Return Video Unit
Product Information Manual
PPrroodduucctt FFeeaattuurree
The return video unit provides the GY-HD250U user with the ability to display the return
video signal from a camera control unit (CCU) through the GY-HD250U electronic
viewfinder (EVF) in studio configurations that do not use the KA-HD250U. This unit
requires that a third party CCU from Camplex or Telecast Fiber with appropriate
camera adapter cabling* be used to control this unit.
*NOTE: Camera adapter connection cables are sold separately by their respective companies:
Camplex Cable Part No. CAIC-23-D112
Telecast Fiber Cable part No. CHCS-B03-JVC-3B-X1-10D-REV#2
UUsseerr BBeenneeffiitt
The absence of the KA-HD250U enables the studio configured GY-HD250U to be
mounted on the shoulder, providing the videographer with mobility and positioning

Connection and Installation Instructions
1. GY-HD250U EVF Input (20-Pin Male)
This connection is used to provide the EVF output signal from the GY-HD250 to the
return video unit. Connect this plug to the GY-HD250U’s 20-Pin RGB viewfinder output.
2. Return Control Input (Wire)
This input is used to switch the unit’s output between the GY-HD250U’s VF video and
the return video. Connect his input to GY-HD250U’s 10-pin studio connector with the
wire supplied by either Camplex or Telecast Fiber camera adapter cabling (See
previous page for the respective third-party CCU cabling part numbers).
3. Return Video Input (BNC Male)
Connect the third-party camera adapter VBS return video signal to this BNC input.
4. EVF Output Connection (20-Pin Female)
Insert the GY-HD250U’s 20-pin EVF connector to this output.
Required Camera Settings
! Set the GY-HD250 menu selection “VF SIGNAL” to “RGB”.
! Set the GY-HD250 menu selection “Tally System” to “Studio”.
The EVF signal switching is controlled by the KA-R25U return video unit. The normal EVF
output is the GY-HD250U RGB signal. When the RET (return) button located on the lens
control handle is depressed and held down, a converted Black & White image of the return
video signal is shown in the EVF. Once the RET button is released, the KA-R25U switches
the EVF image back to the RGB signal from the camcorder.
Mounted View
The KA-R25U return video
unit mounts conveniently on
the GY-HD250U’s handle as
shown (right). The original
EVF and microphone can be
used after the return video
unit is mounted.