Kenwood DDX4018BT User Manual

DDX4018DAB (Region 2 – DVD Region Code 2 Area) DDX4018BT (Region 2 – DVD Region Code 2 Area) DDX318BT (Region 2 – DVD Region Code 2 Area)
© 2017 JVC KENWOOD Corporation
B5A-2143-00 (EN)
Important NoticeImportant Notice
To ensure proper use, please read through this manual before using this product. It is especially important that you read and observe WARNINGS and CAUTIONS in this manual. Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for future reference.
To prevent accidents and damages
• DO NOT install any unit or wire any cable in a location where;
– it may obstruct the steering wheel and gearshift
lever operations.
– it may obstruct the operation of safety devices such
as air bags.
– it may obstruct visibility.
• DO NOT raise the volume level too much, as this will make driving dangerous by blocking outside sounds, and may cause hearing loss.
• DO NOT operate the unit while driving. If you need to operate the unit while driving, be sure to look around carefully.
• Stop the car before performing any complicated operations.
• The driver must not watch the monitor while driving.
To care for the unit
• If you have parked the car for a long time in hot or cold weather, wait until the temperature in the car becomes normal before operating the unit.
To care for the monitor
• The monitor built into this unit has been produced with high precision, but it may have some ineffective dots. This is inevitable and is not considered defective.
• Do not expose the monitor to direct sunlight.
• Do not operate the touch panel using a ball-point pen or similar tool with a sharp tip.
Touch the keys on the touch panel with your finger
directly (if you are wearing a glove, take it off).
• When the temperature is very cold or very hot...
– Chemical changes occur inside, causing
– Pictures may not appear clearly or may move
slowly. Pictures may not be synchronized with the sound or picture quality may decline in such environments.
On the volume setting
• Digital devices produce very little noise compared with other sources. Lower the volume before playing these digital sources to avoid damaging the speakers by sudden increase of the output level.
The marking of products using lasers
The label is attached to the chassis/case and says that the component uses laser beams that have been classified as Class 1. It means that the unit is utilizing laser beams that are of a weaker class. There is no danger of hazardous radiation outside the unit.
For Israel
Important NoticeImportant Notice
Information on Disposal of Old Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Batteries (applicable for countries that have adopted separate waste collection systems)
Products and batteries with the symbol (crossedout wheeled bin) cannot be disposed as household waste. Old electrical and electronic equipment and batteries should be recycled at a facility capable of handling these items and their waste byproducts. Contact your local authority for details in locating a recycle facility nearest to you. Proper recycling and waste disposal will help conserve resources whilst preventing detrimental effects on our health and the environment. Notice: The sign “Pb” below the symbol for batteries indicates that this battery contains lead.
Declaration of Conformity with regard to the RE Directive 2014/53/EU Declaration of Conformity with regard to the RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU Manufacturer:
JVC KENWOOD Corporation 3-12, Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa, 221-0022, Japan
EU Representative:
Hereby, JVCKENWOOD declares that the radio equipment “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:
Par la présente, JVCKENWOOD déclare que l’équipement radio « DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/ DDX318BT » est conforme à la directive 2014/53/UE. L’intégralité de la déclaration de conformité UE est disponible à l’adresse Internet suivante :
Hiermit erklärt JVCKENWOOD, dass das Funkgerät “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” der Richtlinie 2014/53/EU entspricht. Der volle Text der EU-Konformitätserklärung steht unter der folgenden Internetadresse zur Verfügung:
Hierbij verklaart JVCKENWOOD dat de radioapparatuur “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” in overeenstemming is met Richtlijn 2014/53/EU. De volledige tekst van de EU-verklaring van overeenstemming is te vinden op het volgende internetadres:
Important NoticeImportant Notice
Con la presente, JVCKENWOOD dichiara che l΄apparecchio radio “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/ DDX318BT” è conforme alla Direttiva 2014/53/UE. Il testo integrale della dichiarazione di conformità UE è disponibile al seguente indirizzo internet:
