KERN FIS 6K2 IPM, FIS 60K20 IPM, FIS 150K50 IPM, FIS 3K1 IPM, FIS 15K5 IPM Operating Instructions Manual

Version 1.1 02/2004
Operating Instructions
List of contents:
1 TECHNICAL DATA.............................................................................................................................. 60
2 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY.................................................................................................... 62
3 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 65
3.1 CONSTRUCTION OF THE OPERATING INSTRUCTION:........................................................................... 65
3.2 WARRANTY .................................................................................................................................... 66
3.3 SAFETY INFORMATION..................................................................................................................... 67
3.4 IMPORTANT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 67
4 INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS........................................ 68
4.1 CONDITIONS APPLICABLE TO THE PLACE OF INSTALLATION ................................................................ 68
4.2 INSTALLATION OF THE WEIGHING SYSTEM......................................................................................... 68
4.3 FUNCTION TEST/READY-TO-OPERATE............................................................................................... 68
4.4 SCOPE OF DELIVERY....................................................................................................................... 69
4.5 LEVELLING THE WEIGHING SYSTEM .................................................................................................. 69
4.6 MAINS CONNECTION ....................................................................................................................... 69
4.7 POWER SUPPLY.............................................................................................................................. 69
4.7.1 Installation of the power supply by the customer .................................................................... 69
5 CALIBRATION INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 70
5.1.1 Information on recalibration..................................................................................................... 73
5.1.2 Calibration information for non EU countries........................................................................... 73
5.1.3 Levelling device....................................................................................................................... 73
6 OVERALL VIEW OF THE EQUIPMENT.............................................................................................. 74
6.1 DISPLAY AND CONTROL PANEL......................................................................................................... 74
6.1.1 Display..................................................................................................................................... 75
6.1.2 Keyboard.................................................................................................................................. 75
6.1.3 General function keys.............................................................................................................. 76
6.1.4 Keys for weighing, recording and application functions .......................................................... 76
6.2 COMBINED FUNCTIONS.................................................................................................................... 77
6.3 OPERATION AND CONTROL WHEN IN THE PARAMETER AND SERVICE MENU ......................................... 78
6.4 ALLOCATION OF THE FUNCTION KEY................................................................................................. 79
7 WEIGHING OPERATION..................................................................................................................... 81
7.1 FUNCTION TEST.............................................................................................................................. 81
7.2 WEIGHT DISPLAY............................................................................................................................ 82
7.3 ZERO SETTING................................................................................................................................82
7.4 TARE FUNCTIONS............................................................................................................................ 82
7.4.1 Net weighing with tare balancing............................................................................................. 82
7.4.2 Net weighing with fixed tare value........................................................................................... 83
7.5 GROSS WEIGHT, DISPLAY................................................................................................................83
