Kawai Classic series CS6 User Manual

Concert Magic Song List
Alfred's Lesson Song List
Piano Music Song List
Using Hymn Player
Hymn Player Song Lists
Internal Song Lists Hymn Player
About the Internal Song Lists
This section of the booklet contains complete listings for all of the Concert Magic, Lesson Function, and Piano Music songs stored in the internal memory of the CS6 digital piano.
Concert Magic Song List
The Concert Magic Song List is divided into BANK A and BANK B, and lists the song name, selection key, and arrangement type.
Abbreviation Arrangement type Playing method
EB Easy Beat Tap a constant steady beat on any key on the keyboard.
MP Melody Play Tap the rhythm of the melody on any key of the keyboard.
SK Skillful Tap the rhythm of the melody and the accompaniment on any key of the keyboard.
Alfred’s Lesson Song List
The Alfred’s Lesson Song List lists the ve dierent Alfred’s Lesson books stored in the CS6 digital piano.
Alfred’s Lesson Song List
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1A
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library Lesson Book Level 1B
Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course Lesson Book Level 1
Alfred’s Premier Piano Course Lesson 1A
Alfred’s Premier Piano Course Lesson 1B
Alfred’s Basic Piano Library, Basic Adult Piano Course, and Premier Piano Course song books are sold separately. Please check your local dealer for more information, or contact Alfred’s international oces directly:
USA / Canada UK Australia
Alfred Music Publishing Alfred Publishing Co (UK) Ltd Alfred Publishing Australia
PO Box 10003 Burnt Mill, Elizabeth Way
PO Box 2355
Van Nuys, CA 91410 Harlow, Essex,
Taren Point NSW 2229
Tel: +1 (800) 292-6122 Tel: +44 (0)1279 828960
Tel: +61 (02) 9524 0033
Email: sales@alfred.com Email: music@alfredUK.com
Email: sales@alfredpub.com.au
Website: http://www.alfred.com
Piano Music Song List
The Piano Music Song List lists the LCD display title and song title of the various Piano Music pieces stored in the CS6 digital piano. Notated scores are also provided in the separate ‘Classical Piano Collection’ book, assisting the musical appreciation and study of each piece.
* Depending on market area.
Concert Magic Song List
Song Name Key Mode Song Name Key Mode
Concert Magic Song List
American Classics
Auld Lang Syne C#4 MP
Beautiful Dreamer A#4 EB
Bill Bailey Won't You Come Home G3 EB
Bycicle Built For Two F4 EB
Clementine A3 MP
Danny Boy C3 EB
Down In The Valley C#3 EB
Fascination A#3 SK
For He's A Jolly Good Fellow F#3 EB
Give My Regards To Broadway G#3 SK
Home On The Range B3 MP
Home Sweet Home D#3 EB
In The Good Old Summertime F3 EB
Let Me Call You Sweetheart D3 EB
Michael Row The Boat Ashore D4 MP
My Bonnie Is Over The Ocean E3 EB
Oh Susanna D#4 SK
On Top Of Old Smokey E4 EB
Take Me Out To The Ballgame C4 EB
The Band Played On G4 EB
The Camptown Races F#4 MP
When Johnny Comes Marching Home G#4 MP
When The Saints Go Marching In A4 EB
Patriotic Songs
America The Beautiful A2 MP
Battle Hymn Of The Republic G#2 MP
Hail To The Chief B2 MP
