Kodak 8383697 - Capture Pro, Capture Pro Software User Manual

1 Overview
Contents Scanner support............. .......................................... ..................................1-1
Supporting documentation.........................................................................1-2
Kodak Capture Pro Software Demo Version..............................................1-2
Virus scanning applications........................................................................1-3
Kodak Capture Pro Software is an easy-to-install, easy- to-use production scanning application for electronic capture of documents.
This software is ideal for imaging, forms processing and workflow applica tions, and as a standalone application. It manages one- and two-sided scanning, indexing and batching in color, black and white, and/or grayscale. Batches can be easily exported to many popular applications. Capture Pro So ftware allows you to fully utilize your scanner capabilities for maximum productivity. All functions are performed in the software; no special hardware acceleration is required.
Capture Pro Software is designed for speed, accu racy, and ease-of-use. It enables optimum scanner throughput and maximum productivity . A high-spe ed multi-page display presents th e image s an d o ptional in dex d ata as documents are scanned. A complete set of icon-based tools is available to simplify scanning management.
Scanner support Kodak Capture Pro Software supports most Kodak Scanners and almost any
non-Kodak Scanner that has a certified ISIS driver. For a complete list of scanners that are supported by Capture Pro Software go to: www.kodak.com/ go/kcsscannersupport.
If your non-Kodak Scanner is not supported and you want to add your scanner to the supported list, provide your scanner information to your Kodak Authorized Reseller or local Kodak Representative.
• Capture Pro Software also supports Kofax VRS Versio n 4.x for any scanners that have been certified for use with VRS.
• Support for non-Kodak Scanners is certified only for Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows Vista and Microsoft Windows 7 operating systems. For more information see, Appendix B, System Requirements.
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In addition to this User’s Guide, the following documentation is also available:
On-line Help — provides product information including detailed product setup, details about the user interface and many advanced features. To locate information in the Help file you can use the table of contents, the index, or the search feature.
To access Help, press F1, select the Help button on a dialog box or click the ? icon in the top right-hand corner of any window.
On-line Tutorial — the Kodak Capture Pro Software Tutorial provides a product overview followed by detailed product setup examples designed to familiarize you with key Capture Pro Software features. The tutorial walks you through the basic steps for performing tasks such as job setup, scanning, indexing and outputting your scanned images.
The tutorial is an optional item within the Capture Pro Software installer. If it was installed, you can run it by selecting Help>Tutorial. If it was not installed, reinsert your Capture Pro Software installation DVD and install it or run it from the DVD.
The tutorial for each supported language is also available for download for the Capture Pro Software website at www.Kodak.com/go/kcsdownloads.
Reference Guide — provides simple procedures for getting started quickly including installing and launching Kodak Capture Pro Software. Procedures are also provided for scanning using the default pre-defined job setups. A PDF for this guide can be found on the Kodak Capture Pro Software DVD.
Release Notes — contain information that may not have been available in other supporting documentation. To view the Release Notes, go to
Upgrade for Version X.X link. The download page contains a link to the latest Release Notes.
and select the Capture Pro Software
Kodak Capture Pro Software Demo Version
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Kodak Capture Pro Software provides a demo version to demonstrate the unique features of the software. This demo version provides many of the same features as Kodak Capture Pro Software with the following exceptions:
• No hardware key (USB dongle) is required to run the Demo version.
• 25% of the images are stamped with the wor d 'Demo' ( added as a bitma p to your images).
• 100% of all images will be stamped with a "DEMO" bitmap when batches are output.
• Changes to index data fields are only saved for the first 10 documents of each batch. After the 10th document, any changes to the index field values will not be saved.
Virus scanning applications
If you are using a virus scanning application, system performance will improve if you exclude Kodak Capture Pro Software workgroup, scanned images and batch output folders and subfolders from the virus scanning application access.
The default folder names are: c:\ScanPro c:\BatchesPro c:\Document and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\KCSPro (on Windows
XP Systems) c:\Users\Public\PublicDocuments\KCSPro (on Windows Vista and Windows 7
Systems) c:\Program Files\Kodak\Capture Pro (on Windows XP Systems) c:\Program Files (x86)\Capture Pro (on Windows Vista and Windows 7
Systems) NOTE: If you modified the default installation folders by selecting the
Advanced installation option, exclude those folders when configuring your anti-virus software.
