KETTLER CTR 1 7858-600 User Manual

Montageanleitung Cross-Trainer Ergometer „CTR 1”
Art.-Nr. 7858-600
Der Umwelt zuliebe: Wir drucken auf 100% Altpapier!
Please, thoroughly read these instructions prior to assembly and first use. You will get important information about your safety as well as the use and maintenance of your Cross-Trainer. Keep these instructions for reference and/or for main­tenance work or spare parts orders.
Assembly Instructions
For Your Safety
Cross-Trainer should be used only for its intended purpose, i.e.
for physical exercise by adult persons.
Any other use of the equipment is prohibited and may be dan-
gerous. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage or injury caused by improper use of the equipment.
Exercise has been designed in accordance with the latest stan-
dards of safety. Any features which may have been a possible cause of injury have been avoided or made as safe as possible.
Incorrect repairs and structural modifications (e.g. removal or re-
placement of original parts) may endanger the safety of the user.
Damaged components may endanger your safety or reduce
the lifetime of the equipment. For this reason, worn or dama­ged parts should be replaced immediately and the equipment
taken out of use until this has been done. Use only original KETTLER spare parts.
In case of enquiry, please contact your KETTLER dealer.
If you train regularly and intensively, please check all equipment
parts – in particular bolts and nuts – every 1 to 2 months. This is particularly true for the attachment of grip strap and running plate.
Instruct persons using the equipment (in particular children) on
possible sources of danger during exercising.
Before beginning your program of exercise, consult your doc-
tor to ensure that you are fit enough to use the equipment. Base your program of exercise on the advice given by your doctor. Incorrect or excessive exercise may damage your health.
Handling the equipment
Before using the equipment for exercise, check carefully to en-
sure that it has been correctly assembled.
It is not recommended to use or store the apparatus in a damp
room as this may cause it to rust. Please ensure that no part of the machine comes in contact with liquids (drinks, perspiration etc.). This may cause corrosion.
The Cross-Trainer is designed for use by adults and children
should not be allowed to play with it. Children at play behave unpredictably and dangerous situations may occur for which the manufacturer cannot be held liable. If, in spite of this, child­ren are allowed to use the equipment, ensure that they are in­structed in its proper use and supervised accordingly.
The Cross-Trainer conforms to the safetyrequest of part H of the
DIN norm EN 957. It is therefore suitable for therapeutic use.
On principle, the equipment does not require any special
maintenance. All bearings are pre-lubricated (further lubricati­on is not required) and require little maintenance.
Do not use corrosive or abrasive materials to clean the equip-
ment. Ensure that such materials are not allowed to pollute the environment.
The Cross-Trainer has a brake system, which require little main-
tenance and does not require any adjusting work.
The Cross-Trainer is independent of revolutions per minute.
Please ensure that liquids or perspiration never enter the ma-
chine or the electronics.
Before use, always check all screws and plug-in connections
as well as respective safety devices fit correctly.
Instructions for Assembly
Ensure that you have received all the parts required (see check
list) and that they are undamaged. Should you have any cau­se for complaint, please contact your KETTLER dealer.
Before assembling the equipment, study the drawings carefully
and carry out the operations in the order shown by the dia­grams. The correct sequence is given in capital letters.
The equipment must be assembled with due care by an adult
person. If in doubt call upon the help of a second person, if possible technically talented.
Please note that there is always a danger of injury when wor-
king with tools or doing manual work. Therefore please be ca­reful when assembling this machine.
Ensure that your working area is free of possible sources of
danger, for example don’t leave any tools lying around. Al­ways dispose packaging material in such a way that it may not
cause any danger. There is always a risk of suffocation if child­ren play with plastic bags!
The fastening material required for each assembly step is sho-
wn in the diagram inset. Use the fastening material exactly as instructed. The required tools are supplied with the equipment.
Bolt all the parts together loosely at first, and check that they
have been assembled correctly. Tighten the locknuts by hand un­til resistance is felt, then use spanner to finally tighten nuts com- pletely against resistance (locking device). Then check that all screw connections have been tightened firmly. Attention: once locknuts have been unscrewed they no longer function correctly (the locking device is destroyed), and must be replaced.
For technical reasons, we reserve the right to carry out preli-
minary assembly work (e.g. addition of tubing plugs).
