JVC KV-PX701 User Manual [en, de, es, fr, it]

Regulatory information
CE Marking
Portable Navigation with Bluetooth
Bluetooth transmitter [2400,0 MHz – 2483,5 MHz]
This device is intended for use in the European countries. Dieses Gerät ist für den Gebrauch in den europäischen Ländern vorgesehen. Dit Apparaat is bedoeld voor gebruik in Europese Landen.
English Hereby, JVC declares that this KV-PX701 is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Finnish JVC vakuuttaa täten että KV-PX701 tyyppinen laite on direktiivin
1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.
Dutch Hierbij verklaart JVC dat het toestel KV-PX701 in overeenstemming
is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
French Par la présente JVC déclare que l'appareil KV-PX701 est conforme
aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE.
Swedish Härmed intygar JVC att denna KV-PX701 står I överensstämmelse
med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.
Danish Undertegnede JVC erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr KV-PX701
overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav I direktiv 1999/5/EF.
German Hiermit erklärt JVC, dass sich das Gerät KV-PX701 in
Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und denübrigen einschlägigen Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. (BMWi) Hiermit erklärt JVC die Übereinstimmung des Gerätes KV-PX701 mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Festlegungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet. (Wien)
Italian Con la presente JVC dichiara che questo KV-PX701 è conforme ai
requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Czech JVC tímto prohlašuje, že tento KV-PX701 je ve shode se základními
požadavky a dalšími príslušnými ustanoveními smernice 1999/5/ES.
Estonian Käesolevaga kinnitab JVC seadme KV-PX701 vastavust direktiivi
1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.
Spanish Por medio de la presente JVC declara que el KV-PX701 cumple con
los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Latvian Ar šo JVC deklare, ka KV-PX701 atbilst Direktivas 1999/5/EK
butiskajam prasibam un citiem ar to saistitajiem noteikumiem.
Lithuanian Šiuo JVC deklaruoja, kad šis KV-PX701 atitinka esminius
reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.
Maltese Hawnhekk, JVC, jiddikjara li dan KV-PX701 jikkonforma mal- ƫtiƥijiet
essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oƫrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC.
Hungarian Alulírott, JVC nyilatkozom, hogy a KV-PX701 megfelel a vonatkozó
alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.
Polish Niniejszym JVC oswiadcza, Īe KV-PX701 jest zgodny z
zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostaáymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC.
Portuguese JVC declara que este KV-PX701 está conforme com os requisitos
essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Slovenian JVC izjavlja, da je ta KV-PX701 v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in
ostalimi relevantnimi dolocili direktive 1999/5/ES.
Slovak JVC týmto vyhlasuje, že KV-PX701 splna základné požiadavky a
všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES.
Icelandic Hér með lýsir JVC yfir því að KV-PX701 er í samræmi við grunnkröfur
og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC.
Norwegian JVC erklærer herved at utstyret KV-PX701 er i samsvar med de
grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
EN – English
Dear Customer, This apparatus is in conformance with the valid European directives and standards regarding electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety. European representative of Victor Company of Japan, Limited is: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Germany
ES – Español
Apreciado cliente, Este aparato cumple con las normativas y normas europeas respecto a la seguridad eléctrica y a la compatibilidad electromagnética. El representante europeo de Victor Company of Japan, Limited es: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Alemania
DE - Deutsch
Sehr geehrter Kunde, sehr geehrte Kundin, dieses Gerät stimmt mit den gültigen europäischen Richtlinien und Normen bezüglich elektromagnetischer Verträglichkeit und elektrischer Sicherheit überein. Die europäische Vertretung für die Victor Company of Japan, Limited ist: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Deutschland
IT – Italiano
Gentile cliente. Questa apparecchiatura è conforme alle direttive e alle norme europee relative alla compatibilità elettromagnetica e alla sicurezza elettrica. Il rappresentante europeo della Victor Company of Japan, Limited è: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Germania
FR – Français
Cher(e) client(e), Cet appareil est conforme aux directives et normes européennes en vigueur concernant la compatibilité électromagnétique et à la sécurité électrique. Représentant européen de la société Victor Company of Japan, Limited : JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Allemagne
PT – Português
Caro Cliente, Este aparelho encontra-se em conformidade com as directivas Europeias válidas e padrões referentes à compatibilidade magnética e segurança eléctrica. O representante europeu da Victor Company of Japan, Limited é: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Alemanha
NL – Nederlands
Geachte klant, Dit apparaat voldoet aan de geldende Europese normen en richtlijnen inzake elektromagnetische compatibiliteit en elektrische veiligheid. De Europese vertegenwoordiger van Victor Company of Japan, Limited is: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Duitsland
NO – Norsk
Kjære kunde, Dette apparatet er i samsvar med gjeldende europeiske direktiver og standarder for elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet og elektrisk sikkerhet.
