Quick manual SD1 Plus
under the bar counter.
SSOONNGG ((KKeeyy SSttaarrtt))::
Turns on the drum tracks of the Midi file – Original Drum tracks from the Midi file will be heard when the song is
SSTTYYLLEE ((KKeeyy SSttoopp))::
Turns on the drum tracks of the selected SD1 PLUS style - Styles from the SD1 PLUS will be heard when the song
is playing). You can now choose to maintain this setting permanently (i.e. whenever you next call up this Midi file, it should utilize
the drum tracks of the Ketron SD1 PLUS rather than the original drum tracks of the Midi files).
To memorize the new Song Set up with Remix:
1 ) Press the GM (F1) button while the Midi file is running.
2 ) Press the Start/Stop button to stop the Midi file.
3) While within a GM part, press SAVE/ENTER, then F 10 to confirm the Saving operation.
You may choose to either overwrite the existing Midi file or rename this new file.
For every Midi file it is possible to also choose the starting and ending Bar for the Remix function.
To select the initial Bar press F2 and search the number with Value +/-.
To select the final Bar press again F2 and search the number with Value+/-. The SD1 PLUS will start to play the Remix style only within the
initial and final bar as assigned above when you press START. You can press ‘Song’ to go back to the drum tracks of the Midi file.
Patterns on Disk can be also used with the Drum Remix feature (and saved using the Save Song Set up) but ONLY if they have been loaded
into the Pattern location in RAM.
- The Bassist function automatically allows the Manual Bass to be played to the left of the Split point of the keyboard section while
the right side can be used to play chords or solo parts. Every time you take off your hand from the right keyboard section, the chord last
played on the right section remains in memory (if the Hold push button is activated) whereas the Bass can be played freely without affecting the chord. This is a cool feature used to reduce the redundancy that can be associated with a style and allows the musician to freely
produce natural, human bass lines in real life. This function is automatically set ‘On’ when Pianist/Bassist and Manual (under Bass) are both
- The number of notes that can be played at any given time has been increased. More notes can now be played on
the SD1 PLUS without experiencing note-drop out.
Visualization and access to Disk Patterns now works similar to that of the Internal Styles. To access disk styles, just press
SSiinnggllee RRaamm
Styles button and select the Style family/group; then proceed with the associated function (F1- F10) button to select the
style. A diamond shape after the style denotes that this style has already been loaded. The new GROUP function (accessed by pressing the
BBlloocckk LLiisstt
button and pressing F8 repeatedly) can be used to select the following Pattern view modes:
MMooddee 11::
Numeric 1; Styles are displayed numerically.
MMooddee 22::
Orderly; Styles are displayed in the order in which they were loaded into HD.
MMooddee 33::
Alphabetic; Styles are displayed alphabetically.
Numeric 2; Styles are accessed numerically as was the case with previous OS (see pg 56 & 57 of Owner’s manual).
If there are no patterns within the current disk folder, no Patterns will be displayed.
- Internal ROM (denoted with small letters) and FLASH (denoted with Capital letters), styles are now easily distingui-
- It is possible to save onto Disk the current configuration for the Flash Styles. Press Save/Enter, then Styles
(F2) and Global Flash to Disk (F7). The next screen will ask for a name to give to this new Backup Folder. Press F10-Save to confirm once
This operation automatically creates a new folder containing all the current Flash Styles.
This very useful feature allows you to save/load from Disk a new, fully personalized Flash Style’s block, thus rendering you with
various blocks of customized Flash styles.
- A dedicated Arranger On/Off function has been added to the SD1 PLUS. It is now possible to have the current voice(s)
played over the entire keyboard (i.e. ignoring the SPLIT point) while playing Styles or Midi files. This is obtained by simply pressing the
AArrrraannggee OOnn//OOffff
button while playing to turn the arranger OFF (a new split-point value of ‘C-2’ will be displayed). Pressing this button once
more reinitiates the split point and turns the arranger ON.
XD Remap – This feature XD-Remap [F8] located under the Transposer Menu, (while in Song Play mode) allows for complete
compatibility of Midi files created for the XD-series when played back on the SD1 PLUS.
It is possible to turn on/off the vocalizer with the Demo&Hit buttons.
The Hold function (in harmony mode) is now retained within the vocal set after the settings have been saved.
– Functions added to the Footswitch table: Lead On/Off, Pianist, Bassist, Drum Off All, Drum&Bass, Accordion On/Off. (Page 99 of
the Owner’s manual –
FF55 FFoooottsswwiittcchh
lists the other functions that can be controlled by the Footswitch – www.ketron.it includes others that
have been included with successive OS updates).