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2 Installing the Software and Getting Started
Contents Installing the software ................................................................................2-1
Launching Kodak Capture Pro Software....................................................2-3
Selecting your scanner (non-Network Edition clients)................................2-4
Batch Manager dialog box.................... .....................................................2-7
Creating a new batch............................................... ... ...............................2-8
Opening an existing batch .........................................................................2-8
Deleting a batch.........................................................................................2-9
Using a job.................................................................................................2-8
Editing options .........................................................................................2-11
Rotating images.................................................................................. 2-11
Drawing a region....................................................... .... ......................2-12
Cropping images.................................................... ... .... ... ... ... ... ..........2-12
Blanking out part of an image .............................................................2-13
Attaching pages ..................................................................................2-13
Rescanning images.............................................................................2-13
Deleting images ..................................................................................2-13
Deleting a range of documents...........................................................2-14
Removing blank images from a batch................................. ... ....... ... ...2-14
Outputting (processing) your batch.....................................................2-16
Installing the software
Before you begin, refer to the Appendix B, System Requirements to ensure your PC is suitable for Capture Pro Software.
To complete the installation, you will need:
• The scanner driver CD provided by the scanner manufacturer and the Kodak Capture Pro Software installation DVD.
• The hardware key (USB dongle) and License code (located inside the DVD case) that came with the Capture Pro Software DVD. For Kodak Capture Desktop Software and the Demo version of Capture Pro Software, the hardware key is not required.
NOTE: If you are installing a Network Edition client, a dongle is not
required; however, you must have a pre-configured Server Map. See the Administrator’s Guide for Kodak Capture Pro Software Network Edition for more information.
• Administrator rights on the PC where you are installing the software.
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1. Install the scanner drivers by inserting the scanner driver CD into the CD
drive and follow the prompts.
When you install the Kodak Scanner driver, the Kodak Scan Validation Tool will automatically be installed. This tool will be used to test that the scanner is connected properly and working.
NOTE: For non-Kodak manufactured scanners, follow the manufacturer’s
recommendations for installing and testing the scanner on your PC.
2. Connect the scanner and test the connection using the Kodak Scan
Validation Tool. See your scanner’s User’s Guide for more information.
3. Insert the Kodak Capture Pro installation Software DVD into the CD drive.
Before installing, check the Release Notes for any additional information. The Release Notes are available in the root folder of the installation DVD or go to www.kodak.com/go/kcsdownloads and select the Capture Pro Software Upgrade for the Version X.X link.
NOTE: If the installation process does not start automatically, navigate to
the drive where the DVD is installed and double-click Setup.exe which is found in the root folder of your Kodak Capture Pro Software installation DVD.
4. When the Installation Menu screen is displayed, select the desired
language and click the Install Kodak Capture Pro Software option.
5. Click I Accept the terms of the license agreement after you have read
the License Agreement and click Next.
6. At the License screen enter the License Code (include the dashes when
entering your license code) for your hardware key and click Next. NOTES:
•For Kodak Capture Desktop Soft ware and the Demo version of Capture Pro Software, the hardware key and license code are not required.
• For Network Edition, no license code is required.
7. At the Setup T ype screen select the Typical installation for installing Kodak Capture Pro Software and click Next.
8. The Information screen will be displayed listing a summary of Kodak Capture Pro Software information. Click Next.
9. The Ready to Install the Program screen will be displayed. Click Install to start the installation. Progress screens will be displayed. Follow any prompts.
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10. Click Finish.
11. Optionally, you can install the Tutorial from the DVD installation menu so it is available from the Help menu when running Capture Pro Softwar e.
12. If prompted, select the option to restart your comp uter.
13. Insert the hardware key (USB dongle) in a USB port on your PC.
NOTE: If you are installing Kodak Capture Desktop Software, the hardware
key is not required.
Launching Kodak Capture Pro Software
Be sure your scanner is turned on and is attached properly to the PC. Your hardware key must be inserted into a USB port on your computer (unle ss you are using Kodak Capture Desktop Software or Kodak Capture Pro Software, Network Edition).
• Double-click the Kodak Capture Pro Software icon on your desktop, or
• go to: Start>Programs>Kodak>Kodak Capture Pro Software.
• Network Edition clients will alert you that they are obtaining a license.
Kodak Capture Pro Software Network Edition clients will perform the initial synchronization with the Kodak Capture Pro Server Software.