7.6 TARE VALUE, DISPLAY..................................................................................................................... 83
7.7 WEIGHT DISPLAY WITH INCREASED RESOLUTION (NON-VERIFIABLE)................................................... 84
7.8 UNIT SWITCH-OVER KG/LB OR LB/KG ................................................................................................ 84
7.9 STORAGE VALUES AND OPERATING MODES ...................................................................................... 85
7.9.1 Fixed tare value........................................................................................................................85
8 TOLERANCE CHECK WEIGHING...................................................................................................... 86
8.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................... 86
8.2 INPUT OF NOMINAL VALUE AND TOLERANCE LIMITS, FUNCTION START................................................. 87
8.2.1 Weighed nominal value and tolerances .................................................................................. 87
8.2.2 Weighed nominal value, tolerance limits ± 2,5%, ± 5,0%, ± 7,5% .......................................... 88
8.2.3 Manual entry of Tu and To nominal value............................................................................... 89
8.3 OPERATING MODES, SETTINGS........................................................................................................ 90
9 COUNTING OPERATION.................................................................................................................... 91
9.1 IMPORTANT NOTES CONCERNING PIECE COUNTING ........................................................................... 91
9.2 START OF COUNTING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................... 93
9.4 CLOSING OF COUNTING PROCEDURE................................................................................................ 94
10 RECORDING (TOTALIZING)............................................................................................................... 95
10.1 ITEM RECORDING, ADDING............................................................................................................... 95
10.2 TOTAL DISPLAY............................................................................................................................... 96
10.3 TOTAL RECORDING ......................................................................................................................... 96
11 APPLICATION AND OPERATIONAL SEQUENCES ......................................................................... 97
11.1 WEIGHING, RECORDING, TOTALIZING............................................................................................... 97
11.1.1 Additive weighing, recording, totalizing............................................................................... 97
11.1.2 Subtractive weighing, recording, totalizing..........................................................................98
11.2 COUNTING, RECORDING, TOTALIZING...............................................................................................99
11.2.1 Additive weighing, counting, recording, totalizing ............................................................... 99
12 PARAMETER AND SERVICE MENU................................................................................................ 101
12.1 SERVICE PASSWORD..................................................................................................................... 101
12.2 GENERAL PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................ 102
12.3 BALANCE PARAMETERS................................................................................................................. 103
13 CALIBRATION (CAL)........................................................................................................................ 104
13.1.1 General.............................................................................................................................. 104
13.1.2 Calibration of the balance by setting the “GEO“ value......................................................104
13.1.3 Calibration of the balance using test weights.................................................................... 107
14 MISCELLANEOUS............................................................................................................................. 108
DISTURBANCES, CAUSES, REMEDIAL ACTION ............................................................. 108
14.2 CLEANING.................................................................................................................................... 110
14.2.1 Weighing terminal.............................................................................................................. 110
15 APPENDIX – BRIEF OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS........................................................................ 111
16 ATTACHMENT (TERMINAL DIMENSIONS)..................................................................................... 112
