1.1、蓝牙键盘 一只
1.2、说明书 一份
1.3、 USB 充电线 一条
2.1、使用 Broadcom20730 主控芯片,具备 Bluetooth3.0 接口;
2.2、使用业界领先的蓝牙解决方案,WIDCOMM BTW(微软官方指定软件)蓝牙软件;
WIDCOMM BTW (Microsoft officially designated software) bluetooth software。
Microsoft's Windows system automatically usable capacity。
2.4、静音设计:有效地避免了干扰他人休息(特别适合同一房间多人居住人群);Mute design: effectively avoid other person
sleeping(especially for one room with several person).
2.5、剪刀脚架构设计,手感舒适,符合人体工学设计; Architecture design, provides comfortable handling feel.
2.6、加入 Caps lock 状态指示,在您需要输入英文大小写的时候可以一目了然; Caps lock signal helps in capital letters
2.7、同时支持 Ipone、Mac、Windows、Android 等系统,给您的工作带来更大的方便;Support Iphone,Mac,Windows and
Android system etc.It’s more convenient for you.
Product Features
Bluetooth keyboard 1PCS
Instruction manual 1PCS
USB Charging cable 1PCS
use Broadcom20730 main control chip, have Bluetooth3.0
industry leading bluetooth solutions,
built-in power management software, can be in
3.01、执行标准: 蓝牙 V3.0 Executive standard: Bluetooth V3.0
3.02、最大操作距离: 10 米 Maximum operating distance: 10 meters
3.03、调制方式: 2.4G 直序跳频( FHSS) Modulation mode: 2.4 G straight sequence fh (FHSS)
3.04、发射功率 :C l a s s 2级别 Transmit power: Class 2 levels
3.05、工作电压: 3.7V Working voltage: 3.7V
3.06、工作电流: 2.0mA working current: 2.0 MA
3.07、待机电流: 0.5mA standby current: 0.5MA
3.08、睡眠电流: 100uA
3.09、充电电流: 150mA charging current: 150mA
3.10、待机时间: 120 天 standby time: 120days
3.11、理论使用时间: 40 天 theoretical use time: 40days
3.12、连续不间断使用时间: 180 小时
3.13、理论充电时间: 3-4 小时 theoretical charging time: 3 - 4 hours
3.14、锂电池容量: 380mAh lithium battery capacity:380mAh
3.15、锂电池型号: 452447 the lithium battery type: 452447
3.16、按键力度: 60±10g the key dynamics: 60 + 10g
3.17、按键寿命: 500万次 buttons life: 5 million times
3.18、操作温度: 0- 55℃ operation temperature: 0-55 ℃
3.19、储藏温度: -20- 70℃ storage temperature: - 20-70 ℃
Sleep current:
continuous uninterrupted use time: 180hours
Keyboard and IPAD or Iphone setting
4.1、键盘使用内置锂电池设计,采用Bluetooth技术与IPAD、手机或电脑连接。Built in lithium battery with
bluetooth and connect with IPAD,mobilephone or PC.
4.1.1 、以下内容将向您介绍如何使用、设置键盘,以及键盘在什么状态下需要充电以及怎样充电。要了解如何进行以下操
Below information will show you how to using, setting and charging.
4.2、关于指示灯 Indicator
4.2.1 、键盘上的LED 指示灯用做电池指示(红色) 、
键盘开电时,Bluetooth 指示灯会常亮约3 秒钟,表示电池状态良好,约3 秒种后,如果键盘未与IPAD 、手机或电脑等设备配
对,指示灯会闪烁,表示键盘处于发现模式,已经准备好与IPAD 、手机或电脑等设备配对。(配对意味着键盘与IPAD 、手
指示 (蓝色 ),Caps Lock 指示 (橙色), 和充电指示 (绿色) ,首次给
The LED indicator on the keyboard show Battery
indicator(red),Bluetooth indicator(blue),Caps lock indicator(orange).charging indicator(green).If you turn
on the keyboard first time,the power indicator constant light and the bluetooth indicator light 3 seconds.The
battery is good.After 3 seconds,if keyboard didn’t match the IPAD,mobilephone and PC,the indicator will
twinkle.The keyboard is seraching and ready to match IPAD,mobilephone and PC etc.(Match means
wireless connect with IPAD,mobilephoe and PC,and ready to correspondence.)
