KENWOOD KMD-44 User Manual

© B64-1755-00 (KW)
Take the time to read through this instruction manual. Familiarity with installation and operation procedures will help you obtain the best performance from your new MD-receiver.
Record the serial number, found on the back of the unit, in the spa ces designated on the wa rranty card, and in the space provided below. Refer to the model and serial numbers whenever you ca ll upon your KE NWOOD dealer for information or service on the product. Model KMD-44 Serial number
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Safety precautions............ ....................... .............4
Genera l features
Powe r ... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... .......... ......6
Volume................ .......... ........... .......... .......... ........... .......... ........... .6
Attenuator .......................................... ........... .......... ........... .......... .6
Switching Modes. ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....6
Loudness ........ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ .7
Audio Control Set ting. ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ......7
Speaker Set ting............. ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ...8
Theft Deterrent Faceplate.. ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ......8
Tuner fea tures
Tuning. ........... .......... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... .......... .....10
Station Preset Me mory.. ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ....... 10
Auto Memory Entry ........................ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ......1 0
Station Name Preset (SNPS)................... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....11
Switching Display f or Tuner.................. ........ ........ ....... ........ .......1 1
MD/Exter nal disc control features
Playing MDs............... ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ....12
Playing Other Disc mode............... ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ .......1 3
Switching Display f or D iscs ...................... ........ ........ ....... ........ ...13
Fast Forwarding and Reversing Disc Play....... ....... ........ ........ ....14
Track Search ..................................... ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ....14
Disc Search .... ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... .14
Track / Disc Repeat...................... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ .14
Track Scan........................ ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ .....1 5
Disc Scan................... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....15
Random Play......... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ .15
Magazine Random Play............ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ .....16
Text / Title Scroll ................................... ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ 16
Presett ing Disc Nam es ................................. ....... ........ ....... ........ 16
Menu set tings
Menu System ........................ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... 18
Touch Sensor Tone....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ 19
Manual Time A djus tment....................... ........ ....... ........ ........ ......1 9
Calendar Adjust ment ..... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ....... ........ 19
Calendar Mode...... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... .19
Memo Mod e ........................................... ....... ........ ........ ....... ......2 0
Contrast Adjus tment .......................................... ....... ........ ........ ..20
Switching Graphic Display..... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ .......2 1
Clean Recept ion Syst em Circuit (CRSC).....................................2 1
Text Scroll... ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....21
Accessories........................ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....22
Installation Procedure ............ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ .......2 2
Connecting Wires t o Term i nals ........................ ........ ....... ........ ...23
Installation........... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ....24
Troubleshootin g Guide ............. ..................... .....27
Specifi cations .. . ............. ....................... ..............31
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Use of con trols or adjustments or perfo rmance of proced ures other th an th ose specif ied h erein may result in hazardous radiat io n exp osur e. In com pliance with Federal Regulations, following are reproductions of labels on, or inside t he prod uct relating t o laser product safety.
Location : Bottom Panel
This equipmen t may generate or use radio frequ ency ener gy. Changes or m o difications to this equipment may cause harm ful interference unles s the m odifications are expressly approved in the inst ruc tion manual. The user could lose the authorit y to operate this e quipment if an unauthorized change or modi fication is m ade.
This equipmen t has been tested and found to comply wit h the lim its fo r a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pro vide reasonable protect io n against harm ful interference in a residential installation. This equipm en t may cause harmf ul in terferen ce to radio communi cation s, if it is not inst alled and used in accordance w ith the instruct ions. However, t he re is no g uarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equi pment d oes cause harmf ul in terferen ce to radio or tele vision recept ion, which c an be determined by turnin g the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to co rrect th e interfe renc e by one or more of the foll owing measures:
• Reorient or reloc ate the receiving anten na.
• Increase the sep aration between the equipm en t and receiver.
• Connect t he equ ipment into an outlet on a circuit differe nt from that to which t he receiver is conn ected.
• Consult t he dealer or an experience d radio/TV tec hnici an fo r help .
This Class B digital apparatus com pl ies with Canadian ICES-003.
US and foreign patents Iicensed from Do lby Laboratories Licensing Corporation .
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Safety precautions

