C i n e m a t o g r a p h e r’s
Field Guide
Field Guide
Seventh Edition, November 2000
© Eastman Kodak Company, 2000
ISBN 0-87985-749-8
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 97-77797
I N T R O D U C T I O N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i v
CAMERA FILMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M P F - 1
I n t ro d u c t i o n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M P F - 1
Color Te m p e r a t u re . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M P F - 2
KODAK Motion Picture Camera Films. . . . . . . . M P F - 4
Film Data (for each camera film). . . . . . . . . . . . . M P F - 6
Incident-Light Illumination Table (footcandles) . M P F - 4 4
F I LTER INFORMAT I O N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
I n t ro d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Types of Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Filters for Black-and-White Films . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Color Compensating Filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Conversion Filters for Color Films. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
K O D A K Light Balancing Filters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Neutral Density Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
A p p roximate Correlated Color Te m p e r a t u re for
Various Light Sourc e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
TIPS AND TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
I n t ro d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Aspect Ratios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
F o rce (Push) Pro c e s s i n g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Storage and Care of Motion Picture Films . . . . . . . . 1 1
Filmmaker’s Flow Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
Shooting for Te l e v i s i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 7
Getting Ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8
Flashing Camera Films to Lower Contrast . . . . . . . . 2 1
Exposed Film—What Now? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
F O R M ATS AND PA C K A G I N G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3
I n t ro d u c t i o n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 3
Specification Numbers for Camera Films . . . . . . . . .2 3
How to Read a Film Can Label. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4
C o res and Spools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5
Winding Designations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7
P e rforation Ty p e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7
Q u a n t i t i es—S t a n d a rd Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8
ORDERING RAW STOCK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9
I n t ro d u c t i o n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 9
How to Ord e r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9
The Catalog Number (CAT No.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9
P roduct and Technical Inform a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0
Limitation of Liability on Sensitized Goods . . . . . . . . 3 9
Motion Picture Film Updates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0
Page No.
9/98 iii
This pocket-sized publication provides up-to-date and easy­to-use information about all K O D A K Motion Picture Camera Films and several important related subjects. We designed the book to help you choose and order the right films for your needs, and to help you use the films most e ffectively. The guide is divided into five major sections for easy re f e re n c e :
Motion Picture Camera Films Filter Inform a t i o n Tips and Te c h n i q u e s F o rmats and Packaging O rdering Raw Stock
Brief but comprehensive descriptions of each black-and­white and color camera film appear in the section “KODAK Motion Picture Camera Films.” The section “Filter Information” contains charts for color conversion, neutral density, color balancing, filter factors, and color t e m p e r a t u re. The section “Tips and Techniques” covers film storage and care, shooting for television, must items for your on-location ditty bag, survival tools, flashing tech­niques, force processing, a filmmaker’s flowchart, and m o re. The section “Formats and Packaging” clears up any questions you might have concerning “spec” numbers, “iden” numbers, film can label terms and numbers, and packaging information. The last section, “Ordering Raw S t o c k,” tells you how to order film and lists names, a d d resses, and telephone numbers of Kodak people world­wide who can answer all of your questions about film and film ord e r s .
This edition includes the new KODAK VISION C o l o r Negative Films, the highest quality camera films available f rom Kodak. KODAK VISION Films, which offer superior technology for image capture, intercut seamlessly with E A S T M A N EXR Color Negative Films, which are also available. These films are based on emulsion chemistry that uses KODAK T- G R A I N®Emulsions and advanced dye-coupler technology. This gives the films incre a s e d
iv 9/98
u n d e re x p o s u re latitude, wider speed ranges, and impro v e­ments in grain structure, sharpness, continuous-tone re p roduction, and color saturation.
An edge-numbering system for all K O D A K M o t i o n P i c t u re Camera Films features both electronic- and o p e r a t o r- read characters. The digital numbers, called EASTMAN KEYKODE Numbers, are in the form of a m a c h i n e - readable barcode. This feature opens up the potential for automated film handling. All K O D A KM o t i o n P i c t u re Color Negative Camera Films as well as most Black-and-White Camera Films have K E Y K O D EN u m b e r s .
N o t e : The Kodak filter materials, as well as other brand name products we describe in this publication, are available f rom dealers in photographic supplies. You can use equiv­alent materials, if desire d .