My Country 'Tis Of Thee G2 MP
Yankee Doodle A#2 MP
Christmas Songs
Deck The Halls C2 MP
Hark The Herald Angels Sing A#1 MP
Jingle Bells B1 MP
Joy To The World D2 MP
O Come All Ye Faithful C#2 MP
Silent Night E2 MP
The First Noel D#2 MP
We Wish You A Merry Christmas F2 MP
What Child Is This? (Greensleeves) F#2 MP
Children's Songs
Bingo G#1 EB
Frère Jacques F#1 MP
Good Morning To You F1 MP
Hickory Dickory Dock D#1 EB
I'm A Little Teapot A#0 MP
Itsy, Bisty Spider A1 MP
London Bridge C#1 MP
Mary Had A Little Lamb C1 MP
Pop Goes The Weasel E1 MP
Row, Row, Row, Your Boat D1 MP
The Farmer In The Dell G1 MP
This Old Man B0 MP
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star A0 MP
Favorite Hymns
A Mighty Fortress D6 MP
Amazing Grace C5 MP
Doxology C#5 MP
Fairest Lord Jesus B4 MP
For The Beauty Of The Earth D5 MP
Hallelujah Chorus C6 SK
Holy, Holy, Holy F5 MP
Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring C#6 SK
Jesus Loves The Little Children B5 MP
Just As I Am A#5 MP
O Worship The King D#5 MP
Rock Of Ages G5 MP
Sweet Hour Of Prayer A5 MP
The Old Rugged Cross E5 MP
Trust And Obey G#5 MP
What A Friend We Have In Jesus F#5 MP
International Songs
Chiapenecas C8 SK
Chopsticks A#7 SK
Hatikvah G#7 MP
My Wild Irish Rose A7 EB
Star Spangled Banner, The B7 MP
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling G7 EB
Special Occasions
Bridal Chorus F7 MP
Wedding March F#7 SK
Classical Selections
An Die Freude (Ode To Joy) F6 MP
Andante from Symphony No.94 (Haydn) D#6 MP
Blue Danube Waltz B6 SK
Clair De Lune F#6 SK
Fledermaus E7 EB
Für Elise E6 EB
Gavotte (Gossec) C#7 SK Menuet In G (Bach) A6 SK Peter And The Wolf G#6 SK
Romeo And Juliet A#6 SK
Skater's Waltz G6 SK
Sleeping Beauty Waltz C7 EB
Toreador Song ("Carmen") D#7 SK
Waltz Of The Flowers D7 SK
Concert Magic Song List
Song Name Key Mode Song Name Key Mode
American Classics
After The Ball Is Over E4 EB
After You've Gone F4 EB
Aloha Oe A3 MP
American Patrol March F#3 MP
Annie Laurie G4 MP
Arkansas Traveler A#3 MP
Blue Bells Of Scotland D3 MP
By The Light Of The Silvery Moon E3 SK
Dixie G3 SK
Down By The Riverside D#3 SK
Grandfather's Clock A#4 EB
I've Been Working On The Railroad A4 EB
Maple Leaf Rag D#4 SK
Old Folks At Home D4 SK
Old Kentucky Home B3 SK
Red River Valley C4 EB
Shine On Harvest Moon F3 SK
Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay C3 EB
The Entertainer C#4 SK Thunder And Blazes F#4 SK Turkey In The Straw C#3 SK
Wabash Cannonball G#4 SK
Yellow Rose Of Texas G#3 SK
Christmas Songs
Angels We Have Heard On High A#1 MP
Ave Maria F#2 SK
Away In A Manger C2 MP
It Came Upon A Midnight Clear B1 MP
O Holy Night C#2 EB
O Little Town Of Bethlehem F2 MP
O Tannenbaum D2 MP
The Twelve Days Of Christmas D#2 MP
We Three Kings Of Orient Are E2 MP
Children's Songs
Brahm's Lullaby D#1 SK
Did You Ever See A Lassie? C#1 MP
Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush F1 MP
Little Brown Jug F#1 MP
Old MacDonald Had A Farm C1 MP
Polly Wolly Doodle A1 MP
Rock A Bye Baby E1 EB
She'll Be Comin' Around The Mountain G1 EB
Ten Little Indians D1 MP
The Mun Man A#0 MP
