All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form
without permission from Eastman Kodak Company.
Regulatory Information
Radio Frequency Interference
The United States (47 CFR Part 15 Subpart B, FCC Class A, EMC)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at
his own expense.
IMPORTANT:Changes or modifications to the product that are not authorized b y
Eastman Kodak Company could void the FCC Certification and
negate your authority to operate this product.
Canada (ICES-003 Issue 2 Rev1 Canada, Class A, EMC)
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian
Interference-Causing Eq uip men t Regula tio ns .
Cet appareil numerique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du
Reglement sur le materiel brouilleur du Canada.
European Union (EU, CE Marking, EMC)
This equipment has been type tested and found to comply with the requirements
for electromagnetic compatibility as established by European Communities
Council Directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage Directive (Product Safety)
Japan (VCCI, Class 1 EMC)
The following is a translation of the above statement:
“This equipment is in the Class 1 category (information to be used in commercial
and/or industrial areas. Consequently, when used in a residential area or in an
adjacent area thereto, radio interference may be caused to radios and TV
receivers, etc. Read the instructions for correct handling”.
Safety Regulations
IMPORT ANT : This equipment incorporates high-voltage components. Adequate safeguards and interlocks
have been designed into this equipment to reduce the risk of injury during normal operation.
As with any electrical equipment of this kind, adequate ventilation must be provided to
minimize exposure to heat, dust, ozone, and other emissions. The following labels will be
found on the product. The exclamation point symbol (A) indicates that the user should refer
to this guide for safety information. The hot symbol (B) indicates a hot surface area on the
printer that should not be touched. The electrical hazard/shock warning symbol (C)
identifies the possibility of electrical shock inside an area that should only be accessed by
Kodak CES personnel.
CAUTION:Before connecting or disconnecting the SCSI cable or terminator, turn off th e power
for the printer and the host computer. Also, if you replace the SCSI cable, remove the
Ferrite bead from the existing SCSI cable and install it on the new SCSI cable.
Environmental Regulations
IMPORTANT: Always adhere to your local ordinances and regulations for disposal of paper, chemicals,
filters, cleaning supplies, etc.
Warranty Information
The following warranty inf or m at i on pertains to equipment that is in stalled i n th e Uni t ed States
only. For equipment installed in countries other than the United States, the terms and conditions
of the new equipment warranty will be provided by the Kodak company in the country in which
the sale is finalized, or by a Kod ak -appointed distributor in those countries where Kodak does
not have direct sales repr esentation.
Warranty Period
Kodak warrants new equipment to function properly fo r 90 days from the date of initial
installation. This warranty covers the purchaser of this equipment as well as anyone else who
owns it during the warrant y period.
Warranty Repair Coverage
If this equipment does not fu nct i on properly during the warra nt y period, a Kodak Custom er
Equipment Services Field Engineer will repair the equipment without charge during Kodak’s
normal working hours (us ua lly 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mond ay through Friday). Such repair
service will include any adjustments and/or replac ement of parts required to maintain yo ur
equipment in good work in g or der. Supply items are billed as required.
Off-hours services are avail able at overtime rates.
How to Obtain Service
For technical support, service, repair and fuse replacement information, contact Eastman Kodak
Company’s Technical Assistance Center at 1-800-822-1414.
Warranty Service is limited to areas wi th in Kodak’s established marketing cen te rs in the
contiguous United States, the island of Oah u in H aw a ii, and certain areas of Alaska.
This warranty does not co ver circumstances beyond Kodak’s control; service or parts for any
attachments, accessories, or alt er at i ons not marketed by Kodak , no r to correct problems
resulting from their use.
Damaged caused by failure to meet electrical specifications in this manual will not be covered
under the warranty or servi ce agreement claim.
Damage to the imaging shoe as a result of customer misuse or abuse will not be covered under
the warranty or service agreement claim. Do no t us e sh ar p objects to clear paper in this area.