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Selecting your scanner (non­Network Edition clients)
The first time you start Capture Pro Sof tware the m essage, Y our sc anner has not been selected. Do you want to set it up now? is displayed. Click Yes to
display the Workstation Setup screen. From this screen you can select the scanner you will be using from the list of available scanners. Subsequent launches of the software will bypass these steps.
1. Click Select. The Select Scanner screen will be displayed.
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2. Select the scanner you have installed on your PC and click OK.
3. Click OK on the Workstation Setup screen.
4. After selecting your scanner, the registration screens will be displayed.
Register your copy of Kodak Capture Pro Software to continue using the software after the initial 14-day period.
NOTE: An Internet connection is required to complete the registration
process. Follow the on-screen prompts and enter the required information. After submitting the registration, you have 14 days to use the software before you need to enter the code that will be sent to your registered e-mail address to fully unlock the software.
Terminology Before you begin a basic understanding of some of the terminology used in
Kodak Capture Pro Software is helpful. Kodak Capture Pro Software is “job” based. A job is a configuration that is
setup to capture and process a set of documents that you want to scan. To scan documents in a job, you need to create a batch to hold the scanned
documents, images and data before you o utput them. Kodak Capture Pro Software organizes scanned documents in the following
Batch: contains one or more scanned documents (similar to a folder or hanging file containing several sepa rate documents).
Document: contains one or more page(s) related to a single item (e.g., the contents of an envelope).
Page: are physical sheets of paper that are fed through the scanne r to produce images.
Image: electronic representations of scanned pages.
Output is the process of sending the batch to the desired output system / location in the format that you chose.
NOTE: See Appendix A, Glossary for a full listing Kodak Capture Pro Software
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Batch Manager dialog box
When you log into Kodak Capture Pro Software, the Batch Manage r dialog box will be displayed. The Batch Manager dialog box can also be displayed by selecting Batch>Open. Use this box to manage all the batches associated with your job setups.
Available jobs — lists all of your job setups. Select a batch from any of these job setups.
Click to display all the batches in all of the job setups.
Click to hide all the batches in all of the job setups.
Batches of the selected job — displays the Job Name, Batch Name, Time Created, Batch Status, and Locked By fields for the selected jobs.
Show Options — displays the Show Options dialog box, which allows you to select what sta tes (i.e., Available, Processing, etc.) to display in the Batch Status field on the Batch Manager dialog box.
Open — displays the batch that you selected on the list. The Open com ma n d will not open a batch listed as In Use. You must have read/write permission for the scanned image location to open an existing batch.
New — displays the New Batch dialog box, which allows you to create a new batch.
Rename — displays the Rename Batch dialog box, which allows you to rename the selected batch.
Delete — deletes the selected batch. A confirmation box will be displayed to confirm your deletion.
Output — sends the batch to be processed. Close — closes the dialog box.
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Creating a new batch When you want to scan documents, you need to create a new batch or ope n
an existing batch to scan the documents into. In most cases your system administrator has already configured the jobs you will use. These jobs will be listed in the Batch Manager dialog box.
To create a new batch:
1. Launch Kodak Capture Pro Software. The Batch Manager dialog box will
be displayed.
1. Select New. The New Batch dialog box will be displayed.
2. Select a job setup from the Job name drop-down list. Your new batch will
be captured and output as defined in this job setup.
3. If applicable, enter a new batch name in the Batch name field. By default,
Kodak Capture Pro Software suggests a new batch name based upon the last batch name created for the job setup. For example, if the last batch name is Health030, then the new batch name default will be Health031. You will not be able to enter a value is Enable Job Level batch numbering is unchecked on Workstation Setup dialog box.
4. If applicable, enter the starting do cument ID. The starting document ID is
the ID you want to assign to the first document in a batch. In most cases, that ID is 1. By default, the software suggests a starting document number based upon the job setup.
5. Click OK. The Image Viewer will be displayed on the Main window with the
batch name you assigned. The Image Viewer, Batch Explorer, and Thumbnail Viewer will remain blank until you start scanning.
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Opening an existing
To open an existing batch:
1. Select Batch>Open. The Batch Manager dialog box will be displayed.
Depending on your settings, the batches from all of your job setups will be displayed.