Den europeiske representanten for Victor Company of Japan, Limited, er: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Tyskland
FI – Suomi
Hyvä asiakas, Tämä laite on yhdenmukainen niiden voimassa olevien eurooppalaisten direktiivien ja standardien kanssa, jotka koskevat sähkömagneettista yhteensopivuutta ja sähköturvallisuutta. Victor Company of Japan, Limited:in Euroopan edustaja on: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Saksa
CZ – ýeština
Vážený zákazníku, tento pĜístroj je v souladu s platnými evropskými smČrnicemi a normami ohlednČ elektromagnetické kompatibility a bezpeþnosti elektrických pĜístrojĤ. Evropský zástupce spoleþnosti Victor Company of Japan, Limited je: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg NČmecko
DK – Dansk
Kære kunde Dette apparat er i overensstemmelse med gældende europæiske direktiver og standarder vedrørende elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet og elektrisk sikkerhed. Europæisk repræsentant for Victor Company of Japan, Limited er: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Tyskland
HU – Magyar
Tisztelt vásárló! Ez a termék megfelel az Európai Unió elektromágneses kompatibilitásról, az elektromos és elektronikus berendezések biztonságról szóló irányelveinek és szabványainak. A Victor Company of Japan, Limited európai képviselĘje: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Németország
SE- Svenska
Bästa kund! Denna apparat överensstämmer med gällande EU-direktiv och standarder beträffande elektromagnetisk kompatibilitet och elsäkerhet. Europarepresentant för Victor Company of Japan, Limited är: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH
Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Tyskland
RO – Română
Stimate client, Acest aparat respectă directivele úi standardele europene privind compatibilitatea electromagneticăúi siguranĠa produselor electronice. Reprezentantul european al Victor Company of Japan, Limited este: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Germania
PL - Polski
Szanowny Kliencie, Niniejsze urządzenie speánia wymogi obowiązujących europejskich dyrektyw i standardów w zakresie kompatybilnoĞci elektromagnetycznej i bezpieczeĔstwa urządzeĔ elektrycznych. Europejskim przedstawicielem Victor Company of Japan, Limited jest: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Niemcy
ǹȟȚȩIJȚȝİ ʌİȜȐIJȘ, Ǿ ıȣıțİȣȒ ĮȣIJȒ İȓȞĮȚ ıİ ıȣȝȝȩȡijȦıȘ ȝİ IJȚȢ ȚıȤȪȠȣıİȢ ǼȣȡȦʌĮȧțȑȢ ȅįȘȖȓİȢ țĮȚ ȆȡȩIJȣʌĮ ıȤİIJȚțȐ ȝİ IJȘȞ ȘȜİțIJȡȠȝĮȖȞȘIJȚțȒ ıȣȝȕĮIJȩIJȘIJĮ țĮȚ IJȘȞ ȘȜİțIJȡȚțȒ ĮıijȐȜİȚĮ. ȅ ĮȞIJȚʌȡȩıȦʌȠȢ IJȘȢ Victor Company of Japan Limited ıIJȘȞ ǼȣȡȫʌȘ İȓȞĮȚ:
JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 FriedbergīİȡȝĮȞȓĮ
TR - Türkçe
Saygi deger müsterimiz, bu aleti Avrupa normalrina ve standartlara, ektronikmanyetik uguskanlik ve elektronic güvence uymaktadir. Victor Company of Japan, Limited’ti Avrupada sirketi temsil eden: JVC Technology Centre Europe GmbH Postfach 10 05 52 61145 Friedberg Almanya
Safety Cautions
Please read this section carefully and follow all the instructions given. This will help ensure reliable operation and extend the service life for your
Keep the packaging and the user instructions for future reference or inquiries at a
later date. If you pass the article on to another person, you must pass on these instructions.