Por la presente, JVCKENWOOD declara que el equipo de radio “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” cumple la Directiva 2014/53/EU. El texto completo de la declaración de conformidad con la UE está disponible en la siguiente dirección de internet:
Deste modo, a JVCKENWOOD declara que o equipamento de rádio “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/ DDX318BT” está em conformidade com a Diretiva 2014/53/UE. O texto integral da declaração de conformidade da UE está disponível no seguinte endereço de internet:
Niniejszym, JVCKENWOOD deklaruje, że sprzęt radiowy “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” jest zgodny z dyrektywą 2014/53/UE. Pełny tekst deklaracji zgodności EU jest dostępny pod adresem:
Společnost JVCKENWOOD tímto prohlašuje, že rádiové zařízení “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” splňuje podmínky směrnice 2014/53/EU. Plný text EU prohlášení o shodě je dostupný na následující internetové adrese:
JVCKENWOOD ezennel kijelenti, hogy a „DDX4018DAB/ DDX4018BT/DDX318BT“ rádióberendezés megfelel a 2014/53/EU irányelvnek. Az EU konformitási nyilatkozat teljes szövege az alábbi weboldalon érhető el:
Härmed försäkrar JVCKENWOOD att radioutrustningen “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” är i enlighet med direktiv 2014/53/EU. Den fullständiga texten av EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse finns på följande Internetadress:
JVCKENWOOD julistaa täten, että radiolaite “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” on direktiivin 2014/53/EU mukainen. EU-vaatimustenmukaisuusvakuutusvaatim us löytyy kokonaisuudessaan seuraavasta internet-osoitteesta:
S tem JVCKENWOOD izjavlja, da je radijska oprema »DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT« v skladu z Direktivo 2014/53/EU. Celotno besedilo direktive EU o skladnosti je dostopno na tem spletnem naslovu:
Spoločnosť JVCKENWOOD týmto vyhlasuje, že rádiové zariadenie „DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT“ vyhovuje smernici 2014/53/EÚ. Celý text EÚ vyhlásenia o zhode nájdete na nasledovnej internetovej adrese:
Herved erklærer JVCKENWOOD, at radioudstyret “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” er i overensstemmelse med Direktiv 2014/53/EU. EU-overensstemmelseserklæringens fulde ordlyd er tilgængelig på følgende internetadresse:
Με το παρόν, η JVCKENWOOD δηλώνει ότι ο ραδιοεξοπλισμός «DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/ DDX318BT» συμμορφώνεται με την Οδηγία 2014/53/ΕΕ. Το πλήρες κείμενο της δήλωσης συμμόρφωσης της ΕΕ είναι διαθέσιμο στην ακόλουθη διεύθυνση στο διαδίκτυο:
Important NoticeImportant Notice
Käesolevaga JVCKENWOOD kinnitab, et „DDX4018DAB/ DDX4018BT/DDX318BT“ raadiovarustus on vastavuses direktiiviga 2014/53/EL. ELi vastavusdeklaratsiooni terviktekst on kättesaadav järgmisel internetiaadressil:
JVCKENWOOD ar šo deklarē, ka radio aparatūra „DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” atbilst direktīvas 2014/53/ES prasībām. Pilns ES atbilstības deklarācijas teksts ir pieejams šādā tīmekļa adresē:
Šiuo JVCKENWOOD pažymi, kad radijo įranga „DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT“ atitinka 2014/53/EB direktyvos reikalavimus. Visą EB direktyvos atitikties deklaracijos tekstą galite rasti šiuo internetiniu adresu:
B’dan, JVCKENWOOD jiddikjara li t-tagħmir tar-radju “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” huwa konformi mad-Direttiva 2014/53/UE. It-test kollu tad-dikjarazzjoni ta’ konformità huwa disponibbli fl-indirizz intranet li ġej:
JVCKENWOOD ovim izjavljuje da je radio oprema “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” u skladu s Direktivom 2014/53/EU. Cjeloviti tekst deklaracije Europske unije o usklađenosti dostupan je na sljedećoj internet adresi:
Prin prezenta, JVCKENWOOD declară că echipamentul radio “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/DDX318BT” este în conformitate cu Directiva 2014/53/UE. Textul integral al declarației de conformitate UE este disponibil la urmatoarea adresă de internet:
С настоящото JVCKENWOOD декларира, че радиооборудването на “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/ DDX318BT” е в съответствие с Директива 2014/53/ЕС. Пълният текст на ЕС декларацията за съответствие е достъпен на следния интернет адрес:
Burada, JVCKENWOOD “DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/ DDX318BT” radyo ekipmanının 2014/53/AB Direktifine uygun olduğunu bildirir. AB uyumluluk deklarasyonunun tam metni aşağıdaki internet adresinde mevcuttur.
