– DE –
–EN –
– FR –
– NL –
–ES –
–IT –
– PL –
–CS –
–PT –
–DA –
– RU –
Abb. ähnlich
Auf 100% Altpapier gedruckt!
Art.-Nr. 07689-200/-400/-600
Art.-Nr. 07689-800/-880
Art.-Nr. 07689-450/-650
Art.-Nr. 07689-900
Abb. ähnlich
Abb. ähnlich
Abb. ähnlich
Montageanleitung „Golf C2, C4, S4”
und „Ergo C6, S6, C8, C10, C12”
Art.-Nr. 07689-200/-400/-450/-600/-650/-800/-880/-900
150 kg
150 kg
130 kg
130 kg
A 119 cm
C 137 cm
33,7 kg
30 – 40 Min.

Please read these instructions carefully prior to carrying out assembly and using for the first time. They contain information which is important for your safety as well as for the use and maintenance of the appliance. Keep these instructions in a safe place for reference purposes, maintenance work and to assist you when ordering spare parts.
For Your Safety
This equipment can be used by persons of at least 14 years of
age and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental
abilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they are supervised or have been instructed regarding the safe use of the
equipment and understand the resulting hazards.
Children are not allowed to play with the equipment. Children
may not clean the equipment or carry out user maintenance
without supervision.
The device may only be used with the power supply units delivered (depending on the device, type NCE
CP123A0240V2500 or type 2BD39080001).
Warning: Do not use rechargeable batteries.
Before removing the battery, disconnect the equipment from the
power supply.
RISK! Instruct people using the equipment (in particular child-
ren) on possible sources of danger during exercising.
RISK! While assembly of the product keep off children’s reach
(Choking hazard - contains small parts).
RISK! Heart rate monitoring systems can be imprecise. Exces-
sive training may lead to serious health damage or death. If
you feel giddy or weak, please stop the training immediately.
WARNING! The device may only be properly used for its in-
tended purpose, e.g. for physical training by mature persons at
least 14 years of age.
WARNING! Any other use of the equipment is prohibited and
may be dangerous. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for
damage or injury caused by improper use of the equipment.
WARNING! Before beginning your program of training, study
the instructions for training carefully.
WARNING! All electric appliances emit electromagnetic ra-
diation when in operation. Please do not leave especially radiation-intensive appliances (e.g. mobile telephones) directly
next to the cockpit or the electronic controlsystem as otherwise
values displayed might be distorted (e.g. pulse measurement.
WARNING! Ensure that the power cable is not pinched and
that no-one can trip over it.
WARNING! This training device is for home use only.
■ The device requires a supply voltage of 230V, 50 Hz.
Connect the power cord with a protective contact socket.
■ Do not use a multiple power socket for the running belt. If an ex-
tension cable is being used, ensure that it complies with the
VDE regulations.
■ Unplug the power cord of the device from the socket if not used
for a longer period.
■ Exercise has been designed in accordance with the latest stan-
dards of safety. Any features which may have been a possible
cause of injury have been avoided or made as safe as possible.
■ Incorrect repairs and structural modifications (e.g. removal or re-
placement of original parts) may endanger the safety of the
■ If the equipment is in regular use, check all its components
thoroughly every 1 -2 months. Pay particular attention to the
tightness of bolts and nuts.This applies especially to the securing
bolts for saddle and handelbars.
■ Before beginning your program of exercise, consult your doc-
tor to ensure that you are fit enough to use the equipment. Base
your program of exercise on the advice given by your doctor.
Incorrect or excessive exercise may damage your health!
■ Any interference with parts of the product that are not described
within the manual may cause damage, or endanger the person
using this machine. Extensive repairs must only be carried out
by KETTLER service staff or qualified personnel trained by
■ Our products are subject to a constant innovative quality assu-
rance. We reserve the right to perform technical modifications.
■ In case of enquiry, please contact your KETTLER dealer.
■ In choosing the location of the apparatus, ensure a sufficient
safety distance from any obstacles. The apparatus must not be
mounted in the immediate vicinity of main passageways (paths,
doorways, corridors). The safety distance surrounding must extend at least 1 meter further than the practice area.
■ This training device has to be set up on a horizontal surface
under all circumstances. Place rubber or straw mats under it to
deaden any noise or impacts. Only for appliances with weights.
Avoid powerful oscillations of the dumbbells!
■ When mounting the product please take the recommended tor-
que information into account ( = xx Nm).
■ The training device corresponds with DIN EN ISO 20957-
1/DIN EN 957-5, class HB. It is therefore unsuitable for therapeutic use.
■ The training device corresponds with DIN EN ISO 20957-
1/DIN EN 957-5, class HA. It is therefore suitable for therapeutic use.
Art.-Nr. 07689-200/-400/-450:
Art.-Nr. 07689-600/-650/-800/-880/-900:
– EN – Important Instructions

