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Limited Warranty
KodakwarrantsKodak digitalcameras and accessories (excluding batteries) to be free from rqalfonetions
and detects inboth materials and workmanship fof one yeal from the date of purchase
Retainthe odginal dated sales receipt Proof of the date ofpurchase will be required with any request for
warranty repair
Limited Warranty Coverage
This limited warranty will be honored only within the geographical locationthat Kodak digital
cameras and accessories were purchased.
Kodakwill REPNR of REPLACE Kodak digitalcameras and accessories if they fail to foncben properly
during the warranty period, subject toany condibensand/or limitations stated herein Such repair service will
include alllabor as well asany necessary adjustments and/or replacement parts Such repair or
replacement is the sole remedy underthis warranty
gieplacement parts are used in making fepeirs these parts may be remanufactured, of may contain
remanufactuled materials Ifit is necessary to replace the entde product, it may be replacedwith a
remanufactufed product
Request for Warrantyservice will notbe accepted without proof of date ofpurchase, such as acopy of the
original dated Kodak digital camera ofaccessory sales receipt (Always keep the original for your records)
This warranty does not apply to thebattery(s) used indigital cameras el accessobes This warranty does
notcover circumstances beyond Kodak's control, nor problems caused byfailure to follow the operating
instructions in the Kodakdigital cameras and accessories User's Guides
This warranty does not apply when failure isdue to shipping damage, accident, alteration,
modification, unauthorized service, misuse, abuse, use with incompatible accessories or
attachments, failure to follow Kodak's operation, maintenance ot repecklng insttuctions, failure to
use items supplied by Kodak (such as adapters and cables), or claims made after the duration of
this warranty,
Kodakmakes no otbel express of implied w_rranty forthis pfbeuet Inthe event that the exclusion of any
implied warlanty is ineffectk,e underthe law the duration of the implied walranty willbe one yeal from the
purchase date
The option of replacement is Kbeak's onlyobligation Kodakwill notbe responsible for anyspecial,
consequential el incidental damages resulting from the sale purchase, of useof this product regardless of
the cause Liability for any special consequential el incidental damages (including but not limitedto loss of
revenueor profit, downtime costs, loss of the use ofthe equipment, cost ofsubstitute equipment, facilities or
services, or clainls ofyour customers for such damages resulting horn the purchase, useof failure of the
product), regardless of cause or forbleach of anywritten orimplied warranty is expressly disclaimed and
excluded herefrom