JVCKENWOOD настоящим заявляет, что радиооборудование «DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/ DDX318BT» соответствует Директиве 2014/53/EU. Полный текст декларации соответствия ЕС доступен по следующему адресу в сети Интернет:
Таким чином, компанія JVCKENWOOD заявляє, що радіообладнання «DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT/ DDX318BT» відповідає Директиві 2014/53/EU. Повний текст декларації про відповідність ЄС можна знайти в Інтернеті за такою адресою:
About this manual
The displays and panels shown in this manual are examples used to provide clear explanations of the operations. For this reason, they may be different from the actual displays or panels.
Illustrations of DDX4018BT are mainly used for explanation.
This manual mainly explains operations using the buttons on the monitor panel and keys on the touch panel. For operations using the remote controller, see page40.
< > indicates the various screens/menus/ operations/settings that appear on the touch panel.
[ ] indicates the keys on the touch panel.
Indication language: English indications are used for the purpose of explanation. You can select the indication language from the <Setup> menu. (Page38)
Component Names and Operations ...............3
Basic Operations .................................................4
How to reset your unit ....................................................4
Turning on the power .....................................................4
Turning off the power .....................................................4
Putting the unit in standby ..........................................4
Turning off the screen .....................................................4
Adjusting the volume .....................................................4
Attenuating the sound ...................................................4
Getting Started ...................................................5
Initial settings........................................................................5
Setting the security function ......................................5
Clock settings .......................................................................6
Various Screens and Operations .....................7
Home screen .........................................................................7
Source control screen .....................................................8
List/setting screen .............................................................9
Disc ......................................................................10
Video ...................................................................11
USB ......................................................................13
iPod/iPhone .......................................................16
Radio ...................................................................17
Digital Radio (DAB) ..........................................20
Spotify ................................................................23
Other External Components ..........................25
AV-IN ....................................................................................... 25
Rear view camera ...........................................................25
Using an external navigation unit ........................ 26
Bluetooth® .........................................................26
Information ......................................................................... 26
Preparation ..........................................................................26
Connection ......................................................................... 26
Bluetooth mobile phone ............................................28
Bluetooth audio player ................................................30
KENWOOD Music Mix ............................................... 30
Bluetooth settings .......................................................... 31
Settings ..............................................................32
Audio settings ................................................................... 32
Display settings ................................................................35
Input settings.....................................................................37
System settings ................................................................37
Remote Controller ............................................40
Preparation ..........................................................................40
Basic operations ............................................................... 41
KENWOOD Remote APP .........................................42
Installation and Connection ...........................43
Before installation ...........................................................43
Installing the unit ............................................................44
Installing the trim plate ............................................... 44
Removing the unit .........................................................44
Wiring connection ..........................................................45
Connecting external components .......................46
References .........................................................46
Maintenance ...................................................................... 46
More information ............................................................ 46
Troubleshooting ...............................................50
Specifications ....................................................53
Trademarks and licenses ............................................56
Component Names and OperationsComponent Names and Operations
1 Reset button/Power indicator/Security indicator
• Resets the unit.
• Lights up while the unit is turned on.
• Flashes when the security function is activated.
2 M button 3 Loading slot 4 Screen (touch panel) 5 Monitor panel 6 HOME button
• (Press): Turns on the power.
(Hold): Turns off the power.
HOME (Press): Displays the Home screen while
the power is on.
7 AV/DISP OFF button
AV (Press): Displays the current source control
DISP OFF (Hold): Turns off the screen.
8 TEL/VOICE button
TEL (Press): Displays the phone control screen.
VOICE (Hold): Activates voice dialing.
9 Volume/MENU/ATT knob
Volume (Turn): Adjusts the audio volume.
MENU (Press): Pops up the short-cut menu.