Three Blind Mice B0 MP
Where, O Where Has My Little Dog Gone? A0 EB
Whistler And His Dog G#1 SK
Patriotic Songs
Anchors Aweigh A#2 SK
Stars And Stripes Forever A2 SK
Under The Double Eagle B2 SK
Washington Post March G2 SK You're A Grand Old Flag G#2 EB
International Songs
'O Sole Mio C8 SK
Finiculi Finicula G7 SK
Habanera B7 SK
La Marseillaise G#7 MP
La Paloma A7 SK
Santa Lucia A#7 SK
Special Occasions
Mazel Tov F#7 EB
Pomp And Circumstance F7 SK
Classical Selections
Allegro Moderato (Schubert) E7 SK
Can Can F6 SK
Emperor Waltz F#6 SK
Grand March ("Aida") G#6 SK
Gymnopedie A6 SK
Gypsy Chorus ("Carmen") A#6 SK
Largo from Symphony No.9 (Dvorák) B6 SK
March Militaire G6 SK
Norwegian Dance D#6 SK
Pizzicato Polka C#7 SK
Prelude In A (Chopin) C7 MP
Rondeau (Mouret) D7 SK
Voice Of Spring D#7 EB
William Tell Overture E6 SK
Favorite Hymns
All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name C#6 MP
Blest Be The Tie That Binds D5 MP
Christ The Lord Is Risen Today B4 MP
Come Thou Almighty King D#5 MP
Crown Him With Many Crowns C#5 MP
Gloria Patri F#5 MP
I Need Thee Every Hour A5 MP
It Is Well With My Soul (When Peace Like) C5 MP
My Jesus, I Love Thee E5 MP
Onward Christian Soldiers C6 MP
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us A#5 MP
Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus B5 MP
Standing On The Promises G#5 MP
The Church's One Foundation F5 MP
The Solid Rock G5 MP
To God Be The Glory D6 MP
Alfred's Lesson Song List
Premier Piano Course Lesson 1A
1 Steady Quarter Notes
2 Our Journey
3 Treasure Map
4 Treasure Chest
5 Practice Carefully
6 It's Fun to Play!
7 Taking Turns
8Great News
9 Dream Big Dreams
10 Merrily We Roll Along
11 Old MacDonald Had a Dog
12 Fortune Cookies
13 Climbing the Music Ladder
14 Up the Attic Stairs
15 Down the Attic Stairs
16 Old MacDonald Had a Mouse
17 R ock Wa l l
18 Climbing Down
19 A Jazzy Tune
20 Hush, Little Baby
21 Let's Take a Trip
22 Big Ben
23 Gum Ball Machine
24 Early to Bed
25 Change on C
26 Arrowhead
27 My New Piece
28 Waltzing
29 Aspen Trees
30 Ice Pops
31 Twinkling Planets
32 Skating
33 Basketball
34 French Fries
35 Skateboard Champ
36 Minuet for Bach
37 Alouette
38 My Kite
39 All-Star Game
40 Ode to Joy
41 A Page or Tow
42 Snowy Day
43 Bike Ride
44 Old Joe Clark
45 Hopscotch
46 Rise and Shine!
47 The Wheels on the Bus
48 Eine Kleine Mozart
49 Haydn's Surprise
50 Time to Celebrate
Premier Piano Course Lesson 1B
1 The Boat Dock
2 At the Park
3 Walk to School
4 Snorkeling
5Opening Day
6Green Tea
7The Library
8 Smoothies
9 Crispy Chips
10 In the Pool
11 Catch That Frog!
12 M y Pony
13 P op co rn
14 C hop sti ck s
15 C, Over and Over
16 Row, Row, Row Your Boat
17 Picnic Ants
18 B utt er y
19 G, Over and Over
20 Symphony Hall
21 Sara's Musette
22 My Yo-Yo
23 In Old Hong Kong
24 Russian Folk Tale
25 Wind Chimes
26 The Bells of St. Joseph
27 Hot Air Balloon
28 Creepy Crawler
29 I Asked My Mother
30 Broadway Star
31 The Joke
32 My Sombrero
33 The Mythical Unicorn
34 Lunch Box Blues
35 Egyptian Pyramids
36 It's a Brand-New Day!
Alfred's Lesson Song List
+ 14 hidden pages