Need Another H-2?
You can purchase extra copies of Publication No. H-2 f rom the nearest Kodak company or distributor in your country. U.S. residents can order directly from Eastman Kodak Company, Department 412L, 343 State Stre e t , R o c h e s t e r, NY 14650-0532. Be sure to include the title Cinematographer’s Field Guide and the code number H-2 in your ord e r.
You can also find information on KODAK Motion P i c t u re Films on the Web. Visit our website at: w w w . k o d a k . c o m / g o / m o t i o n.
9/98 v
I n t ro d u c t i o n
This section provides pertinent information about all c u r rently available K O D A K Motion Picture Camera Films. For information on future film updates, see page 40.
A quick re f e rence chart of all the films is on page MPF-4. Page re f e rences for the individual fil m - i n f o rm a t i o n sheets as they appear in this guide are included at the right of the chart. The detailed descriptions for each film begin on page MPF-6 and include the following inform a t i o n :
Film code number and film name
E x p o s u re indexes and fil t e r s
Uses and general pro p e r t i e s
Trial exposure settings
Illumination table and light-contrast suggestions
Filter factors
R e c i p rocity characteristics
H a n d l i n g
Av a i l a b i l i t y
C a u t i o n : Load and unload all camera spools in total darkness to prevent edge fog on the fil m .
H-1 Data Sheets Av a i l a b l e
You can get detailed data sheets for all K O D A K M o t i o n P i c t u re Camera Films. To obtain a single free copy of any data sheet, write to Eastman Kodak Company, Dept. 412L, Rochester, NY 14650-0532. In countries outside the U.S., contact one of the facilities listed in the back of this book. Be sure to include the name and code number for each film data sheet you re q u e s t . (For example: EASTMAN EXR 50D Color Negative Film 5245™[35 mm] and 7245™[16 m m ] , K O D A K Publication No. H-1-5245.)
You can also find data sheets on the Kodak Entertainment Imaging website at: w w w . k o d a k . c o m / g o / m o t i o n.
9/98 MPF-1
Technical Inform a t i o n
For technical information in the United States, call the Kodak Information Center (KIC), 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (Eastern time), Monday through Friday, at 1 (800) 242-2424. In Canada, call 1 (800) 465-6325, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ( E a s t e rn time). Outside the United States and Canada, contact Kodak or a distributor in your country.
A Note on T-Stops and F-Stops
When discussing lens aperture size, cinematographers tradi­tionally refer to t-stops while still photographers refer to f-stops. A t-stop is a measure of actual light transmission by the lens. An f-stop is the theoretical ratio of the lens’ focal length to the diameter of its entrance pupil (appro x i m a t e l y the aperture diaphragm size in a symmetrical lens). What relates the two is the lens’ efficiency in transmitting light; if the lens could transmit all the light entering it, its t-stop and
f-stop would be the same (ANSI PH 22.90-1987, A p e r t u re Calibration of Motion Picture Lenses, Method for Deter­m i n i n g , gives full details).
Color Te m p e r a t u re
The color quality of some light sources can be stated in t e rms of color temperature ,and is a measure that defin e s the color of a light source relative to the visual appearance and expressed in degrees Kelvin (K). There are at least two important points to keep in mind when using color temper­a t u re values. F i r s t , color temperature refers only to the visual appearance of a light source and does not neces­sarily describe its photographic effect. S e c o n d , c o l o r t e m p e r a t u re does not take into account the spectral distri­bution of a light source. Unless the light source has a continuous spectral distribution, its effective color temper­a t u re alone may not be reliable as a means of selecting a suitable correction fil t e r. For example, flu o rescent lamps do not have the continuous smooth spectral-distribution curve that is characteristic of a tungsten-filament sourc e .
It is possible for two or more light sources to be described as having the same color temperature, but the photographic results obtained with each may be quite diff e rent. Only a
MPF-2 9/98
wavelength-by-wavelength comparison of film sensitivity and spectral output of the lamp can determine the exact filters re q u i red to balance the light to the film re s p o n s e . K O D A K Motion Picture Films have a photographic latitude that makes it unnecessary to use unusual fil t r a t i o n , except for special visual effects. Filter recommendations in this publication, for most normal photography, are capable of producing excellent-quality pictures with the p roducts described.
