have been retrieved, the Save
Logfiles window will be displayed allowing you to enter pertinent
information about the run and save it to a log file.
1. Enter any information that will help diagnose the problem in the
Problem Description, Precondition for this problem, and the Used
scan material when encountering the problem fields.
2. Check any of the other fields that apply to the problem.
3. Click Save logs. Your comments, all log files, the configuration files
and the run definition will be saved to the .zip file displayed in the
Store zipped log file to path.
A-61593 September 20072-7
Information menuThe Information menu provides the following options.
About — displays the About window which provides the current version
of the operating system software, the name, version and date of the
modules, the scanner configuration and the installation settings.
The Module Versions tab provides an overview of the operating system
software modules.
If any entries are color-coded, see the table below for a description of
the color.
BlackThe version is the same version as the original
RedThis module is patched.
YellowThe version of this module is not defined in the
NOTE: If you send an error report, include these version numbers.
2-8A-61593 September 2007
Machine Status — when the scanner stops, the Machine Status is
automatically displayed. If you need to display the status, select this
• Review the message and click on Continuous Feed to continue
scanning or OK to close the dialog box. If you want more details
regarding the message, click Details on.
Jam Handling Colors — displays the Color and States of Documents
window which provides an overview of the colors used in the Document
A-61593 September 20072-9
Context Selection barThe Context Selection bar provides a listing of the modules within the
Kodak s1700 Operating System Software. Several modules can be run
at one time and you can easily navigate from one module to another by
clicking on the desired module. The available modules depend on the
operating system configuration.
Split — this module allows you to calculate the runs for fine
Scan — this is the main module. It controls the scanner and
creates a native output file.
Statistics — this module allows statistical evaluations of the
actions in Scan.
Convert — receives the output from Scan and generatesa
text file and image output. The indicators show the status of
the tasks.
Transfer — sends the generated files to the defined output
destination directory. The indicators show the status of the
Run Definition — allows you to manage (create, edit, copy
and delete) your runs.
User — allows you to manage users of the operating system
software (i.e., create a new user, edit existing user rights, and
remove a user).
Exit — closes the s1700 Operating System Software.
2-10A-61593 September 2007
Toolbar buttonsThe toolbar provides easy access to commonly used functions.
Next Tray — the current tray will be finished and the next tray
will be started.
Finish Run — the run will be finished. This option is not
available when a document jam occurs or if the current batch
is not closed.
Cancel Run — cancels the current run. If you cancel a run,
any output files will be discarded.
Continuous Feed — document feeding will start and
continue until all documents on the continuous feeder have
been fed.
Single Feed — one document will be fed.
Thick Feed — if double feed detection is disabled (default)
this option will be available.
Special Feed — allows you to disable endorsing, encoding
or double feed detection on the next document.
Clear Track — deposits any documents in the track to the
overflow pocket. Any remaining documents will need to be
removed manually.
Pause — pauses the scanner. The transport will stop when
all documents have been deposited in a pocket/tray.
Jam Cleared — when a document jam has been cleared,
select Jam Cleared to return the scanner to the Idle state.
Monitor — displays an additional image window so you can
view the front and rear of the image at the same time.
A-61593 September 20072-11
The Display areaThe display area provides an overview about the scanned documents.
It contains the Document List and image monitors. If you select a
document in the list, the images associated with this document will be
displayed on the image monitor.
Document List — the Document List can be displayed in Idle mode or
when a document jam has occurred. Each line represents a document.
There are a number of columns that can be displayed. The columns
selected in the Table Properties window determine the columns
displayed. See Appendix A, Table Properties and Global fields for more
Buttons — the Mark Jam and No Jam buttons are only available if it is
setup in your user profile. When a jam occurs, you need to verify
whether the document has been scanned correctly and been deposited
in the correct pocket.
• Mark Jam: use this button when a document was scanned correctly
but has not been deposited in the correct pocket. The selected item
will be Blue.
• No Jam: the selected item will be Yellow.
For more information about clearing a document jam, see the section
entitled, “Handling Document Jams” in Chapter 3.