Never allow children to play with electrical equipment unsupervised. Children
may not always correctly recognize possible danger.
Keep the packing materials, such as foil away from children. The danger of suffocation could arise in the case of misuse.
ʳʳʳʳUsing this appliance at full volume for extended periods of time may cause damage to the hearing capacity of the listener. Never open up the housing of the appliance or the power adapter. These contain
no user-serviceable parts. If the housing is opened there is a danger to life from electric shock.
Do not place any objects on the appliance and do not exert any pressure on the
display. Otherwise there is a danger that the screen will break.
To avoid damage, do not touch the screen with sharp objects. Use only the stylus
provided or another blunt implement. The device can also be operated with a finger in many cases.
There is a risk of injury if the display breaks. If this should occur, use
protective gloves to pack the broken parts and contact customer support to arrange for disposal. Then wash your hands with soap, since there is a possibility that chemicals may have escaped.
Terminate the electricity supply (remove the electricity plug), switch the appliance
off immediately, or do not actually switch it on, and contact Customer Service
if the housing of the appliance or the power pack becomes damaged or fluids leak
into it. Components must be checked by Customer Service in order to avoid damage!
Operating Environment
Failure to follow these instructions may lead to damage to your appliance. The guarantee will be excluded in such cases. Keep your navigation System and all connected devices away from moisture and
avoid dust, heat and direct sunlight, especially in the car.
Make sure you protect your appliance from getting wet, e.g. from rain and hail, at
all times. Please pay attention that moisture can even build up in a protective pouch because of condensation.
Avoid heavy vibrations and shaking, such as can arise, for example, in the case
of transverse field intrusions.
Avoid the device from releasing itself from its holder, for example when braking.
Install the device as vertically as possible.
Electromagnetic Compatibility
When connecting additional or other components the “Electromagnetic
Compatibility Directive” (EMC) must be adhered to. Please also note that only screened cable (maximum 10ft) should be used with this appliance.
For optimal performance, maintain a distance of at least 10 ft. from sources of
high-frequency and magnetic interference (televisions, loudspeaker systems,
mobile telephones and so on. This will help avoid malfunctions and loss of data. Electronic devices emit electromagnetic waves during operation. These emissions are harmless, but can interfere with other devices operated in
close proximity. While our devices are tested and optimized for electromagnetic compliance in our
laboratories, interference during operation may still occur in the device itself
and with other devices in its proximity. Should such interference occur, try to eliminate it by adjusting the positions of and
the distances between the devices. Before driving a car, please ensure that the electronic systems of the car are
working properly.
Data Security
Every time you update your data make backup copies on an external storage
medium. The supplier does not assume liability for data loss or damage to data storage units, and no claims can be accepted for damages resulting from the loss of data or for consequential damages.
Use the power adapter included with the package. Using other power adaptors
than the one provided will result in malfunction and could prove to be dangerous.
The car adapter should only be connected to the lighter socket of a car (car
battery = DC 12V , truck battery = DC 24V !). If you are in any doubt about the power source in your car, contact your car manufacturer.
Only use the mains adapter on grounded sockets at AC 100 – 240 V~, 50/60 Hz.
If you are unsure about the power supply to the place of use, ask the relevant
energy supplier. The device should only be used with the supplied batteries. About the power adaptor:
1. Do not use the power adaptor in a wet environment. When hands and feet are
wet, do not touch the power adaptor.
2. While using the power adaptor, ensure that the area is well ventilated. Do not
let paper or other material cover the power adaptor, as this will interfere with
cooling. Do not use the power adaptor whilst it is in a bag.
