1. The design of this product contains special hardware, many
circuits and components specially for safety purposes. For
continued protection, no changes should be made to the original
design unless authorized in writing by the manufacturer.
Replacement parts must be identical to those used in the original
circuits. Service should be performed by qualified personnel
2. Alterations of the design or circuitry of the products should not be
made. Any design alterations or additions will void the
manuf act ur er 's w arranty and wil l fur t h er reli ev e the manufacturer
of responsi bility f or personal inj ury or pr operty dam age resul ting
3. Many electrical and mechanical parts in the products have
special safety-related charact eristics. Thes e characteristics are
often not evident f rom visual i nspection nor can t he protect ion
afforded by them n ecessar ily be obt ained by us ing rep lacem ent
componen ts rated f or higher voltag e, watt ag e, etc. R epl acem ent
parts that have t hese sp eci al safet y c h ar ac t er is tic s are ident if i ed
in the parts list of Service manual.
Electrical components
having such features are identified by shading on the
schemati cs a nd by (
) on the parts list in Serv ice manu al.
The use of a s ubstitute repl ac ement which d oes not have the
same saf ety char acteristics as the rec ommended repl ac ement
part show n in the p arts list of S ervic e m anual m ay caus e s hoc k,
fire, or other hazards.
Don't short b etween the LIVE side groun d a nd ISOLATED
(NEUTRAL) side ground or EARTH side ground when
Some model's power circuit is partly different in the GND. The
difference of the GND is show n b y the LIVE : (") side GND, the
ISOLATED(NEUTRAL ) : (#) side GND and EARTH : ($) side
GND. Don't short between the LIVE side GND and
never meas ure with a measuri ng apparatus (osc illoscope etc .)
the LIVE side GND and ISOLATED(NEUTRAL) side GND or
EARTH side GND at the same time.
If above not e wi ll n ot b e kept, a fus e or any part s will be broken.
5. If any repair has been made to the chassis, it is recommended
that the B1 setting should be checked or adjusted (See
6. The hig h voltage app lied to th e picture tu be must conf orm wit h
that specified in Service manual. Excessive high voltage can
cause an increase in X-Ray emission, arcing and possible
component damage, therefore operation under excessive high
voltag e conditions s hould be k ept to a mi nimum, or should be
prevented. If severe arcing occurs, remove the AC power
immediately and determine the cause by visual inspection
(incorrec t installati on, c racked or m elted high voltage harness,
poor solderi ng, etc.). To main tain the proper min imum level of
soft X-Ray emission, components in the high voltage circuitry
includin g the picture tu be must be the exact replacements or
alternatives approved by the manufacturer of the complete
7. Do not check high voltage by drawing an arc. Use a high voltage
meter or a high voltage probe with a VTVM. Discharge the
picture tube bef ore attempting meter connection, by connect ing
a clip le ad to th e gr oun d fr am e and c on necti ng t h e oth er end of
the lead through a 10k! 2W resistor to the anod e butt on .
8. W hen servic e is required, obser ve the origin al lead dress . Extr a
precaut ion shou ld be gi ven to assure c orrect l ead dress in th e
high voltage circuit area. Where a short circuit has occurred,
those comp onents that in dicate evi denc e of overheating should
be replaced. Always use the manufacturer's replacement
Isolation Check
(Safety for Electrical Shock Hazard)
After re-assembling the product, always perform an isolation
check on the exposed metal parts of the cabinet (antenna
termin als , video/audio input and output term in als , Control kn obs ,
metal cabinet, screw"heads, ear phone jac k, control shafts, etc.)
to be sure the product is safe to operate without danger of
electrical shock.
Dielectr i c St rength Test
The isol ation b etween th e AC pr imar y circuit and all metal parts
expos ed t o the user , p ar tic u larly any exp osed metal part ha vi ng a
return p ath to the chassis should withst and a voltage of 3 000V
AC (r.m.s .) for a period of one secon d.
(. . . . W ithstand a voltage of 1100 V AC (r .m.s.) to an applianc e
rated up t o 120V, and 3000V AC (r. m.s.) t o an appl iance rat ed
200V or more, f or a peri od of one secon d.)
This method of test requir es test equip ment not gen erally f ound
in the service trade.
Leakage Current Check
Plug the AC lin e c or d dir ec tly into the AC outlet ( d o not use a line
isolation transformer during this check.). Using a "Leakage
Current Tester", measure the leakage current from each exposed
metal part of the cabinet, particularly any exposed metal part
having a return path to the chassis, to a known good earth
ground ( water pipe, etc.) . An y leak age c urr ent mus t not exceed
0.5mA AC (r.m.s.).
However, in tropical area, this must not exceed 0.2mA AC
Alternate Check Method
Plug the AC lin e c or d dir ec tly into the AC outlet ( d o not use a line
isolati on transform er during t his check. ). Use an AC voltmet er
having 1000 ohms per volt or more sensiti vity in the following
manner. Connect a 1 500! 10W resistor paralleled by a 0.15#F
AC-typ e capacitor betw een an expos ed metal part and a known
good earth ground (water pipe, etc.). Measure the AC voltage
across the resistor with the AC voltmeter. Move the resistor
connect ion t o each exp os ed met al p art, part icul arl y any exp osed
metal part h avin g a return p ath to th e chassis, and measur e th e
AC voltag e across the resis tor. N ow, re verse th e plug in the AC
outlet and repeat each measurement. Any voltage measured
must not exceed 0.75V AC (r.m.s.). This corresponds to 0.5mA
AC (r.m.s.).
However , in tr opical ar ea, this m us t not exc eed 0.3V AC ( r . m.s . ).
This corresponds to 0.2mA AC (r.m.s.).
0.15μF AC-TYPE
(HAVING 1000