16.1 TABLE MODEL............................................................................................................................... 112
16.2 WALL MODEL................................................................................................................................ 113
1 Technical Data (verifiable)
Readability (d) 1 g 2 g 5 g Weighing range (max.) 3 kg 6 kg 15 kg Calibration value (e) 1 g 2 g 5 g Minimum load (min.) 20 g 40 g 100 g Reproducibility 1 g 2 g 5 g Linearity ± 1 g ± 2 g ± 5 g
Minimum single weight, piece counting
0.1 g 0.2 g 0.5 g
Calibration weight (not added) 3 kg (M1) 6 kg (M1) 15 kg (M1) Net weight 12 kg Weighing plate, stainless steel, width x
depth x height in mm
335 x 260
x ( min. 92 – max. 107)
Permissible ambient temperature - 10° .... + 40° C
Max. air humidity max. 80 % (non-condensing) Display unit; width x depth x height in mm 380 x 150 x 260 Protective system
Terminal IP68
Weighing system IP 67 Mains supply depending on design (see
type plate)
without switch
either 230 V AC; +0.6%/-10%; 50 – 60 Hz
o or 120 V AC; +10%/-15%; 50 – 60 Hz
Model FIS 30K10 IPM FIS 60K20 IPM FIS 150K50 IPM
Readability (d) 10 g 20 g 50 g Weighing range (max.) 30 kg 60 kg 150 kg Calibration value (e) 10 g 20 g 50 g Minimum load (min.) 200 g 400 g 1000 g Reproducibility 10 g 20 g 50 g Linearity ± 10 g ± 20 g ± 50 g
Minimum single weight, piece counting
1 g 2 g 5 g
Calibration weight (not added) 30 kg 60 kg 150 kg Net weight 30,5 kg Weighing plate, stainless steel, width x
depth x height in mm
500 x 400
x ( min. 86 – max. 101)
Permissible ambient temperature - 10° .... + 40° C
Max. air humidity max. 80 % (non-condensing) Display unit; width x depth x height in mm 380 x 150 x 260 Protective system
Terminal IP68
Weighing system IP 67
Mains supply depending on design (see type plate)
without switch
either 230 V AC; +0.6%/-10%; 50 – 60 Hz
o or 120 V AC; +10%/-15%; 50 – 60 Hz
Technical Data (not verifiable)
Model FIS 6K1 IP FIS 12K2 IP
Readability (d) 1 g 2 g Weighing range (max.) 6 kg 12 kg Reproducibility 1 g 2 g Linearity ± 2 g ± 4 g
Minimum single weight, piece counting
0.1 g 0.2 g
Calibration weight (not added) 6 kg (M1) 12 kg (M1) Net weight 12 kg Weighing plate, stainless steel, width x
depth x height in mm
335 x 260
x ( min. 92 – max. 107)
Permissible ambient temperature - 10° .... + 40° C
Max. air humidity max. 80 % (non-condensing) Display unit; width x depth x height in mm 380 x 150 x 260 Protective system
Terminal IP68
Weighing system IP 67 Mains supply depending on design (see
type plate)
without switch
either 230 V AC; +0.6%/-10%; 50 – 60 Hz
o or 120 V AC; +10%/-15%; 50 – 60 Hz
Model FIS 30K5 IP FIS 60K10 IP FIS 120K20 IP
Readability (d) 5 g 10 g 20 g Weighing range (max.) 30 kg 60 kg 120 kg Reproducibility 5 g 10 g 20 g Linearity ± 10 g ± 20 g ± 40 g
Minimum single weight, piece counting
1 g 2 g 5 g
Calibration weight (not added) 30 kg(M1) 60 kg(M1) 120 kg(M1) Net weight 30,5 kg Weighing plate, stainless steel, width x
depth x height in mm
500 x 400
x ( min. 86 – max. 101)
Permissible ambient temperature - 10° .... + 40° C
Max. air humidity max. 80 % (non-condensing) Display unit; width x depth x height in mm 380 x 150 x 260 Protective system
Terminal IP68
Weighing system IP 67
Mains supply depending on design (see type plate)
without switch
either 230 V AC; +0.6%/-10%; 50 – 60 Hz
o or 120 V AC; +10%/-15%; 50 – 60 Hz
2 Declaration of Conformity
KERN & Sohn GmbH
D-72322 Balingen-Frommern Postfach 4052 E-Mail:
Tel: 0049-[0]7433- 9933-0 Fax: 0049-[0]7433-9933-149 Internet:
Declaration of conformity for apparatus with CE mark
Konformitätserklärung für Geräte mit CE-Zeichen
Déclaration de conformité pour appareils portant la marque CE
Declaración de conformidad para aparatos con distintivo CE
Dichiarazione di conformità per apparecchi con contrassegno CE
We hereby declare that the product to which this declaration refers conforms to the following standards. Please consider the chapter Calibration information in the user manual.
Wir erklären hiermit, dass das Produkt, auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit den nachstehenden Normen übereinstimmt. Unbedingt Kapitel Hinweise zur Eichung (Kap. 5 Eichhinweise) in der Bed.-Anleitung beachten.
Nous déclarons par la présente que le produit auquel se rapporte cette déclaration est conforme aux normes citées ci-après. Il est impératif de prendre en considération les indications concernant l´étalonnage (chap. 5 Remarques relatives à l'étalonnage) dans le manuel d´utilisation.
Manifestamos por medio de la presente que el producto al que se refiere esta declaración está de acuerdo con las siguientes normas. Le rogamos tener en consideración el capítulo "Indicaciones para la calibración" del presente manual de instrucciones.
Dichiariamo con la presente che il prodotto al quale la dichiarazione si riferisce è conforme alle norme di seguito citate. Attenersi in ogni caso alle indicazioni relative alla taratura (Cap. 5 Istruzioni per la taratura) riportate nelle Istruzioni per l’uso della bilancia.