3. Do not attempt to repair the device. If device is damaged or is in a wet
environment, replace the device immediately.
4. It is not recommended to charge from a PC because the PC power voltage is
not enough to supply the device.
5. When installing the apparatus, ensure that the plug is easily accessible.
About the battery:
1. Use only the original factory approved charger.
2. A Lithium battery is built into the device. To prevent fire or skin burns, do not disassemble, pierce, impact, or expose the battery to fire. The battery will crack, explode, or release dangerous chemicals if placed in a fire.
The Battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine , fire or the
Important instructions
1. Note: Replacing with an incorrect battery may result in an explosion.
When disposing of the battery, follow the instructions. The replacement battery
must be a factory approved original.
2. Regulations must be observed when recycling or disposing of batteries.
3. The battery should only be used in this device.
To reduce the risk of electrical shocks ,fire,etc.:
1. Do not remove screws,covers or cabinet.
2. Do not expose this appliance to rain or moisture.
Information for Users on Disposal of Old Equipment
This symbol indicates that the product with this symbol should not be disposed as general household waste at its end-of-life. If you wish to dispose of this product, please do so in accordance with applicable national legislation or other rules in your country and municipality. By disposing of this product correctly, you will help to conserve natural resources and will help prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health.
Navigation Safety Instructions for Navigation
Do not manipulate the navigation system while driving to protect yourself and
others from accidents!
In the event that you do not understand the voice instruction or if you are in any
doubt about what to do at the next intersection,then the map or arrow display will provide you with a quick orientation. Only look at the display when you are in a safe driving situation!
The road layout and driving rules take precedence over the instructions of the
navigation system. Only follow the instructions when circumstances and driving rules permit it! The navigation system will guide you to your destination even when you have to deviate from your planned route.
The direction statements of the navigation system given do not release the driver
of the vehicle from his or her duty of care or personal responsibility.
Plan routes before you leave. If you want to plan a new route whilst on the road
stop driving.
In order to receive the GPS signal correctly, metal objects may not hinder
reception. Attach the navigation system onto the inside of the windscreen or near the windscreen with the suction cup.
Try out different positions in your vehicle in order to find the best reception.
Important Notice
his system only provides a navigational reference. Do not use this system for any
directional, distance, and geographic precise measurements.
The first GPS positioning should be performed at a single set point in a wide-open
area without building shelters. The length of time it takes to position will depend on the satellite signal strength, and cloud levels. It will possibly taking up to 10 minutes.
GPS (Global Positioning System) is the satellite system used by the United States
of America Department of Defense. All maintenance and operations are also managed by the United States of America Department of Defense. Should the system be modified and adjusted, the precision and operation of the GPS related systems might be affected.
Any wireless communication products (mobile phone, radio, speed detection unit
etc) might affect the GPS signal and result in a poor signal.
For safety reasons, do not operate this system while driving a vehicle.
Do not leave this unit under your front windshield after you leave the vehicle.
Exposure to high temperatures might be dangerous and cause the battery to overheat, resulting in malfunction of the device.
Window tinting might interfere with the reception of satellite signals. We
recommend that you install a vehicle antenna to strengthen and stabilize the signal.
The planned navigational route is for reference only; changes in roadside
conditions (one way streets, no right turns) may happen so please respond according to the situation and decide whether or not to follow the planned course.
When placing this system in the vehicle, please secure it on the car with brackets
to ensure safety. The recommended installation location is illustrated below.
X Do not block
driver’s view
X Do not secure in
front of airba
X Do not place on
unstable dashboard
X Do not secure in
front of airbag
Differences between manufactured and shipped versions may be present; this
software may be updated frequently. If the descriptions in this manual are different from your software version, please follow the software version currently on hand.
Please thoroughly read this manual of operating instructions and explanations.
Only use original factory approved batteries and accessories to prevent unexpected damage. If the correct procedures were not followed for operation or incompatible accessories were connected, this is a violation of the warrantee agreement and will automatically void the warrantee. This may also cause personal safety issues.