To prevent injury or fire, take the following precautions:
• Insert the unit all th e way in unt i l it is ful ly locked in place. Ot h erwise i t may fall out of place w he n jolted.
• When extending t h e ign ition, batt ery , or ground wires, make sure to us e aut omotive ­grade w ire s or other wires wit h a 0.75mm
(AWG18) or more t o pre vent wire deter iorati on and damage t o the wire coating.
• To prevent a short cir cuit, never put or leave any met allic objects (such as coins or metal tools) inside the unit .
• If the unit starts to emit s moke or st range smell s, turn of f the p ower imm ediat ely and consult yo ur Kenwood dealer.
• Make sure not to get y our fingers caught between the faceplate and t he unit.
• Be careful not to dr op the unit o r sub ject it to stron g sho ck.
The unit may break or crack because it contains glass parts.
• Do not touch t he liq uid c rystal fluid if the LCD is damaged or broken due to shock. The liquid crystal fluid m ay be dangerous to your health or even fatal.
If the liquid crystal fluid f ro m the L CD contact s y our b ody or clo thing, wash it off with soap immediate ly.
To prevent damage to the machine, take the following precautions:
• Make sure to groun d the unit to a negative 12V DC power supp ly.
• Do not open the top or b ottom covers of the unit.
• Do not install the unit in a spot expos ed to direct sun light or excessive heat or hu midity. Also avoid places with too muc h du st or the possibilit y of water splashing.
• Do not set the removed f aceplate or the faceplate case in areas exposed to direc t sunlight , e xces sive heat, or hu midity. Also avoid places w ith too much dust or the possibilit y of water splashing.
• To prevent deterioration, do n ot touch the terminals of the unit or faceplate with you r finger s.
• Do not subj ect the faceplate to e xces sive shock, as it is a piece of precision equipm en t.
• When replacing a fuse , on ly us e a new one with the prescribed r ating . Usin g a f use with the wron g rat ing may cause your unit to malfu nction.
• To prevent a short cir cuit when replacing a fuse, first dis conn ect the wir ing h arness.
• Do not place any object be tween the faceplate and th e un it.
• Do not use your own scr ews. U se on ly the screws provided. If you use t h e wrong screws, you could dam age t he u nit.
IIMPORTANT INFORMATION About the disc changer to be
To connect a disc changer having t he "O-N" switch to th is un it, set the "O-N" switch to "N". To connect a disc changer having no "O-N" switch to th is un it, the c onve rter cord CA­DS100 and/or sw itching adapter KCA-S210A are required as options. If a m odel with no "O-N" sw itch is connect ed , some unavailable function s and information t h at cannot be displayed are generated, suc h as t he D NPS, DNPP, Magazine random play, and CD Text display. Note that none of the KDC-C100, KDC-C302, C205, C705, and non-Kenwood CD changers can be connect ed.
You can damage both your unit and the CD changer if you connect them incorrectly.
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• Wipe away dirt or d ust from th e cart ridg e surface wit h a dry clot h before use. Usin g an oil-soiled cartridge in part icular m ay result in the d isc no t loading or being unable to ejec t it. (At time of cleaning, be careful no t to open t he s hutter.)
• Do not leave t he MD in the unit for a prolonged perio d. The ejected MD should be placed in an MD case f or storage.
• Do not leave t he MD in a place exposed to direct sun light (such as on a dashboard) or in other places t h at attain high temperatures. The M D c artrid ge will b ecome m iss hapen and w ill no long er b e usable.
• MDs designed for use wit h dat a cannot be used. Please use MDs designed for mus ic.
• Do not use lens cleaners. Doin g so will lead to bre akdown.
Lens Fogging
In cold climates, t here may be a period after you tu rn o n you r veh icle's heate r when the lens t hat g uides the laser beam used in yo ur MD player fogs up . If this happens, you cannot play min i dis cs. Take out d iscs and the fogging will disappear. If it does not return to norm al aft er s ever al hours, contact your Kenwood dealer.
About the play time of MD long play performance time display
If the MD perf or mance tim e goes ove r 100 minu tes only t he l ast 2 digits of per formance time are shown.
• If you e xper ience pro blems during installation, con sult your Kenwood dealer.
• If the unit does not seem to be working right, try pressing the reset bu tton first. If that d oes n ot solve t he prob lem, consult your Kenwood dealer.
• Characters in the LCD may becom e difficult to read in temperat ures belo w 41 ˚F (5 ˚C).
• The illustrations of the d isplay and the p anel appearing in this m anual are examples used to exp lain m ore clearly how the cont rols are used. Therefor e, what appears on the disp lay in the illus trations m ay dif fer fro m what appears on the display on t he actual equipm en t, and some of the ill ustrations on the d isplay m ay represen t some thing impo ssible in act ual operation .
• The funct ion s that can be used and the information t h at can be disp layed will differ depending on the ext e rnal disc players being connect ed .
Reset button
Cleaning the Faceplate Terminals
If the ter minals on the uni t or faceplate get dirty, wipe them with a dry, soft cloth.
Cleaning the Unit
If the faceplate of this unit is st ained, wipe it with a dry soft cloth such as a silicon cloth. If the faceplate is s tained badly, wip e the stain of f with a clot h moisten ed with neut ral cleaner, then wipe neu tral detergent off.
Applying spray cleaner direct l y to the unit may aff ect its mechanical part s. Wiping t he faceplate wit h a hard cloth o r usin g a volatile liquid such as t hinne r or alcohol may scrat ch the su rface or erases characte rs.
Handling Mini discs
• The M D sh utter is d esig ned s o that it cannot be opened. If forc ed op en, the cartridge will be damaged and use of the MD will no longer be poss ible. If the sh utter has been opened due to som e c ause, be carefu l not to touch the recording po rtion with a f ing er. Doing so will cause t he sou nd to skip.
• Do not use an MD t hat h as a peeling label. Use of an MD t hat has a loose or peeling label may cause problem s, su ch as t he label comin g off in side the player and the resultant inability t o ejec t the MD.
Switching M odes:
Each t ime you press the SRC (source) butt on, the m ode