Electronic Balance: KERN FIS 3K1 IPM KERN FIS 30K10 IPM
Mark applied EU Directive Standards Approval/Test-
certificate N°
89/336/EEC EMC 73/23/EEC Low voltage
EN 50082-1,2 EN 50081-1,2 EN 55011
[year] 1) [code] M
90/384/EEC Non automatic weighing Instruments 1)
EN45501:1992 1) D02-09-001 1)
1) applies only to certified balances
gilt nur für geeichte Waagen valable uniquement pour les balances étalonnées sólo aplicable a balanzas verficadas la dichiarazione vale solo per le bilance omologate
Date: 11.02.2004
Gottl. KERN & Sohn GmbH Management
Gottl. KERN & Sohn GmbH, Ziegelei 1, D-72336 Balingen, Tel. +49-07433/9933-0,Fax +49-074433/9933-149
KERN & Sohn GmbH
D-72322 Balingen-Frommern Postfach 4052 E-Mail:
Tel: 0049-[0]7433- 9933-0 Fax: 0049-[0]7433-9933-149 Internet:
Declaration of conformity for apparatus with CE mark
Konformitätserklärung für Geräte mit CE-Zeichen
Déclaration de conformité pour appareils portant la marque CE
Declaración de conformidad para aparatos con disitintivo CE
Dichiarazione di cofnromitá per apparecchi contrassegnati con la marcatura CE
We hereby declare that the product to which this declaration refers conforms with the following standards. Please consider the chapter Calibration information in the user manual.
Wir erklären hiermit, daß das Produkt, auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mit den nachstehenden Normen übereinstimmt. Unbedingt Kapitel Hinweise zur Eichung (Kap. 5 Eichhinweise) in der Bed.-Anleitung beachten.
Nous déclarons avec cela responsabilité que le produit, auquel se rapporte la présente déclaration, est conforme aux normes citées ci-après. Veuillez prendre en considération le chapitre Indication concernant l'étalonnage dans le mode d'emploi.
Manifestamos en la presente que el producto al que se refiere esta declaración est´´a de acuerdo con las normas siguientes Le rogamos de considerar el capítulo Indicación para la calibración en el manual.
Dichiariamo con ciò che il prodotto al quale la presente dichiarazione si riferisce è conforme alle norme di seguito citate. In ogni caso rispettare gli indicazioni quanto riguarda l'omologazione nel manuale di uso della bilancia
Mark applied EU Directive Standards
89/336EEC EMC EN 50081-1
EN 50082-1 EN 55022
Date: 11.02.2004
Gottl. KERN & Sohn GmbH Management
Gottl. KERN & Sohn GmbH, Ziegelei 1, D-72336 Balingen, Tel. +49-07433/9933-0,Fax +49-074433/9933-149
Certified balances and balances used for legal applications have the EU type approval. The year of the initial verification is shown next to the CE mark. Such balances are verified in the factory and carry the „M“ mark on the actual balance. The year of initial verification is shown next to the CE mark. The GEO value of verified balances explains for which location of use the balance has been verified. This GEO value is shown on the balance itself and on the packing. Further details see GEO value table.
Für geeichte/eichpflichtige Waagen liegt eine EU Bauartzulassung vor. Das Jahr der ersten Eichung ist neben dem CE Zeichen aufgeführt. Solche Waagen sind ab Werk geeicht und tragen die Kennzeichnung „M“ auf dem Gerät. Der GEO­Wert gibt bei vom Hersteller geeichten Waagen an, für welchen Aufstellungsort die Waage geeicht ist. Dieser GEO-Wert befindet sich auf der Waage sowie der Verpackung. Genaueres ist der GEO-Wert-Tabelle zu entnehmen.
Il existe une homologation UE pour les balances étalonnées/soumises à l´obligation d´étalonnage. L’année du premier étalonnage est indiquée à côté de la marque CE. Ces balances sont vérifiées à la sortie d´usine et portent la marque „M“ sur l’appareil lui-même. Dans le cas des balances étalonnées par le fabricant, la valeur GEO indique le lieu d’utilisation pour lequel la balance été étalonnée. Cette valeur GEO se trouve sur la balance ainsi que sur l’emballage. Vous trouverez plus de détails dans le tableau de valeurs GEO.
Las balanzas verificadas/verificables cuentan con una aprobación de modelo UE. El año de la primera verificación está indicado al lado del distintivo CE. Estas balanzas están verificadas en fábrica y llevan la designación „M“ sobre el propio aparato. El valor GEO indica el lugar de ubicación por lo cual la balanza está verificado. El valor se encuentra sobre la balanza así como sobre el embalaje. Por favor toman demás detalles de la tabla GEO.