First time use
Without the written consent of JVC, Inc, this manual, including the product and the software, may not be duplicated, transmitted, recorded or saved on storage devices. Furthermore, it shall not be translated under any circumstances into any other languages.
Copyright ©2007 JVC, Inc. All rights reserved.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other Countries.
The Bluetooth word mark and logos ard owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Victor Company of Japan, Limited (JVC) is under license.
SD logo is a trademark.
Package Contents
Your product should include the following accessories:
KV-PX701 Unit Cradle Suction Cup Mount
Cigarette Lighter Adaptor AC Adaptor Dashboard Disk
(Digital map/User
Stereo Earphone TMC Antenna
Instructions Carrying Case
External-GPS Antenna
Basic Operation
Introduction Front View
4.3” TFT LCD with touch screen
Rear View
Bluetooth LED Charging
indicator LED
Bluetooth LED:
Bluetooth ON: Blinking Blue Bluetooth OFF: LED off
Charging indicator LED:
Charging: Orange Full: Green
System power switch
I/O interface
Left Side
Top View
External Antenna port
Earphone port / TMC Antenna port
USB port
(used for battery charging only by AC Adaptor)
Right Side
Hot key
SD card slot
Reset key
Power button
Operating Methods
1. For first time use, please turn
the system power switch at the
rear side On.
2. Press and hold the power button
for about two seconds to turn on the power.
Note: Before using for the first time, please switch the system power
It takes one minute.
System Reset
It will only be required to rebootthe system under extremely few circumstances. Reset your system if the following situations occur:
1. Heavy lag experienced when refreshing screens or operations, which result
in an inoperable system.
2. Cannot turn off the system with the power button.
3. No response after a selection is made on the screen.
If any of the above occurs, turn the system power switch at the rear side Off and
turn it back On to reboot the system.
Power button
1. While the power is on, press the power button to turn the power off.
2. If the unit will not be used for a long time, turn the system power switch at the rear side Off.
System power switch
Using the Vehicle Bracket
The included vehicle bracket set can be securely mounted on the front windshield, or secured on top of the glove compartment using the adhesive plate. This device will effectively secure the GPS unit in the vehicle. Follow the procedures below to secure the bracket:
1. Follow the arrows and slide the unit into the in-vehicle bracket fitting holes to secure.
2. Gently push down until the unit is tightly fixed with the bracket.
3. Bend the bracket support to a proper angle. Securely mount the vehicle
Note: Please note the directions of the arrows. When secured, the assembly
bracket to the windshield, ensuring its base is resting firmly on the dashboard.
should be tight. If these directions are not followed, a loose fit will result, and components must be reassembled.
4. Follow the directions, insert the bracket into the slots on the bracket, and slide to fix the set (A Æ B).
5. The in-vehicle bracket assembly is complete.
9 When using the in-vehicle secure
bracket, do not install it in a location that will block the view of the driver
9 Recommended installation
The bracket base should rest securely on the dashboard to prevent excessive shock.
Using the Cigarette Lighter Adpator
While using the device in a vehicle, use the included car charger for long periods of usage.
1. Plug the small plug into the power jack on the rear of the in-vehicle bracket.
2. Insert the other end into the cigarette lighter.
Changing Fuse
Replace only with same type and ratings of fuse:FAST ACTING TYPE /ij6.35*32 / 250V / 1.5A
1. Turn right the front plastic cover to loosen it but leaves the positive metal part in it.
2. Take out the fuse (Fuse: FAST ACTING TYPE /ij6.35*32/250V/1.5Aα
3. Replace the fuse (Fuse: FAST ACTING TYPE /ij6.35*32/250V/1.5Aα
4. Fasten the front plastic cover again. Then finished (Do not let the positive metal part dropped during this process)
Using the AC Adaptor
Before using the device for the first time, we strongly suggest you use a fully charged battery.
1. Insert the USB connector into the unit.
2. Plug the adaptor into a power outlet.
The USB connector is used for battery charging only by AC Adaptor.
Using the TMC Antenna
Insert the TMC Antenna (1) into the unit.