ATT (Hold): Attenuates the sound.
* When the navigation unit is connected, the screen is switched
between the current source and the navigation screen. (Page
1 Reset button/Power indicator/Security indicator
• Resets the unit.
• Lights up while the unit is turned on.
• Flashes when the security function is activated.
2 M button 3 Loading slot 4 Screen (touch panel) 5 Monitor panel 6 HOME button
(Press): Turns on the power. (Hold): Turns off the power.
HOME (Press): Displays the Home screen while
the power is on.
7 MENU/DISP OFF button
MENU (Press): Pops up the short-cut menu.
DISP OFF (Hold): Turns off the screen.
8 TEL/VOICE button
TEL (Press): Displays the phone control screen.
VOICE (Hold): Activates voice dialing.
9 Volume J/K buttons
Basic OperationsBasic Operations
How to reset your unit
If the unit fails to operate properly, press the reset button.
Turning on the power
Turning off the power
Putting the unit in standby
1 Display the source/option selection
On the Home screen, touch as follows:
2 Put the unit in standby.
On the source/option selection screen, touch as follows:
Turning off the screen
On the pop-up short-cut menu
1 Display the pop-up short-cut menu.
2 On the pop-up short-cut menu, touch as
To turn on the screen: Touch the screen.
On the monitor panel
(Only for DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT)
Adjusting the volume
You can adjust the volume (00 to 35) by turning the knob to the right to increase and to the left to decrease.
You can adjust the volume (00 to 35) by pressing J to increase and pressing K to decrease.
• Holding J increases the volume continuously to level 15.
Attenuating the sound
(Only for DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT)
To turn on the screen: Press and hold DISP OFF on the monitor panel or touch the screen.
The ATT indicator lights up.
To cancel attenuation: Press the same button again.
Getting StartedGetting Started
Initial settings
When you power on the unit for the first time or reset the unit, the <Initial Setup> screen appears.
Perform the initial settings.
E.g. Initial settings screen for DDX4018BT
Once completed, Home screen appears.
ON (Initial): Activates the display demonstration.
OFF: Deactivates the display demonstration.
Select the text language used for on-screen information.
English (Initial)/Español/Français/Deutsch/
Italiano/Nederlands/Ελληνικά/Português/Türkçe/ Čeština/Polski/Magyar/Руccĸий/ / /
/ / / /Bahasa
Malaysia/Bahasa Indonesia/
– For external monitors, only English/Spanish/
French/German/Italian/Dutch/Russian/Portuguese are available. If another language has been selected, the text language for external monitors will be set to English.
GUI Language (Local (the language selected above)/English (Initial)): Selects the language used for displaying operation keys and menu items.
“Please Power Off” appears when the setting is changed. Turn off the power, then turn on to enable the change.
<Rear Camera> (Page37) Make the settings to display the picture from the connected rear view camera.
<User Customize> (Page35) Change the display design.
<Viewing Angle>
Select the viewing angle in relation to the monitor panel to make the panel easier to see.
Under 0° (Initial)/5°/10°/15°/20°
Setting the security function
Registering a security code
1 Display the Home screen.
2 Display the <Security Code Set> screen.
On the Home screen, touch as follows:
Then, on the <Setup> screen, touch as follows: [System] <Security Code> : [Set]
3 Enter a four-digit number (1), then
confirm the entry (
• To delete the last entry, touch [Clear].
• To cancel the setting, touch [Cancel].
Getting StartedGetting Started
Repeat step 3 to confirm your security code.
Now, your security code is registered.
To clear the registered security code: Touch [CLR] for <Security Code> in step 2. Then, enter the current security code to clear and touch [Enter].
• When the unit has been reset or disconnected from the battery, you are required to enter the security code. Enter the correct security code, then touch [Enter].
Activating the security function
You can activate the security function to protect your receiver system against theft.
1 Display the <Setup> setting screen.
On the Home screen, touch as follows:
2 Activate the security function.
On the <Setup> setting screen, touch as follows: [System] <SI>: [ON]
The security function is activated. The security indicator on the monitor panel flashes when the vehicle ignition is off.
To deactivate the security function: Touch [OFF] in step 2.