Per le bilance sottoposte/sottoponibili a verifica esiste un’approvazione CE del tipo. L’anno della verifica prima è riportato a fianco del contrassegno CE. Queste bilance sono sottoposte a verifica in fabbrica e sono marcate con contrassegno ”M“. Il valore GEO nelle bilance verificate in fabbrica indica il luogo d’impiego per il quale la bilancia è stata verificata. Questo valore GEO è riportato sulla bilancia e sull’imballo. Ulteriori dettagli si possono ricavare dalla tabella “valori GEO”.
Tableau de valeurs GEO / GEO-value table
Höhe über Meer in Metern / height above sea level
geographische Breite/ geographical­latitude
0-650 650-1300 1300-1950 1950-2600 2600-3250
0° 0‘ - 9° 52‘
4 / 5 3 / 4 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 / 1
9° 52‘ - 15° 6‘
5 / 6 4 / 5 3 / 4 2 / 3 1 / 2
15° 6‘ - 19° 2‘
6 / 7 5 / 6 4/ 5 3 / 4 2 / 3
19° 2‘ - 22° 22‘
7 / 8 6 / 7 5 / 6 4 / 5 3 / 4
22° 22‘ - 25° 21‘
8 / 9 7 / 8 6 / 7 5 / 6 4 / 5
25° 21‘ - 28° 6‘
9 / 10 8 / 9 7 / 8 6 / 7 5 / 6
28° 6‘ - 30° 41‘
10 / 11 9 / 10 8 / 9 7 / 8 6 / 7
30° 41‘ - 33° 9‘
11 / 12 10 / 11 9 / 10 8 / 9 7 / 8
33° 9‘ - 35° 31‘
12 / 13 11 / 12 10 / 11 9 / 10 8 / 9
35° 31‘ - 37° 50‘
13 / 14 12 / 13 11 / 12 10 / 11 9 / 10
37° 50‘ - 40° 5‘
14 / 15 13 / 14 12 / 13 11 / 12 10 / 11
40° 5‘ - 42° 19‘
15 / 16 14 / 15 13 / 14 12 / 13 11 / 12
42° 19‘ - 44° 32‘
16 / 17 15 / 16 14 / 15 13 / 14 12 / 13
44° 32‘ - 46° 45‘
17 / 18 16 / 17 15 / 16 14 / 15 13 / 14
46° 45‘ - 48° 58‘
18 / 19 17 / 18 16 / 17 15 / 16 14 / 15
48° 58‘ - 51° 13‘
19 / 20 18 / 19 17 / 18 16 / 17 15 / 16
51° 13‘ - 53° 31‘
20 / 21 19 / 20 18 / 19 17 / 18 16 / 17
53° 31‘ - 55° 52‘
21 / 22 20 / 21 19 / 20 18 / 19 17 / 18
55° 52‘ - 58° 17‘
22 / 23 21 / 22 20 / 21 19 / 20 18 / 19
58° 17‘ - 60° 49‘
23 / 24 22 / 23 21 / 22 20 / 21 19 / 20
60° 49‘ - 63° 30‘
24 / 25 23 / 24 22 / 23 21 / 22 20 / 21
63° 30‘ - 66° 24‘
25 / 26 24 / 25 23 / 24 22 / 23 21 / 22
66° 24‘ - 69° 35‘
26 / 27 25 / 26 24 / 25 23 / 24 22 / 23
69° 35‘ - 73° 16‘
27 / 28 26 / 27 25 / 26 24 / 25 23 / 24
73° 16‘ - 77° 52‘
28 / 29 27 / 28 26 / 27 25 / 26 24 / 25
77° 52‘ - 85° 45‘
29 / 30 28 / 29 27 / 28 26 / 27 25 / 26
3 General
Please read the operating instructions carefully before working with your new balance. After unpacking, please check the equipment for any signs of external damage. Keep all packaging in case it should be necessary to despatch the equipment. This can help to prevent unnecessary damage.
Please go through carefully and observe the operating conditions in chapter 4 and the entire operating instructions before carrying out installation and commissioning.
3.1 Construction of the operating instruction:
Explanation of symbols:
Information/reference to another explanation, limitation or
extension. Important additional information for correct operation or
function of the equipment.
