KBAC-217, KBAC-217S, KBAC-217F, KBAC-217SF
KBAC-416, KBAC-416S, KBAC-416F, KBAC-416SF
Hybrid Drive™
Digital AC Drive with Analog Interface
for 3ph Induction Motors
Rugged Die-Cast Aluminum NEMA 4X / IP65 Enclosure with Hinged Cover
Washdown and Watertight for Indoor and Outdoor Use

These new Models KBAC-217, 217S, 217F, 217SF
and KBAC-416, 416S, 416F, 416SF have the same
features as the other KBAC Series Drives, except for
the additional features listed below.
Models KBAC-217, 217S, 217F, 217SF are designed
to operate 230 VAC 3ph induction motors up to 5 HP
from a 208/230, 3ph, 50/60 Hz AC line input. Models
KBAC-416, 416S, 416F, 416SF are designed to
operate 460 VAC 3ph induction motors up to 10 HP
from a 460 VAC, 3ph, 50/60 Hz AC line input.
These drives have a selectable jumper for switching
frequency (8 kHz and 12 kHz) and GFCI (standard
and sensitive).
"S" suffix models contain a factory installed On/Off AC
Line Switch. "F" suffix models contain a factory
installed RFI (EMI) AC Line filter.
Models KBAC-217, 217S, 217F, 217SF
HP: 5 (A), 3 (B), 2 (C) (Set with Jumper J2)
Input: 208/230 VAC, 3ph, 50/60 Hz
Output: 230 VAC, 3ph, 0 – 50/60/100/120 Hz
Models KBAC-416, 416S, 416F, 416SF
HP: 10 (A), 7.5 (B), 5 (C) (Set with Jumper J2)
Input: 460 VAC, 3ph, 50/60 Hz
Output: 460 VAC, 3ph, 0 – 50/60/100/120 Hz
Factory Installed On/Off AC Line Switch
208/230 VAC 3ph Input ● 230 VAC 3ph Output
HP (kW) Amps Lbs. kg
Model No.
Part No.
Gray / White*
KBAC-217 8868 / 8879
KBAC-217S 8863 / 8855
KBAC-217F 8861 / 8853
KBAC-217SF 8869 / 8880
5 (3.75) 17 22 10 C
460 VAC 3ph Input ● 460 VAC 3ph Output
Model No.
Part No.
Gray / White*
HP (kW) Amps Lbs. kg
KBAC-416 8870 / 8881
KBAC-416S 8864 / 8856
KBAC-416F 8874 / 8883
10 (7.5) 16 22 10 C
KBAC-416SF 8871 / 8882
"S" suffix models contain a factory installed On/Off AC Line Switch.
"F" suffix models contain a factory installed RFI (EMI) AC Line filter.
*White FDA approved finish.
Net Weight
Net Weight
Enclosure Type
(Washdown/Watertight for Indoor/Outdoor Use)
Maximum Load (% of Current Overload for 2
Switching Frequency (Jumper Selectable) (kHz) 8, 12
NEMA 4X / IP65
Case Size
Case Size
Models KBAC-217S, 217SF, 416S, 416SF contain a
factory installed On/Off AC Line Switch. The switch is
Output Frequency Resolution (Bits, Hz) 10, 0.06
equipped with a mechanical interlock that prevents the
drive cover from being opened unless the switch is set
to the OFF ("0") position. The switch also contains a
safety lockout feature that can be used with a padlock
which prevents the drive from being turned on while
the related equipment is being serviced.
Minimum Output Frequency to Motor (Hz) 0.3
Acceleration Time (Seconds) 0.3 – 20
Deceleration Time (Seconds) 0.3 – 20
Switching Frequency (Jumper Selectable)
Jumper J12 allows the drive's switching frequency to
be set to 8 kHz or 12 kHz.
8 kHz: The drive is factory set for 8 kHz switching
frequency. This setting is suitable for most
applications, such as general machinery and
equipment that require constant torque operation.
12 kHz: For variable torque operation (applications
such as HVAC, fans, pumps, etc.), the drive should be
set for 12 kHz switching frequency. In addition, Jumper
J10 should be set to the "VT" (Variable Torque)
position, which will reduce motor noise and improve
GFCI (Jumper Selectable)
Jumper J12 allows the drive to be used on standard
(G1) or sensitive (G2) GFCIs. May increase motor
Speed Range (Ratio) 60:1
Speed Regulation (% Base Speed)
(30:1 Speed Range, 0 – Full Speed)
Stalled Motor Trip Time (Seconds) 6
Stopping Modes (Jumper Selectable)
(Approximate L x W x D)
Drives without
"S" Suffix
Drives with
"S" Suffix
Regenerate-to-Stop and
DC Injection
14" x 10.5" x 8.5"
356 mm x 267 mm x 216 mm
14" x 10.5" x 9"
356 mm x 267 mm x 227 mm
Operating Temperature Range (°C / °F) 0 – 40 / 32 – 104
Operating Humidity Range
(% Relative, Non-Condensing)
0 – 95
Storage Temperature Range (°C / °F) -25 – +85 / -13 – +185
Forward-Stop-Reverse Switch Kit (Part No. 8888): Provides motor reversing and stop functions.
Run-Stop-Jog Switch Kit (Part No. 8889): Selects speed setting from either the Main Speed Potentiometer or the JOG Trimpot.
Signal Isolator Kit (Part No. 8890): Provides isolation between a non-isolated signal source and the drive.
Auto/Manual Switch Kit (Part No. 8891): When used with the Signal Isolator, it selects the remote process signal or the Main Speed
Liquidtight Fittings Kit (Part No. 8892): Provides a liquidtight seal for wiring the drive. Kit includes necessary liquidtight fittings.
Signal Isolator with Auto/Manual Switch Kit (Part No. 8893): This kit is a combination of Part Nos. 8890 and 8891. Provides isolation
between a non-isolated signal source and the drive. Includes a switch to select the remote process signal or the Main Speed Potentiometer.
RFI (EMI) AC Line Filter Kits (Part Nos. 9516, 9468): Provide Class A RFI (EMI) suppression. Comply with CE Council Directive
89/336/EEC Industrial Standard. RFAC-3PNS C (Part No. 9516) is for drives without line switch. RFAC-3PS C (Part No. 9468) is for drives
with Line Switch. Standard on drives with "F" suffix. Add suffix "F" to any drive model. Example: KBAC-217F or KBAC-217SF