Read the following terms and conditions carefully before using the enclosed software. Use of the software within this package indicates your
acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with them, you should promptly return the package in its entirety and your money
will be refunded.
1. Grant of License. Eastman Kodak Company (“Kodak”) grant s you a license to use one c opy of the enclosed software program(s) (the
“Software”) subject to the license restrictions set forth below.
2. Restrictions on Use. You may use the software only on one computer at a time. For each additional computer on which the Software is
running at the same time, you will need an additional licensed copy of the software. You may copy the Software as necessary to use the
Software as described above.
3. Transfer of the Software. Y ou may permanently transfer the Software to another party if the other party agrees to accept the terms and
conditions of this license and you retain no copies of the Software.
4. Copyright. The Software is owned by Kodak or its suppliers and protected by copyright laws and International treaties. You may not copy
the Software other than as expressly provided in this license. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software.
5. Term. This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the Software together with all copies in any
form. It will also terminate if you fail t o comply with any t erm or condition of this Agreement. Y ou agree upon such termination to destroy the
Software together with all copies in any form.
Limited Warranty
For a maximum period of up to one year, as evidenced by a copy of your purchase receipt, Kodak warrants (i) the Software will perform
substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials, and (ii) the media on which the Software is furnis hed will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship under normal use.
Kodak does not warranty that the functions contained in the Software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Software will be
uninterrupted or error free. You assume responsibility for operation of the Software to achieve your intended results, and for inst allation, use,
and results obtained from the Software.
OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states and countries do not allow the exclusion of implied
warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights.
Limitations of Remedies
Kodak’s entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be, at Kodak’s option either (a) the repair or replacement of the Software or any media
not meeting Kodak’s “Limited Warranty” that is returned to Kodak or your dealer with a copy of your receipt, or (b) the return of the price you
paid for the Software, provided you have proof of the purchase price you paid. These remedies are not available if the failure of the Software or
media is the result of misuse, abuse, or a failure to follow the operating instructions in the accompanying written materials.
Some states and countries do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation
may not apply to you.
If the Software was purchased in the United States, this Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York. If purchased outside the
United States, this agreement is governed by the laws of the country in which it was purchased.
If you have any questions concerning this Agreement, contact your local KODAK representative.
U. S. Government Restricted Rights
The SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause 252.227- 7013. Contractor/
manufacture is Eastman Kodak Company, 343 State Street, Rochester, New York, 14650.
European Community Provisions
If this Software is used within a county of the European Community, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as restricting any rights
available under the European Community Software Directive, OJ. Eur. Comm. (No. L. 122) 42 (1991).
• Access to all Capture Software Batch Output Formats
(currently over 40 available)
NOTE: Capture Software Lite will not run in full production mode even with an
attached hardware key. You must upgrade to the full version to receive
full functionality.
1-2A-63054 February 2004
Supported scanners Capture Software supports the following scanner models:
• Kodak i50 Scanner
• Kodak i60 Scanner
• Kodak i80 Scanner
• Kodak i250 Scanner
• Kodak i260 Scanner
• Kodak i280 Scanner
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 1500
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 2500
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 3500
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 3510
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 3520
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 3590C
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 4500
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 5500
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 7500
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 7520
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 9500
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner 9520
• Kodak Digital Science Scanner/Microimager 990
• Kodak Imagelink 500 Scanner
• Kodak Imagelink 900 Scanner
• Kodak Imagelink 923 Scanner
• Kodak i810 Scanner
• Kodak i820 Scanner
• Kodak i830 Scanner
• Kodak i840 Scanner
A-63054 February 20041-3
System requirements Following are the minimum software and hardware re qu ire m en ts to run
Capture Software.
Software All systems require Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4.0, Windows
2000, or Windows XP.
NOTE: The i200 Series Scanners are on ly su pp or te d und er Window s 98SE,
Windows Me, Windows 2000, and Windows XP.
Hardware • IBM PC (or compatible) with a Pentium 667 MHz processor (m inimum)
Choosing the right processor is important. When the microprocessor is too
slow, your PC cannot keep up with the scanner’s speed, and overall
productivity decreases. See the followin g table for the processor required for
optimal scanning in certain scanning modes.