All light sources, whether daylight, tungsten, or flu o re s­cent, emit energy at a precise color temperature at a given moment and may not remain consistent at all times. Some factors that will affect color temperature are sun angle, conditions of sky (clouds, dust, haze), age of lamps, voltage, re flectors, etc. Deviations from the expected light sourc e color temperature will cause an overall color shift in the finished product. While this diff e rence may be color c o r rected in printing, there could be some unfore s e e n m i red shifts. The light source color temperature should be m o n i t o red with a color temperature meter and corrected as necessary, at the source, camera, or both.
Only recommended conversion filters (e.g. daylight to a r t i ficial light) that are placed on the camera are listed in this publication. Since they may not be consistent with pre v i o u s recommendations, use the current recommendations for e x p o s u res and testing. Light source filters (filters on lamps, a rcs, etc.) are not listed because of the many varieties and color temperatures of the sourc e s .
The manufacturers of these light sources should be con­tacted for filter recommendations. It is suggested that all filter recommendations be tested before actual shooting.
9/98 MPF-3
KODAK Motion Picture Camera Films
Film Name
EASTMAN EXR 50D 5245 7245 Color Negative 50 (18) KODAK WRATTEN MPF-6
EASTMAN EXR 100T 5248 7248 Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 100 (21) MPF-8
KODAK VISION 200T 5274 7274 Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 200 (24) MPF-10
EASTMAN EXR 200T 5293 7293 Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 200 (24) MPF-12
KODAK SFX 200T Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 200 (24) MPF-14
KODAK VISION 250D 5246 7246 Color Negative 250 (25) KODAK WRATTEN MPF-16
KODAK VISION 320T 5277 7277 Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 320 (26) MPF-18
KODAK VISION 500T 5279 7279 Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 500 (28) MPF-20
EASTMAN EXR 500T 5298 Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 500 (28) MPF-22
KODAK VISION 800T 5289 Color Negative KODAK WRATTEN 800 (30) MPF-24
KODAK EKTACHROME 100D 5285 Color Reversal 100 (21) KODAK WRATTEN MPF-26
EASTMAN EKTACHROME 7240 7240 Color Reversal KODAK WRATTEN 125 (22) MPF-28
Code No. Exposure Index (DIN)
35 mm 16 mm super 8
EASTMAN EKTACHROME 7239 Color Reversal 160 (23) KODAK WRATTEN MPF-30
EASTMAN PLUS-X Negative 5231 7231 B&W Negative 80 (20) 64 (19) MPF-36 EASTMAN DOUBLE-X Negative 5222 7222 B&W Negative 250 (25) 200 (24) MPF-38
EASTMAN PLUS-X Reversal 7276 7276 B&W Reversal 50 (18) 40 (17) MPF-40 EASTMAN TRI-X Reversal 7278 7278 B&W Reversal 200 (24) 160 (23) MPF-42
7250 Color Reversal KODAK WRATTEN 400 (27) MPF-32
7251 Color Reversal 400 (27) KODAK WRATTEN MPF-34
MPF-4 6/00
Type Daylight
64 (19) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85
125 (22) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85
125 (22) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85
125 with
Gelatin Filter No. 85
200 (24) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85
320 (26) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85
320 (26) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85
500 (28) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85
80 (20) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85B
250 (25) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85B
(3200 K)
12 (12) with
Gelatin Filter No. 80A
64 (19) with
Gelatin Filter No. 80A
25 (15) with
Gelatin Filter No. 80A
40 (17) with
Gelatin Filter No. 85B
100 (21) with
Gelatin Filter No. 80A
6/00 MPF-5
5 2 4 5™/7 2 4 5™(35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) EASTMAN EXR 50D Fi l m
Daylight EI 50 (18)
E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters
Light Source
Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 12 (12)
Tungsten 3200 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 12 (12)
Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K WRATTEN Gelatin 12 (12)
Daylight 5500 K No n e 50 (18) Metal Halide H.M.I. No n e 50 (18)
Yellow-Flame Arcs WRATTEN Gelatin 20 (14)
White-Flame Arcs Color Compensating 32 (16)
Optima 32 WRATTEN Gelatin 12 (12)
V i t a l i t e N o n e 50 (18)
F l u o r e s c e n t * Cool White
F l u o r e s c e n t * Deluxe Cool White
*I M P O R T A N T : These are approximate filter requirements. When you don’t know the
kind of lamp, use a CC20M filter with an index exposure of 20 (14) for a trial exposure.