2-12A-61593 September 2007
Image Monitor — when you select an item from the Document List, the
image will be displayed in the window to the right. Once displayed, you
can use these Toolbar buttons.
displays the front or back side of the scanned document.
redisplays the image to the original size.
magnifies the image by X%.
reduces the image by X%.
rotates the image 90 degrees to the left.
rotates the image 90 degrees to the right.
closes the Image Display window.
A-61593 September 20072-13
Status barThe status bar provides the current status of the scanner and is divided
into 5 areas.
Scanner State — the scanner can be in one of the following states:
Scanner StateDescription
Track Clearing
Jam Handling
• When the scanner is not feeding documents.
• If you press the Pause button.
• If the feeder is empty.
NOTE:You can close or cancel a run or
manually change the tray in the Idle
Documents are being fed and scanned.
A physical jam has occurred (e.g., a paper clip
is on one or more documents) and the transport
has been blocked. The track must be cleared of
documents before proceeding.
After a physical jam, press the Clear Track
button to start the transport and deposit any
remaining documents within the track to the
overflow pockets. Any documents that are still
jammed must be manually removed.
This state requires you to verify the Document
List. Any documents that are jammed must be
fed and scanned again. After all documents
have been verified, they need to be marked as
OK or deleted.
NOTE: For more information see the section entitled, “Handling
Document Jams” in Chapter 3.
Current tray status — provides the number of documents in the
current tray and the number of documents fed during the current run.
ID number — provides the identification number of the current tray.
Message line — provides a message to the operator regarding the
current state of the scanner.
Messages button — displays the machine status messages. These
messages are color coded:
2-14A-61593 September 2007
Changing table
properties and global
The columns that are displayed in the Document List can be changed
to list the information that is important to you. This is done by using the
Table Properties dialog box. For more information, see Appendix A, Table Properties and Global Fields.
Description of special
system fields on the
Document List
The following provides descriptions of the special system fields on the
Master Document List.
Document State column
In addition to colored backgrounds, you can also define the text you
want to appear in the Document State column. The following values are
• The greater than sign (>) in front of the Document state indicates the
selected document.
• The number sign (#) in front of the Document state indicates a
“marked” document.
A-61593 September 20072-15
Tray Column
The plus sign (+) in front of the Tray Nr. (system field: TRAY) indicates
that the tray of the document is closed; therefore documents cannot be
deleted. In the following example, Trays 37, 38 and 39 are closed. Tray
40 is still open and documents can still be deleted.
Image Monitors Column
To identify documents quickly during jam clearing, image monitors are
available. The image monitors show the image related to the selected
document and surrounding documents. If no offset is defined, the
displayed image corresponds to the selected line in the Document List.
The displayed button can be configured in the run definition.
2-16A-61593 September 2007
• To open another image monitor click the Monitor tool. You can resize
and move this window to meet your needs. Several image monitors
can be opened at one time. Rearrange your desktop the way you
want, then select View>Layout>Freeze layout as default.
• To view all images in a run, place your cursor on the Image Monitor
window, right-click the mouse button and select Image. All images
defined in your run definition will be displayed.
Image...allows you to select the camera where the
image of this document is shown.
e.g., front side, black/white
Zoom to fit in windowdisplays the entire length and width of the image
so it fits in the Image Monitor window.
Zoom inenlarges the displayed image.
Zoom outreduces the displayed image.
Rotate leftrotates the image 90 degrees to the left.
Rotate rightrotates the image 90 degrees to the right.
Next documentdisplays the next image in the run.
Previous documentdisplays the previous image in the run.
Close monitorcloses the Image Monitor window.
A-61593 September 20072-17
Tools includes the following modules:
• Convert
• Transfer
• Split (optional)
The screen layout is the same for these modules. This section provides
information about the menus, toolbars and windows that will be used
when using these modules.
2-18A-61593 September 2007
1Menu bar — provides the available options within each module.
2Toolbar — frequently used menu options are also available as
toolbar buttons. These buttons are different based upon which
module you are using.
3Task table — provides all current runs and their status.
4Message panel — provides information about the processing of
the tasks.
5Property panel — if only one dispatch run is selected in the Task
table, the Property panel shows information regarding the selected
6Status line — displays the number of runs in each state and
indicates any problems with disk space.
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