Scanner ModelScanning ModeProcessor Required
i50 Scanner
i60 Scanner
i80 Scanner
i250 Scanner
i260 Scanner
i280 Scanner
Color Scanner 3590C
Color Scanner 4500
i820 Scanner
i840 Scanner
Black and whitePentium 667 MHz
GrayscalePentium 1 GHz*
ColorPentium 1 GHz*
Black and whitePentium 2.5 GHz
GrayscalePentium 2.5 GHz*
ColorPentium 2.5 GHz*
ColorPentium 1 GHz*
ColorPentium 1.5 GHz*
* For color and grayscale scanning, the PC must have MMX processing
capability and an Intel-based Pentium processor is recommended.
NOTE: If you plan to use the deskew, auto-cr op, and auto-rotate features
when color scanning in Capture Software, the fastest microprocessor
available (currently the Pentium IV 2.5 GHz) is recommended.
• 1 GB (<10 msec) hard disk
For color scanning with the i820 Scanner or i840 Scanner, two (2) SCSI
hard disk drives are recommended: one for the operating system and one
for storing the scanned images. Much more disk space will likely be required
for scanned image storage.
1-4A-63054 February 2004
• 128 MB of RAM
- For color scanning with the i50 Scanner, i60 Scanner, or i80 Scanner,
256 MB of RAM is recommended.
- For color scanning with the i200 Series Scanners, 512 MB of RAM is
- For color scanning with the i820 Scanner or i840 Scanner, 512 MB of
RAM is recommended.
• SCSI controller
- An Adaptec 2940 controller is recommended. You can also use an
Adaptec 1542CP controller. Newer SCSI cards such as the Adaptec
19160 or 29160 may also be used.
- For the i800 Series Scanners, an Adaptec 29160 SCSI controller or
equivalent (Ultra-Wide2 SCSI) is required.
• IEEE-1394 (FireWire) controller
For the i200 Series Scanners, a plug-and-play IEEE-1394 (FireWire)
interface is required. Use only the FireWire card and cable that is supplied
with the i200 Series Scanner.
IMPORTANT: The i200 Series Scanner should be the only item plugged in to
the IEEE-1394 (FireWire) card on the host computer.
• Parallel/printer port (with DB25 female connector) for hardware
key installation.
USB ports are not supported.
• Display monitor and graphic controller
Most high-quality displays and graphic controllers are acceptable.
The display resolution should be set to at least 800 x 600.
- For black-and-white scanning, the display monitor should be set to at
least 256 Colors. For color scanning with the Kodak color scanners, set
the display monitor to True Color (24 bit or 16 million colors).
- For color scanning with the i820 Scanner and i840 Scanner, an
AGP (Advanced Graphics Processor) video card with 32 MB of
video RAM is recommended.
A-63054 February 20041-5
System developmentThe Capture Software program was developed by Eastman Kodak Company
and I.R.I.S. Group, Belgium.
Using this manualThis User’s Guide describes the functions and procedures in Capture
Software. Chapters 2 and 3 are directed toward individua ls wh o ar e
responsible for scanning, manipulating images within a document, and
writing to image batches. These individuals must have a working knowledge of
IBM (or compatible) PCs and the Windows oper ating environment. In addition
to computer and scanner operations skills, a basic understanding of digital
imaging or image scanning is helpful.
Chapters 4 through 11 and Appendix A are intended for the system
administrator who is responsible for configuring the scanner and
Capture Software.
Differences between the Capture Software products specific to the low,
mid-, and high volume scanners will be identified throughout the manual
where appropriate.
NOTE: Many of the screen examples in this manual were captured using
Capture Software with a Scanner 3500. These examples, except
where noted, also apply to Capture Software support for the Kodak
scanners listed in this chapter.
Terminology Before you start, it is important to know how document, page, side, image,
and other terms are used in this guide.
Application—you can create an unlimited number of applications with
Capture Software (the actual number of applications allowed depends on
directory limits imposed by the operating system). Applications are
distinguished by the batch and document separation methods used
(e.g., patch codes, documen t/image counters, etc.), indexing requirements
(e.g., bar code) and Batch Output format requirements. With an application,
you can produce batches of an essentially unlimited number of documents
(up to 999999999) which are used in conjunction with other digital
document management systems and are available in several output
formats (e.g., IMR Alchemy, MO:DCA, eiStream WMS RBE).
Batch—a collection of documents. An application can contain several batches
(each up to 999999999 documents; essentially unlimited). Processing a batch
means converting the batch to a specific output format (e.g., IMR Alchemy,
single-page TIFF, MO:DCA, eiStream WMS RBE) and sending it to a batch
destination folder/subdirectory. Batches can be processed one by one
or together.