Main Menu
During the first startup, the screen will show the main screen consisting of four functions: navigation, music, photo, and settings. Directly select an icon on the screen to use that function.
Loads the navigation program and navigation screen
Plays MP3/WMA music. Need to create Folder "mp3" and Play list.
Play List
Plays images. Need to create Folder "image"
Plays video. Need to create Folder "file"
Can read file with __txt format. Need to create Folder "ebook"
System setup
Note: Please read the user manual in the DVD-ROM.
z The contents of this manual will be modified without further notice. z The operation temperature for the product is between -10ʚ~60к.
Operating or recharging in an environment with a temperature over 45к might cause the system to stop functioning. However, this should be
considered a normal phenomenon. Please do not operate under extreme temperatures.
GPS Main Menu
Main menu
1 Opens the NAVIGATE TO window. 2 Starts navigation to home (the home
address must be entered beforehand).
3 Opens the map. The current location
is indicated during GPS-reception.
4 Opens the S
you can configure the navigation system according to your own needs.
5 Switches the navigation system off.
ETTINGS window. Here
Window 'Navigate to'
1Opens the previous window. 2Opens the A
you can enter the address of the next destination.
3Opens the P
There you can search for a point of interest.
4Opens the R
can select the country in which your
destination lies. 5Opens the R 6Opens the F
contains all of your stored
DDRESS window. There
EGION window. There you
Specifying a destination for navigation
Tap in the main menu on Navigate to.
AVIGATE TO window opens.
The N
Specifying the destination country
The name of the country used for specifying / selecting destinations is
located below the button (Region) on the window N
Tap on select a different country.
Enter the name of the destination country.
You can use the Upward and Downward buttons to mark the desired country.
Tap on
The name of the selected country will now appear on the N
window below the button (Region).
(Region) in order to
Specifying an address
Tap on the Address button in the N
AVIGATE TO window.
DDRESS window opens.
The A
Tap on the City or ZIP field.
Enter the name of the destination city. The zip codes are included in the list of
cities. If two or more cities have the same name then tap on the Upward and Downward buttons in order to mark the correct entry.
Tap on
The street address for the destination can be entered in the same way.
You can also enter the house address or a side street.
Tap on the Start navigation button after making the necessary entries. The route is then calculated and navigation starts.
Tap on to see the destination on the map.
Tap on the destination in the F
(Show on map) in order
(Save) in order to save
Selecting point of interest
Points of interest are for example gas stations, hotels, restaurants, etc.
Tap on the Point of interest button in the N
AVIGATE TO window.
OINT OF INTEREST window opens.
The P
Select a point of interest in a particular city.
Are you looking for a restaurant or a hotel in a particular city?
Tap on the ... in a browsed city button in the P window.
The P
CITY window opens.
Tap on the City or ZIP field. Enter the name of a city where you
would like to find a point of interest (e.g. Berlin).
Tap on the Category field. Select the type of point of interest that
you would like to find in Berlin (e.g. restaurant).
Tap on the Subcategory field. Select the type of restaurant that you
would like to find in Berlin (e.g. African).
Tap on the Point of interest field. Select the African restaurant that you
would like to navigate to in Berlin (e.g. AMUN).
You are not required to make a selection in the Category and Subcategory fields. There purpose is to narrow down the list of points of interest in the Point of interest field. This list can be very comprehensive, especially in the larger cities.
Tap on the Start navigation button after you have selected the desired destination. The route is then calculated and navigation starts.
Selecting nearby point of interest
Tap on to see the destination on the map.
Tap on the destination in the F
Are you looking for a restaurant or a or a hotel near your current location?
Tap on the ... nearby GPS position button in the P window.
The P
POSITION window opens.
Tap on the Radius field. Select the radius in which you would
like to find a point of interest (e.g. 3 km).
Then tap on the Category, Subcategory, and Point of interest fields and enter the appropriate information.
(Show on map) in order
(Save) in order to save
You are not required to make a selection in the Category and Subcategory fields. Their purpose is to narrow down the list in the Point of interest field. This list can be very comprehensive, especially in the larger cities.
Tap on the Start navigation button after you have selected the desired destination. The route is then calculated and navigation starts.
