Kodak RVG 6500 IPS System, RVG 6500 System User's Installation Manual

KODAK RVG 6500 System and KODAK RVG 6500
IPS System
User & Installation Guide
The User & Installation Guide for the KODAK RVG 6500 System includes information on the installation of the device as well as its usage. We recommend that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with this Guide in order to make the most effective use of your system.
The KODAK RVG 6500 System, wireless digital intra-oral X-ray system, is intended to produce an image of the dental area at the direction of dentists, oral surgeons and orthodontists for x-ray imaging of the dento-maxillo-facial area.
The KODAK RVG 6500 IPS System, in addition, provides the Intelligent Positioning System (IPS) to enable the dentist prior to acquisition to correctly align the X-ray beam to the RVG sensor.
All rights reserved. iPhone®, iPod® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
No part of this Guide may be reproduced without the express permission of Carestream Health, Inc.
U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a dentist or physician.
This document is originally written in English.
Manual Name: KODAK RVG 6500 System User and Installation Guide Part Number: SM728 Revision Number: 01 Print Date: 10/2009
In this Guide, all trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. The Brand names and logos reproduced in this Guide are copyright.
KODAK is a trademark of KODAK used under Licence. KODAK RVG 6500 System, complies with Directive 93/42/CEE relating to medical equipment.
Authorized Representative in the European Community
4, Rue F. Pelloutier, Croissy-Beaubourg
77435 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, France
WARNING: We recommend that you consult the “Safety, Regulatory and the Technical Specification User Guide” before using the KODAK RVG 6500 Systems.
Carestrea m Health, Inc . 150 Verona Street Roche ster NY 14 608
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 iii
Chapter 1 Conventions in This Guide
Conventions in this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2 KODAK RVG 6500
Systems Packaging
KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Description. . . . . . . . . . . 3
Packaging of KODAK RVG 6500 System . . . . . . . . . . 3
Packaging of KODAK RVG 6500 IPS System . . . . . . . . 3
Opening the Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Chapter 3 KODAK RVG 6500
Systems Overview
KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
RVG Functional Components Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 6
WiFi Access Point Functional Components Overview . . . . 7
Chapter 4 Imaging Software
Computer System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
General Software Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
KODAK Dental Imaging Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
The RVG Acquisition Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
The IPS Aiming Ring Interface Overview . . . . . . . . . . .13
IPS Aiming Ring Interface and RVG Sensor Display . .13 IPS Aiming Ring Interface and RVG Sensor Centering .14
The RVG Mobile Application Overview . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Chapter 5 Setting Up the KODAK RVG 6500 Systems
WiFi Access Point Setup Configurations . . . . . . . . . . .17
WiFi Access Point Wired Configuration Setup . . . . .17
WiFi AP Wireless Configuring Setup. . . . . . . . . . .18
Installing the KODAK Dental Imaging Software . . . . . . .19
Registering the KDIS Licence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Mounting the RVG Holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Mounting the IPS Aiming Ring on the X-Ray Generator . . .27
Chapter 6 Acquiring an Image
Locking the RVG Sensor to the Computer . . . . . . . . . .31
Locking a Single RVG Sensor to the Computer . . . . .31
Locking Several Shared RVG Sensors to the
Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Acquiring an Image with the RVG Sensor . . . . . . . . . .34
Preparing the RVG Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Preparing the X-Ray Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Launching the X-Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Chapter 7 RVG Mobile
The RVG Mobile Application Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Downloading the RVG Mobile Application . . . . . . . . . . 42
If iPhone/iPod Touch is Connected to the Internet . . . 42 If iPhone/iPod Touch is not Connected to the Internet . 43
Connecting The Device to the WiFi Access Point . . . . . . 44
Configuring the Preference Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Locking the RVG Sensor to the Apple Device . . . . . . . . 48
Accessing the Sensor List Window . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Locking a Single RVG Sensor to the Apple Device . . . 48 Locking Several Shared RVG Sensors to the
Apple Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Finding or Creating a Patient File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Acquiring an Image with the RVG Mobile Application . . . . 52
Preparing the RVG Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Preparing the X-Ray Generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Launching the X-Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
Quick Trouble Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Information Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Chapter 9 Maintenance
Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
The RVG Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Cleaning and Disinfecting the RVG Sensor. . . . . 63
Cleaning the RVG Sensor Control Box . . . . . . . 64
Cleaning the Positioning Accessories . . . . . . . . . . 64
Monthly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Replacing the RVG Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Replacing the IPS Aiming Ring Battery. . . . . . . . . . . . 68
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 1
1 Conventions in This Guide
Conventions in this Guide
The following special messages emphasize information or indicate potential risk to personnel or equipment:
WARNING: Warns you to avoid injury to yourself or others by following the safety instructions precisely.