Handling the equipment
ATTENTION! It is not recommended to use or store the appa-
ratus in a damp room as this may cause it to rust. Please ensure
that no part of the machine comes in contact with liquids (drinks,
perspiration etc.). This may cause corrosion.
■ Before using the equipment for exercise, check carefully to en-
sure that it has been correctly assembled.
■ Before beginning your first training session, familiarize yourself
thoroughly with all the functions and settings of the unit.
■ A slight production of noise at the bearing of the centrifugal
mass is due to the construction and has no negative effect upon
operation. Possibly occurring noise during reverse pedalling result from engineering and are absolutely safe.
■ The exercise cycle has a magnetic brake system.
■ To operate correctly, the pulse function requires a minimum vol-
tage of 2,7 volts (only for computers working with batteries).
■ The equipment is dependent of revolutions per minute.
■ Before use, always check all screws and plug-in connections as
well as respective safety devices fit correctly.
■ Always wear suitable shoes when using.
■ For a comfortable training position please adjust the handlebar
andsaddle position to your body height.
■ Nobody may be in the moving range of a training person du-
ring training
Instructions for Assembly
RISK! Ensure that your working area is free of possible sources
of danger, for example don’t leave any tools lying around. Always dispose packaging material in such a way that it may
not cause any danger. There is always a risk of suffocation if
children play with plastic bags!
■ Ensure that you have received all the parts required (see check
list) and that they are undamaged. Should you have any cause
for complaint, please contact your KETTLER dealer.
■ Before assembling the equipment, study the drawings carefully
and carry out the operations in the order shown by the diagrams. The correct sequence is given in capital letters.
■ The equipment must be assembled with due care by an adult
person. If in doubt call upon the help of a second person, if
possible technically talented.
■ Please note that there is always a danger of injury when wor-
king with tools or doing manual work. Therefore please be careful when assembling this machine.
■ The fastening material required for each assembly step is shown
in the diagram inset. Use the fastening material exactly as instructed.
■ First, please screw all parts loosely together and make sure they
are properly positioned. Turn the self-locking nuts, first by hand,
until resistance is felt, continuing subsequently against the resistance (security clamp) with an appropriate tool, according to
the indicated torque, until firm. Check all screw/bolt connections for firm fit according to the assembly step. Attention: selflocking nuts which are loosened once again will become
unusable (destruction of clamping system) and must be replaced
with new ones.
■ For technical reasons, we reserve the right to carry out prelimi-
nary assembly work (e.g. addition of tubing plugs).
– EN –
Maintainance – Service – Spare Parts
■ Damaged components may endanger your safety or reduce the
lifetime of the equipment. For this reason, worn or damaged
parts should be replaced immediately and the equipment taken
out of use until this has been done. Use only original KETTLER
spare parts.
■ To ensure that the safety level is kept to the highest possible
standard, determined by its construction, this product should be
serviced regulary (once a year) by specialist retailers.
■ Please ensure that liquids or perspiration never enter the ma-
chine or the electronics.
Spare parts order
■ When ordering spare parts, always state the full article num-
ber, spare-partnumber, the quantity required and the S/N of
the product (see handling).
Example order: Art. no. 07689-200 / spare-part no.
67001415 / 2 pieces / S/N ....................
Waste Disposal
KETTLER products are recyclable. At the end of its useful life please dispose of this article correctly and safely
(local refuse sites).
Kettler House, Merse Road
North Moons Moat
Redditch, Worcestershire B98 9HL
+44 1527 591901
+44 1527 62423
KETTLER International Inc.
1355 London Bridge Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23453
+1 888 253 8853
+1 888 222 9333