4.2.2、如果 10分钟内您还没有将键盘与 IPAD、手机或电脑等设备配对, Bluetooth指示灯均熄灭,键盘关闭,以节省电
If you don’t put the keyboard match the IPAD,mobilphone and PC etc within 10 minutes.The light of power and bluetooth will
colsed.The keyboard be turned off.
success,the light of bluetooth off,the power constant light.
4.2.4、当键盘与 IPAD、手机或电脑配对成功且能正常使用后,如果您超过 15分钟没有使用您的键盘,那么键盘进入睡
When the keyboard and IPAD,mobilephone and PC match success and can use.If you don’t use the keyboard over
15minutes,the light of power will off,the keyboard sleeping.When you want to use the keyboard again,you just press any button
softly.The power will light again,you can use the keyboard.
keyboard in the process,if the power light,advise you the battary is less than 5%,you need charing.
4.2.6、插入充电器到充电接口后,Ch arge指示灯闪烁,电池电量充满后,Charge指示灯常亮。
charing interface.The charge light.If the battary is full enough,the charge will cut off automatically.
the keyboard in the process, you lock the upper and lowercase letters,the Caps light,when you unlocked,the Caps will off.
The keyboard and IPAD,mobilephone and PC matched
When you use the
Plug the charger into the
When you use
4.3.1 、将IPAD 横立着放入键盘表面带有磁力的卡槽,键盘bluetooth 指示灯亮起约3 秒提示开机,按下键盘上面的对码按键
约2 秒,随后bluetooth 指示灯开始闪烁进入对码状态,
Press the switch about 1.5 seconds, power LED and Bluetooth LED light up about 2 seconds at the same time, the
keyboard is turn on. Then the Bluetooth LED flash and enter the status of match code.
配对:the keyboard with new IPAD and IPHONE connection:
4.3.2 、点击IPAD 或 Iphone 上的 Settings 按钮, IPAD进入Settings 区;然后选择General 选项,再选择 Bluetooth 选项将 Bluetooth
打开,此时IPAD 进入蓝牙设备搜索状态,寻找蓝牙设备。
General and bluetooth.The IPAD is searching bluetooth device.
Click the setting button of IPAD and IPHONE,Then choose the
4.3.3、 IPAD 或 Iphone 进入搜索状态,寻找蓝牙设备并搜索到蓝牙键盘(如下图所示),搜索到蓝牙键盘后,IPAD 会提示
您在键盘上输入密码与 IPAD 或 Iphone 进行连接。
bluetooth keyboard(see blow picture),IPAD will advise you input the password.
After the IPAD and IPHNE find out the bluetooth device and connect the
4.3.4、根 据 IPAD上的提示输入相对应的配对码,注意:输入时没有提示,请确定输入正确并按回车键。
according to the IPAD advise.Please note there are no advise during the input.Please make sure input correct and press enter
4.3.5、IPAD 与键盘连接成功后,B
constant light.Power constant light advise you turn off the keyboard while you don’t use it.
If IPADand keyboard connect success.the power
Input the password
4.4、将键盘与其它 IPAD 或 Iphone 配对 :keyboard with other IPAD or IPHONE connection:
4.4.1 在设置了键盘与一台 IPAD 或 Iphone 连接后,你可以再次设置它与其它 IPAD 或 Iphone 连接。如果键盘和已连接
的 IPAD 或 Iphone 的距离处于 10 米(33 英尺)以外,请按照第 4 条 3.3 的说明将键盘与其它 IPAD 或 Iphone 配对。
your keyboard connect with 1PCS of IPAD or IPHONE,you can connect with other IPAD or IPHONE .If your keyboard connected
with IPAD or IPHONE over 10 meters(33 feet).Please according to item3.3.
4.4.2 如果键盘和已连接的 IPAD 或 Iphone 的距离处于 10 米( 33英尺)以内,则您必须解除现有的配对才能将键盘与
其它 IPAD 或 Iphone 配对。
current connect first,then try to connect with other IPAD and Iphone.
If your keyboard connected with IPAD or IPHONE within 10 meters(33 feet).You must cut off the
Cut off the connection: 、在当前与键盘配对的 IPAD 或 Iphone 上,触摸 Settings 图标,然后选择 General 选项,再选择 Bluetooth 选
Please touch the setting button on the connected IPAD and IPHONE.Choose the General and bluetooth.、在 Bluetooth 选项中找到要解除配对的键盘,再点击(>)按钮,进入蓝牙设置介面;
you want to remove in the bluetooth,then click(>)button,you will log into the bluetooth settings .
Please find out the keyboard