Kodak makes no other warranties, express, implied or of
merchantability, for this equipment.
Repair or replacement without charge is Kodak’s only obligation unde r this warranty. Kodak will
not be responsible for any consequential or incidental dam ages resulting from the sal e, us e or
improper functioning o f thi s eq ui pm ent, even if loss or damage is caused by the negligenc e or
other fault of Kodak.
Such damages, for which Kodak will not be responsible, include, but are not limited to, loss of
revenue of profit, downt i m e costs, loss of use of the equipm ent, cost of any substit ut e
equipment, facilities or services or claims of your customers for such damages.
This limitation of liability will not apply to claims for injury to persons or damage to property
caused by the sole negli gence or fault of Kodak or by persons under its direction or co nt ro l.
Kodak Service Agreements
For information on Kodak Ser vice Agreements, call Kodak Serv ice M ar keting Operations
at 1-800-645-6325.
Table of Contents
About This Guide..................................................................................................................................... xiii
Using This Guide................................................................................................................... xiv
About Other Publications ................................................ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .. xiv
Software Included with the Printer ........................................................................................ xiv
Getting Help from Kodak........................................................................................................ xv
2 Using the System ......................................................................................................................... ...... .. 2-1
Starting up the Processor...................................................................................................... 2-1
Starting up the Printer ........................................................................................................... 2-2
Calibrating the Printer ........................................................................................................... 2-3
This is an Operator’s Guide for the KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer
and Processor.
It provides step-by- step inst ructio ns for the operat ions you p erform wh ile usin g the
Printer and Processor as a system. It also includes procedures and information for
operating, maintaining, troubleshooting, and calibrating the system.
Also included in this guide are instructions for installing and using the various
software packages needed.
This guide is intended for personnel who operate this system. It assumes that you
can perform basic computer operations. MACINTOSH and
WINDOWS NT Platforms are supported in this guide.
This document also applies to the KODAK PROFESSIONAL LED II Printer 20P
and Processor.
Using This Guide
This guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1Introduction—describes and illustrates the K ODAK
About This Guide
PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer and Processor. This
chapter includes general and introductory information for all
of the equipment.
Chapter 2Using the System—explains how to use the printer and
processor. It includes the step-by-step instructions for daily
operation, from startup to shutdown.
Chapter 3System Operating Procedures—provides an overview of
the OCPs and all procedures for operating both the Printer
and the Processor.
Chapter 4Maintaining the Equipment—includes the information that
you need to properly maintain the printer and processor. All
maintenance procedures are categorized by frequency.
Chapter 5Diagnostics and Troubleshooting—provides an error
code listing, solutions to common operational problems for
the printer, processor and calibration. It also provides
information for obtaining additional help.
Appendix AOrdering Equipment, Accessories, and Supplies—
provides ordering information for many associated items. It
includes information such as size, quantities, and catalog
October 2002xiii
About This Guide
Appendix BSpecifications—provides specifications, site
requirements, and environmental information for the system.
Appendix CCalibrating the Printer—describes the calibration
functions for the KODAK Calibration Software and the
Printer Calibration Software.
Appendices D-F Software—explains how to install and use software that is
included with the system.
About Other Publications
The following publication is included with the printer:
Quick Reference Guide for the KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer
and Processor–provides quick and easily accessible information for operating
and maintaining the printer as well as answers to common printer problems and
hints for operating the processor. Keep the Quick Reference Guide close to your
Software Included with the Printer
The compact disc (CD) included with the KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED
Printer contains the KODAK Calibration Software and the Printer Calibration
Software for WINDOWS NT and MACINTOSH Host Computers. It also includes
additional applications the printer can interface with.
This software is usually installed by a Kodak representative. However, installation
instructions are included in this Operator’s Guide.
A PDF file of this Operator’s Guide is also included on the CD.
