Klaxalarm Boxer (17-970303)
Battery Operated - Manual Call Point/Sounder
The Manual Call Point has a built-in alarm sounder and is powered by batteries. Up to 12 units can be connected
together using 2 core screened fire proof cable (the screen core is used as a negative). The indicating LED will light
on operation of the device(s) and switch off on resetting.
The Batteries should be replaced once every 12 months. The unit does not draw any current from the batteries until
operated. There is no low battery warning feature but as the battery voltage falls a slight drop in sound output is
noticeable during normal testing.
1. Installation
Surface Mounting
Fix the surface back box to a flat vertical surface using at least two of the
four mounting holes provided.
The back box may be drilled to allow cable access, a step drill is the most
efficient and least stressful to the moulding. A 20mm hole is provided in the
NOTE Please ensure that the spade connectors are located exactly as per
diagram (shown right) else the battery may foul against them
When interlinking more than one unit - cabling may be connected into the
terminals provided (Red=Permanent positive, Blue=Common Negative,
Yellow=Switched Positive). Although there are three conductors a 2 core
screen cable can be used, as the screen may be utilised.
If using Pirelli FP200 then wire as Red:RED, Black:YELLOW,
Flush Mounting
Call Point 1st fix testing
Please remember that all high voltage testing must be carried out before the installation of the Call Point front unit as
this may cause damage.
The Call Point may be flush mounted utilising the optional flush bezel, combined
with any standard single gang flush mounting back box (with a minimum internal
depth of 25mm). After installing the back box securely, attach the bezel using the
two M3 screws
Interlink Electrical Connections
Up to 12 units may be interlinked together in the following manner:
Optional mains power application
The MCP/Sounder can also be powered from a Mains 24VDC PSU (minimum of 150mA). A schematic is shown
2. Reset and Test
The Call Point is a Type-A (Direct type see EN54 Pt.11) contains a resettable
element, which latches in position when operated and does not need to be replaced.
The unit may be reset by inserting the key as shown and turning it clockwise until the
element clicks back into place. Testing the Call Point may be carried out either by
pressing the element or by using the key in the same manner as for resetting but
without having pressed the element
3. Technical Data
Class of MCP: Type-A (Direct type see EN54 Pt.11)
Dimensions: W87mm x H87mm , Flush depth protruding= 25mm, Surface depth= 53mm
Operating temperature: -5ºC to 65ºC
Voltage Range: 12 to 30V DC
Operating Current: Quiescent, No Current
Alarm 10mA @ 24V, Dual Tone UK Evacuate – 800 & 970 Hz
Sound Pressure Outputs: 85dB(A) @24V
Battery Type: 12V - GP23A, VR22, MN21
4. Contacting Klaxon