Clock settings
1 Display the Home screen.
2 Display the <Clock> screen.
On the Home screen, touch as follows:
Then, on the <Setup> screen, touch as follows: [System] <Clock> : [Enter]
• You can also display the <Clock> screen by
touching the clock area on the Home screen.
3 Set the clock time.
E.g. Clock settings screen for DDX4018BT
NAV*1: Synchronizes the clock time with the
connected navigation unit.
Radio Data System*2: Synchronizes the clock
time with FM Radio Data System.
DAB*3: Synchronizes the clock time with the
Digital Radio (DAB).
OFF: Sets the clock manually. Touch [J]/[K] to
adjust the hour, then minute.
– Touching [Reset] will set the minute to “00”.
*1 Only for DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT: Appears only when a
navigation unit is connected. *2 Only for DDX4018BT/DDX318BT. *3 Only for DDX4018DAB.
Various Screens and OperationsVarious Screens and Operations
You can display or change to other screens at any time to show information, change the AV source, change the settings, etc.
Home screen
When you turn on the power for the first time, the Home screen appears.
• You can customize the Home screen. (Page36)
• To display the Home screen from other screens, press
Touching the operation keys performs the following actions:
1 Displays all playback sources and options. 2 Displays the <Setup> screen. 3 Displays the current playing source control screen. 4 Displays the <Clock> screen. 5 Selects or changes the playback source.
Available playback sources and options
Touch 1 to display the source/option selection screen.
E.g. Source/option selection screen for DDX4018BT
Touching the operation keys performs the following actions:
[NAV]*1 Displays the navigation screen
when a navigation unit is connected.
[DISC] Plays a disc. [USB] Plays files on a USB device. [BT Audio] Plays a Bluetooth audio player. [TEL] Displays the phone control screen. [AV-IN] Switches to an external component
connected to the AV-IN input terminal.
[STANDBY] Puts the unit in standby. [Spotify] Switches to the Spotify application.
[Android™] Plays an Android device. [iPod] Plays an iPod/iPhone. [DAB]*2 Switches to the Digital Radio (DAB). [Radio] Switches to the radio broadcast.
To change the page: Touch [
shown by the page indication on the top of the screen.
To return to the Home screen: Touch [ ] on the source/option selection screen.
*1 Only for DDX4018DAB/DDX4018BT: Selectable only when a
navigation unit is connected. *2 Only for DDX4018DAB.
]/[ ]. Current page is
Various Screens and OperationsVarious Screens and Operations
Source control screen
You can perform the playback operation from the source control screen during playback.
• The operation keys and information displayed vary depending on the selected source/disc type/file type being played.
• If the operation keys are not displayed on the screen, touch the screen to show them.
E.g. Common audio playback source screen for
1 Displays/hides short-cut source selection keys. 2 Playback source or media type 3 Picture/artwork (shown if the file contains the
4 Short-cut source selection keys
• Touching [ ] on 1 to display the keys, or [ ]
to hide them.
5 Clock display 6 Track/file/song/video information
• Touching [<] scrolls the text if not all of the text
is shown.
7 Displays/hides other available operation keys* 8 Operation keys* 9 IN indicator (lights up while a disc is inserted) p Playing time/playback status q Playback mode indicator (Repeat/Random) w File type indicator e Current playback item information
(folder no./file no./track no./total track no./playback file type)
* See the following “Common operation keys on source control
Common operation keys on source control screen
• The appearance of the operation keys may differ, however the similar operation keys have the same operations.
• Available operation keys differ depends on the selected source or connected device.
Touching the operation keys performs the following actions:
[ ]
][ ]
[ [MODE] Displays the setting screen of the current
Displays other available operation keys besides those shown on 8.
• To hide the window, touch [
Selects a folder.
Selects repeat playback mode.*
Stops playback.
playback source.
[ ]
[ [
* About playback mode:
– Available playback mode differs depending on the source, disc
type, connected device, etc.
– You cannot activate repeat playback mode and random
playback mode at the same time.
– To cancel the playback mode, touch repeatedly until the
indicator disappears.
Displays the <Equalizer> screen.
Displays the folder list/track list/audio menu/video menu.
