- Operating Frequencies:
- 160m band: 1.8 ~ 2.0 MHz
- 80m band: 3.5 ~ 4.0 MHz
- 40m band: 7.0 ~ 7.3 MHz
- 30m band: 10.1 ~ 10.15 MHz
- 20m band: 14.0 ~ 14.35 MHz
- 17m band: 18.068 ~ 18.168 MHz
- 15m band: 21.0 ~ 21.45 MHz
- 12m band: 24.89 ~ 24.99 MHz
- 10m band: 28.0 ~ 29.7 MHz
- Types: Set includes SSB/CW
- Power Requirements: 120V AC (220V, 240V is changeable), 50/60 Hz
- Working expenditures:
-Transmitting: 295 watts
-Receiving: 32 watts (when heat off)
- Measurements: 333 (W) x 133 (H) x 333 (D) (mm) (13.3 x 5.3 x 13.3 in)
- Mass: 13.5 kg, 29.8 lbs
- Features of the Transmitter:
- Maximum output power: 220W PEP SSB, 180W DC CW,
- Microphone impedance: 500Ω ~ 50 kΩ,
- Inductive load: 50Ω ~ 75Ω,
- Power output frequency deviation from oscillator: 1 kHz of first converge after rotation of more than 1 minute is equal for the first hour, within any half hour after convergence period of 100 Hz.
- Carrier Suppression: 40 dB or even lower
- Sideband Suppression: Not within Better than 60 dB
- Spurious Radiation: Not within Better than 60 dB
- Harmonic Radiation: Avoid better than 40 dB
- Audio frequency response (AF unit): Range from 400 to 2600 Hz; only within -6dB
- 3rd Order Intermodulation Distortion: More than -36 dB
- ALC Inputs: Maximum of -10 volt DC
Receiver Specifications
- Receiver Sensitivity: Only 0.25 NV at 10 dB of SN/N
- Image Ratio: Available better than 60 dB
- UF Rejection: Reach better than 80 dB
- SSB/CW WIDE - Receiver Sensitivity: 2.4 kHz -6 dB; 3.6 kHz -60 dB
- NARROW CW mode with extra filters from 500 Hz to 250 Hz -6 dB, -60 dB
- Notch-filter Attenuation: 40dB and above
- Audio Output Impedance of Amplifiers: 8~16 Ohm
- Audio Output Power of Amplifiers: 1.5 W to 8 ohms