
Engin e Four-st roke, L iquid-C ooled, DOHC,
Displ acement 651cc 249cc 249cc 249cc
Bore x stroke 100 .0 x 83 .0mm 72.0 x 61.2m m 72.0 x 61.2m m 72 .0 x 6 1.2mm
Compre ssion r atio 9.8:1 11.0: 1 11.0: 1 9.3:1
Cooli ng Liqui d L iquid Liquid Air
Fuel System Keihi n CVK40 carbure tor Keihi n CVK34 carbur etor Keihi n CVK34 carbure tor Miku ni BST3 4 carbu retor
Ignit ion Fully tra nsistor ized Digital CDI Digit al CDI CDI
Transmis sion 5 -speed 6 -speed 6-sp eed 6-spe ed
Final Drive Chain Chain Chain Chain
Frame type Semi- double cradle, high-t ensile steel Semi- double cradle, high-t ensile steel Semi- double cradle, high-t ensile steel Semi- double cradle, high-t ensile steel
Rake/ trail 28˚/4 .4 inch es 26.5˚ /4.1 in ches 25.5˚ /2.9 in ches 28˚/4.2 i nches
Suspe nsion
front wheel t ravel
Suspe nsion
rear w heel tr avel
Tires , front/ rear 90/90 x21 / 130/80 x17 8 0/100x2 1 / 1 00/100x 18 110/70 x17 / 130/70 x17 2.75x21 / 4.10 x18
Brake , front Single 280 mm pet al-type disc, 2-pisto n
Brake , rear Sin gle 24 0 mm di sc, 2-p iston c aliper 240 mm pet al disc with s ingle-piston
Lengt h / Wid th / He ight 90.4 in. / 3 7.8 in. / 53.1 in. 86. 6 in. / 32.3 i n. / 47 .4 in. 83 .9 in. / 31.3 in. / 4 4.9 in. 81.9 in. / 30.7 in. / 46.9 in .
Seat height 35.0 i nches 35.0 inches 33.9 in ches 32.7 inches
Wheel base 58. 3 inche s 56.3 inch es 55.9 inches 54. 1 inche s
Ground cleara nce 8.3 inch es 11.2 inches 8 .9 inch es 10 .6 inch es
Fuel capacit y 6.1 gal lons 2.0 gallons 2.0 ga llons 2.4 g allons
Curb weight 432 pounds 297.7 pou nds (28 0 pound s CA mo del) 302.1 pounds 282.1 pounds
Color s Ebon y or Oriental Blue or Sunbe am Red Lime Green or Sun beam Red Ebony Olive Green/Eb ony
12-Month Warranty
Your new Kawasaki KLR/KLX motorcycle comes with a
12-month/unlimite d-mileage limited factory wa rranty. Your KLX
off-road motorcycle com es with a 6-month limited w arranty. Read
the next paragrap h to find out how you can ext end your coverage
inexpensively, or ask your dealer for details about th e factory warranty
and available ext ended coverage.
Up to Four Years Additiona l Coverage*
Let Kawasaki protec t your new KLR/KLX machine f or years to come*
with the exclusiv e Good Times™ Protection Plan. T his plan repairs
or replaces most co mponents free of charge if fou nd defective in
material or workm anship. Everything about the plan is easy: There’s
no deductible. It ’s honored at every auth orized Kawasaki motorcycle
dealer nationwide . It’s transferable to another owner with no fee. Just
ask your dealer h ow you can buy additional co verage of 12, 24, 36
or 48* months. Im agine, for just pennies a da y, you can ride with no
worry and no hass le. Just tell your dealer yo u want the Good Times
Protection Plan.
*Depending on the progra m purchased.
Action Ph otography: Profess ional r iders o n a clo sed cou rse.
./5 ./; 6 ./; 6) 6VQF S6IFSQ B
four-va lve sin gle
41mm telesco pic for k / 7.9 in. 43mm inv erted C artridg e Fork with
UNI-T RAK® sing le-shoc k syste m with
5-way Preload and St epless Rebound
Damping Adjustment / 7.3 in.
calip er
Four-st roke, L iquid-C ooled, DOHC,
four-va lve sin gle
16-Way Compres sion Da mping
Adjus tment / 10.0 i n.
UNI-TRAK® with Adju stable Preload,
16-Way Compression and Rebound Damping
Adjustment / 9.1 in.
250 m m semi- floatin g petal disc w ith
2-pis ton hyd raulic caliper
hydraulic caliper
Ride With Zero Down **
We offer up to 100% i nstant financing on most Kawa saki products
with the Good T imes™ Credit Plan† and the Good T imes™ Credit
Card. Qualified buye rs can ride away on a brand- new Kawasaki with
no down payment. In most cases, the computeri zed credit approval
takes just minute s. You can even add insurance, access ories and the
Good Times Protec tion Plan to your contract. Ask your participating
dealer for detail s. Not Available in Alaska or Hawaii.