1-6A-63054 February 2004
Document—a paper document is a collection of pages; an electronic
document is a collection of images. A document containing many pages is
called a multi-page document (e.g., a file folder or article). A document
containing only one page is called a single-page document (e.g., a check).
Initially , every document is in p aper form and becomes an electronic do cument
after it is scanned; Capture Software gives every document a unique electronic
document number . This document number is cross-referen ced with index dat a
that can be uploaded to any document management system.
Document index—the document index links search fields (up to 10 search
fields) with the document number of each document. The document index can
be built manually or automatically with bar codes or default values.
Image—the scanner converts sides to images. Every image belongs to a
document with a unique document number. Capture Software gives every
image a sequential number inside its document. One document can contain
up to 999999999 (i.e., essentially unlimited) images. Capture Software
distinguishes between an image coming from the front or rear side of a
page. This allows Capture Software to perform side-specific processing
(e.g., deletion of blank/rear sides) where appropriate.
Capture Software also distinguishes between color, grayscale, and bitonal
(black and white) images and can perform color/grayscale versus bitonal
specific processing.
Example: Document 250 contains two double-sided pages and produces an
electronic document number 250, which contains four images (1-4).
Page—a page is always in paper form and is part of a paper document. A
page can produce one image (single-sided page), two images (double-sided
page), or four images (dual-stream; color and bitonal) after scanning.
Side—one page has two sides, front and rear. With sin gle-sid e d pages, the
rear is blank.
A-63054 February 20041-7
2 Getting Started with Capture Software
Before you beginBefore you begin make sure that the scanner is connected to the system and
powered on.
Login procedure 1. Click on Start (usually located in the bottom left corner) on the
Windows desktop.
2. Move the mouse arrow to Programs.
3. Move the mouse arrow to one of the following program icons
(depending on your scanner model):
- Kodak Capture Software for IL and DS Scanners
- Kodak Capture Software for i800 Scanners
- Kodak Capture Software for i50, i60, i80, i200 Scanners
4. Move the mouse arrow to the Capture Software icon.
If your system administrator has established user profiles for your
Capture Software installation, you may first be required to log in to
Capture Software.
A-63054 February 20042-1
5. Enter your user name and password to complete the login procedure.
The Capture Software Open Application window appears.
2-2A-63054 February 2004
Using Capture
Capture Software provides Produ ction applications and Template applications.
For more information on how to set up these templates, see Chapter 4,
Application Setup.
The sections that follow provide procedures for opening and closing an
application as well as opening and creating a new batch. Chapter 3,
Working in Capture Software, provide s detailed information on other
functions you can access from the Capture Software main window.
Opening an application To open an application:
1. Select File>Open Application.
The Open Application dialog box appears. You will see only applications
for which you have privileges.
2. Double-click on the application you want to open or highlight the
application and click Open.
The batches associated with the application appear.
3. Click Open to display the batch you selected.
A-63054 February 20042-3
Creating a new batch To create a new batch, proceed as follows.
From the Open Application window:
1. Select an application where you want the new batch to reside.
2. Click New Batch.
The Create New Batch dialog box appears.
3. Enter a new batch name in the Batch name field.
By default, Capture Software suggests a new batch name based upon the
last batch name created for the application (e.g., if the last batch name is
Batch002, then the new batch name default will be Batch003).
4. Enter the starting document number.
By default, Capture Software suggests a starting document number based
upon the Application Setup.
5. Click OK.
The main window appears with the batch name you assigned.
Depending on your User Profile settings and the Application Setup,
other dialog boxes may appear before the main Capture Software
window appears.
• For i200 Series Scanners, Scanner 1500, Scanner 2500, Scanner
3520DP, or Color Scanner 4500DP when document printing is enabled,
and the i800 Series Scanners, the Set Counter dialog box appears.
2-4A-63054 February 2004
Enter a starting counter number.
- For the i200 Series Scanners, the number will be downloaded and
printed on the first scanned page.
- For the Scanner 1500 or Scanner 2500, the number will be
downloaded to the scanner and will appear on the scanner’s
LCD display.
- For the Scanner 3520DP or Color Scanner 4500DP, the number will
be downloaded and printed on the first scanned p age when document
printing is enabled.
- For the i800 Series Scanners, the number is downloaded and
assigned (and optionally printed) to the first scanned page.
By default, with the exception of i200 Series Scanners, Capture
Software suggests a starting counter based upon the Application Setup.
For i200 Series Scanners, Capture Software keeps track of the counter
across scanned batches and will suggest a starting counter equal to
the counter of the last scanned pa ge + 1. When Capture Software is
restarted, the suggested starting counter is reset to “1.”