You can find the latest software and documentation for the KODAK
PROFESSIONAL LED Printers on the Kodak Web site:
xivOctober 2002
Getting Help from Kodak
Your Kodak sales representative is the best source for information about setting
up and operating your printer and for obtaining accessories and supplies. Please
contact your Kodak sales representative if you have any questions.
In addition, for technical support in the U.S., call 1-800-822-1414 between
8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on regular business days.
You can also use the technical support number for information on:
•operating the printer
•how or where to obtain supplies
•how to obtain service
•the warranty
•other Kodak products
About This Guide
If you are calling for technical support, please know your printer’s K-Number. The
K-Number label is attached to the front of the printer, next to the operator
control panel.
Product Literature
The faxback number for product literature is 1-800-508-1531. You may call this
number 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
October 2002xv
1 Introduction
This chapter includes the following information about the KODAK
The KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer printing system offers a
combination of printing and processing options that produces photographic quality
output of digital images. The images are printed at a resolution of 250 dpi and at
sizes varying from 8 x 10 in. to 20 x 33 in.
Images printed with this system are comparable to images produced on an optical
printer. By using KODAK PROFESSIONAL Digital Paper with proper color
management, the 20P printer provides the “look” of VPS film on KODAK PORTRA
or SUPRA Paper, or GOLD Film on KODAK EKTACOLOR Edge Paper.
The system consists of a MACINTOSH or PC host computer to manage and
manipulate the digital source image, a SCSI interface to transfer the digital image
to the printing system, the KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer to
expose the digital image, and the Processor, to develop the image and deliver the
You can use a variety of software applications (such as KODAK Image Print
Server Software) to manage and manipulate the digital images.
SCSI Interface
A SCSI cable connects the host computer to the KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50
LED Printer. This interface transfers the digital image data from the host computer
to the printer.
The KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer exposes digital images on
photographic quality paper using a sophisticated technology involving Light
Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The printer uses KODAK PROFESSIONAL Paper in
24.4 cm, 27.9 cm, 30.5 cm and 50.8 cm and A4 widths to create prints the size of
20.3 cm x 25.4 cm up to 50.8 cm x 83.8 cm. The printer then delivers the exposed
paper to the Processor, where RA-4 processing techniques develop the image
and deliver the print.
1-2October 2002
The Processor is designed as a companion processor for the KODAK
PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer. The processor uses RA-4 processing
techniques to develop the image and deliver the print. These techniques move the
exposed paper through four tanks consisting of Developer, Bleach/Fix, Stabilizer 1
and Stabilizer 2. The paper, which contains a visible color image, is dried and
output as a completed print.
Installation and Service
The KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED Printer and Processor must be
installed and serviced by a qualified Kodak service representative.
Equipment Overview
Front View
host computer and SCSI cable
(not included)
paper s upply door
sheettransportdoor (front)
densitometer (not included)
October 20021-3
front door
control panel
for the printer
Rear View
operator control
panel for the
back door
sheet transport door (rear)
1-4October 2002
This chapter explains how to use the KODAK PROFESSIONAL RP 50 LED
Printer and Processor for daily operations. It takes you from startup to shutdown.
Topics include:
Starting up the Processor ..................................................................................2-1
Starting up the Printer ........................................................................................2-2
Calibrating the Printer ........................................................................................2-3
Completing the Calibration ..........................................................................2-7
Making Prints .....................................................................................................2-9
Shutting Down the Processor ............... ...... ....................................... ....... ...... .2-10
Shutting Down the Printer .. ...................................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .2-11
Starting up the Processor
1. Check that the circuit breaker switch for the processor is turned on.
2 Using the System
circuit breaker
2. Press On/Off on the processor’s Operator Control Panel to turn the processor
The light above the On/Off key indicates the processor state. A blinking light
indicates that the processor is on but the chemicals are not yet at the correct
working temperature. A continuous light indicates that the processor is ready.
October 20022-1
Using the System
WARNING:When handling or mixing chemical solutions, wear protective
eyewear, c lothing, and gloves. For safe handing practices with
all chemicals, refer to the MSDS information.
