To contact Paul
Distefano at Visual
In NJ...call
In PA...call
January 2003 Volume 2, Issue 1
The entire Visual Sound Company
family wishes you and yours a
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous
NEW YEAR. Last year certainly
had it’s ups ‘n downs, but we all
hope you ended your 2002 with
a terrific Holiday Season. As far as
2003 goes, we want to hit the
ground running. As we
mentioned in the last issue of
completely updated our demo
room with new cameras, lighting
gear, tripods, and four new
Non-linear edit systems to
facilitate our new OPEN DEMO
DAYS. To reserve a spot at one of
our weekly demos, please call
Wednesdays, Non-Linear
10:00AM, Apple Final Cut
Pro/Aurora IgniterRT. 11:30:AM,
Canopus StormEdit/RES300.
2:00PM, Avid XPressDV/Laird
Telemedia DVora. 3:30PM,
Applied Magic Screenplay
Thursdays, Production Gear:
10:00AM - 12:00PM and 2:00PM
- 4:00PM. These sessions will
feature Cameras, Camcorders,
Tripods, Monitors, VCR’s, Lighting
Gear, and accessories from Sony,
Panasonic, JVC, Canon, Lowell,
and many many others.
JVC GY-DV5000U Pro 3-CCD DV Camcorder
The GY-DV5000U is a highperformance Professional DV 3-CCD
camcorder that boasts advanced
features such a 12-bit ADC (used
only in broadcast cameras), with
advanced 24-bit DSP for superior
image processing and unprecedented image control. More than
just a successor to the GY-DV500U,
the 5000 sets a new standard in
versatility with its optional network
connectivity, external light trigger,
Standard/Mini-DV mechanism,
2.5-inch LCD Data/Video display,
and more. Newly developed
Standard DV/Mini DV mechanism;
A new double tension tape transport utilizes a reel motor in addition
to a capstan motor providing more
running stability
and precise
handling. It can
both standard
and mini size
cassettes without an adapter. Designed to professional standards,
this mechanism also facilitates high
speed operation. Cueing is also
faster and more accurate. There is a
built-in active/mechanical lownoise head cleaner that automatically cleans the heads each time a
tape is loaded. Up to 270 minutes
(4 hrs. 36 min.) of high-quality 8-bit,
13.5 MHz 4:1:1(NTSC) DV component digital images can be recorded
on a standard DV tape, while up to
60 minutes of recording is possible
on MiniDV tapes. High-quality PCM
locked audio; To complement the
superior pictures, the GY-DV5000
offers outstanding digital PCM
audio. 16-bit, 48-kHz audio signals
are locked with video signals for
smooth editing. You can choose
from two 16-bit 48-kHz channels or
four 12-bit, 32-kHz channels with a
dynamic range of more than 75 dB.
Two XLR mic input connectors are
provided. Three 1/2-inch CCDs for
high resolution; To ensure the
best possible image quality, the
GY-DV5000U incorporates three
1/2" 410,000 (380,000 effective)
pixel CCDs. Each CCD is equipped
with highly advanced circuitry that
virtually eliminates vertical smear
when shooting bright lights against
a dark background. Lag and image
burn are also reduced to indiscernible
resolution is
an impressive 800 TV lines. F13 at
2000 lux; The most sensitive
camera ever! (F13 at 2000 lux) assures effortless shooting in extreme
low light situations. This powerful
feature increases creative flexibility
and simplifies lighting requirements. Newly-developed 12-bit
ADC and 24-bit DSP; JVC has developed an advanced 12-bit processing system--previously found
only in very high end broadcast
cameras. The 12-bit ADC (analog to
digital converter) directly
inputs data to
the DSP (digital
signal processor,) thus eliminating
any signal degradation that might
otherwise arise from analog circuits. In addition, the advanced
video processing brings out natural
details--even in extremely bright
scenes, greatly reduces noise, and
provides color accuracy found only
in the most expensive field production cameras. 1/2-inch in-
dustry standard bayonet lens
mount; The GY-DV5000 uses a
standard professional 1/2-inch
bayonet lens mount, making it
compatible with the widest selection of broadcast and professional
lenses. No adapters, no hidden
costs. Just a smart way to tap the
rich infrastructure of interchangeable professional lenses. Color
matrix; A sophisticated six-axis
color matrix circuit effectively
compensates optics-related color
reproduction to ensure more natural, true-to-life tones. Color matching adjustment with other manufacturers' products is also possible
with 5 user selectable choices
including a "Sony look." Black
stretch/black compress;
Continued on page 3

Why Render Your Life Away??
With Sequel or ScreenPlay's
real-time editing features you can
instantly: Capture and edit professional quality video and audio. Add
titles: outline, drop shadow, character
extrusion & more. Add transitions:
wipes, dissolves, page turns, reveals
& more. Add special effects, including variable slow motions, fast
forward/backward, letter box & more.
Add color effects: B&W, posterize,
solarize, sepia tone & more.