Sw itc h ing M od es

Thi s f unct ion al lows y o u to tur n down t h e vol um e qui ckly.
Turning Attenuator On/ Off:
Press the ATT butt on to swit ch t he att en uator o n and of f . When t he at t enu ator is o n, t he ATT indicator blinks. When t he at t enu ator is o f f , the volum e ret urn s t o the original level.
Turning the vol um e u p, or turning it all t he way down deactivat es the at t enuat or f un ct ion .


Increasing Volume:
Press the u but t on t o turn up t he v olum e .
Decreasing Volume:
Press the d but t on t o turn down t he v olum e .


Turning on the power:
Press the SRC (source) butt o n.
Turn the power on bef o re carrying out the f ollowing procedu res.
Turning off the power:
Press the PWR OFF butt on f or at least one se cond.


General features

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ATT indicator
LOUD indicator
Ad j ust v ario us par amet er s of so und q uali ty.
Press the AUD but ton to ent e r t he cont ro l m od e.
Selecting mode
Press either the FM or AM b ut t o n. Each t ime the but ton is pressed , t he adjustment m od e will change. Please refer to t he following f or the cont ents of t he adjustm ent mod es.
Source tone memory
Each source (CD, M D, FM, AM and disc changer) has its own memory in which to sto re t he bass, m iddle, and treb le t on e settings. The sett ings m ade f or a particular source are recalled autom atically whenever y ou use that source ( f or exam ple, FM mode uses the t one settin gs m ade f or FM, AM f or AM, et c.).
Adjust each mode
Press the 4/¢ but ton. Please refer to t he following f or the adjusting v alues.
Press the AUD but ton to end the cont rol mode.

