GPIB (GPIB Address: GLIB address, delimiter)
The GPIB key allows you to program the GPIB
primary address and the output delimiter used
when the Model 3930A is acting as a GPIB talker.
Only the numeric keys can be used for setting
these parameters (the MODIFY knob cannot be
used). The allowed range for the primary address is from 0 to 30, and the delimiter can be selected for CR/LF or CR (CR and LF or CR only).
The GPIB primary address is the integer part of
this parameter, and the delimiter is defined by
the fractional part. For example, a parameter of
2.0 indicates a primary address of 2 and defines
CR/LF as the delimiter. Similarly, a parameter of
4.1 indicates a primary address of 4 with CR as
the delimiter.
To change only the primary address, enter only
the integer part of the number; the delimiter will
remain unchanged. To change only the deliniter, enter the decimal point followed by the fraction (0 or 1); the primary address value will remain unchanged.
When programming the primary address and/
or delimiter, remember that you must press any
one of the ENTER keys to complete the entry
MEMORY (Memory operation keys)
The MEMORY keys allow you to store and recall
instrument setups. Ten units of memory, numbered 0 through 9, are available for setup storage.
ST0 (Store: store setup in
The ST0 key stores the current instrument setup
parameters in the selected memory location
(O-9). You can use only numeric keys to store setups (the MODIFY knob cannot be used). l’ressing the numeric key will immediately store the
current parameter values and erase the previous
setup in the selected memory location.
RCL (Recall: wad setup from
RCL reads instrument setups from the desired
memory location (O-9). You can use only numeric
keys for selecting memory locations to recall (the
MODIFY knob cannot be used). Pressing the nu-
merit key will immediately read the contents of
the selected memory location and will change
the current instrument settings accordingly.
Refer to paragraph 3.512 for additional information on instrument settings after memory recall.
Additional Keys
LOCK (Lock out front panel keys)
This key allows you to disable parameter setting
via most front panel keys. Available modes are
ON (1) and OFF (0). When the lock is ON, the parameters associated with most front panel keys
cannot be programmed, and the corresponding
operating modes cannot bc changed. Ho\ve\-cr.
LOCK, DSPL, and FCTX OUT O-S/OFF are still
operational when the lock is ON. In addition,
trigger input and sweep control input from ap-
propriate BNC connectors are still enabled.
current parameter values such as frequent); can
be displayed by pressing appropriate keys when
the lock is ON. The liquid crystal display Ivill indicate “LOCK” in the position where the modification step size is normally indicated. Also, parameter names will not flash, and the cursor x\:ill
not be displayed.
PRST U%eset)
The PRST key recalls the factory default preset
operating parameters.Refer to the specifications
in Appendix B for a summary of preset parame-
ter settings.
DSPL (Main parameter display)
DSPL displays the followingmainparameters si-
multaneously: Signal output ON/OFF (blank for
ON), frequency, amplitude, amplitude modula-
tion mode (AM for on, blank for off), DC offset,
waveform function, oscillation mode, and sweep
mode (blank for normal oscillation). Note that
parameters cannot be programmed from the
main parameter display; you must press appro-
priate keys before setting parameters.
FCTN OUT ON/OFF 6ignni output ON/OFFI
FCTN OUT turns the output waveform off or on.
Each time this key is pressed, ON/OFF will toggle to the opposite state.