3. Check that the chemistry in each processor tank is at the top of the overflow
pipe. If necessary, add warm water to reach the correct level.
CAUTION: Use water to top off the chemical tanks. Do not use replenisher
4. After the temperature is up to the correct level, operate the main drive for
30 minutes. See “Controlling the Processor Drive” on page 3-39.
5. Process a control strip. See “Processing a Control Strip” on page 3-32.
Starting up the Printer
1. Verify that the processor is on, up to the correct temperature, and in control.
2. If needed, turn the circuit breaker on the back of the printer on.
When the Power and Standby LEDs on the OCP are illuminated, press the
Start key on the OCP to begin printer initialization.
If paper is loaded, when initialization is complete (in 3 to 4 minutes) the
message “
complete and the printer is ready to print. Turn the computer on; then go to
the next page and calibrate the printer.
If paper is not loaded, the message “
to load
• “Loading Paper Into the Supply Cassette” on page 3-6.
• “Installing the Supply Cassette” on page 3-10.
When “
the next page and calibrate the printer.
Status: ON LINE - Ready” appears on the OCP. Startup is
” appears on the OCP. Do the procedures below.
On-line and Ready” is displayed, turn the host computer on. Go to
Out of paper, open supply door
2-2October 2002
Calibrating the Printer
You need to calibrate the printer when you start the system up each day. You also
need to calibrate the printer when
• you change paper
• print quality is questionable
• the temperature at the site changes more than 5° F (2.8° C)
• if running more than one shift, at the beginning of each shift
If you are calibrating at any time other than during the daily startup procedure:
Before you begin, make sure the printer is not receiving printing commands from
the host.
NOTE: Most windows displayed in this section are from the Windows NT version
of the software. The windows for the Macintosh version of the software are
For information about editing the calibration settings (for example, you may want
to display a calibration graph only if calibration is out of tolerance), see “Editing
the Calibration Configuration” on page Appendix C:-19.
Using the System
To calibrate the printer:
1. Check that:
• the densitometer is connected and calibrated
• the printer status is “Online and Ready”
• the processor is in control
• the calibration application is running
2. Select the icon for the LED Printer on the KODAK Device Calibration screen
and click the Calibrate icon. The calibration software needs complete control
of the printer to successfully calibrate the printer.
IMPORT ANT:If no icon appears on the KODAK Device Calibration Screen, you
will need to add a calibration device. See “Adding a Device” on
page C-6.
October 20022-3
Using the System
Go icon
This icon highlights after
you select Go
The LED Calibration screen appears.
3. Click the Go icon to start the calibration cycle.
Downloading LUTs and Sending Test Print highlights.
If the configuration file specifies to Ask if processor is in control, the
Process In Control dialog box appears.
The processor is critical to printer calibration. You can calibrate the printer
only if the processor is in control. Densitometers require calibration at regular
intervals. Refer to your densitometer’s manual for instructions on how to
calibrate your densitometer.
4. Click Yes.
2-4October 2002
Using the System
The Send LUT to Printer screen appears.
NOTE: The highlighted LUT in the dialog box above is the most recent
calibration LUT.
5. Click either Load Selected LUT or Load Custom LUT (or Cancel to cancel
the calibration process).
If you click Load Selected LUT, the system automaticall y down lo ads the
highlighted LUT to the printer to create a test print.
When the test print has been sent, the Scanning Processed Print with
Densitometer status icon on the LED Printer Calibration screen highlights.
Go to “Obtaining Densities” on page 2-6.
6. If you selected Load Custom LUT in step 5, the Open dialog box appears.
Select or type the name of the LUT file you want and click Open.
October 20022-5
Using the System
The system automatically downloads the LUT file to the printer to create a test
print. When the test print has been sent to the printer, the Scanning
Processed Print with Densitometer status icon on the KODAK LED Printer
Calibration screen highlights.