• (Touch) Selects an item (chapter/ folder/track/audio file/video file).
• (Hold) Reverses/forwards search.
• (Hold) Plays in slow-motion while paused for video playback.
Starts/pauses playback. Selects random playback mode.*
Various Screens and OperationsVarious Screens and Operations
Using the pop-up short-cut menu
While displaying the source control screen, you can jump to another screen by touching the operation keys on the pop-up short-cut menu.
1 Display the pop-up short-cut menu.
2 Select an item to jump to by touching as
[TEL] Displays the phone control screen. [Screen
Adjustment] [Display OFF] Turns off the screen. [Camera] Displays the picture from the
[SETUP] Displays the <Setup> screen. [Current
To close the pop-up menu: Touch the screen
anywhere other than the pop-up short-cut menu.
Displays the picture adjustment screen.
connected rear view camera.
Displays the current source control screen.
Using touch screen operation during
Touching the areas performs the following actions: 1 Displays the video control menu while playing a
2 While playing a video: Displays the source control
While playing an audio file: Displays the playback
operation keys.
3 Goes to the previous chapter/track.* 4 Goes to the next chapter/track.*
* Not available for video from an external component (AV-IN).
List/setting screen
Below are the common operation keys which appear on the list/setting screen.
• The appearance of the operation keys may differ, however the similar operation keys have the same operations.
• Available operation keys differ depends on the setting screens. Not all these operation keys are shown on every screen.
Touching the operation keys performs the following actions: 1 Enters alphabet search* to list the items in
alphabetical order. When a keypad appears, touch the first letter you want to search for.
2 Returns to the root folder. 3 Returns to the upper layer. 4 Closes the current screen. 5 Exits from the current screen or returns to the
previous screen.
6 Changes the page to display more items.
* Alphabet search is not available when the playlist is selected.
• If a disc does not have a disc menu, all tracks on it will be played repeatedly until you change the source or eject the disc.
• For playable disc types, file types and other information, see pages46 and 47.
• If “ ” appears on the screen, the unit cannot accept the operation you have tried to do.
– In some cases, without showing “ ”, operations
will not be accepted.
• When playing back a multi-channel encoded disc, the multi-channel signals are downmixed.
Inserting a disc
Label side up
E.g. Inserting a disc for DDX4018BT
The source changes to “DISC” and playback starts.
• The IN indicator lights up while a disc is inserted.
Ejecting a disc
• When removing a disc, pull it out horizontally.
• You can eject a disc while playing another AV source.
• If the ejected disc is not removed within 15 seconds, the disc is automatically inserted again into the loading slot to protect it from dust.
Playback operations
Audio playback information and key
• For playback information, see “Source control screen” on page8.
• For key operations on the touch panel, see “Common operation keys on source control screen” on page8.
Selecting a folder/track on the list
1 Display the folder/track list.
On the source control screen, touch as follows:
2 Select the folder (1), then the item (2) in
the selected folder.
Select an item in each layer until you reach and select the desired file.
Settings for disc playback
• Available items shown on the <DISC Mode> screen
differ depending on the type of disc/file being played back.
1 Display the <DISC Mode> screen.
On the source control screen, touch as follows:
Make the settings.
<Menu language>*1
Select the initial disc menu language. (Initial:
English) <Subtitle language>*1
Select the initial subtitle language or turn subtitles off (Off). (Initial: English) <Audio language>*1 Select the initial audio language. (Initial: English)
<Dynamic Range Control>
You can change the dynamic range while playing Dolby Audio encoded discs.
Wide: Reproduces powerful sound at a low
volume level with its full dynamic range.
Normal: Reduces the dynamic range a little.
Dialog (Initial): Reproduces movie dialog more
<Down Mix>
When playing back a multi-channel disc, this setting affects the signals reproduced through the front and/or rear speakers.
Dolby Surround: Reproduces multi-channel
surround sound by connecting an amplifier compatible with Dolby Surround.
Stereo (Initial): Reproduces stereo playback
<Screen Ratio>
Select the monitor type to watch a wide screen picture on the external monitor.
16:9 (Initial) 4:3 LB 4:3 PS
<File Type>*2
Select the playback file type when a disc contains different types of files.