SAFETY INFORMATION ; please always observe!
Help, e.g. in cases of disturbances
Function sequence description:
Operation of keys
Display content after operation of the keys
Description of the function/process
Associated process
3.2 Warranty
The weighing system is installed by staff members who have received training in weighing techniques.
We cannot accept any liability for damage resulting from:
- non-observance of our operating conditions and operating instructions
- improper installation
- faulty electrical installation by the user
- modifications to our equipment
- removal of verification and protective marks
- improper operation
- improper handling of foil keyboard (for example, using sharp objects)
- natural wear and tear
- media/liquids which affect the following materials
Components Material
Weighing terminal Stainless steel 1.4301, Load carriers Stainless steel 1.4301 Type WS . . . G sensors Stainless steel 1.4301, internal AlCuMg 2,
silicone caoutchouc diaphragms, polyethylene cover
Housing seal Frame: Polyamid
Seals: Polyurethan Keyboard foil Polyester Adjusting knobs for slope of equipment
Plastic, including brass nut and washer
(EPDM) Mains line
PVC hose line, H05VV-F 3G0,75 incl.
integrally cast shockproof plug, 2.5 metres
long, or with plug for Switzerland or
USA/Canada. Line screw fitting
Nickel-faced brass
Any claim to warranty is forfeited if faults/damages are caused due to intervention by unauthorised persons, especially due to not using original KERN spare parts or operating material.
All wear parts are excluded from warranty.
No warranty is offered for faults caused by the equipment being operated outside its prescribed protective system. Damages caused due to environmental influences such as sea water and unsuitable cleaning material are also excluded from warranty.
When installing the equipment or changing equipment settings, always carry out a test run with the known test weight at cyclic intervals. This avoids incorrect results and evaluations.
Ensure that only trained personnel operate and take care of the equipment. Please check that our products are handled appropriately.
Our products are regularly subjected to further development and are governed by various regulations specific to the country. Illustrations and graphics used in the operating instructions may differ from the model supplied.
3.3 Safety information
The equipment may only be opened by trained service engineers in compliance with KERN directives.
Please disconnect the equipment from the mains before opening. Warranty is forfeited if the equipment is opened.
The FIS weighing system may not be used in hazardous areas.
3.4 Important information
The measured values are stabilised by a short warm-up period lasting a few minutes after switching on. Apply the items to be weighed carefully. Do not place a permanent load on the weighing plate. Be sure to avoid knocks and overloading in excess of the maximum load (max.), as this can cause damage to the balance.
Switch the balance off for a short period of time following a disturbance in programme sequence. The weighing process must now be repeated.
Check the balance regularly using external test weights.
Guarantee/warranty are forfeited if the balance is opened and following use of the balance outside the prescribed directives.
Keep the packaging in case if should be necessary to return the equipment. Only use the original packaging to return the equipment.
4 Installation and commissioning, operating instructions
4.1 Conditions applicable to the place of installation
- Level installation surface
- It must be ensured that the location is free from vibrations and that installation is carried out in as dry an area as possible that is not subjected to drafts.
- Arrange the equipment in such a way as to facilitate operation, working procedures and service.
- As far as systems subjected to compulsory calibration are concerned, the person weighing must have an unobstructed view from the evaluation equipment to the place of weighing.
The weighing system is not suitable for the following environmental areas:
- Potentially explosive areas
- Areas subjected to vibrations and jarring
External temperature ranges with temperatures below -10°C or above +40°C
4.2 Installation of the weighing system
Unpack the weighing system carefully at the place of installation paying special attention to the connecting cables.
Weighing belts or roller conveyor tracks may only be installed on the load carrier after consulting with KERN.
Moving parts must not be able to re-charge. Power-driven weighing belts or roller conveyor tracks must comply with the requirements of the 98/37/EC directive on machinery.
4.3 Function test/ready-to-operate
An automatic function test is carried out as soon as the FIS is connected to the mains supply. The weighing terminal is operative when a weight value is displayed.
