Power Filtering And Regulation..................................................................................................................................................4
VES CIRCUIT................................................................................................................................................................................4
Line Drivers .................................................................................................................................................................................4
Block Diagram and Performance Data ......................................................................................................................................6
Connector Assignments and Pinouts .........................................................................................................................................8
SMB Connectors J2 and J3 .........................................................................................................................................................8
Warnings and Advisories.............................................................................................................................................................9
Glossary of Abbreviations ...........................................................................................................................................................9
Revision History ..........................................................................................................................................................................9
Table 1: Power Requirements........................................................................................................................................................3
Table 2: Signal Level Requirements ..............................................................................................................................................3
Figure 3: Measured Performance -- Dynamic Range and Noise Floor........................................................................................7
The KAI-4011/KAI-4021 Imager Evaluation Board,
referred to in this document as the Imager Board, is
designed to be used as part of a two-board set, used in
conjunction with a Timing Generator Board. Kodak
offers an Imager Board / Timing Generator Board
package that has been designed and configured to
operate with the KAI-4011/KAI-4021 CCD image sensors.
The Timing Generator Board generates the timing
signals necessary to operate the CCD, and provides the
power required by the Imager Board. The timing signals,
in LVDS format, and the power, are provided to the
Imager Board via the interface connector (J1). In
addition, the Timing Generator Board performs the
processing and digitization of the analog video output of
the Imager Board.
The KAI-4011/KAI-4021 Imager Board has been designed
to operate the KAI-4011/KAI-4021 CCDs with the
specified performance at 40MHz pixel clocking rate and
nominal operating conditions. (See the KAI-4011/KAI4021 performance specifications for details).
For testing and characterization purposes, the KAI4011/KAI-4021 Imager board provides the ability to adjust
many of the CCD bias voltages and CCD clock level
voltages by adjusting potentiometers on the board. The
Imager Board provides the means to modify other device
operating parameters (CCD reset clock pulse width, VSS
bias voltage) by populating components differently on the
Input Signals (LVDS) Vmin Vthreshold Vmax Units Comments
H1A (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V H1A clock
H1B (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V H1B clock
H2A (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V H2A clock
H2B (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V H2B clock
FDG 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V Fast Dump clock
R (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V Reset clock
V1 (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V V1 clock
V2 (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V V2 clock
V2B(+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V V2B clock
V3RD (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V V2 Clock 3rd-level
VES (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V Electronic Shutter
AMP_ENABLE (+/-) 0 +/- 0.1 2.4 V Output Amplifier Enable
The following sections describe the functional blocks of the KAI-4011/KAI-4021 Imager board (refer to Figure 1).
once per frame to transfer the charge from the
Power is supplied to the Imager Board via the J1
interface connector. The power supplies are de-coupled
and filtered with ferrite beads and capacitors to suppress
noise. Voltage regulators are used to create the +15 and
–15V supplies from the VPLUS and VMINUS supplies.
LVDS timing signals are input to the Imager Board via
the J1 interface connector. These signals are shifted to
TTL levels before being sent to the CCD clock drivers.
photodiodes to the vertical CCDs.
The Fast Dump Gate (FDG) driver is a transistor that will
switch the voltage on the FDG pin of the CCD from
FDG_LOW to FDG_HIGH during Fast Dump Gate
operation. When not in operation, or when the Fast
Dump Gate feature is not being utilized, the FDG pin of
the CCD is held at FDG_LOW. The FDG_HIGH and
FDG_LOW voltage levels of the FDG driver are set by
resistor divider circuits, and are buffered by operational
amplifiers configured as voltage followers.
The pixel rate CCD clock drivers utilize two fast switching
transistors that are designed to translate TTL-level input
clock signals to the voltage levels required by the CCD.
The high level and low level of the CCD clocks are set by
The quiescent CCD substrate voltage (VSUB) is set by a
potentiometer. For electronic shutter operation, the VES
signal drives a transistor amplifier circuit that ACcouples the voltage difference between the VPLUS and
VMINUS supplies onto the Substrate voltage. This
creates the necessary potential to clear all charge from
the photodiodes, thereby acting as an electronic shutter
to control exposure.
The pulse width of the RESET_CCD clock used to be set
by a programmable One-Shot. The One-Shot was
configured to provide a RESET_CCD clock signal with a
pulse width from 5ns to 15ns. Now, the pulse width
control functionality is provided by the KSC-1000 Timing
Generator Board, and the one-shot has been bypassed by
removing U15 and inserting a shorting resistor on pads 1
and 2 of U15.
The vertical clock (VCLK) drivers consist of MOSFET
driver IC’s. These drivers are designed to translate the
TTL-level clock signals to the voltage levels required by
the CCD. The high, middle, and low voltage levels of the
vertical clocks are set by potentiometers buffered by
operational amplifiers configured as voltage followers.
The current sources for these voltage levels are high
current (up to 600 mA) transistors. The V2_CCD high
level clock voltage is switched from V_MID to V_HIGH
The CCD bias voltages are set by potentiometers,
buffered by operational amplifiers configured as voltage
followers. The bias voltages are de-coupled at the CCD
This evaluation board supports the Kodak KAI-4011 and
KAI-4021 Interline CCD image sensors.