2. Highlight the batch you want and click Open. The batch you selected will
be displayed in the Image Viewer and the Batch Explorer. You can now work in this batch.
NOTE: If you are scanning in a multiple-scanner environment and the
batch you selected is already opened at anothe r wo rks tation, Kodak Capture Pro Software will not allow you to open the batch. The message, The batch cannot be opened because it is currently in use by another user will be displayed.
Deleting a batch Deleting a batch erases both the images and batch subdirectory structure of
the selected batch.
1. Select Batch>Open. The Batch Manager dialog box will be displayed.
Depending on your settings, the batches from all of your job setups will be displayed.
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2. Highlight the batch you want to delete and click Delete. The message, Are
you sure you want to delete the selected batch “XXXXX”? will be
3. Click OK.
Using a job This section provides the basic steps for creating a new batch, scanning your
documents and outputting a batch. Detailed information regarding indexing, setting up OCR zones, patch reading, selecting different output sources, etc. can be found in other chapters of this User’s Guide.
NOTE: There are several ways to complete an action when using Kodak
Capture Pro Software. For example, if you want to open a batch, you can select Batch>Open from the menu bar, you can click the Open Batch toolbar button or you can press the F3 shortcut key. For the purpose of this manual, all actions are described by using the menu bar. For a complete list of menus, toolbar buttons and function keys see Chapter 3, The User Interface.
1. If you have not already started Capture Pro Software, do so now. The
Batch Manager dialog box will be displayed.
2. Click New. The New Batch screen will be displayed.
3. Select the desired job setup from the Job name drop-down box. The Batch
name and Starting document ID are automatically filled in. You may change these if desired.
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4. Click OK. The main screen will be displayed and you are ready to start
5. Place the stack of documents you want to scan in the input tray of your
6. Click Start. The scanner will feed the pages.
7. When your documents have been scanned, you can perform any
necessary editing options (i.e., remove blank pages, rotate imag es, crop images, etc.). See the next section, “Editing options” for a brief d escriptio n of some of the options available.
8. When your batch is how you want it, select Batch>Output. The batch
output task begins and the New Batch screen will be displayed allowing you to start another scanning session while processing is being done in the background.
Your scanned images will be delivered to the location designated on the Capture tab in Job Setup.
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Editing options Before outputting your batch, review your images to be sure they are as you
want them. If you need to make some adjustment s, tools are availab le for your use. This section provides procedures for some of the more commonly used editing functions (i.e., rotating images, deleting images, cropping ima ges, etc.). Procedures for splitting and merging images can be found in Chapter 7, Page Setup.
All menu options and toolbar options are described in Chapter 3, The User
Rotating images Kodak Capture Pro Software allows you to automatically ro tate your images as
they are being scanned (this is setup using Page Setup before scanning) or manually rotate them after they are scanned. Images are rotated 90, 180 or 270° clockwise.
To manually rotate images in an existing batch:
1. Click on individual (or groups of) images, pages, or documents from the
Batch Explorer list or in the Image Viewer.
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2. Select Tools>Rotate> 90, 180, or 270. The rotated images will be
displayed in the Image Viewer.
Drawing a region The Draw Region tool allows you to draw a rectangle around a portion of an
image, then blank the area inside the rectangle usin g Blank or crop the image to the size of the rectangle using Crop.
1. Click on an image that you want to crop or blank in the Image Viewer.
2. Select Tools>Draw Region.
3. Click and drag the draw region cursor to create a rectangle over the part of
your image that you want to select. Release the cursor; the rectangle is now green.
4. You can now crop or blank the region.
To discard a region:
• Right-click on the image containing the green rect angle and sele ct Deselect
Cropping images You can crop an area outside a rectangular region that you create using the
Draw Region tool and using the Crop option.
1. Click on the image in Batch Explorer that you want to crop. The image you
selected will be outlined in red in the Image Viewer.
2. Select Tools>Draw Region.
3. Click and drag the draw region cursor to create a rectangle over the part of
your image that you want to save. Release the cursor; the rectangle is now green.
4. Select Tools>Crop. The image area outside of the green rectangle will be
deleted and only the selected area will remain in the Image Viewer.
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5. Click OK to save your setting.
Blanking out part of an image
If you want to blank out part of an image, you can draw a region on the image and use the Blank tool. The area inside the rectangle will be blanked out.
