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The HUMIDIFIER contains the following parts. See the DIAGRAMS on the opposite page.
1) A water supply MANUAL VALVE - this VALVE incorporates a RESTRICTOR which can be removed
if using a low pressure supply - such as a BOTTLE.
2) A water inlet SOLENOID VALVE which is energised when the HUMIDIFIER requires water.
3) A water level FLOAT SWITCH which controls the water level in the WATER BATH.
4) A WATER BATH to hold water for the PAPER ELEMENT.
5) A PAPER ELEMENT which draws water up in front of the WET FAN.
6) A WET FAN which is switched on when the humidity level inside the MINILOADER is lower than the SET
7) A DRY FAN which runs when the WET FAN is switched off to maintain a positive pressure in the
8) An OVERFLOW DRAIN which operates if the water level control fails.
9) A SAFETY OVERFLOW CHUTE which prevents water entering the MINILOADER.
10)A MANUAL DRAIN VALVE which allows the drainage of the HUMIDIFIER for service or machine
11)A DRAIN HEADER which collects all water from the OVERFLOWS and the DRAIN VALVE.
This DRAIN HEADER MUST be connected to a customer drain or a bottle if the water supply is from a
12) A HUMIDITY SENSOR which measures the humidity inside the MINILOADER.
13) A MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL PCB which monitors and controls the functions of the
14) A two digit DISPLAY which shows the current HUMIDITY inside the MINILOADER.
15) CONTROL SWITCHES which are used to set the desired humidity level.
16) An AIR FILTER to prevent dust entering the HUMIDIFIER.
PRESSURE RANGE0.3 to 5 Bar. Install a REGULATOR if required.
TEMPERATURE4 to 29 oC Tempered water required if temperature of incoming water is below 4 oC.
VOLUME APPROX.1Lite per 24 hours approximately (depending on room humidity).
A 50 micron WATER FILTER should be provided by the customer.
Connect the water supply to the WATER INLET. If a BOTTLE is being used to supply the inlet water, the
RESTRICTOR should be removed. If the water supply is at mains pressure, the RESTRICTOR MUST be fitted,
otherwise water can splash inside the MINILOADER when the SOLENOID VALVE opens.
The drain must be connected. Normally water only flows from the unit when the HUMIDIFIER is drained for service
purposes or if the MINILOADER is to be moved, but in the event of a failure of the SOLENOID VALVE the drain is
required to have a capacity of 1 Litre/minute.If the water supply is at mains, the drain should be connected to a fixed
customer drain.
If the water supply is from a BOTTLE, a larger size collecting BOTTLE than the inlet BOTTLE should be used.
IMPORTANT:- If the MINILOADER is in a mobile unit, or is mounted on a movable STAND, the customer
must be informed that the water must be turned off and the HUMIDIFIER drained using the DRAIN VALVE,
before the MINILOADER is moved. If the MINILOADER is not going to be used for some time, it is advisable
to drain the HUMIDIFIER of water to prevent bacterial growth in the PAPER ELEMENT.
When the MINILOADER is switched on, the HUMIDIFIER is also turned on. The DISPLAY will show the current
humidity inside the MINILOADER. If the humidity inside the MINILOADER is greater than the preset value, only the
DRY FAN will run. If the humidity is below the preset value, the SOLENOID VALVE opens, the DRY FAN stops and
the WET FAN starts to increase the humidity.
If the humidity inside the MINILOADER is different (either higher or lower) from the preset value after 10 minutes, the
figures on the DISPLAY will flash. If the humidity inside is higher than the preset value nothing can be done, but if the
humidity is lower, check the water supply, FLOAT VALVE and the PAPER ELEMENT.
The speed of the WET and DRY FANS (and therefore the noise made by them) can be controlled.
For LOW VOLTAGE machines the speed is contolled by POTENTIOMETERS on PCB 207. The recomended setting
is R730 (for the DRY FAN) turn fully clockwise then back 5 turns anf R728 (for the WET FAN) turn fully clockwise
then back 3 turns.
For KIT HUMIDIFIERS the speed of both FANS are adjusted at the same time by a POTENTIOMETER mounted on
the FAN ASSEMBLY. See the drawing on PAGE XP/2-26.
Routine service of the HUMIDIFIER requires that the unit is thoroughly cleaned out when a PM (Preventative
Maintenance) CALL is carried out. Disinfectant or bleach should be used. The PAPER ELEMENT should be changed
if necessary, and must be changed if it is more than six months old. The LABEL inside the HUMIDIFIER should be checked
with the date of the ELEMENT change.
PCB will be PCB 208. If the HUMIDIFIER was fitted as a modification, the PCB will be PCB 209.
The two PCB's are NOT interchangable.
To alter the humidity setting, remove the clear plastic COVER and set the SELECTOR SWITCHES to the desired
humidity. The recommended preset is 45% RH. Replace the COVER.
When the MINILOADER is powered up, the HUMIDIFIER will switch on automatically. If the humidity inside the
MINILOADER is greater than the preset value, only the DRY FAN will run. If the humidity is below the preset value,
the INLET WATER VALVE opens, the DRY FAN stops and the WET FAN starts to increase the humidity inside the
IMPORTANT :- If the humidity inside the MINILOADER is different (either higher or lower) from the preset value after
10 minutes, the figures on the DISPLAY will flash. If the humidity is higher than the preset nothing can be done, but if
the humidity is lower, check the water supply, FLOAT VALVE and the FILTER ELEMENT.
The calibration of the HUMIDITY SENSOR is factory set, but if a HUMIDITY METER (29050132) is available the
calibration of the DISPLAY can be adjusted. After the unit has stabilised (after 30 minutes), measure the humidity inside
the MINILOADER by inserting the PROBE of the HUMIDITY METER through the ENTRY SLOT. Compare the
reading can be adjusted by POTENTIOMETER R11 on the HUMIDIFIER PCB 209. See FIGURE 9.