• For high volume and i800 Series Scanners, the Set Image Address
dialog box appears.
Enter the starting image address for the batch. It will be downloaded to
the attached high volume scanner and will appear in the scanner’s LCD
display. Only those image address fields (i.e., Fixed field, Level 3, Level
2, and Level 1) that are applicable to the scanner mo de being used ca n
be modified. By default, Capture Software suggests a starting image
address based upon the Application Setup.
6. Start scanning into the new batch.
A-63054 February 20042-5
Opening a batch • To open an existing batch, double-click on the batch you want to open
or highlight it and click Open.
The main window appears and shows the existing batch.
If you are scanning in a multiple scanner environm ent, an d the ba tc h ha s
already been opened by another workstation, Capture Software will not allow
you to open the batch. Instead, a message similar to the one shown below
will appear.
Changing to another
• From the main window, select File>Open Application.
The Open Application dialog box appears.
From this dialog box you can open another application.
2-6A-63054 February 2004
Starting and stopping
the scanner in
Capture Software
To start the scanner in Capture Software:
Stop Start
• Click on the green Start button (on the Scanner bar in the Capture Software
main window) or press F7.
- For the i50/i60/i80 Scanners, you first need to place the documents to be
scanned face down in the feeder. The scanner automatically detects the
presence of documents in the feeder and the scanner transport/feeder
starts to run.
Y ou may also place a do cument on the flatbed. If no docu ments ar e in the
feeder and flatbed scanning has been enabled, the scanner will scan the
flatbed. When you scan single sheet documents with the flatbed, place
the documents in the upper left corner of the flatbed (this position is
labeled “0,0” on the flatbed).
- For the i200 Series Scanners, the scanner transport/feeder starts to run.
Y ou may also place a do cument on the flatbed. If no docu ments ar e in the
feeder and flatbed scanning has been enabled, the scanner will scan the
flatbed. When you scan single sheet documents with the flatbed, place
the documents face down with the corner aligned with the arrow.
- For the Scanner 1500 and Scanner 2500, you first need to place the
documents to be scanned in the feeder. The scanner automatically
detects the presence of documents in the feeder and the scanner
transport/feeder starts to run.
For the Scanner 1500, you may also place a document on the flatbed.
If no documents are in the feeder and flatbed scanning has been
enabled, the scanner will scan the flatbed. When you scan single
sheet documents with the flatbed, place the documents in the upper
left corner of the flatbed.
NOTE:Page Setup is configured for auto-cropping and/or deskewing
documents, place the document in the middle of the flatbed platen
and align the top edge with the top edge of the glass.
- For the Scanner 3500, Scanner 3510, Scanner 3520, Color Scanner
3590C, and Color Scanner 4500, the scanner transport/feeder starts
to run.
- For the Scanner 5500, Scanner 7520, and Scanner 9520, the Start button
enables the scanner. You must press the green butt on on th e sca nn e r’s
operator panel to start the scanner transport/feeder.
A-63054 February 20042-7
- For the i800 Series Scanners, the Auto-start transport option in the
Scanner Setup dialog determines what the Start button does.
When Auto-St art transport is enabled, the scanner transport and feeder
will automatically run and start scanning.
When Auto-Start transport is disabled, the Start button enables only the
scanner. You must press the green button on the sca nner control p anel to
start the scanner transport/feeder.
It may take a few seconds to start the scanner the first time because
Capture Software is downloading parameters. Successive starts are faster.
To stop the scanner in Capture Software:
• Click the red Stop button on the Scanner bar of the Capture Software main
window or press F6.
NOTE: The i50 Scanner, i60 Scanner, or i80 Scanner will stop when all
documents in the feeder have been scanned.
Exiting Capture Software • To exit Capture Software, select File>Exit.
The Capture Software application closes.
Restarting if a
transport time-out
The scanner stops automatically when you do not scan documents for a
period of time (based upon the time-out period that is set in the Scanner
Setup dialog box).
To restart the feeder and transport, click the green Start button on the
Scanner bar and continue feeding documents. You do not need to restart
Capture Software.
2-8A-63054 February 2004
Recovering from
a paper jam
Under certain conditions, a paper jam can occur. Follow these steps to clear
the scanner and restart Capture Software.
1. Clear any paper from the scanner by following the guidelines described in
the User’s Guide for the scanner you are using.
2. Make sure that the top and/or bottom of the scanner are completely closed,
if you had to open them to clear the jam.