K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e
F i l t e r s Index (DIN)
No. 80A
No. 80A
No. 80A
No. 80C
WRATTEN Gelatin/
20Y + 10C
No. 80A
WRATTEN Gelatin/
Co l o rCo m p e n s a t i n g 32 (16)
20M + 10B
WRATTEN Gelatin/
Co l o rCo m p e n s a t i n g 20 (14)
30B + 10C
MPF-6 9/98
5 2 45/7 2 4 5
Process: ECN-2 U s e : E A S T M A N EXR 50D Film 5245/7245 is a camera
film intended for general motion picture production. The wide exposure latitude of this negative film makes it especially suitable for outdoor photography under normal daylight conditions.
General Pro p e r t i e s : EASTMAN EXR 50D Film 5 2 4 5/7245 is balanced for daylight. The emulsion contains a colored-coupler mask to achieve excellent color re p roduction in prints from E A S T M A N C o l o r Release Print Film. This film is characterized by very high sharpness, micro - fine grain, excellent color rendition, and underexposure latitude.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Daylight
(24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11 f/16 F o o t c a n d l e s 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 16 0 0 3 2 0 0 6 4 0 0
Lighting Contrast: The suggested ratio of key-light-plus­fill-light to fill light is 2:1 or 3:1.
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 50 (18 ) : No exposure or filter compensation is re q u i red for exposure times fro m 1/1000 second to 1 second.
Handling: Total darkness Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check K o d a k ’ s P rofessional Motion Imaging Price Catalog, or contact a Kodak sales re p resentative in your country.
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an i n t e rnal product-code symbol.
9/98 MPF-7
5 2 4 8™/7 2 4 8™(35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) E A S T M A N EXR 100T Film
Tungsten EI 100 (21)
E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters
Light Source
Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19)
Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 100 (21) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 100 (21)
Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19)
Metal Halide H.M.I. W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19)
Yellow-Flame Arcs W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 80 (20)
White-Flame Arcs Color Compensating 40 (17)
Optima 32 N o n e 100 (21) V i t a l i t e W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19)
F l u o r e s c e n t * W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 40 (17) Cool White No. 81B +4 0 R
F l u o r e s c e n t * Deluxe Cool White
*I M P O R T A N T : These are approximate filter requirements. When you don’t know the
kind of lamp, use a CC40R filter with an exposure index of 50 (18) for a trial exposure.
K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e
F i l t e r s Index (DIN)
No. 82B
No. 85
No. 85
No. 81C
WRATTEN Gelatin/
20R +5 0 Y
No. 85
WRATTEN Gelatin/
Color Compensating 64 (19)
2 0 R
MPF-8 9/98
P rocess: E C N - 2 Use: EA S T M A N EXR 100T Film 5248/7248 is
intended for general motion picture production. The wide e x p o s u re latitude of this negative film makes it especially suitable for indoor and outdoor photography under a wide variety of conditions.
General Properties: EA S T M A N EXR 100T Film 5248/7248 is a medium-speed film balanced for tungsten light and for daylight with appropriate filters. The emulsion contains a colored-coupler mask to achieve superior color re p roduction in prints from EA S T M A N Color Release Print Film. This film is characterized by very high sharpness, micro-fine grain, high re s o l v i n g power and undere x p o s u re latitude.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Tu n g s t e n L i g h t (24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11 f/16 F o o t c a n d l e s 2 5 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 16 0 0 3 2 0 0
Lighting Contrast: The suggested ratio of key-light-plus­fill-light to fill light is 2:1 or 3:1.
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 100 (21):You do not need to make any exposure or filter adjustments for e x p o s u re times from 1/1000 to 1/10 second. At an expo­s u re time of 1 second, increase exposure by 1⁄3 s t o p .
Handling: Total darkness Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check K o d a k ’ s P rofessional Motion Imaging Price Catalog, or contact a Kodak sales re p resentative in your country.
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an i n t e rnal product-code symbol.
