JVC LT-40S70BU/SU/ZU, LT-32X70BU/SU, LT-26X70BU/SU User Manual

LT-26X70BU LT-26X70SU LT-32X70BU LT-32X70SU LT-40S70BU LT-40S70SU LT-40S70ZU
© 2006 Victor Company of Japan, Limited 0306KTH-CR-MU LCT2017-002A-U-EN
Information for Users on Disposal of Old Equipment
[European Union]
This symbol indicates that the electrical and electronic equipment should not be disposed as general household waste at its end-of-life. Instead, the product should be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment for proper treatment, recovery and recycling in accordance with your national legislation.
By disposing of this product correctly, you will help to conserve natural resources and will help prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more information about collection point and recycling of this product, please contact your local municipal offi ce, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased the product.
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal of this waste, in accordance with national legislation.
This symbol is only valid in the European Union.
(Business users)
If you wish to dispose of this product, please visit our web page www.jvc-europe.com to obtain information about the take-back of the product.
[Other Countries outside the European Union]
If you wish to dispose of this product, please do so in accordance with applicable national legislation or other rules in your country for the treatment of old electrical and electronic equipment.
Informations relatives à l’élimination des appareils usagés, à l’intention des utilisateurs
[Union européenne]
Lorsque ce symbole fi gure sur un appareil électrique et électronique, cela signifi e qu’il ne doit pas être éliminé en tant que déchet ménager à la fi n de son cycle de vie. Le produit doit être porté au point de pré-collecte approprié au recyclage des appareils électriques et électroniques pour y subir un traitement, une récupération et un recyclage, conformément à la législation nationale.
En éliminant correctement ce produit, vous contriburez à la conservation des ressources naturelles et à la prévention des éventuels effets négatifs sur l’environnement et la santé humaine, pouvant être dus à la manipulation inappropriée des déchets de ce produit. Pour plus d’informations sur le point de pré-collecte et le recyclage de ce produit, contactez votre mairie, le service d’évacuation des ordures ménagères ou le magasin dans lequel vous avez acheté le produit.
Ce symbole n’est reconnu que dans l’Union européenne.
Des amendes peuvent être infl igées en cas d’élimination incorrecte de ce produit, conformément à la législation nationale.
(Utilisateurs professionnels)
Si vous souhaitez éliminer ce produit, visitez notre page Web www.jvc-europe.com afi n d’obtenir des informations sur sa récupération.
[Pays ne faisant pas partie de l’Union européenne]
Si vous souhaitez éliminer ce produit, faites-le conformément à la législation nationale ou autres règles en vigueur dans votre pays pour le traitement des appareils électriques et électroniques usagés.
Benutzerinformationen zur Entsorgung alter Geräte
Informatie voor gebruikers over het weggooien van oude
Dieses Symbol ist nur in der Europäischen Union gültig.
[Europäische Union]
Dieses Symbol zeigt an, dass das elektrische bzw. elektronische Gerät nicht als normaler Haushaltsabfall entsorgt werden soll. Stattdessen sollte das Produkt zur fachgerechten Entsorgung, Weiterverwendung und Wiederverwertung in Übereinstimmung mit der Landesgesetzgebung einer entsprechenden Sammelstelle für das Recycling elektrischer und elektronischer Geräte zugeführt werden.
Die korrekte Entsorgung dieses Produkts dient dem Umweltschutz und verhindert mögliche Schäden für die Umwelt und die menschliche Gesundheit, welche durch unsachgemäße Behandlung des Produkts auftreten können. Weitere Informationen zu Sammelstellen und dem Recycling dieses Produkts erhalten Sie bei Ihrer Gemeindeverwaltung, Ihrem örtlichen Entsorgungsunternehmen oder in dem Geschäft, in dem Sie das Produkt gekauft haben.
Für die nicht fachgerechte Entsorgung dieses Abfalls können gemäß der Landesgesetzgebung Strafen ausgesprochen werden.
Wenn Sie dieses Produkt entsorgen möchten, besuchen Sie bitte unsere Webseite www. jvc-europe.com, um Informationen zur Rücknahme des Produkts zu erhalten.