Audio Contro l Setting

Thi s f unct ion amp l ifi es low an d h igh ton es wh en the v olu me i s tu r ned d ow n . The LOU D i ndi cator lig h ts up wh en th e l oud ness fu n ctio n is on .
Turning Loudness On/Off:
Press the LOU D but ton f or at le ast one second t o switch th e loudness on and of f .


sw i t ches as follo ws:
Selecting standby mode:
Press the SRC button rep eatedly and switc h t o "ALL OFF" . When "ALL OFF" is displayed, the standby mode is activat ed. The standby m ode t u rns all f unct io ns off while l eaving t he power to t he u nit on . Use this m ode whe n you want t o h ave the d isplay illum inate d but don't want t o list en t o anyt hing.
• The m ode swit che s t o the next mode f rom any mod e which cannot be used .
• The ext ern al disc cont rol mode will dif fer depending on t h e unit that is conne ct ed.
• To enable th e selection of Exte rnal disc cont ro l m od e 2/AUX mode , you sh ould co nnect opti onal switch ing adapter KCA­S210A (which allows you to select both External disc cont r ol mode 2 and AUX mode ) or CD changer (KDC-CPS87, KDC­CX87, KDC-CPS85, KDC-CX85, KDC-CPS82 or KDC-CX82) or sw i t ching adapter CA-C1AX (whi ch allows you t o se lect A UX mode only). During t he AU X mod e, "AUX" (or AUX-name disp lay) will show in the display. W hen t he CA-C1AX is being used, the AUX M o de will rep lace the External Disc Cont rol Mode .
Presetting AUX-name (Except the CA-C1AX)
In the AUX m ode, pr ess t h e NAME.S butt on f or at least tw o seconds. "NAM E SET" is display and AUX-name mod e is entered. Input t he ch aracters, ref err ing t o t he s ect ion on "Presett ing Disc Names (DNPS)" (page 16).
Tuner mode
MD mod e
External disc control mode 1
External disc control mode 2/A UX mode
Standby mode
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The f acep late o f th e u nit can be d etached an d taken wi th y o u, hel p ing to d et er th eft.
Release button

Theft D eterrent Faceplate

Thi s f unct ion al lows y o u to adju st the set tin g that is recal led w i th t he Syst em Q, acco r din g to typ es o f speaker s.
Press the SRC button rep eatedly t o se lect the st andby m ode. "ALL OFF" is displayed when t he s t andby m ode is selec t ed.
Press the AUD but ton to ent e r t he s peaker set t in g m o de. Press either the 4 or ¢ but t on t o se lect the t ype of
speaker. The sett ing switches as follows.
Off ("SP OFF") / For the OEM spe aker ("SP OEM") / For 6/6x9 in. speaker ("SP 6/6x9inch") / For 5/4 in. speaker ("SP 5/4inch")
Press the AUD but ton to end the speaker set t ing mode.
Speaker setting f unction allow s f or tuning of bass, m idd le and treble

Speaker Setting

The System Q f unction changes t he values of the fo llowing sound quality p aramete rs: Bass centre frequency, bass level, bass quality f actor , bass exten d, m id dle cen t re frequency, middle level, middle quality factor , t rebl e centre fr equency , and tr eble lev el. Their sett ing values are diff e rent d ependin g on the set t ing of the speaker sett in g m o de.
"SYS-Q" : < System Q > Recalling the kenwood preset sound
Press the prese t button s (#1-6). Settin gs:#1;Flat (SYS-Q Flat), #2;Rock (SYS-Q Rock),
#3;Top 40 (SYS-Q Top40), #4;Pops (SYS-Q Pops), #5;Jazz (SYS-Q Jazz), #6;Easy (SYS-Q Easy)
"V OFFSET" : Set the sound level of the each source selected by
adjusting the level difference between t he basic sound level and the required level.
Settin g values: - 8 ±0
"Fader" : Adjust the fader level.
Settin g values: Rear 15 Front 1 5
"Balance" : Adjust the balance level.
Settin g values: Lef t 15 Right 15
"Mid" : Adjust the middle level.
Settin g values: - 8 + 8
"Bass" : Adjust t he bass level.
Settin g values: - 8 + 8
General features
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"Treble" : Adjust the treble level.
Settin g values: - 8 + 8