1. Click on an image in Batch Explorer that you want to blank.
2. Select Tools>Draw Region.
3. Click and drag the draw region cursor to create a rectangle over the part of
your image that you want to blank. Release the cursor; the rectangle is now green.
4. Select Tools>Blank. The image will now display a blank area where you
positioned the green rectangle.
5. Click OK to save your setting.
Attaching pages This option allows you to scan extra pages into an existing document.
1. In the Batch Explorer, select the document that is to receive the
2. Click Document>Attach Page.
3. Scan the images. The new pages will be displayed at the end of the
selected document.
Rescanning images When reviewing your batch of scanned images, occasionally you may need to
rescan some documents.
1. Highlight the page or pages you want to rescan.
2. Put the originals in the correct order in the scanner.
3. Click the Rescan icon. The images will be rescanned and placed in their
original scanned positions.
Deleting images If you want to delete selected images from a batch:
1. Select the image you want to delete.
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2. Select Edit>Delete. The message, Are you sure you want to delete the
selected item(s)? will be displayed.
3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Deleting a range of documents
You can delete a range of documents in an existing batch.
1. Select Document>Delete Range. The Delete Document s in Range dialog
box will be displayed.
2. Enter the beginning number of the document group you want to delete in
the From Document Number field.
3. Enter the ending number of the document group in the To Document
Number field.
4. Click OK.
Removing blank images from a batch
This option allows you to remove the blank back or front images produced by the scanner.
1. Select Batch>Remove Blank Images. The Remove Blank Images Setup
dialog box will be displayed.
2. Enter the beginning document number in the batch where you want to
search for blank images in the Start at document field. The default is the currently active document.
3. Define the byte-size threshold of the images to be verified in the Show
Black and White images below and Show Color/Grayscale images fields. A good setting for typical business documents is 3000 bytes in 200 dpi black and white.
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4. Click Check only back sides to remove only the blank back sides of the
images in a batch.
5. Click Pre-select all if all images are candidates for deletion.
6. Define the number of columns and rows you want to display in the Display
layout field. On a 1024 x 768 SVGA screen, a matrix of 14 x 7 allows you to check 98 images per screen.
7. Click OK to accept the values you entered.
After the batch is examined, Kodak Capture Pro Software displays all the
images that match the criteria you set up (for ex amp l e, back sides below 5000 bytes) the Remove Blank Images window. These images are displayed in a red highlight color. All colored images are considered blank and ready to be deleted.
• If no blank images are displayed in the Remove Blank Images window, it means that Kodak Capture Pro Software cannot locate images in your batch that match your criteria. You can click Setup on the Remove Blank Images window to reopen the Remove Blank Images Setup dialog box and enter higher threshold numbers (in bytes) for the black and white and/or color/grayscale images.
8. By default, all the blank images are outlined in red and selected for deletion. Select any blank images you do not want to delete by clicking them individually. The red outline disappears on those images.
9. Use the First Screen, Previous Screen, Next Screen and Last Screen buttons to help you navigate through all the possible blank images in the batch.
10. Click Remove. The message Remove all selected images? will be displayed.
11. Select Yes to confirm the deletion of the blank images. Capture Pro Software removes the blank images still outlined in red, repaginates the documents, and updates the available batch and hard disk capacity.
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Outputting (processing) your batch
When all of your editing changes are complete, you are ready to output your batch.
Kodak Capture Pro Software allows you to output (or process) one batch at a time or output all available batches at once.
To output the current batch in a job setup:
1. Select Batch>Output.
When your batch is queued for output, the New Batch dialog box will be
displayed allowing you to scan another batch of documents.
2. Click OK to continue scanning images into the new batch. When you output a batch, it is processed according to the System Output Destination selected in the Output tab of the Job Setup dialog box. This typically results in the batch being copied to an output subdirectory path.
To output all available batches in a current job setup:
•Select Batch>Output All. The Batch Manager dialog box will be displayed
where you can select one or more batches to be outputted.
To view the output progress:
•Select Batch>View Batch Output Status. The Kodak Capture Pro Batch
Process Status window will be displayed.
This window will update you on the progress of your batches as they are outputted. When outputting in the background, scanning takes higher priority. Output will be slowed until scanning is finished.
NOTE: If you experience issues when outputting your job, see Chapter 11,
Troubleshooting for problem resolution.
