Kenmore 56498292400 Owner’s Manual

Model No, 98292
2.9 cu. ft. Capacity
Read This Manua!!
tSwill ieii you haw to operate and care for your
refrigeTator It also offeTs tips on how to get the best and
_owest cost pedom_ance.
if you prefer in:sta_Jrlg your own pads, use the parts fist to
In the space below record the mode1 ned seda_ number of
your refrigerator. The mode_ n_mber and serial number
are located in lhe upper comer o_ _he _e_dgerator back.
tJse these number when calling for ser,4ee
Model No, 8ermt No,
Remove a!l packing material tape from Sheunit _nspect
the unit tho_'ough_y_notify Sea_s immediatefy if the _nit
has ahy damaged or missing parts.
_nstall _be unR on a strong level floor or counter Avoid any
ditec_ sun_ ghL heat source or moisture air circuia_e ffeeiy around the reffagerator. Keep the
back d the: _nit at least 4 inches away from the wa_i
Provide al lasl I inch o_ space between the top e{ ihe emit
CAU!'ION: I#you turn off the co_d centre!, aiiow
at least three mi_iuteS before res_a£in_ to avoid
blowing Fuses or Iripping your circuit breaker
Electrical Requirements
120 Vol_s, 60 Hz (_0 cycles AC) 15 amps.
Man uat Contents:
, Operation
How To Remove }co Cubes
How To Defrost
* Maintenance
, Food Storage Times and Energy Saving Tips
" Pa_s List
. Troubleshooting
, Warranty
Electrical Grounding
'(our refrigerator comes with a three-prong pluf_ and m( st
be insured into a three-prong, grounded wal! outtet DO
NOT use and exte_,sio_ cord.
WARNING: Unless the above grounding
method is followed, you are not protected
against severe or tetha! shock in the event of a
sho_ circuit in refrigerator wiring o_ e_eetriea[
Things to Remember
1, When resetting your refrigerator to a new temperature,
allow 24 hours for it to reach lhe new settings,
2. The meter will start and stop often, _Imus! do so in
order to maintain thie temperature you select
3. Keep your _efrigerator IeveL so that the door sea_s
4 Unplug _he _efrigerator before doing anything with the
electrical system
5 The low temperature section is net i_ltended for/ong-
te_m storage of frozen food,
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60i79
P_rt No 3e3023 Se_, _oeb_k and _ U.S,A,
Temperature control
NormaUy temp, Control knob should be set at "3" position,
Refrigerator compartment temperature and freezer
_mpa_em temperature can be adiusted by !uming
Temp, Centre} knob The ebser to "MAX" position Temp
Control is set by turning the knob clockwise,, the lower
tempe_ature or refrigerator compadment and freezer
When frost is hard/icy or heavy, defrost freezer
compartment as follows:
Remove foods from freezer compadmenL Then_ set
" ¢"
Temp Centre! kn,_b at OFF position.
When eeifrest on side wal_sand ceiling of freezer
compartment comes off remove ice and melled water
with scraper and cloth,
Set the knob at "MAX" position ordy when ice cubes ,are
needed in a hurry B,esure to return Cont_o_setting to
norma_ position 'when ice cubes have been made.)
When room temperature is high and Temp Contro_ knob
is set at "5*'or "MAX" position for a beg
time, it is possible that evaporator of
refrigerator compartment wiii be
frosted heavily which may cause
insutficient codlin9 of refrigerator
compartment, lr_#fls case, the Temp
ControJ knob should be set at._'2'
positior_ orbe!ow_Then set the knob
at normal position
Refrigerator compartment temperature
and freeze_-compartmen_ temperature
wit! va_ depending on the quantity of food stored and ,OFt
the frequency with which doors are opened.
How To Remote ice Cubes
!_ cube tray is flexible, Twist _ray_o
remove ice cubes
Never _._seme(al i_strument such as a keifie or
screwdriver _oremove ice cube tray; because this may
After defrosting, reset Temp Control kr_ob at norma_
position to start _reezinG
2 Refrigerator Cornpanment
As far as TemG Control is set at ordinary position,
evaporator of refrigerator compartment is
automatically defrosted ned no manuat pperation is
needed to defrosL Defrosted water is drained out to
evaporating _ray on the back of refrigerator cabinet
and is evaporated therein automaticaiiy
NeveJruse a knife or other me,at instrument to remove
frost and/or ice, because [his may dama(_e evaporator.
Disconnect the plug from _heelec_rcai o_t et Remove
food, .he_¢es, trays, etc.
How To Defrost
This refrigerator has separate defrosting systems one for
each ¢o_npartment,
1. Freezer CompaAment,
When freezer compartment is
frosled about t_4 inch thick,
defrosting is required, Frosting
will nteffere with proper
When fros_ Is tl_ir_or soft,
scrape off and remove frost on freezer compartment
wa_lswi_hscrapen This can be done without
_nterruptin_ freezing o_eration,
To clean _nterior liner_use a soft cto_ttWith water or a
solution of warm water mixed with two tablespoons
baking soda per a quart, Do not use soaps, detergents_
scoudng powder, spray cleaners or the _ike or it may
cause odor in refrigerator.