Audio: Plays back audio files.
Still image: Plays back still picture files.
Video: Plays back video files.
Audio&Video (Initial): Plays back audio files and
video files.
*1 For list of language codes, see page48. *2 For playable file types, see page46. If the disc contains no files of the selected type, the existing
files are played in the following priority: audio, video, then still picture. You can change these settings only while playback is stopped.
Playback operations
Video playback information on the source
control screen
E.g. Video playback source control screen for
1 Media type 2 Playback status 3 Current playback item information
(title no./chapter no./folder no./file no./track no.)
4 Playing time 5 IN indicator (lights up while a disc is inserted) 6 Playback mode indicator (Repeat/Random) 7 File type indicator
Video menu control operations
You can display the video menu control during video playback.
• Available operation keys differ depend on the selected disc type and file type.
Video playback except VCD
E.g. Video menu control screen for DDX4018BT
Touching the operation keys performs the following actions:
[ZOOM]*1 Displays the picture size selection
screen. 1 Touch [ Zoom] to change the
magnification level of the picture (Zoom1, Zoom2, Zoom3, Full: Initial).
2 Touch [J] [K] [H] [I] to move the
zooming frame.
[Aspect] Displays the aspect ratio selection
screen. Touch [ ratio. <Full>*2: For 16:9 original pictures
4:3 signal 16:9 signal
<Just>: For viewing 4:3 pictures naturally on the wide screen
4:3 signal 16:9 signal
<Normal>*2: For 4:3 original pictures
4:3 signal 16:9 signal
Aspect] to select the aspect
[Picture Adjust]
[Audio] Selects the audio type. [Subtitle] Selects the subtitle type. [Angle] Selects the view angle.
*1 When [Aspect] is set to <Just> or <Auto>, the picture is
zoomed with the aspect ratio of the <Full> setting. This feature may not be used for some video sources. *2 While DivX is played back with <Screen Ratio> set to [16:9]
(Page11 for discs/Page14 for USB), the aspect ratio may
not be set correctly.
Displays the picture adjustment screen. 1 Touch [DIM ON] or [DIM OFF] to
turn on or off the dimmer.
2 Touch [+]/[–] to adjust the other
<Bright>: Adjusts the brightness
(−15 to +15).
<Contrast>: Adjusts the contrast
(−10 to +10).
<Black>: Adjusts the blackness
(−10 to +10).
<Color>: Adjusts the color
(−10 to +10).
<Tint>: Adjusts the tint (−10 to +10).
<Sharpness>: Adjusts the sharpness
(−2 to +2).
<Auto>: For “DISC” source and “USB” source only: The aspect ratio is automatically selected to match the incoming signals.
[ MENU] [T MENU] Displays the disc menu (DVD). [Highlight] Switches to the direct disc menu mode.
[CUR] Displays the menu/scene selection
Video playback for VCD
E.g. Video menu control screen for DDX4018BT
Displays the disc menu (DVD).
Touch the target item to select.
J] [K] [H] [I]: Selects an item.
[Enter]: Confirms the selection.
[Return]: Returns to the previous
Touching the operation keys performs the following actions:
[ZOOM] [Aspect] [Picture
[ MENU] [Audio] Selects the audio channel
[Direct]* Displays or hides the direct selection
[Return] Displays the previous screen or menu.
* You need to stop playback to deactivate the PBC function when
playing a VCD with PBC activated.
Refer to “Video playback except VCD” on page12.
Displays the disc menu.
(ST: stereo, L: left, R: right).
buttons. 1 Touch [DIR/CLR] to select a track
directly on a VCD.
2 Touch the numbers ([0], [1] to [9])
to select the desired track.
3 Touch [Enter] to confirm.
To delete the last entry, touch [DIR/ CLR].
You can connect a USB mass storage class device such as a USB memory, digital audio player, etc. to the unit.
• For playable file types and other information, see
pages46 and49.
• You cannot connect a PC or portable HDD to the
USB input terminal.
• You cannot connect a USB device via a USB hub.
Connecting a USB device
USB device* (commercially available)
Rear panel
The source changes to “USB” and playback starts.