Good Times Credit Pla n not available in Canada.
**Qualified buyers.
Ride responsibly. Kawasaki b elieves safety begins with u s and
continues with yo u. Always wear a helmet, eye protection, and
proper apparel. Passe ngers, too. Ride defensively. If ridi ng offhighway, use authorized area s only. Obey the Basic Speed Law.
Never ride under the influence of drugs or alc ohol. Riding is more
fun on a well-mai ntained motorcycle...follow th e instructions in
your owner’s manual. Remembe r, riding safe is sm art.
Specif ication s subje ct to change without notice . Availa bility may be limited . Alway s
wear a helmet and ap propria te appa rel. Ca ll 1-80 0-446-9 227 for the Mo torcycl e
Safety Founda tion be ginner or exp ert cou rse nea r you. You won’t even ne ed a
motorc ycle−yo ur cour se spon sor wil l provi de one courtes y of yo ur loca l deale r.
Safe Riding’S moR e fun
Four-st roke, L iquid-C ooled, DOHC,
four-va lve sin gle
43mm inverte d Cartr idge Fo rk with
16-Way Compressi on Reboun d Damping
Adjustm ent / 9.1 in.
UNI-TRAK® with Adju stable Preload,
16-Way Compression and Rebound
Damping Adjustment / 8.1 in.
300 m m semi- floatin g petal disc w ith
2-pis ton hyd raulic caliper
240 mm pet al disc with s ingle-piston
hydraulic caliper
Four-st roke, A ir-Coole d, DOHC ,
four-va lve sin gle
36mm telesco pic for k / 9.1 in.
UNI-TRAK® single sh ock system
Adjustable Preload and 20 -way Rebound
Damping Adjustment / 7.3 in.
Singl e hydra ulic di sc
Single hyd raulic disc
Kawasa ki subscr ibes to th e guideli nes
of Tread L ightly!, a program dedicated
to prot ecting th e great ou tdoors th rough
educat ion and f ostering r esponsibl e
enjoym ent of pu blic lands .
To find a Motorcycle Safety F oundation
DirtBi ke School in your a rea, plea se visit
www.msf- usf-usa.o rg or cal l 877.288. 7093
For more informatio n, visit ou r Web site a t:
For the nearest Kaw asaki deale r, call:
Kawasa ki Moto rs Corp ., U.S .A.
9950 J eronimo Road, Irvine, Califo rnia 9 2618
©2008 Kawasak i Motor s Corp ., U.S. A
kawasak i.com
1-800-6 61-RIDE
P/N 99 969-338 8
Printe d in U. S.A.
2009 KLR / KLX

Oriental Blue*
Sa y go od -by e t o th e ci ty o n th e Kaw asak i ./ 5 mot or cy cl e any tim e
yo u wa nt . Fu ll y eq ui pp ed t o ma st er t he d ai ly c om mu te , i ts h ear t is re al ly
fo un d in w ee ken d a dv en tu re t ou ri ng , w her e th e po wer ful a nd r ug ge d
65 1c c li qu id -c oo le d Si ng le e ng in e si mp ly s hi ne s. W it h th e bi g ta nk
to pp ed o ff a nd t he r ac k an d ac ce ss or y p ac ks l oa de d wi th g ea r, y ou
ca n ch oo se j us t ab ou t an y de st in at io n, fr om t he A la sk a Hi gh way
to K ey West . An d w he n as ph al t tu rn s to d ir t, s o mu ch th e be tt er
—b ec au se t he K LR 65 0 is a ls o fu ll y eq ui pp ed f or o ff -r oa d
ad ve nt ur e. G oo d- by es n eve r l oo ked so g oo d.
The KLR65 0 is ready for adventure with a large, lightweig ht alloy cargo r ack that’s
engineere d to accept an accessory ta il trunk. Othe r available Genui ne Kawasaki
Accessori es include tank bags, handlebar b ags and saddleb ags.
Instrume ntation feature s an easy-to-re ad speedometer along with a ta chometer,
odometer, trip meter and water temperature gau ge. The instru ment panel is
mounted t o the frame to promote a light er steering fee l.
*K LR 65 0 sh ow n wi th a va il ia bl e ac ce ss or ie s
Tall W indshiel d | Tail Truck | Saddleba gs | Tank Bag | Handleba r Bag
&P MP S2Q UJ PO T | Eb ony, O ri en ta l Bl ue , o r Su nbe am R ed
Sunbeam Red