Please keep original packaging of this article, so that it may be
used for transport at a later date, if necessary.
List of spare parts
When ordering spare parts, always state the full article number, spare-part number, the quantity required and the inspection num­ber stamped on the back. Example order: Art. no. 7858-600 / spare-part no. 70128562/
2 pieces / inspection no......
Important: spare part prices do not include fastening material; if fastening material (bolts, nuts, washers etc.) is required, this should be clearly stated on the order by adding the words „with
fastening material“.
KETTLER (GB) Ltd. · Merse Road · North Moons Moat · Redditch,
Worcestershire B98 9HL · Great Britain
KETTLER International Inc. · 1355, P. B. 2747 · Virginia Beach ·
VA 23450 USA
Geef bij bestelling van onderdelen s.v.p. het volledige artikel- en onderdeelnummer, het benodigde aantal evenals het kontrole­nummer, dat op de achterzijde van de montagehandleiding ge­drukt staat, an. Bestelvoorbeeld: artikelnr. 7858-600 / onderdeelnr. 70128562
/ 2 stucks / kontrolennr........
Belangrijk: Vast te schroeven onderdelen worden in principe zon-
der schroefmateriaal berekend en geleverd. Indien er behoefte aan dit schroefmaterial bestaat, dan kan dit door de toevoeging
„met schroefmateriaal“ bij de bestelling worden vermeld.
KETTLER Benelux B.V. · Indumastraat18 · NL-5753 RJ Deurne
KETTLER Benelux B.V. Filiaal Belgie · Brandekensweg 9 · B-2627 Schelle
Controleer bij ontvangst of het apparaat kompleet is (zie check-
lijst) en of het toestel tijdens het transport niet beschadigd is. Voor reklamaties gelieve u zich tot uw vakhandelaar te wenden.
Bekijk eerst rustig de tekeningen en monteer vervolgens het ap-
paraat in de volgorde van de afbeeldingen. Op de afzonder­lijke tekeningen wordt het montageverloop met hoofdletters aangegeven
Let erop dat bij elk gebruik van gereedschap en bij handenar-
beid er altijd kans op blessure is. Werk daarom zorgvuldig en voorzichtig bij het monteren van het apparaat!
Zorg voor een gevarenvrije werkomgeving, laat bijvoorbeeld
geen gereedschap slingeren. Deponeer bijv. verpakkingsmate­riaal zo, dat geen gevaren daaruit voort kunnen kommen. Bij folies/plastic zakken bestaat verstikkingsgevaar!
Het apparaat dient door een volwassene gemonteerd te wor-
den. In geval van twijfel de hulp van een extra, technisch aan­gelegde persoon inroepen.
Het voor een bepaalde handeling benodigde schroefmateriaal
wordt in het bijbehorende kader afgebeeld. Gebruik het schro­efmateriaal precies zoals aangegeven op de afbeeldingen. Het benodigde gereedschap vindt u in het bijgeleverde gere­edschapzakje.
Schroef eerst alle onderdelen losjes vast en controleer of ze op
de juist plek zitten. Draai de borgmoeren met de hand vast tot u weerstand voelt, vervolgens schroeft u ze met een sleutel tegen de weerstand in (klemborg) goed vast. Controleer na elke mon­tagestap of de schroefverbindingen goed vast zitten. Pas op: borgmoeren die weer los zijn gegaan zijn onbruikbaar (de klem­borg is vernield) en moet door een nieuwe vervangen worden.
Bewaar de originele verpakking, zodat u deze later indien
nodig als transportverpakking kunt gebruiken.
Om productietechnische redenen behouden wij ons het recht voor
sommige delen (bij-voorbeeld buisstoppen) vóór te monteren.
Messhilfe für Verschraubungsmaterial
Measuring help for screw connections
Gabarit pour système de serrage
Meethulp voor schroefmateriaal
0102030405060708090100110 120 130 140 150 160 170
Beispiele Examples Examples Bij voorbild
Checkliste (Packungsinhalt)
M 10 x 105
M 8 x 16
M 5 x 45
M 5
M 10
ø 21 x 8, 4
ø 25 x 10, 5
ø 25 x 8, 4
ø 10
M 5 x 20
Checklist (contents of packaging)
Liste de vérification (contenu de l’emballage)
Checklijst (verpakkingsinhoud)
+ 9 hidden pages