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
– EN – Measuring help for screw connections
– FR – Gabarit pour système de serrae
– NL – Meethulp voor schroefmateraal
– ES – Ayuda para la medición del material de atornilladura
– IT – Misura per materiale di avvitamento
– PL – Wzornik do połączeń śrubowych
– CS – Měřící pomůcka pro materiál k přišroubování
– PT – Auxiliar de medição para materiais de aparafusamento
– DA – Hjælp til måling af skruer
– RU – Размеры крепёжных материалов
Beispiel Examples Examples Voorbeeld Ejemplos
Esempio Przykłod Příklad Exemplo Eksempel
– EN – Exercise area / clearance area.
– FR – Zone pour exercices / Zone libre.
– NL – Oefengedeelte / Vrije gedeelte.
– ES – Espacio para ejercicios / espacio libre.
– IT – Area di allenamento / area libera
– PL – Obszar ćwiczeń / obszar wolny
– CS – Cvičební prostor / volný prostor
– PT – Área de exercício / área livre.
– DA – Øvelsesareal / friareal
– RU – Пространство для тренировки / свободное
1 m
0,6 m
Messhilfe für Verschraubungsmaterial
Übungsbereich / Freibereich
– RU –
+7 495 755-81-94
+7 495 755-81-46
Указание касательно утилизации
Изделия KETTLER пригодны для переработки
и вторичного использования. После
завершения срока службы обеспечьте
надлежащую утилизацию устройства, сдав его
в местный пункт сбора.

– DE – Gehört nicht zum Lieferumfang.
– EN – Not included.
– FR – Ne fait pas partie du domaine de livraison.
– NL – Is niet bij de levering inbegrepen.
– ES – No forma parte del volumen de entrega.
– IT – Non in dotazione alla fornitura.
– PL – Nie należy do zakresu dostawy.
– CS – Nepatří do rozsahu dodávky
– PT – Não está incluído nas peças fornecidas
– DA – Er ikke inkluderet i leveringsomfanget.
– RU – Не входит в комплект поставки.
– EN – Checklist (contents of packaging)
– FR – Liste de vérification (contenu de l’emballage)
– NL – Checklijst (verpakkingsinhoud)
– ES – Lista de control (contenido del paquete)
– IT – Lista di controllo (contenuto del pacco)
– PL – Lista kontrolna (zawartość opakowania)
– CS – Kontrolní seznam (obsah balení)
– PT – Lista de verificação (conteúdo da embalagem)
– DA – Checkliste (pakkens indhold)
– RU – Контрольный список
Checkliste (Packungsinhalt)
M 6 x 16
M 8 x 16
4 x 40
3,9 x 13
M 6
M 6 x 50
M 8 x 16
4 x 40
M 8 x 16
07689-400/-450/-600/-650 (C4, S4, C6, S6)
07689-800/-880/-900 (C8, C10, C12)
07689-400/-600/-800/-880/-900 (C4, C6, C8, C10, C12)
07689-450/-650 (S4, S6)
07689-200 (C2)
4 x 40
SW 4
SW 15
07689-900 (C12)
M 5x10

Checkliste (Packungsinhalt)
Art.-Nr. 07689-900 (C12)
Art.-Nr. 07689-450/-650 (S4, S6)
Art.-Nr. 07689-200 (C2)
Art.-Nr. 07689-450/-650 (S4, S6)
Art.-Nr. 07689-450/-650 (S4, S6)
Art.-Nr. 07689-200 (C2)