CAUTION: Alerts you to a condition that might cause serious damage.
Important: Alerts you to a condition that might cause problems.
Note: Emphasizes important information.
Tip: Provides extra information and hints.
2 Chapter 1 Conventions in This Guide
KODAK RVG 6500 Digital Radiography Systems (SM728)_Ed01 3
2 KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Packaging
KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Description
The KODAK RVG 6500 Systems is available in 2 configurations:
The KODAK RVG 6500 System
The KODAK RVG 6500 Intelligent Positioning System (IPS) System
The KODAK RVG 6500 Systems information applies to both KODAK RVG 6500 System as well as the KODAK RVG 6500 IPS System.
The KODAK RVG 6500 IPS System information applies only to information relevant to the IPS system.
Packaging of KODAK RVG 6500 System
The KODAK RVG 6500 System packaging is composed of the following boxes:
The RVG sensor box
The WiFi access point box
The positioning kit box
Packaging of KODAK RVG 6500 IPS System
The KODAK RVG 6500 IPS System packaging is composed of the following boxes:
The RVG sensor box with IPS features
The IPS aiming ring box
The WiFi access point box
The positioning kit box
Opening the Boxes
4 Chapter 2 KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Packaging
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 5
3 KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Overview
KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Overview
The KODAK RVG 6500 System
The KODAK RVG 6500 Intelligent Positioning System (IPS) System
Figure 1 KODAK RVG 6500 System Components
The KODAK RVG 6500 IPS System is composed of all the KODAK RVG 6500 system components and the IPS aiming ring. The IPS aiming ring enables you prior to acquisition to dynamically and visually center and align the X-ray beam to the RVG sensor.
Figure 2 IPS Aiming Ring
1 The sensor and the control box
2 The WiFi access point
3 The medical power supply for the RVG system
1 ON/OFF button: A quick push on the ON/OFF button will light the front or back LED.
2 4 LEDS
6 Chapter 3 KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Overview
RVG Functional Components Overview
Figure 3 RVG Functional Components Overview
1 Battery status indicator LED:
Not charged
Charging (blinking)
Charged with charger connection
Charged without charger connection
2 Sensor remote control button and the ON/OFF button:
OFF mode: Press 5 seconds to turn OFF
Connecting to WiFi AP (blinking): Press 2
seconds to turn ON.
Transmitting acquired x-ray image (blinking)
Connected to WiFi APStandby mode
Ready for acquisition
Error mode
3 Sensor
USB connector for battery charging
(A) Medical charger
(B) USB cable to charge with the computer
5 Battery
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 7
WiFi Access Point Functional Components Overview
The WiFi access point is the wireless equivalent of the wired internal Local Area Network (LAN). The WiFi access point provides connectivity between the computer and the RVG sensor(s) enabling you to use the KODAK RVG 6500 within your practice area. See the manufacturer guide for any detailed information on the WiFi access point.
Figure 4 WiFi AP Back Panel Overview
Figure 5 WiFi Access Point Front Panel Overview
1 Power adapter outlet.
2 4 local LAN 10/100 Mpbs Ethernet ports for connecting the WiFi AP to the local computers.
3 Wireless antenna.
1 Power indicator
2 Te st i n d ica t or
3 Wireless transmission indicator
4 Local Area Network (LAN) indicator
2 43
8 Chapter 3 KODAK RVG 6500 Systems Overview
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 9
4 Imaging Software Overview
Computer System Requirements
This section specifies the minimum computer system requirements for KODAK RVG 6500 intraoral imaging system software. If necessary you must update your computer system configuration.
