Out of a packet?
This fabulous thick and chunky chowder
is my favourite meal in a bowl. So easy to make but
so satisfying and so tasty! A avourful combination
of sautéed leeks, sliced new potatoes and smoked
sh. Finished with aromatic rosemary, fragrant
thyme and vibrant parsley – all straight from the
garden and chopped in the Multi Mill in a moment,
thanks to my Kenwood Chef.
The multi mill and K Beater are just
two of over 20 attachments designed
to help you create your Chef, your way.
Tell us your way at
20+ attachments to
feed your creativity.
Up to £125
FREE for a limited
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Model Sh own Chef Sense with o ptional glass bow l & blende r
Purchase a qu alifying pr oduct from the Kenwo od Chef kitchen m achine range, sp ending within o ne of the minimum sp end levels in a sin gle transactio n* in the UK at any parti cipating retai ler or via the UK Kenwo od website,
www.kenwoo dworld.com/uk, be tween 1st November - 31st De cember 2016 and claim yo ur free attach ment(s)** while stoc ks last. UK reside nts 18+ only. Redeem onli ne or by post. Limit o ne (1) redemption of free at tachment(s)
per transa ction. Free attac hments in this pro motion cannot be re turned, exchang ed for cash or for any a lternative prod ucts.
*Qualif ying products – K M or KV models num bers only. Minimu m spend levels: lev el 1 (£291-£440) up to £75; level 2 (£441-£590) up to £100; leve l 3 (£591 or over) up to £125. Minimum sp end levels cann ot be achieved by
combinin g the purchase of mu ltiple product s. **Value of free at tachment(s) vari es depending o n minimum spend l evel. See terms and c onditions onl ine at www.kenwood offers.com/ MyChef for full de tails of partic ipating retaile rs,
purchases and redemption conditions. Promoter: Kenwood Limited, 1 Kenwood Business Park, New Lane, Havant, Hampshire, PO9 2NH, United Kingdom.
Out of a freezer?
Create your Chef, your way!
Receive up to £125
worth of free attachments
when you purchase a Kenwood Chef for a limited period only.*
Spend between £291
and £440 to receive
£75 worth of free
Visit www.kenwoodworld.com/uk for full details
Spend between £441
and £590 to receive
£100 worth of free
Spend over £591
and receive £125
worth of free