9/98 MPF-9
5 2 7 4™/7 2 7 4™(35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) KODAK VISION 200T Color Negative Film
Tungsten EI 200 (24)
E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters
Light Source
Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 200 (24) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 200 (24)
Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Metal Halide H.M.I. W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
White-Flame Arcs W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Optima 32 N o n e 200 (24) V i t a l i t e W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
F l u o r e s c e n t * W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 80 (20) Cool White No. 85 +1 0 M
F l u o r e s c e n t * W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) Deluxe Cool White No. 85C +1 0 R
*I M P O R T A N T : These are approximate filter requirements. When you don’t know the
kind of lamp, use a CC40R filter with an index exposure of 250 (25) for a trial exposure.
K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e
F i l t e r s Index (DIN)
No. 82B
No. 85
No. 85
No. 85B
No. 85
MPF-10 9/98
P rocess: E C N - 2 Use: KODAK VISION 200T Color Negative Film
5 2 7 4/7274 features very high sharpness, fine grain, accurate flesh-to-neutral re p roduction, and wide under­and over- e x p o s u re latitude for indoor or outdoor photog­raphy. Enhanced shadow detail provides crisp, rich blacks.
General Properties: KODAK VISION 200T Color Negative Film 5274/7274 is a medium-speed film balanced for tungsten light. It cuts seamlessly with other Kodak color negative motion picture films. VISION Film sets new standards for consistency—emulsion to emul­sion, roll to roll, batch to batch.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Tu n g s t e n L i g h t (24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11 f/16 F o o t c a n d l e s 1 2 . 5 2 5 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 16 0 0
Use this table for average subjects. When a subject includes only pastels, use at least 1⁄2 stop less exposure ; dark colors re q u i re 1⁄2 stop more exposure .
Lighting Contrast: The suggested ratio of key-light-plus­fill-light to fill light is 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1. At a 4:1 ratio, this film takes on a “special look.”
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 200 (24): You do not need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjust­ments for exposure times from 1/1000 to 1 second. If your exposure is in the 10-second range, increase your e x p o s u re 2⁄3 stop and use a KODAK Color Compensating Filter CC10Y.
Handling: Total darkness Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check K o d a k ’ s P rofessional Motion ImagingP r i c e C a t a l o g , or contact a Kodak sales representative in your
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an i n t e rnal product-code symbol.
9/98 MPF-11
5 2 9 3™/7 2 9 3™(35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) E A S T M A N EXR 200T Film
Tungsten EI 200 (24)
E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters
Light Source
Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 200 (24) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 200 (24)
Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Metal Halide H.M.I. W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Yellow-Flame Arcs W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
White-Flame Arcs W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 100 (21)
Optima 32 N o n e 200 (24) V i t a l i t e W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
F l u o r e s c e n t * W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19) Cool White C C 4 0 R
F l u o r e s c e n t * W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) Deluxe Cool White No. 85C
*I M P O R T A N T : These are approximate filter requirements. When you don’t know the
kind of lamp, use a CC40R filter with an exposure index of 100 (21) for a trial exposure.
K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e
F i l t e r s Index (DIN)
No. 82B
No. 85
No. 85
No. 81D
No. 85C +C C 5 0 Y
No. 85
MPF-12 9/98
Use: EASTMAN EXR 200T Color Negative Film 5 2 9 3/7293 is intended for general motion picture p roduction. The wide exposure latitude of this negative film makes it especially suitable for indoor and outdoor photography under a wide variety of conditions.
General Properties: EASTMAN EXR 200T Color Negative Film 5293/7293 is a medium-speed film balanced for tungsten light and for daylight with appro­priate filters. The emulsion contains a colore d - c o u p l e r mask to achieve superior color re p roduction in prints f rom EASTMAN Color Release Print Film. This film is characterized by very high sharpness, micro - fine grain, high resolving power and undere x p o s u re latitude.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Tu n g s t e n L i g h t (24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11 f/16 F o o t c a n d l e s 1 2 . 5 2 5 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 16 0 0
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 200 (24): You do not need to make any filter adjustments for exposure times f rom 1/1000 to 1/10 second. At an exposure time of 1 second, increase exposure by 1⁄3 s t o p .
Handling: Total darkness Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check K o d a k ’ s P rofessional Motion Imaging Price C a t a l o g, or contact a Kodak sales representative in your
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an i n t e rnal product-code symbol.