3. Wait until the scanner is ready (e.g., on the Scanner 3500, the yellow light
is off and the green Ready light has stopped flashing).
NOTE: Check the screen to verify the last complete image you received from
the scanner before the paper jam. Restart scanning from that point.
4. Click the green Start button on the Scanner bar in the main window.
NOTE: For the i200 Series Scanners, the red indicator light remains on until
the scanner is restarted. If the jam was properly cleared, the re d
indicator light will go out and the green indicator light will illuminate.
Calibration Calibration optimizes the optical system of your scanner in order to achieve the
best overall quality of scanned images. Frequent calibration is not needed or
recommended. However , if you do need to calibrate the scanner (for exam ple,
poor image quality), follow the steps below.
1. Clean the imaging guides properly (e.g., see the scanner’s User’s Guide
for procedures).
2. Obtain a proper calibration target.
Use a clean, blank sheet of paper with a matte surface (not glossy). Make
sure that the target is wider than the document s to be scanned. It is best to
use the square calibration target available from Kodak.
NOTE: For the i800 Series Scanners only: You must use the special
black-and-white calibration target provided with the scanner.
3. Select Scanner>Calibration in the Capture Software main window.
NOTES: For the i50, i60, and i80 Scanners and the Scanner 1500 and
Scanner 2500, scanner calibration is not necessary and therefore is
not available through Capture Software.
For the Scanner 5500, Scanner 7520, and Scanner 9520, calibration
is available only through the scanner operator panel and is required
every time the scanner is powered up.
For the Color Scanner 3590C and Color Scanner 4500, select
Scanner>Color Calibration for color image quality issues.
A prompt appears.
4. Place the calibration target in the scanner ADF.
5. Click OK.
A-63054 February 20042-9
3A Working in Capture Software
The main
Capture Software
This chapter describes how to access and use th e vari ou s fu nc tion s of
Capture Software through the tools and menus of the main window.
The main window contains the following elements :
• Program title bar
• Menu bar
• Scanner bar
• Document title bar
•Tool bar
•Image display
• Button bar
• Status bar
Program title bar The Program title bar provide s the ver sio n nu m be r of Capt ur e Software that
A-63054 February 20043A-1
you are running and the name of the selected sc a nner. The application name
is also included on the Program title bar.
Menu bar The Menu bar provides the following menu options:
The following summarizes the functions associated with each Capture
Software menu:
File—allows you to open, close, or delete an existing Production or Template
application. In addition, you can create and set up a new application.
Batch—allows you to open an existing batch or create a new batch; and
process current or all available batches.
View—allows you to display 1, 2, 4, or 8 images, fit images to the display
windows regardless of its original size and allows you to enlarge or reduce the
images by a fixed percentage.
Document—provides many options of navigating thro ugh th e disp la ye d
images of a document and the documents within a batch. You can also create
and delete documents and attach new images to an existing document.
Index—allows you to edit batch, document, and page index fields.
Tools—provides a variety of methods which allows you to manipulate
displayed images.
Scanner—allows you to set up a scanner and to start, stop and calibrate
the scanner.
Page—allows you to set up specific page properties, duplex scanning mode
(classic or calendar), and image setup options.
Options—provides access to hiding or displaying the Tool bar, Status bar,
Button bar, and Scanner bar.
Help—provides version number information about the current installation of
Capture Software.
The following sections provide information on each of these menu options. In
many cases, you can use a keyboard, Tool bar, Scanner bar, or Button bar
shortcut instead of selecting an option from the menu.
Button bar, Scanner bar, and Tool bar summaries are described later in this
chapter. Proce dures on h ow to use a menu option ar e cove red in the following
menu descriptions.
3A-2A-63054 February 2004
File menu The File menu allows you to open, close, import, export, or delete an existing
Production or Template application. In addition, you can create and set up a
new application.
New Application—accesses the Create New Application dialog box which
allows you to create a new application based upon an existing application.
Open Application—allows you to open an existing application. Keyboard
shortcut: F3
Close Application—closes the current application and open batch.
Import/Export Application—allows you to export (or save) application
settings from one Capture Software installation and import (or load) those
settings to another Capture Software insta llation. These functions currently
are not supported.
Application Setup—accesses the Application Setup dialog box. More
information about setting up applications can be found in Chapter 4,
Application Setup.
Delete Application—when selected, deletes the current application. You
cannot delete an application that contains batches.
Properties—automatically closes the current application and accesses the
Capture Software Program Properties. More informa tio n ab out Prog ra m
Properties can be found in Chapter 11, System Administration —