She_vesand ice cube trays may be washed n water,
Wipe e×tedor su_ace with so_t cloth dampened with mild
soap wa_er and #lee dry with soft cloth,
Use only mi!d soap water Io cban door gaskets.
Never use boiling water, scoudng powder, acids, ehemica
thinner, gasoline benzine or the !ike for cleaning
refrigeratoc because these may deform or d_m_ge
exterior satiate, plastic and do£r gaskets
Since dust accumuiated on evaporating tray wiii decrease
the evaporation eff)cieec'£ remove the tray and c_ean it
Evaporating tray is set on refrigerabr back 'Toremove,
pull it,
Food Storage Times and Tips
Use these storage times as a guide, Actua! storage times
vary, since food quatity a_waysva_es
For the Refrigerator Section
Bread: Refrigeration slows molding, But b_'eadsli!l gets
slale with time, so use within 3 days.
Dairy Products: Keep ca_ons c_osed Use milk, cream or
cottage cheese within 5 days. Wrap cheese tightly with
foil or plastic wrap. Hard cheese (cheddac etc) wii{ keep
as long as a month Soft cheese will keep up to 2 weeks, -
Wrapped butter keeps about 2 weeks,
Eggs: Store unwashed, Use w_thin2 weeks
Fish: Clean_VVraptightiy, Freeze unless you #so it the
same day you buy it,
Fruits: Wash, dry and store in crispeE Stere fruits with
st_ongaromas (apples, mebns)in piastic bags Be_ies
keep up to 3 days,,if stored unwashed, in a shallow open
Leftovers; Let ceo_before storing. Wrap well Use within
2 days (or freeze}
Meat: Wrap meats loosely(and seal). Wrap smoked
meats tightly Use foil or plastic wrap, Store hsmeat
drawer or or_lower shelf. For best results, use within
recommended times
Freezer Storage Times
No longer than
Bread 6 Months
Butter, Margarine 2-9 Months
Cooked Dishes 3 Months
Fish (package _ozen) 3 Months
Fruits 12 Months
Ice Cream I Mo_th
Juice Concentrate 6 Months
Bacon, other Smoked Meats 1 Month
Beef or Lamb 5-6 Mor_ths
Ground Meat 34 Months
Live_,other Variety Meats 3-4 Months
Pork or Veal 4 Months
Poultn_, 4-6 Months
Vegetables 8 Months
Energy Saving Tips
Ways to Save Power, Save Money, and Still enjoy your
1 C|ose the door as soon as you can, Make sure the
_oor is fu!ty shut after each use_so cold air doesn't
Refrigerator Storage 'Times
Bacon and other Smoked Mea_s
Co!d Cu_s,, (Date on Package}
Ground Meat
Liver and other Organ Meats
Steaks and Roast (Fresh)
I-2 Days
Poultq¢: Rinse before storing, Wrap loosely in fo(lor
piastic wrap and seat (Wrap giblets separateiy.) Use
within 2 days,
Vegetables: Wash, drain and sfore in crisper. Or sto_e
unwashed in plastic wrap,
Keep the eomdemser coils clean. YOU_ Ke_more%
motor works harder when ceils are dusty: C_ean the
coils at least _noe every 3 months, They are on the
back of your refrigerator Allow I inch of air space
above your Ker_more so air ctr(;u_ates free}y
Adjust the cold control, T_ a warmer setting. Your
refrigerator may be colder than _eeded, Check the
refrigerator temperature with mi_k As _on# as it keeps
weI(, your refrigerator is cold enough
Don't put hot food inthe refrigerator,
Don't allow more than W _offrost to bu!ld up in the
frozen food storage section,
For the Freezer Section
Wrap carefully and sea). Contact with air shorfens (he)ire
of food. So containers must be aidight, _resh food that
are atready packaged, st_chas bread or poultry, s!_ould
be rew_apped.Useheavy duty a_uminum foi! _reezer
paper and tape or special freezer containers
Freeze food only when it is flesh and intop condition Do
Labe_anddate each package. Use food with the o_dest
date firsi.
When loading the _reezer,allow eno_Jghspace at the front
_etot the door ciose completely and seal,
Reduce door openings, so your cooling system won't
have to run as often
Keep your refrigerato_ reasonably _evel. So the
door sea_s tightly, When the door is dosed the door
gaskets should touch the refrigerator aii the way
around, !f not, make your refrigerator more le'veL Use
the adjustmen_ screw under the refrigerafo_
Keep the _efrigerator away from the stove other
hea_sources A cool and dr,./ptace lets your
reMgerator work best,
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