Obtaining Densities
Obtaining Densities from a File
If the configuration settings include obtaining the density data from a file, the
Waiting for Density File dialog box appears. Otherwise, go to “Using the
Densitometer to Read Densities.”
NOTE: T o create a density file, see “Creating a Density File for Use with Calibration”
on page Appendix C:-32.
1. Click OK to continue with the calibration process.
2. Go to “Completing the Calibration” on page 2-7.
Using the Densitometer to Read Densities
Do the following to scan the neutral (gray) patches on the processed test print into
the densitometer (refer to your densitometer manual for detailed instructions on
using the densitometer):
1. Slide the lever on the densitometer to position 15. Align the edge of the test
print with the lever on the densitometer. Gently feed the test print through the
densitometer to scan the patches labeled “even”.
2. Slide the lever on the densitometer to position 20. Align the edge of the test
print with the lever on the densitometer. Gently feed the test print through the
densitometer to scan the patches labeled “odd”.
2-6October 2002
Using the System
3. Slide the lever on the densitometer to position 30. Align the edge of the test
print with the lever on the densitometer. Gently feed the test print through the
densitometer to scan the patches labeled “both”.
Test print
If the test print is read successfully, several messages will appear in the status
bar; the final message indicates that the densitometer values have been
successfully received. Go to “Complet ing the Calibration.”
If the test print is not read successfully, refer to “Calibration Troubleshooting”
on page 5-19.
Completing the Calibration
1. If calibration is in tolerance, the LUT Attributes dialog box appears.
a. Enter a name or comment in the dialog box. The comment you enter will
appear on the Send LUT to Printer screen to identify the LUT file with a
name that is meaningful to you (up to 75 characters).
b. Click OK.
The new printing LUT is calculated and downloaded. “Calibration
Complete” appears in the status bar. The calibration is complete.
2. If calibration is out of tolerance, it may be necessary to run four or more
iterations of the calibration cycle to achieve a successful calibration.
October 20022-7
Using the System
If the print densities are out of tolerance, a graph appears, allowing you to
select the type of data and planes that you want to see displayed.
a. Click OK.
The following list of options appears.
Re-read the densitometer values is the most useful when the graphs
show an unusual plot. Rereading the test print lets you validate the graph,
then returns you to the Out of Tolerance dialog box.
Iterate again using a newly calculated calibration LUT allows you to
keep printing test prints with the newly created LUT without having to save
the LUT table.
Calculate and download a printing LUT and stop: When you select this
option, the file is saved and given the same creation date and time as the
2-8October 2002
Cancel and return the printer to its original state saves nothing. Any
corrupted data created after you saved the last time is thrown away.
Making Prints
Y ou can make prints with a wide variety of applications that run on WINDOWS NT
Computers and MACINTOSH Computers. One application that is widely used for
printing is the KODAK PROFESSIONAL Imaging System.
Two applications that you may wish to print from are included with the system.
Y ou can use the KODAK PROFESSIONAL Image Print Server for WINDOWS NT
to print TIFF images. You can use the Export Module for ADOBE PHOTOSHOP
that runs on MACINTOSH Computers to print images from the PHOTOSHOP
For more information about these applications, see the appropriate Appendix in
this guide.
Using the System
b. Select one of the four options to try to complete the calibration
• If the Out of Tolerance dialog box appears again, repeat this step until
you get a successful calibration; go to step 1.
• If you cannot get a successful calibration, request help from a system
administrator or service person.
October 20022-9
Using the System
Shutting Down the Processor
To shut down the processor, press the On/Off key on the processor OCP.
Shutting down the processor for service
If you are shutting the processor down for service, turn off the processor circuit
breaker after the green light on the OCP is no longer illuminated. The exhaust fan
in the processor will continue to operate.
IMPORTANT: If the processor will not be used for longer than four days, drain,
flush, and clean the processor tanks.
1. Remove the top cover and the light tight cover from the processor.
top cover
light tight cover
2-10October 2002
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