The computer and its screen should ideally be situated in or close to the operating area, in the visual field of the practitioner when he is with the patient. The visual access of the acquired image for the patient encourages communication.
The KODAK RVG 6500 systems must run on a computer with a keyboard.
The KODAK RVG 6500 systems must run on a computer with a mouse equipped with a right and left button and a mouse wheel.
Table 1 Minimum Computer System Requirements
Item Viewing and Acquisition Comments
CPU 2 GHz Intel Duo Core
RAM has a major impact on system performance.
Hard disk drive
1.2 GB for software installation
80 GB free space to use the software
Graphic board
Nvidia/ATI based board supporting Open Glide 1.2 with 256 MB of video RAM on AGP x8 video bus (example: Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT)
The video RAM has major impact on system performance.
1 monitor
17” or larger
1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution - 32 bits color
Your monitor is a vital component in displaying quality images. Low-quality screens will prevent you from proper diagnoses and treatment.
Important: It is MANDATORY to check that the computer system configuration is compatible with the computer system requirements for the KODAK RVG 6500 software.
Important: The screen with the proper technical display characteristics for visualization of radiological images will avoid any diagnostic error.
10 Chapter 4 Imaging Software Overview
General Software Overview
The KODAK RVG 6500 intraoral imaging system operates with the following software:
KODAK dental imaging software
KODAK RVG 6500 systems software modules:
RVG acquisition interface
Intelligent Positioning System (IPS) interface (optional)
RVG Mobile Application for iPhone®/iPod® touch (optional) (see the relevant section)
KODAK Dental Imaging Software
The KODAK dental imaging software is a user-friendly working interface that was designed and developed specifically for radiological diagnosis. It is the common imaging platform for all our digital systems for dentistry.
The KODAK dental imaging software has the following features:
Patient record management using Patient Window features.
Extraoral and intraoral image management using Imaging Window features.
Operating system
Windows XP Home / Pro edition SP3
Windows Vista 32 bits
Windows Vista SP1
Ethernet interface 1 Ethernet interface
USB 2.0 2 ports
Wireless adapter Wireless 802.11g Adapter (USB, PCMCIA or PCI)
CD/DVD drive DVD-ROM drive is required to install the product.
Backup media Removable/portable, external hard disk drive.
We strongly recommend a daily backup of x-ray images and patient records.
Table 1 Minimum Computer System Requirements (Continued)
Item Viewing and Acquisition Comments
Note: For a complete information on how to use the KODAK Dental Imaging Software, click ? in the menu bar to access the online help, or see
SM691 KDIS Quick Start Guide.
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 11
The RVG Acquisition Interface
The RVG Acquisition interface module is a user-friendly working interface that was designed and developed specifically for the KODAK RVG 6500 intraoral imaging system.
Figure 6 RVG Acquisition Main Interface
1 Sensor orientation: Pre-orients how the x-ray image is displayed in the Imaging Window.
Preview screen:
Indicates the 90 second activation time for acquisition.
Displays the acquired x-ray image instantly after acquisition.
Available sensor(s): Displays maximum 3 sensors with their name, sensor status and battery
Blue: Sensor on standby
Green: Sensor ready for acquisition
Red: Error mode
4 Sensor list: Accesses the list of the sensors (see Figure 6).
5 Dental arch interface: Accesses the dental arch interface for tooth selection (see figure 7).
6 Exit button: Exits the Acquisition Interface.
7 Tooth display: Displays the selected tooth number.
12 Chapter 4 Imaging Software Overview
Figure 7 List of Available Sensors
Figure 8 Dental Arch for Tooth Selection
To select the desired tooth or teeth for acquisition, click on the tooth. The tooth number for acquisition is displayed as shown in the Figure 5.
The sensor name and battery status:
Battery status.
The WiFi status:
Wifi transmission is available.
Wifi transmission is available but not good.
WiFi transmission is not available.
The Sensor availability:
Sensor is connected to your computer and ready for use. Click to disconnect.