Tuner features

Removing the Faceplate:
Press the release but ton. The faceplate is unlocked , allowing you t o d et ach it .
• The faceplate is a precision piece of equipm en t and can be damaged by shocks or jo lt s. For t hat re ason, keep t he f aceplate in its special st orage case w h ile detached.
• Do not expose t he faceplate or it s st orage case t o direct sunlight or ex cessive heat or humidity. Also avoid places wit h too much dust o r t he possibil it y of water splashing.
Reattaching the Faceplate:
Align t he pro ject ion s on the unit wit h the grooves o n t he faceplate.
Push the f aceplate in u nt il it clicks. The faceplate is locked in place, allow ing you to use t he un it .
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AUTO 1/2 indicat or
ST indicat or
Preset station number
Band displ ay
£ indicator
You can auto mat i cally stor e all t he recei vabl e f requ encies i n th e b and cu rren t ly b eing list ened t o , and t hen r ecall t h em wi t h th e t ouch of a b u tto n lat er. Thi s f unct ion is especi al ly u seful w h en yo u are t ravel l ing and d o no t know wh at st at ion s are avai l able. U p to six f requ en cies can b e stor ed thi s way .
Select t he band f or aut o memo ry entry. Press the AME but t on for at least tw o second s t o s t art aut o
memory ent ry. The numbers o f t h e prese t st at ion button s are shown in orde r. When all the st atio ns in a cert ain band are stored in the preset memory, t he aut o m e m ory ent ry st ops . The tu ner t h en plays the last st at ion rece ived.
Recalling a Preset Station:

Auto M emo r y Entry

Sto r e the f requ en cy of a stati on. Yo u can th en recal l th at stat i on wi t h a sing le to uch o f a but ton .
Select t he band/ st ati on t hat you want t o have st ore d. Press the button (#1-6) that you want to use f or the st ation, for
at least t wo seco nds. The butt on n um be r blinks once in t he d isplay to indicate t hat the d ata has been store d.
Recalling a Preset Station:
Press the prese t station but t o n (#1-6) for the de sired s t ation. The number of the recalled st atio n is disp layed.
You can store six st atio ns in each of the FM 1, FM2, FM 3, and AM bands.

Statio n Preset Memory

You can choo se fro m t h ree tu nin g mo des: aut o seek, pr eset stat i on seek, an d m an ual. Th e " AUTO 1" i ndi cator l igh ts up w h en aut o seek tu n ing is select ed, and t he "A U TO 2" ind icato r li g hts wh en p reset st atio n seek tu n ing is select ed.
Selecting Tuning Mode:
Press the AUTO but ton. Each t ime you press the AUTO but t on, the m ode switches as follows.
Press the SRC (source) butt o n repeat edly to select t h e t une r mode . "TUNER" is displayed when the t uner mode has been select ed.
Press either the FM or AM b ut t o n t o s elect t he band. Each t ime you press the FM button, t he b and switch es between t he FM1, FM 2 and FM 3 (w h ich are used f or groups of pre set stations). Press the AM button t o se lect the AM band.
• Auto Seek Tuning Press the ¢ but t o n t o s eek hig her f r equenc ies. Press the 4 butt on t o seek lo wer f req uencies .
• Preset st ation seek tuning Press the ¢ but t o n t o move t o the next pres et station (i.e., the o ne wit h the next hig hest num b er), and the 4 button to move t o the last preset stat ion (i.e., t he on e wit h the next lowest n um be r).
• M anual Tuning Press the ¢ but t o n t o i ncrease t he f r equenc y by one st ep . Press the 4 but t o n t o d ecrease t he frequency by o ne st e p.
The ST indicator lights up when st e reo bro adcasts are being
Auto 1 (Auto Seek Tuning)
Auto 2 (Preset Stat io n Seek Tuning)
Manual (Manual Tuning)


Tuner features
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+ 23 hidden pages