9/98 MPF-13
SFX 200T
(35 mm)
KODAK SFX 200T Color Negative Film
Tungsten EI 200 (24)
E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters
Light Source
Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 200 (24) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 200 (24)
Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Metal Halide H.M.I. W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Yellow-Flame Arcs WRATTEN Gelatin 125 (22)
White-Flame Arcs WRATTEN Gelatin 100 (21)
Optima 32 No n e 200 (24) V i t a l i t e WRATTEN Gelatin 125 (22)
F l u o r e s c e n t , WRATTEN Gelatin 64 (19 )
Cool White C C 4 0 R
F l u o r e s c e n t , W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Deluxe Cool White No. 85C
*I M P O R T A N T : These are approximate filter requirements. Make final corrections during
printing. When you don’t know the kind of lamp, use a CC40R filter with an index expo­sure of 100 (21) for a trial exposure.
K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e
F i l t e r s * Index (DIN)
No. 82B
No. 85
No. 85
No. 81D
No. 85C + 50Y
No. 85
MPF-14 9/98
P rocess: E C N - 2 U s e : KODAK SFX 200T Color Negative Film is opti-
mized for traveling matte shots, so fore g round action photographed against a blue or green screen can be sepa­rated more cleanly from the background when it’s scanned into the digital format. In complex composite shots, this film can save time in postproduction.
General Pro p e r t i e s : KODAK SFX 200T Color Negative Film is a medium speed film balanced for tung­sten light. It intercuts seamlessly with other KODAK Color Negative Films used to re c o rd live action footage. This film features micro fine grain, unprecedented sharpness, high resolving power, wide exposure latitude and accurate tone re p roduction for the most difficult compositing a p p l i c a t i o n s .
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Tu n g s t e n L i g h t (24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11 f/16 F o o t c a n d l e s 1 2 . 5 2 5 5 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 8 0 0 16 0 0
Use this table for average subjects. When a subject includes only pastels, use at least 1⁄2 stop less exposure ; dark colors re q u i re 1⁄2 stop more exposure .
Lighting Contrast: The suggested ratio of key-light-plus­fill-light to fill-light is 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1. At a 4:1 ratio, this film takes on a “special look.”
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 200 (24): You do not need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjust­ments for exposure times from 1/1000 to 1/10 second.
Handling: Total darkness. Available Roll Lengths: SFX 200T Film is a special
o rder product from Kodak. For information on film ro l l lengths, contact a Kodak sales re p resentative in your c o u n t r y .
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an i n t e rnal product-code symbol.
9/98 MPF-15
5 2 4 6™/7 2 4 6™(35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm)
KODAK VISION250D Color Negative Film
Daylight EI 250 (25)
E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters
Light Source
Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19)
Tungsten 3200 K No. 80A 64 (19)
Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K No. 80A 64 (19)
Daylight 5500 K N o n e 250 (25) Metal Halide H.M.I. No n e 250 (25)
White-Flame Arcs Color Compensating 160 (23)
Optima 32 W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 64 (19)
V i t a l i t e No n e 250 (25)
F l u o r e s c e n t *
Cool White
F l u o r e s c e n t * W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 200 (24)
Deluxe Cool White No. 82C
*I M P O R T A N T : These are approximate filter requirements. When you don’t know the
kind of lamp, use a CC40R filter with an index exposure of 250 (25) for a trial exposure.
K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e
F i l t e r s Index (DIN)
No. 80A
WRATTEN Gelatin/
20Y + 10C
No. 80A
WRATTEN Gelatin/
Color Compensating 200 (24)
2 0 M
MPF-16 9/98
P rocess: E C N - 2 Use: KODAK VISION 250D Color Negative Film
5 2 4 6/7246 features very high sharpness, fine grain, accurate flesh-to-neutral re p roduction, and wide under­and over- e x p o s u re latitude for daylight or mixed light photography. Enhanced shadow detail provides crisp, rich blacks.