[Andere Länder außerhalb der Europäischen Union]
Wenn Sie dieses Produkt entsorgen möchten, halten Sie sich dabei bitte an die entsprechenden Landesgesetze und andere Regelungen in Ihrem Land zur Behandlung elektrischer und elektronischer Geräte.
Let op:
Dit symbool is alleen geldig in de Europese Unie.
[Europese Unie]
Deze markering geeft aan dat de elektrische en elektronische apparatuur bij het einde van de gebruiksduur niet bij het huishoudelijk afval mag worden gegooid. Het product moet in plaats daarvan worden ingeleverd bij het relevante inzamelingspunt voor hergebruik van elektrische en elektronische apparatuur, voor juiste verwerking, terugwinning en hergebruik in overeenstemming met uw nationale wetgeving.
Door dit product naar het inzamelingspunt te brengen, werkt u mee aan het behoud van natuurlijke hulpbronnen en met het voorkomen van potentiële negatieve effecten op het milieu en de volksgezondheid, die anders veroorzaakt zouden kunnen worden door onjuiste afvalverwerking van dit product. Neem voor meer informatie over inzamelingspunten en hergebruik van dit product contact op met de gemeente in uw woonplaats, het afvalverwerkingsbedrijf of de winkel waar u het product hebt aangeschaft.
Er kunnen boetes gelden voor een onjuiste verwijdering van dit afval, in overeenstemming met de nationale wetgeving.
(Zakelijke gebruikers)
Bezoek als u dit product wilt weggooien onze website www.jvc-europe.com voor informatie over het terugnemen van het product.
[Landen buiten de Europese Unie]
Wanneer u dit product wilt verwijderen, houdt u dan aan de geldende nationale wetgeving of andere regels in uw land voor de verwerking van oude elektrische en elektronische apparatuur.
Información para los usuarios sobre la eliminación de equipos usados
[Unión Europea]
Este símbolo indica que los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos no deben desecharse junto con la basura doméstica al fi nal de su vida útil. El producto deberá llevarse al punto de recogida correspondiente para el reciclaje y el tratamiento adecuado de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos de conformidad con la legislación nacional.
Si desecha el producto correctamente, estará contribuyendo a conservar los recursos naturales y a prevenir los posibles efectos negativos en el medio ambiente y en la salud de las personas que podría causar el tratamiento inadecuado del producto desechado. Para obtener más información sobre el punto de recogida y el reciclaje de este producto, póngase en contacto con su ofi cina municipal, su servicio de recogida de basura doméstica o la tienda en la que haya adquirido el producto.
De acuerdo con la legislación nacional, podrían aplicarse multas por la eliminación
Este símbolo sólo es válido en la Unión Europea.
incorrecta de estos desechos.
Si desea desechar este producto, visite nuestra página Web www.jvc-europe.com para obtener información acerca de la retirada del producto.
[Otros países no pertenecientes a la Unión Europea]
Si desea desechar este producto, hágalo de conformidad con la legislación nacional vigente u otras normativas de su país para el tratamiento de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos usados.
Informações para os Utilizadores sobre a Eliminação de Equipamento Antigo
[União Europeia]
Este símbolo indica que o equipamento eléctrico e electrónico não deve ser eliminado como um resíduo doméstico geral, no fi m da respectiva vida útil. Pelo contrário, o produto deve ser entregue num ponto de recolha apropriado, para efectuar a reciclagem de equipamento eléctrico e electrónico e aplicar o tratamento, recuperação e reciclagem adequados, de acordo com a respectiva legislação nacional.
Ao eliminar este produto da forma correcta, ajudará a conservar recursos naturais e ajudará a evitar potenciais efeitos negativos no ambiente e saúde humana, que poderiam ser causados pelo tratamento residual inadequado deste produto. Para mais informações sobre o ponto de recolha e reciclagem deste produto, contacte a respectiva entidade local, o serviço de eliminação de resíduos ou a loja onde adquiriu o produto.
Caso estes resíduos não sejam correctamente eliminados, poderão ser aplicadas
Este símbolo apenas é válido na União Europeia.
penalizações, em conformidade com a respectiva legislação nacional.