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3 The User Interface
Contents Main window ..............................................................................................3-2
Menu bar....................................................................................................3-4
File menu................... ... .......................................... ...............................3-4
Setting up your workstation................................................................3-5
Batch menu............................................................................................3-6
View menu .............................................................................................3-7
Capture menu ............... ... .......................................... ............................3-8
Document menu.....................................................................................3-9
Edit menu.............................................................................................3-10
Tools menu........................................................................................... 3-11
Index menu................... ... .......................................... ..........................3-13
Help menu............... ... ... .......................................... .............................3-14
Toolbars ...................................................................................................3-15
Capture toolbar ................ .... .......................................... ......................3-15
Batch toolbar........................................................................................3-15
Document toolbar.................................................................................3-15
View toolbar .........................................................................................3-16
Navigation toolbar................................................................................3-16
Flag toolbar..........................................................................................3-17
Edit toolbar...........................................................................................3-17
Index toolbar................. .......................................... .............................3-18
Scanner Adjustments toolbar............................ ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ...3-18
Keyboard shortcuts..................................................................................3-19
Batch Explorer .........................................................................................3-20
Image Viewer...........................................................................................3-20
Image context-sensitive menu .............................................................3-21
Thumbnail Viewer .......... ... ... .... ... .......................................... ...................3-23
Thumbnail Viewer context-sensitive menu...........................................3-23
Index window .............. ... ... ... .... ... ... .......................................... ................3-23
Information window..................................................................................3-24
Batch Status window............................................................................3-25
Changing the Main window interface.......................................................3-26
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This chapter provides descriptions of the Ma in windo w of Kodak Capture Pro Software, as well as descriptions of the menu bar, toolbars and viewers.
Main window The Main window has the following components.
1 Program title bar — provides the name of the job setup. 2 Menu bar — provides the following menu items: File, Batch, View,
Capture, Document, Edit, Tools, Index and Help.
3Toolbars — provides the following toolbars: Capture, Batch, View,
Document, Navigation, Flag, Edit and Index.
4 Batch Explorer — lists all the document folders, pages and image files in
the batch.
5 Image Viewer — displays the images in a batch. The Image Viewer can
be configured to show 1, 2, 4, 8 or more images at a time.
6 Thumbnail Viewer — displays thumbnails of all the images in the batch. 7 Index tab — when you click the Index tab (located on the right-hand side
of the Main window) the Index window is displayed which provides batch
or document level indexes.
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8 Information tab — when you click the Information tab (located on the
right-hand side of the Main window) the Information window is displayed which provides detailed statistics on the batch, document, page and image.
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Menu bar The Menu bar provides the following menu items: File, Batch, View, Capture,
Document, Edit, Tools, Index, and Help.
File menu The File menu contains the following options:
Job Setup — displays the Job Setup dialog box, which allows you to set up all
the parameters for a job setup. See Chapter 4, Job Setup for more information. Keyboard shortcut: J.
Page Setup — displays the Page Setup dialog box, which allows yo u to select a predefined page setup or create your own custom pa ge setup for your job setup. Kodak Capture Pro Software comes with several pre-defined page setups. The list of predefined page setups varies depending on the scanner being used. See Chapter 7, Page Setup for more information.
Workstation Setup — displays the Workstation Setup dialog box, which allows you to select the scanner attached to your PC for scanning documents into Kodak Capture Pro Software. If license d, you ma y also sele ct Au to Imp ort to automatically import images into Kodak Capture Pro Software. See the next section entitled, “Setting up your workstation” for procedures.
Import Job Setup— displays the Import dialog box, which allows you to import a job setup. See Chapter 4, Job Setup for more information.
Export Job Setup — displays the Export dialog box, which allows you to export the job setup to a file. See Chapter 4, Job Setup for more information.
User Setup — displays the User Setup dialog box, which allows the administrator to set up and manage users of Kodak Capture Pro Software. See Chapter 9, User and Group Setup for more information.
Change Password — displays the Change Password dialog box, which allows you to change your password.
To change a password:
1. Select File>Change Password. The Change Password dialog box will be displayed.
2. Enter your Old Password, then enter your New Password.
3. Confirm your password by entering your new password in the Confirm Password field.
4. Click OK.
Language — allows you to select the language in which the user interface is displayed. Supported languages are: English, French, Italian, German,
Portuguese-Brazilian, Dutch, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Swedish, Korean, Turkish, Czech, Russian and Japanese.