• All tracks in the USB device will be played repeatedly
until you change the source or disconnect the USB device.
* Use CA-U1EX for extending the cable if necessary. (Max 500mA,
Playback operations
Playback information and key operation
• For playback information, see “Source control screen” on page8.
• For key operations on the touch panel, see “Common operation keys on source control screen” on page8.
Selecting the file type to play
You can specify the file type to play.
E.g. USB source control screen for DDX4018BT
Select the file type as follows:
[Audio] Plays back audio files. [Video] Plays back video files. [Photo] Plays back still picture files.
If the USB contains no files of the selected type, the existing files are played in the following priority: audio, video, then still picture. You can change these settings only while playback is stopped.
Selecting a folder/track on the list
1 Display the folder/track list.
On the source control screen, touch as follows:
2 Select the folder (1), then the item (2) in
the selected folder.
Select an item in each layer until you reach and select the desired file.
Settings for USB playback
1 Display the <USB Mode> screen.
On the source control screen, touch as follows:
2 Make the settings.
<Screen Ratio>
Select the monitor type to watch a wide screen picture on the external monitor.
16:9 (Initial) 4:3 LB 4:3 PS
<Drive Select>
Next: Switch between internal memory and the
memory source of the connected device (such as a mobile phone).
This unit supports the Android™ application, KENWOOD Music Play. When you use KENWOOD Music Play via this unit, you can search for audio files by genre, artist, album, playlist and song.
• For more information about KENWOOD Music Play, visit <>.
Installing KENWOOD Music Play
Install the Android™ application, KENWOOD Music Play, on your Android device beforehand.
• When a compatible Android device is connected, “Press [VIEW] to install KENWOOD MUSIC PLAY APP” is shown on the Android device. Follow the instructions to install the application.
• You can also install the latest version of KENWOOD Music Play on your Android device before connecting.
Connecting an Android device
This unit supports Android OS 4.1 and above.
• Some Android devices (with OS 4.1 and above) may not fully support Android Open Accessory (AOA) 2.0.
• If the Android device supports both mass storage class device and AOA 2.0, this unit always plays back via AOA 2.0 as priority.
Android (commercially available)
USB cable (commercially available)
Rear panel
Start playback
1 Turn on KENWOOD Music Play on your
Android device.
2 Select “Android” as the source.
Playback operations
Playback information and key operation
• For playback information, see “Source control screen” on page8.
• For key operations on the touch panel, see “Common operation keys on source control screen” on page8.
Selecting a track from the menu
1 Display the audio menu.
On the source control screen, touch as follows:
2 Select a category (1), then select a
desired item (
Select an item in each layer until you reach and select the desired file.
AndroidAndroid iPod/iPhoneiPod/iPhone
Settings for Android playback
1 Display the <Android MODE> screen.
On the source control screen, touch as follows:
2 Make the settings.
ON (Initial): Shows the artworks of the playing
OFF: Hides the artworks of the playing files.
<Android Setup>
BROWSE MODE (Initial): Controls from the unit
(using the KENWOOD Music Play application).
HAND MODE: Controls other media player
applications from the Android device (without using the KENWOOD Music Play application).
– You can play/pause or skip files from the unit.
Connecting an iPod/iPhone
• For playable iPod/iPhone types and other information, see page49.
• You cannot watch video.
Wired connection
Lightning model
(commercially available)
USB Audio cable
for iPod/iPhone:
KCA-iP103 (optional
Rear panel
iPod/iPhone 30-pin connector model
(commercially available)
USB Audio cable for iPod/iPhone: KCA-iP102 (optional accessory)
Bluetooth connection
Pair the iPod/iPhone with this unit via Bluetooth. (Page26)
Selecting the playback device via the connection method
See <Smartphone Setup> on page 38 for more information.
Playback operations
Playback information and key operation
• For playback information, see “Source control screen” on page8.
• For key operations on the touch panel, see “Common operation keys on source control screen” on page8.
Additional keys operations. Touching the operation keys performs the following actions:
[ ]
Switches the device on <Smartphone Setup> screen. (Page38)
Selecting an audio file from the menu
1 Display the audio menu.
On the source control screen, touch as follows:
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