(utilizadores profi ssionais)
Se pretender eliminar este produto, visite a nossa página da web em www.jvc-europe.com para obter informações sobre a devolução do produto.
[Outros países fora da União Europeia]
Se pretender eliminar este produto, faça-o de acordo com a legislação nacional aplicável ou outras regras no seu país para o tratamento de equipamento eléctrico e electrónico velho.
Informazioni per gli utenti sullo smaltimento delle
apparecchiature obsolete
[Unione Europea]
Questo simbolo indica che l’apparecchiatura elettrica ed elettronica a cui è relativo non deve essere smaltita tra i rifi uti domestici generici alla fi ne della sua vita utile. Il prodotto, invece, va consegnato a un punto di raccolta appropriato per il riciclaggio di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche, per il trattamento, il recupero e il riciclaggio corretti, in conformità alle proprie normative nazionali.
Mediante lo smaltimento corretto di questo prodotto, si contribuirà a preservare le risorse naturali e a prevenire potenziali effetti negativi sull’ambiente e sulla salute umana che potrebbero essere provocati, altrimenti, da uno smaltimento inappropriato del prodotto. Per ulteriori informazioni sul punto di raccolta e il riciclaggio di questo prodotto, contattare la sede comunale locale, il servizio di smaltimento rifi uti domestici o il negozio in cui si è acquistato il prodotto.
Questo simbolo è valido solo nell’Unione Europea.
L’utente è responsabile del conferimento dell’apparecchio a fi na vita alle appropriate strutture di raccolta, pena le sanzioni previste dalla vigente legislazione sui rifi uti.
(Per gli utenti aziendali)
Qualora si desideri smaltire questo prodotto, visitare la nostra pagina web www.jvc-europe. com per ottenere informazioni sul ritiro del prodotto.
[Per altre nazioni al di fuori dell’Unione Europea]
Qualora si desideri smaltire questo prodotto, effettuare lo smaltimento in conformità alla normativa nazionale applicabile o alle altre leggi della propria nazione relative al trattamento delle apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche obsolete.
Expanding the world of
beautiful images
Enjoy rich multi-media with JVC
Digital camera
Video camera
First things first!
Warning ············································ 3
Audio components
VCR DVD player
DVD recorder
Game console
Getting started
Names of all the parts ······················ 5Basic connections ···························· 7Initial settings ··································· 9Editing channels ····························· 11
· Registering channels
Connecting external devices ·········· 13
Let’s try it out
Enjoying your new TV! ··················· 15
· TV / Teletext / Video / etc.
Watching TV ···································17Viewing teletext ······························ 19Watching videos / DVDs ················ 21
Try the advanced features
Useful functions ······························23
· Take a snapshot
· View and search in multi-picture mode
· “Sleep timer” / “Child lock”
Operate JVC recorders and other devices
··· 25
Just the way you like it
Customising your TV ······················ 27Advanced picture adjustment ········· 29
Reduce noise / Watch a more natural picture
· Set the aspect ratio, etc.
When you have trouble
Troubleshooting ····························· 31Technical information ····················· 34“CH/CC” List ··································· 35Specifications ································· 36
First things


Follow this manual regarding setup!
Connect only to a 220-240V, 50/60Hz
AC outlet.
Make enough room for inserting and removing the power plug!
Place the TV as close to the outlet as possible!
The main power supply for this TV is
controlled by inserting or removing the power plug.
Never cut or damage the power cord!
Please follow all the guidelines below
Do not allow the TV to fall!
Do not rest your elbows on, or allow
children to hang from the TV. There is a risk that the TV will fall and cause injuries.
Never try to repair the TV yourself!
If the problem cannot be solved in
“Troubleshooting” (P. 31), unplug the power cord and contact your retailer.
On disposal of the TV!
Follow the instruction in
“Information for Users on Disposal of Old Equipment” (P.I to IV).
If the TV is damaged or behaving strangely, stop using it at once!
Unplug the power cord and contact
your retailer.
Never place anything on the TV!