Sensor is not connected to your computer. Click to connect.
Refresh button refreshes the list of sensors visible in the computer.
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 13
The IPS Aiming Ring Interface Overview
The IPS aiming ring interface is a user-friendly working interfaces that was designed and developed specifically for the KODAK RVG 6500 IPS System intraoral imaging system. It enables you prior to acquisition to dynamically and visually center the x-ray beam to the RVG sensor using the centering indicator.
IPS Aiming Ring Interface and RVG Sensor Display
The IPS aiming ring interface displays the RVG sensor according to where you are positioned, that is, in front or behind the aiming ring. The operator where positioned (in front or behind) must always see the LED (front or back) of the aiming ring ON. A quick push on the ON/OFF button will light the front or the back LED.
Operator is positioned
behind the aiming ring.
Back LED is ON.
Sensor active side is
Operator is positioned in
front of the aiming ring.
Front LED is ON.
Sensor back side is
14 Chapter 4 Imaging Software Overview
IPS Aiming Ring Interface and RVG Sensor Centering
The IPS aiming ring interface enables you to correctly position the X-ray generator to the RVG sensor. The IPS interface enables you to manage the X-ray centering and the proper paralleling technique achievement.
Sensor Display
Sensor is not centered.
Centering indicators are
Sensor active surface not fully
exposed to X-ray.
Image will have a cone cut.
Parallel technique not achieved.
Image distortion.
Sensor Display
Sensor is centered.
Centering indicators are
Sensor active surface is fully exposed
to X-ray;
Image will have no cone cut.
Parallel technique not achieved.
Minimized risk of magnification and
Sensor Display
Sensor is centered.
Centering indicators are
Sensor active surface is fully exposed
to X-ray;
Image will have no cone cut.
Parallel technique achieved*.
Minimized risk of magnification and
Important: *The paralleling technique is achieved when the digital sensor
plane is placed parallel to the real axis of the tooth in the patient’s mouth. This correct positioning is under the operator’s responsibility.
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 15
The RVG Mobile Application Overview
For the RVG Mobile Application overview, see the relevant Chapter.
16 Chapter 4 Imaging Software Overview
KODAK RVG 6500 System_User & Installation Guide (SM728)_Ed01 17
5 Setting Up the KODAK RVG 6500
WiFi Access Point Setup Configurations
There are 2 WiFi access point setup configuration options:
The wired WiFi access point setup configuration
The wireless WiFi access point setup configuration
You need to decide your setup configuration before starting the WiFi setup. Once you have decided you will be guided by the setup software (see
Installing the Setup Installation Software).
WiFi Access Point Wired Configuration Setup
You can choose to have a wired WiFi access point configuration. In this configuration setup, the WiFi access point is connected to a single computer through an Ethernet cable. Several sensors can be connected to the same access point and computer.
The transmission range between the WiFi access point and the RVG sensor is up to 10 meters.
Important: Your computer must have an Ethernet board and be WiFi equipped before installing the KODAK RVG 6500 systems.
max. 10m
18 Chapter 5 Setting Up the KODAK RVG 6500 Systems
WiFi AP Wireless Configuring Setup
You can chose to have a wireless WiFi access point configuration. In this configuration setup, the computer is connected to the WiFi access point through a router, that is, through a dongle or a PCI card. In this configuration, several sensors can be connected to the same access point and shared between several computers and chairs.
For optimal WiFi access point wireless setup, follow these setup recommendations:
Place the WiFi access point in a visible and high location (not on the floor).
Place the WiFi access point in a central location for a multiple access point transmission.
Avoid any barriers along the line of transmission, for example, armored wall and door, cabinets,
effronteries and metal file cabinets.
Install the WiFi access point at 1 meter distance from other appliances transmitting the same
frequency range.
Install the WiFi access point away from electrical equipment that also generates interferences.
In this configuration, the transmission range between WiFi access point and:
The RVG sensor is up to 10 meters.
The computer is up to 10 meters.
max. 10m
max. 10m max. 10m
max. 10m
max. 10m
max. 10m
max. 10m
max. 10m
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