Real-Time Transitions: ScreenPlay and Sequel let you view transitions instantly. Go instantly out to
tape without rendering, without
waiting! Real-time Color & Special
Effects: All color and special effects
Aurora IgniterRT, Real-Time Power for FCP
Let's Get REAL: REAL Offline AND
Online! All IgniterRT boards offer not
only full, 4:2:2 Uncompressed capture and playback, but also true
offline compression with high quality
MotionJPEG. (Not half size photo jpeg,
and not simple
"discard data" methods.) REAL Time!
IgniterRT offers true
hardware real time
filters with Final Cut
Pro. Timesavers like
Color Correction
3-Way, Desaturate, Brightness/
Contrast, Wide Screen, Mask Shape,
Invert, SL Balance, Gamma Correction, and Proc Amp. And it's free!
There is no extra charge to get RT
and future additions to it. REAL
Programmability! Aurora's drivers add
new functionality immediately. All RT
filters are downloaded directly to
programmable hardware. There is no
wait for any 'firmware release'. REAL
Scalability! IgniterRT011 starts with
Composite and Y/C video and unbalanced audio. Upgrades can optionally be bundled in, or purchased
are truly real-time at a full 30-fields
per sec. All effects can be instantly
applied and output at 60 fields per
sec. Real-Time Color Processing &
White Balance:
Instantly adjusts
video color correction, contrast,
brightness and
saturation. The
Auto White Balance feature will correct your mistakes at seemingly warp speed.
Image Support for Photos: Creating a
photomontage is easy with
ScreenPlay's digital connectivity.
Easily import images from Smart
Media or Compact Flash cards, or a
Kodak Picture CD. Sequel requires the
Optional DV Upgrade to perform this
Each Applied Magic editor
separately. SDI, COMPONENT, Balanced XLR Audio, LTC I/O, and 24
frame Film can all be added as your
needs change. REAL TRUE Film 24
fps Editing! Igniter Film offers true
reverse telecine into 24 FPS time-
lines, 3:2 pulldown
on playback, and
0.1% audio
stretching to perfectly match the
conversion from
29.97 to 24. Perfect
audio sync is maintained throughout
the process. No other FCP card has all
of these capabilities. REAL YUV
Processing! Igniter Offers the highest
quality video capability with true YUV
mode processing. When needed, we
also offer the best possible RGB-YUV
processing algorithms. REAL Multiple
Video Output! Connect your IgniterRT
to an SDI deck, a COMPONENT deck,
and to both a Y/C monitor and
Composite monitor for previewing
your edits. Aurora was the first to
deliver Quicktime Compatible, Uncompressed video with a Mac! With
comes with a mouse, custom
keyboard and 1-year warranty. The
size and weight of a VCR, each editor
is portable and connects easily to a
television or monitor. ScreenPlay and
Sequel are turnkey,
PC-free editors
therefore the potential for hardware
and software incompatibility and conflicts are
eliminated. Our editors are designed
to do one thing, and only one thing
well, edit video.
List Prices: Sequel - $1,995.00,
ScreenPlay - $3,795.00, ScreenPlay
Plus - $4,395.00. Special Academic
version pricing is available to
schools. Many optional features are
also available. CALL TO SCHEDULE A
the release of IgniterRT in August
2001, Aurora was the first to deliver
Final Cut Pro Real time effects with
Uncompressed video! Igniter was
the first Final Cut Pro Qualified Uncompressed editing board! Igniter is
the ONLY board available with
Timecode Write/Read support!
With hardware starting at under
$1,000.00, Aurora Igniter RT Systems
are the only solutions of their type
which allow you to upgrade as you
grow to incorporate Component, SDI,
and Film options. Aurora also is the
only solution that offers you motion
JPG compression from as little as
1.5:1 all the way to 50:1. Igniter RT is
the MOST flexible, cost effective,
broadcast quality board you can use
with Final Cut Pro. Call Visual Sound
to arrange a personal demo today.
With the acquisition of the
Audio/Video Products and
Systems Division of
Peirce-Phelps, Visual Sound,
Inc. has become the largest
full-service audio/video and
presentation systems dealer
of its kind in the Mid-Atlantic
region. With over 400
product lines, VSI is now a
one stop shop for any audio
or video need. Products
from Crown, Rane, Sony,
Panasonic, and JVC are just
some of the lines we can
offer to our customers. We
can design, engineer, build
and service any system large
or small. Visual Sound is an
authorized service center for
many of the manufacturer
lines we represent. Our
technicians are factory
certified and are requalified
through schooling on the
latest techniques to
troubleshoot your equipment.
We pride ourselves in our
ability to service what we
sell...and what we don't sell.
From audio/video and
presentation equipment
sales, installation and
service, to large-scale rental
support for meetings and
events, Visual Sound is your
total AV technology resource!
With Pennsylvania locations
in Broomall, Philadelphia,
Continued on p. 3