Tap on to see the destination on the map.
Tap on the destination in the F
(Show on map) in order
(Save) in order to save
Selecting a point of interest of nationwide importance
You would like to go to an airport or visit a tourist attraction but do not know the name of the city the destination lies in?
Tap on the ... nationwide button in the P
The P window opens.
Tap on the Category field. Select the type of point of interest that
you would like to find in Berlin (e.g. tourism).
Tap on the Point of interest field. Select the point of interest you would
like to navigate to (e.g. conservation park Bavarian Forest).
You are not required to make a selection in the Category field. Its purpose is to narrow down the list in thePoint of interest field. This list can be very comprehensive.
Tap on the Start navigation button after you have selected the desired destination. The route is then calculated and navigation starts.
Tap on to see the destination on the map.
Tap on the destination in the F
(Show on map) in order
(Save) in order to save
Navigating to home
Would you like to drive home?
Tap in the main menu on Take me home. The route is then calculated and navigation starts.
You will be requested to enter your home address if you have not yet done so.
Tap on
The settings window HOME ADDRESS opens.
Tap on Enter your home address.
The N Enter your home address as if it were
your next destination.
Tap on Set as home address after you have completely entered your home address.
AVIGATE TO window opens.
The map during navigation
The settings window HOME ADDRESS opens.
Tap on Save.
The main window opens.
1 The driving
maneuver after the next
2 The distance
up to the next driving maneuver
3 The next
driving maneuver
4 Your current
location 5 Your route 6 Your current
location 7 The street
onto which
you must
turn 8Estimated
time of
arrival 9 Remaining
10 Estimated
travel time
Tool bar
11 Increase scale 12 Blocking /
unblocking a route stage
13 Day / night
mode 14 Volume 15 Move / enlarge 16 Freeze location
/ map section 17 Reduce scale 18 Exit navigation,
close map
Tap on any point of the map to show or hide the toolbar.
Tap in the main menu on Settings.
ETTINGS window opens.
The S Use the Upward and Downward
buttons in order to mark the settings window that you would like to open.
Tap on
Change the settings according to your needs.
You can use the button To the Right and To the Left for opening other setting windows.
Tap on Save if you want to save the changes.
You will find further information on the
settings on the following pages.
Settings window
PRODUCT INFORMATION Take the time to learn the product version.
Run the product demo
AP INFORMATION Indicate whether points of interest or street
OUTE INFORMATION Specify whether you want the estimated time of
IGNPOST INFORMATION Specify whether you want the signposts you
names should be displayed on the map. Select the navigation map that you would like
to load. Navigation destinations must be recorded on the map.
arrival, the remaining time to destination, and / or the remaining distance to destination to be displayed during navigation.
should follow to be displayed during navigation.
SPEED LIMIT Specify whether you want speed limits to be
displayed on the map. Configure acoustic and visual warnings on exceeding these speed limits.
OLUME Set the volume of the spoken driving
EPRESENTATION Calibrate the touchscreen for contact
sensitivity. Select the brightness level for day and night
UTO MODE Indicate whether the navigation should startup
with 2D- or a 3D-map section. Indicate whether auto zoom should be active
(the faster you drive the larger the map scale becomes).
Indicate whether the map should be configured in a 2D-view driving direction or northern direction.
OUTING OPTIONS Indicate your speed profile and the type of
route (dynamic, shortest route, fastest route) Indicate whether you would like to use the
interstate, ferries, or toll ways during your trip.
TIME ZONE Indicate your time zone.
Indicate whether summer is the current time of year.
ORMAT Indicate whether the time should be displayed
on a 12 hour or 24 hour clock. Indicate whether distances should be displayed
in miles or in kilometers.
TMC Indicate whether if the route should be
recalculated if traffic Information affects the route.
OME ADDRESS Enter your home address or change it.
Overview of the buttons for MN5|BASE
Main menu Point of interest
Navigate to: Enter the navigation
Show map: Display the map
... in a browsed city: Point of interest in a city
... nearby GPS position: Nearby point
of interest
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