General Properties: KODAK VISION 250D Color Negative Film 5246/7246 is a medium-speed film balanced for daylight. It cuts seamlessly with other Kodak color negative motion picture films. VISION Film sets new standards for consistency—emulsion to emulsion, roll to roll, batch to batch.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Daylight
(24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11 f/16 F o o t c a n d l e s 1 0 2 0 4 0 8 0 1 6 0 3 2 0 6 4 0 1 2 5 0
Use this table for average subjects. When a subject includes only pastels, use at least 1⁄2 stop less exposure ; dark colors re q u i re 1⁄2 stop more exposure .
Lighting Contrast: The suggested ratio of key-light-plus­fill-light to fill light is 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1. At a 4:1 ratio, this film takes on a “special look.”
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 250 (25): You do not need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjust­ments for exposure times from 1/1000 to 1 second. If your exposure is in the 10-second range, increase your e x p o s u re 2⁄3 stop and use a KODAK WRAT T E N F i l t er/Color Compensating 10Y.
Handling: Total darkness Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check K o d a k ’ sP rofessional Motion ImagingP r i c e C a t a l o g , or contact a Kodak sales representative in your
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an i n t e rnal product-code symbol.
9/98 MPF-17
5 2 7 7™/7 2 7 7™(35 mm, 65 mm/16 mm) KODAK VISION 320T Color Negative Film
Tungsten EI 320 (26)
E x p o s u re Indexes and Filters
Light Source
Tungsten 3000 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 200 (24)
Tungsten 3200 K N o n e 320 (26) Tungsten Photoflood 3400 K N o n e 320 (26)
Daylight 5500 K W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 200 (24)
Metal Halide H.M.I. W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 200 (24)
White-Flame Arcs W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22)
Optima 32 N o n e 320 (26) V i t a l i t e W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 200 (24)
F l u o r e s c e n t * W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 125 (22) Cool White No. 85 +1 0 M
F l u o r e s c e n t * W R A T T E NG e l a t i n 200 (24) Deluxe Cool White No. 85C +1 0 R
*I M P O R T A N T : These are approximate filter requirements. When you don’t know the
kind of lamp, use a CC40R filter with an index exposure of 100 (21) for a trial exposure.
K O D A KC a m e r a E x p o s u r e
F i l t e r s Index (DIN)
No. 82B
No. 85
No. 85
No. 85B
No. 85
MPF-18 9/98
P rocess: E C N - 2 Use: KODAK VISION 320T Color Negative Film
5 2 77/7277 lets you create a very diff e rent look—s o f t e r, m o re pastel. This film has very wide exposure latitude that allows you to pick up the detail in the shadows without losing the highlights. Overexpose it a bit and maintain the shadow detail, but the blacks get blacker. Underexpose it, and the shadows open up. This film features fine grain, high sharpness, and wide color re p roduction.
General Properties: KODAK VISION 320T Color Negative Film 5277/7277 is a 320-speed film balanced for tungsten light. You’ll get clean, white highlights, accurate flesh-tone re p roduction, but with softer colors. It cuts seamlessly with other Kodak color negative motion p i c t u re films. VISION Film sets new standards for consis­t e n cy—emulsion to emulsion, roll to roll, batch to batch.
Illumination (Incident Light) Table for Tu n g s t e n L i g h t (24 frames per second, 170° shutter opening)
Lens Aperture f/1. 4 f/ 2 f/ 2 . 8 f/ 4 f/ 5 . 6 f/ 8 f/11 f/16 F o o t c a n d l e s 8 1 6 3 2 6 4 1 2 5 2 5 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0
Use this table for average subjects. When a subject includes only pastels, use at least 1⁄2 stop less exposure ; dark colors re q u i re 1⁄2 stop more exposure .
Lighting Contrast: The suggested ratio of key-light-plus­fill-light to fill light is 2:1, 3:1, or 4:1.
R e c i p rocity Characteristics EI 320 (26): You do not need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjust­ments for exposure times from 1/1000 to 1 second. If your exposure is in the 10-second range, increase your e x p o s u re 2⁄3 stop and use a KODAK WRAT T E N F i l t er/Color Compensating 10Y.
Handling: Total darkness Available Roll Lengths: For information on film ro l l
lengths, check K o d a k ’ s P rofessional Motion ImagingP r i c e C a t a l o g , or contact a Kodak sales representative.
All rolls are identified with a product-code number and an i n t e rnal product-code symbol.
9/98 MPF-19
+ 57 hidden pages