The VOUT_CCD signals are buffered using bipolar
junction transistors in the emitter-follower configuration.
These circuits also provide the necessary 5mA current
sink for the CCD output circuits.
The buffered VOUT_CCD signals are AC-coupled and
driven from the Imager Board by operational amplifiers
in a non-inverting configuration. The operational
amplifiers are configured to have a gain of 2, to correctly
drive 75Ω video coaxial cabling from the SMB
The Imager board is configured to operate the KAI-4011/KAI-4021 CCD image sensors under the following operating
The following voltages are fixed, or adjusted with a potentiometer as noted. The nominal values listed in Table 3 were
correct at the time of this document’s publication, but may be subject to change; refer to the KAI-4011/KAI-4021 device
Description Symbol Min Nominal Max Units Potentiometer Notes
Left Output Amplifier Supply VDDL 15.0 V -
Right Output Amplifier Supply VDDR 15.0 V - 1
Reset Drain VRD 6.7 12.0 13.5 V R23 3
ESD Protection ESD -9.0 V -
Substrate VSUB 8.5 TBD 15.0 V R18 3
Output Gate Left VOGL -7.5 -3.5 -0.4 V R11 2,3
Output Gate Right VOGR -7.5 -3.5 -0.4 V R7 2,3
Table 3: Bias Voltages
1. If the CCD is to be operated in single output mode only (VOUT_LEFT) the unused output amplifier supply can be tied to ground to conserve
2. The Output Gate signals VOGL and VOGR may be controlled independently, or, by installing R28 and R33 and removing R29, may be set to
3. The Min and Max voltages in the table indicate the imager board potentiometer adjustable voltage range. These values may exceed the
power by not populating R71, R72 and C76 and by replacing C75 with a 0 ohm resistor.
the same potential, controlled by R11.
specified CCD operating conditions. See the KAI-4011/KAI-4021 device specification for details.
The following clock voltage levels are fixed, or adjusted with a potentiometer as noted. The nominal values listed in Table
4 were correct at the time of this document’s publication, but may be subject to change; refer to the KAI-4011/KAI-4021
device specification.
Description Symbol Level Min Nom Max Unit Potentiometer Notes
Hxx_CCD Low -7.5 -4.5 -0.8 V R147 1 Horizontal CCD Clock
High 0.4 0.5 7.5 V R127 2
Vertical CCD Clock
1. The H1A_CCD, H1B_CCD, H2A_CCD, and H2B_CCD low levels are controlled by the same potentiometer (R147).
2. The H1A_CCD, H1B_CCD, H2A_CCD, and H2B_CCD high levels are controlled by the same potentiometer (R127).
3. V1_CCD and V2_CCD low levels are controlled by the same potentiometer (R40)
4. V1_CCD and V2_CCD mid levels are controlled by the same potentiometer (R66)
5. FDG is used to flush the device when operated in Still Mode.
Vx_CCD Low -14.0 -9.0 -1.0 V R40 3
Vx_CCD Mid -2.5 -0.0 -0.0 V R66 4
V2_CCD High 4.0 9.0 11.0 V R48
RESET_CCD Low -7.0 -3.5 -1.0 V R20 Reset Clock
High 1.0 5.0 7.0 V R19
FDG_CCD Low -9.0 V 5 Fast Dump Clock
High 5.0 V
The emitter-follower buffered CCD_VOUT signals are driven from the Imager Board via the SMB connectors J2 and J3.
Coaxial cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ω should be used to connect the imager board to the Timing Generator
Board to match the series and terminating resistors used on these boards.
The Imager Board described in this document is designed for use as part of a two-board set, in conjunction with a Timing
Generator Board. Kodak offers an Imager Board / Timing Generator Board package that has been designed and
configured to operate with the KAI-4011 and KAI-4021 CCD image sensors.
Purchasers of a Kodak Evaluation Board Kit may, at their discretion, make changes to the Timing Generator Board
firmware. Eastman Kodak can only support firmware developed and supplied by Eastman Kodak. Changes to the
firmware are at the risk of the customer.
When programming the Timing Board, the Imager Board must be disconnected from the Timing Board, by removing the
Board Interface Cable before power is applied. If the Imager Board is connected to the Timing Board during the
reprogramming of the Altera PLD, damage to the Imager Board will occur.
AGND Analog Ground.
CCD Charge-Coupled Device; also referred as to the image sensor , imager, or device.
FDG Fast Dump Gate; signal drains charge from the Horizontal registers to allow line sampling.
HCLK Horizontal Clock
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling, per the TIA/EIA-644 and IEEE 1596.3 standards.
R+ or R- Reset Clock
SMB Subminiature video connector, 75Ω characteristic impedance.
VCLK Vertical Clock.
V3RD Vertical Clock 3rd-level voltage; initiates frame readout by transferring charge to vertical registers.
VES Electronic Shutter control signal.
Revision Number Description of Changes
1 Initial Formal Version
2.0 Added Warnings and Advisories Section
3.0 Document now applies to KAI-4011 and KAI-4021 Imagers.
4.0 Added text note on drawings to define ground pins on CCD imager (Product Drawing)
Added Glossary of Abbreviations
Added Revision History