RD / ZD / MD
»Simple and friendly«
Palletizing jobs in different
weight classes are the domain
of this application orientated
robot series
»40 years of experience and
state-of-the-art robot technology«
An extremely compact and light-weight design
forms the basis for high speeds and rigidity as well
as an enormous reach.
»Your goal is our task«
It was Kawasaki‘s intelligence and exibility which
made them build the most powerful robots in their
class. Combined with a high-end control system,
they reliably meet the demands of the most varied
application elds – now, in the near and far future.
Kawasaki Palletizer
Using the existing robot series, Kawasaki Robotics
developed the Palletizer Series. Within this series,
robots of the R-, Z-, and M- Series are used as
the basis for the equivalent palletizer. Especially
designed for palletizing, these robots are the ideal
working machines for this application.
The right robot for each type of palletizing
application. Cycle time, payload or max. working
envelope. Based on the application focus you
can nd the applicable Robot Model to do the
duty with maximum power.
The data is telling its own tale! From 2,800 cycles
per hour (see table) of the RD080N up to 500 kg
payload of the MD500N, these robots are building
a powerful and varied selection for your highest