Placing liquids, naked
flames, cloths, paper, etc. on the TV may cause a fire.
Never expose to rain or moisture!
To prevent fire or electric
shock, never allow liquids to enter the unit.
Never insert objects into the cabinet openings!
It may cause a fatal
electric shock. Take care when children are near.
If the AC plug is not the
right shape, or the power cord is not long enough, use an appropriate plug adapter or extension cable. (Consult your retailer.)
Unplug the power cord when going out!
The power buttons on
the remote control and the TV unit cannot completely turn off the TV. (Make appropriate arrangements for bedridden people.)
For more details on installation, usage and safety
For more details on installation, usage and safety
When attaching the TV to the wall, use the optional JVC wall mounting unit!
Consult a qualified technician.See the included manual on mounting
JVC assumes no responsibility for
damage due to improper mounting.
Consult your retailer
Consult your retailer
Never dismantle the rear panel!
It may cause an electric shock.
Never obstruct the ventilation holes!
It may cause overheating or a fire.
Handle LCD panel with care!
Use a soft, dry cloth when cleaning.
Never listen to headphones at high volume!
It may damage your hearing.
Hold the TV so as not to scratch the screen!
Do not touch the screen when carrying the
Do not carry the TV on your own!
In order to prevent accidents,
ensure that the TV is carried by two or more people.

Names of all the parts

Illumination lamp
Illumination lamp lights
while the TV is on.
“Illumination” (P. 28)
Remote control sensor
Power lamp
ON: Lit (Blue) OFF: Unlit
Power lamp lights while
the TV is on.
“Power Lamp” (P. 28)
Remove the terminal cover
Press to remove.
Cable cover
If the cover cannot be closed due to the cables being in the way
Do not force the cover to close (leave it open).
Connecting terminals on the back of the TV Connecting External devices (P. 13)To remove the cable cover, refer to the included sheet.
Press to remove.
Change the direction of TV
Switch between TV / AV devices
Display on-screen menu / set
Change channel / page
Power On / Off
To headphones (P. 13)
Press to remove.
Check accessories
Remote control
“AAA/R03” Batteries
For confirming the TV works
Channel information
(P. 17)
Colour buttons
Return to TV
To teletext (P. 19)
When watching TV / Video
Change the aspect ratio (P. 17)
Turn on “3D Cinema Sound” (P. 17)
Take a snapshot of the screen (P. 23)
View in multi-picture mode (P. 23)
Insert the batteries
Use two “AAA/R03” dry cell batteries. Insert the batteries from the - end, making sure the + and - polarities are correct.
Power On / Off
Change channel / page
Watch video, etc. (P. 21)
Switch between “TV / VCR / DVR / DVD / HC” (P. 25)
Display on-screen menu (P. 27)
Select and confirm settings in menus
Change channel / page
To previous channel
When viewing teletext (P. 19)
Hold the current page
Bookmark pages
Reveal hidden pages
Enlarge the text
The LT-40S70BU/SU/ZU models differ from illustrations on this page.
To attach the stand, refer to the included sheet.
Switch briefly between teletext and TV
To index page

Basic connections

Please read the user manuals of each device carefully before setup. It is necessary to connect an aerial to watch TV.
Connect with other devices “Connecting external devices” (P. 13)
Connect the aerial
After all the connections have been made, insert the plug into an AC outlet.
Connect a VCR / DVD recorder
VCR / DVD recorder
After all the connections have been made, insert the plug into an AC outlet.Connect “T-V LINK” compatible recording device to “EXT-2”.“T-V LINK” “What is “T-V LINK”?” (P. 9)
Power requirements
Connect the power cord only to a 220-240V,
50/60Hz AC outlet.
When attaching the TV to the wall, use the
optional JVC wall mounting unit
Consult a qualified technician.See the included manual on mounting procedures.JVC assumes no responsibility for damage due to
improper mounting.
200mm × 200mm mount which conforms to VESA
Care when setting
Installation requirements
To avoid overheating, ensure the unit has ample
50mm150mm 150mm 50mm
Tidying the cables
Cable cover
To remove the cable cover, refer to the included sheet.
+ 14 hidden pages