To change the language:
1. Select File>Language.
2. Select the desired language. The user interface will be displayed in the selected language.
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NOTE: The Scanner Setup dialog box (TWAIN Driver) may display the wrong
text characters when the default language is a Western language and the user changes to an Asian language. To solve this, use the system "Regional and Language options" to set the "Language for non­Unicode Programs" to the desired Asian language.
Measurement System — allows you to select US or Metric units. Print — displays the Print Setting dialog box for the selected printer, which
allows you to print scanned documents. Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + P. Save As PDF — displays the Save as PDF dialog box, which allows you to
save scanned images to a searchable or unsearchable PDF format.
Logout — logs out the current user. Minimize to System Tray — minimizes the Capture Pro Software application
but does not close the software.
Exit — closes Kodak Capture Pro Software. Keyboard shortcut: Alt + F4.
Setting up your workstation When you select File>Workstation Setup, the Workstation Setup screen is
displayed. From this screen you can setup the workstation information and choose the scanner you want to use.
1. Enter the ID and Name of your workstation. In a multi-scanner environment the ID and name must be unique.
2. Click Select. The Select Source dialog box will be displayed and provides a list of available scanners and other sources, such as Auto Import, depending on your license.
3. Select the source you want to use and click OK.
4. Enter the desired Disk Warning Level in megabytes (MBs). You will receive a warning if the free space on the disk falls below this level.
5. Check Enable job level batch numbering if you want the batch sequence number to be kept independently for each job. If this option is checked, numbering will be maintained at the job level. If not checked, numbering will be maintained at the system level. For example:
System Level Job Level
Invoices INV001 Invoices INV001 Claims CLM002 Claims CLM001 Records RCD003 Records RCD001 Invoices INV004 Invoices INV002
6. When finished, click OK.
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Batch menu The Batch menu contains the following options:
New — displays the New Batch dialog box, which allows you to create a new
batch. See Chapter 2, Installing the Software and Getting Started for procedures.
Open — displays the Batch Manager dialog box, which allows you to open an existing batch. Keyboard shortcut: F3. See Chapter 2, Installing the Software and Getting St arted for procedures.
Rename — displays the Rename Batch dialog box, which allows you to rename a current batch.
Remove Blank Images — displays the Remove Blank Images Setup dialog box, which allows you to remove the blank back or front images produced by the scanner. See Chapter 2, Installing the Software and Getting Started for procedures.
Output — starts processing all images in the current batch. Keyboard shortcut: O. See Chapter 2, Installing the Software and Getting Started for procedures.
Output All — starts processing all images in all batches of the current job. View Batch Output Status — displays the Kodak Capture Pro Batch Status
window, which provides information on the progress of your outputting commands.
Clear — erases all the images in a batch, but keeps the batch subdirectory structure intact.
Delete — erases both the images and batch subdirectory structure of the selected batch. See Chapter 2, Installing the Software and Getting Started for procedures.
Delete to End of Batch — erases all the images from the selected image to the last image in the batch.
3-6 A-61635 December 2010
View menu The View menu contains the following options:
Image Viewer Display — allows you to select a grid of 1, 2, 4 or 8 images to
display in the Main window . Selecting Customize d isp lays the Custom Layo ut Setup dialog box, which allows you to specify another grid size.
Image Viewer Filter — allows you to specify one or more types of images that will be displayed in the Image Viewer of the Main window. You can select one or more of the following: Front, Back, Black & White, Grayscale, and Color.
Thumbnail Viewer Filter — allows you to specify one or more types of images that will be displayed in the Thumbnail Viewer of the Main window. You can select one or more of the following filters: Front, Back, Black & White,
Grayscale and Color. Thumbnail Image Size — displays the Thumbnail Image Size Setup dialog
box, which allows you to specify the size of each thumbnail that will be displayed in the Main window.
Image Viewer, Batch Explorer, Thumbnail Viewer, Information, Index, Status Bar — these commands allow you to select whether the corresponding
components are displayed in the Main window. The keyboard shortcut for Status Bar is Ctrl + S.
Toolbars — allows you to view or hide the following toolbars: Capture, Batch, View, Document, Navigation, Flag, Edit, and Index. Detailed information regarding the toolbars can be found later in this chapter.