Maximum weighing accuracy is reached following a short warm-up period. It is favourable to leave the weighing terminal connected to the mains voltage for the entire working day. A consistent operating temperature and highest possible balance accuracy are achieved in this way.
Please be sure to observe chapter 13 on calibration (CAL).
4.4 Scope of delivery
The weighing system is supplied with the following components:
- Load carriers
- FIS weighing terminal
- Operating instructions
4.5 Levelling the weighing system
The weighing system is levelled in the factory using the foot screws. Please check that all 4 foot screws rest evenly on the supporting area.
The bubble level may also be installed underneath the load plate on small load carriers.
Please compensate for any unevenness by adjusting the foot screws.
4.6 Mains connection
A separate mains switch is not available.
Maximum weighing accuracy is reached following a short warm-up period. It is favourable to leave the weighing terminal connected to the mains voltage for the entire working day. A consistent operating temperature and highest possible balance accuracy are achieved in this way.
4.7 Power supply
4.7.1 Installation of the power supply by the customer
Installation of the power supply for the connection of our equipment must be carried out in compliance with the international standards and the regulations deriving from these. They mainly include the recommendations of at least
one of the following commissions:
- International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CENELEC)
- Association of German Electrical Engineers (VDE)
Our equipment is designed according to VDE protection class III (protective low voltage ).
5 Calibration Information
Weight symbol flashing: Calibration switch (hardware seal) is not in secured condition.
Calibration switch (=equalising plug)
Traditionally, backup of the data relevant to calibration is carried out by means of hardware backup (equalising plug on the circuit board in the terminal).
Equalising plug on the circuit board in the terminal
Plug not inserted Calibration data not saved Plug inserted Calibration data saved
The calibration switch (equalising plug) can be seen through the right-hand window on the terminal. This switch is secured by means of a sticker (stamp) when in calibrated condition.
Balance calibration is not valid without the valid sticker. The four screws on the rear side of the terminal must be opened in order to reach
the calibration switch (equalising plug).
Caution: Please remove the mains plug before opening the terminal.
The GEO value can only be changed or the balance calibrated if the calibration switch (equalising plug) has been pulled out.
Position of the security mark above the calibration switch (equalising plug)
Balances that are subject to compulsory calibration must be taken out of operation if:
- The weighing result of the balance is outside the error limit. Therefore,
apply a known test weight (approx. 1/3 of the nominal load) to the balance at regular intervals and compare with the display value.
- The recalibration deadline has been exceeded.
Security mark
Definition of the individual markings:
= Identification plate no.
= Manufacturer
= Type designation (basic type)
CE 2002
= CE identification including the figures of the year in
which the CE identification was applied.
= Identification number of the named office “Calibration
Management Stuttgart“
= No. of the EU design approval = Square green sticker (metrology)
GEO 20 = Calibrated for geo value area 20
= Balance accuracy class III
Made in Germany
= Manufacturing country
230V; 50/60 Hz
0.08 A
= Electric data
IP 68
Protective system of the FIS terminal according to EN
60529. 6: Protection against dust contamination 8: Protection against water penetration The weighing system is fitted with an IP 67 protective system
A security mark is fitted in the evaluation equipment. In compliance with the legal regulations, recalibration is to be arranged by the operator of the balance.
5.1.1 Information on recalibration
A balance is recalibrated according to the legal requirements applicable to the individual countries. For instance, the calibration validity period for balances in Germany is normally 2 years. The period of time for calibration validity begins when the balance is put into operation (installation and commissioning). Also see the identification plate (2002 in the preceding example as designated CE 2002).
5.1.2 Calibration information for non EU countries
The statutory provisions of the relevant countries are to be observed.
5.1.3 Levelling device
The FIS is fitted with a bubble level. This must be checked following every change in location and the balance re-levelled if necessary. The bubble level may also be installed underneath the load plate on small load carriers.
6 Overall view of the equipment
6.1 Display and control panel
Illuminated LCD display
Basic weighing functions
Service functions
Application functions
Weight and application values
Weight w. tolerance LED green
Status display
Recording functions
Additional display for plus­minus weighing Minus weight LED red
Plus weight LED yellow
Window for checking protective mark
+ 39 hidden pages