Icon Size — allows you to specify Small, Medium or Large icons. Icon Text — allows you to specify if icon labels will be displayed and, if so, on
the right or below the icons. Zoom — increases or decreases the displayed size of an image.
Actual: displays the image at actual size (one scanned pixel equals one
pixel on the Image Viewer.)
Zoom In: increases the image display by the increment specified in the
Zoom Step Setup dialog box.
Zoom Out: decreases the image display by the increment specified in the
Zoom Step Setup dialog box.
Zoom Step: displays the Zoom Step Setup dialog box, which allows you to
specify the increment (15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% or 40%) that the image size is changed when you use the Zoom In and Zoom Out commands.
Pan All Images to — enables you to move all images around the Image Viewer pane at once. You can pan to the Top, Bottom, Left or Right of the images.
Pan Step Setup — displays the Pan Step Setup dialog box, which allows you to specify the desired number of pixels (5, 10, 15, 25, 50 or 100) an image moves when you use the Pan commands.
Layout — allows you to change between the Classic and Enhanced layout modes.
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Capture menu The Capture menu contains the following options:
Start — enables the scanner and starts the transport. Keyboard shortcut: F7. Stop — clears and stops the transport and disables the scanner. Keyboard
shortcut: F6. Page Setup List — displays the Page Setup List dialog box, which allows you
to select from the defined page setups. Keyboard shortcut: F2. Capture modes — determines how a batch is scanned by allowing you to
select one of the following settings:
Two-Sided: scans the front and back of a page.
One-Sided Front: scans the front of a page.
One-Sided Back: scans the back of a page.
Select Scanner — displays the Workstation Setup dialog box, which allows you to select the scanner you want to use.
Manual Import Images — allows you to import image files created from another source (e.g., an engineering drawing scanner) into the currently displayed document in Capture Pro Software.
When you select Manual Import Images, the Open dialog box will be displayed. Navigate to the directory where you wa nt to import images from and select the desired image file(s). BMP, JPEG, PDF and TIFF image files can be imported. The images that you selected to be imported will be inserted immediately before the image that is selected in the currently displayed document. If there are no selected images, the imported images will be appended to the end of the current document.
Both single- and multi-page TIFF files are supported. When importing a multi­page TIFF file, each image in the file will be imported as a separate image into the document.
More than one image file can be selected for import. If more than one image file is selected, the images will be imported in alphabetical/numerical order according to their image file name.
Auto Import Setup — displays the Auto Import Setup dialog box which allows you to configure auto import “watch folders”. You can identify watch folders and assign them user friendly names using the Auto Image Setup dialog box. You can also identify directories for archiving and error handling, assign error threshold levels, specify auto import batch separation rules, and timeout intervals. See Chapter 10, Auto Import for more information.
Set Image Address — displays the Image Address dialog box, which allows you to change image address settings for your batch. This option becomes active only if you have a scanner capable of image addressing.
Set Counter — displays the Set Counter dialog box, which allows you to reset the sequential counter value assigned (and optionally printed) to the next p age scanned. This option becomes active only if you have a scanner with a counter.
3-8 A-61635 December 2010
Document menu The Document menu contains the following options:
New — creates a new document with a document number equal to the last
document number plus "1". Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Enter. NOTE: For some scanners, selecting New also enables the scanner and
starts the scanner transport/feeder or flatbed.
Attach Page — allows you to scan extra ima ges and add them as p ages to an existing document. Keyboard shortcut: F4.
Insert Pages — inserts additional pages into a scanned document. Keyboard shortcut: Insert.
NOTE: If image address and patch detection are set, Insert Pages will not
cause a document separation when a document patch is detected.
Rescan Pages — repeats scanning of the document. Keyboard shortcut: R. Split Document — splits the selected document into two documents. Merge into Previous — places the document currently be ing scanned into the
previous document.
Delete — deletes the currently opened document. Keyboard shortcut: F8. Delete Range — displays the Delete Documents in Range dialog box, which
allows you to delete a range of documents in the batch. Delete to End of Document — allows you to delete the selected image and
all subsequent images of a document. This command removes images from your hard drive. You cannot undo this function.
Go to Document — allows you to select to go to the first, last, next or previous document in the batch, or you can select a Document Number to go to a specific document within a batch.
Go to Image — opens the Go to Image dialog box, which allows yo u to navigate to a specific image in the current document. Keyboard shortcut: I.
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